Analysis and Applications

(The TQCC of Analysis and Applications is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Smoothed quantile regression with nonignorable dropouts26
Solitary waves and excited states for Boson stars20
Trace mappings on quasi-Banach modulation spaces and applications to pseudo-differential operators of amplitude type16
For interpolating kernel machines, minimizing the norm of the ERM solution maximizes stability16
Recent advances in asymptotic analysis15
Sparse regularization with the ℓ0 norm13
Explicit representations for Banach subspaces of Lizorkin distributions9
Approximation of homogenized coefficients in deterministic homogenization and convergence rates in the asymptotic almost periodic setting9
Concentrating solutions for a fractional p-Laplacian logarithmic Schrödinger equation9
Existence of multiple solutions for a Schrödinger logarithmic equation via Lusternik–Schnirelmann category8
Relevant sampling in a reproducing kernel subspace of Orlicz space8
Tractability of approximation by general shallow networks7
Asymptotics of the confluent hypergeometric process with a varying external potential in the super-exponential region7
Distributed SGD in overparametrized linear regression7
Variation operators associated with the semigroups generated by Schrödinger operators with inverse square potentials7
A unified approach to scalar, vector, and tensor Slepian functions on the sphere and their construction by a commuting operator7
Decay property for symmetric hyperbolic system with memory-type relaxation6
Determination of source or initial values for acoustic equations with a time-fractional attenuation5
Approximating functions with multi-features by deep convolutional neural networks5
The primes perform a Benford dance5
Deep ReLU neural networks overcome the curse of dimensionality for partial integrodifferential equations5
Global existence of a classical solution for the isentropic nozzle flow5
Stability for systems of coupled nonlinear oscillators described by second-order ODEs with coefficient functions in Wloc1,1(0,∞)5
Approximation of BV functions by neural networks: A regularity theory approach5
Deep Relu Neural Networks Overcome the Curse of Dimensionality When Approximating Semilinear Partial Integro-Differential Equations4
On the propagation of regularity for solutions of the Zakharov–Kuznetsov equation4
Invariance of the Fredholm index and spectrum of non-smooth pseudodifferential operators4
Stability of determining a Dirichlet–Laplace–Beltrami operator from its boundary spectral data4
Real interpolation for variable martingale Hardy–Lorentz–Karamata spaces4
On the hemispherical transform in the half-space and related Radon transforms4
Effects of depth, width, and initialization: A convergence analysis of layer-wise training for deep linear neural networks4
Soliton resolution for the modified short pulse equation with the weighted Sobolev initial data4
Implicit regularization with strongly convex bias: Stability and acceleration4
Tight wavelet frames on the space of M-positive vectors3
Cahn–Hilliard equations on random walk spaces3
Interpolatory Taylor and Lidstone series3
A three-dimensional discrete model for approximating the deformation of a viral capsid subjected to lying over a flat surface in the static and time-dependent case3
Smoothing algorithms for nonsmooth optimization over the Stiefel manifold with applications to the graph Fourier basis problem3
Fractional Hardy-type and trace theorems for nonlocal function spaces with heterogeneous localization3
Global existence and large time behavior of strong solutions to the nonhomogeneous heat conducting magnetohydrodynamic equations with large initial data and vacuum3
A new theory of fractional differential calculus3
Boundedness and compactness of commutators associated with Lipschitz functions3
Instability of closed p-elastic curves in ????23
On the strong solution for a diffuse interface model of non-Newtonian two-phase flows3
On the global L∞→BMO mapping property for Fourier integral operators3
Convergence analysis of deep residual networks3