Journal of Algebra and Its Applications

(The TQCC of Journal of Algebra and Its Applications is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
On global defensive k-alliances in zero-divisor graphs of finite commutative rings14
On some properties of A-nuclei and σ-A-nuclei of a quasigroup10
Irreducible modules for the loop of derivations of rational quantum torus8
Character groups of dihedral and generalized quaternion groups8
A note on integer-valued skew polynomials7
Bounded generation for congruence subgroups of Sp4(R)7
On UQ rings7
The images of some simple derivations7
Strongly monolithic characters of finite groups7
Finiteness conditions for the n-fold tensor product of groups6
Finite symmetries of surfaces of p-groups of co-class 16
On characteristic classes modulo torsion for spin groups6
On the modular isomorphism problem for 2-generated groups with cyclic derived subgroup5
Poisson algebra structure on the invariants of pairs of matrices of degree three5
Involutions of sl(2,k) and non-split, three-dimensional simple Lie algebras5
A note on the action of the Hecke group H(2) on subsets of the form ℚ∗(n)5
Semibricks and the Jordan–Hölder property5
A note on Möbius functions and a breaking process5
The sub-class sizes of some elements being square free4
Amalgamated duplication of Banach algebras from homological point of view4
On weakly ℋC-embedded subgroups and p-nilpotence of finite groups4
Unique decompositions into w-ideals for strong Mori domains4
Rings with u − 1 quasinilpotent for each unit u4
Finite ????C-groups4
Classification of noncommutative conics associated to symmetric regular superpotentials4
Degrees of faithful irreducible representations of metabelian groups4
Hom-Leibniz Algebras Admitting a Multiplicative Basis4
On the projectivity of proper normal curves over valuation domains4
A bicategorical approach to actions of monoidal categories4
Algebraic properties of face algebras4
Amount algebras4
Inner-star and star-inner partial orders in ∗-rings4
A note on absolute-valued algebras satisfying (xx2)x = x(x2x)4
Non-existence of graded unital homomorphisms between Leavitt algebras and their Cuntz splices3
The determinant of semigroups of the pseudovariety ECOM3
Quasihomeomorphisms and Skula spaces3
On strongly closed and Hall s-semiembedded subgroups of finite groups3
Class-preserving automorphisms of certain HNN extensions3
Injective semimodules-revisited3
Graded amalgamated algebras along an ideal defined by graded 1-absorbing-like conditions3
*-Reverse derivations on alternative algebras3
Corrigendum: Group gradations on Leavitt path algebras3
Extensions and Well’s type exact sequence of skew braces3
A note on relative Vaserstein symbol3
Finite groups with σ-abnormal or ????-subnormal σ-primary subgroups3
Intrinsic entropy for generalized quasimetric semilattices3
Cancellation properties of graded and nonunital rings. Graded clean and graded exchange Leavitt path algebras3
On the μF-subgroups of some finite Abelian groups3
Braided Rota–Baxter algebras, quantum quasi-shuffle algebras and braided dendriform algebras3
On the graded-Gelfand commutative rings3
Semigroup rings which are strongly nil-clean3
Local dimension of trivial extension and amalgamation of rings3
Morita equivalence and globalization for partial Hopf actions on nonunital algebras3
Strongly Gorenstein categories3
On maps preserving square roots of idempotent and rank-one nilpotent matrices3
A new characterization of cyclic modules over local rings3
Jordan and Lie derivations of ϕ-Johnson amenable Banach algebras3
Products and powers of principal symmetric ideals3
On the conjecture of groups with the same number of centralizers3
Products of F∗(G)-subnormal subgroups of finite groups3
Efficient generation of ideals over a certain monoid algebra3
Deformations and abelian extensions of compatible pre-Lie superalgebras2
Defining identities for mono and binary Zinbiel algebras2
A dual equivalence for cofinal quantum B-algebras2
On the schematicness of some Ore polynomials of higher order generated by homogenous quadratic relations2
Partial actions of Sweedler Hopf algebra on generalized quaternion algebra2
Metric dimension in a prime ideal sum graph of a commutative ring2
Amalgamated algebras along an ideal defined by 1-absorbing-like conditions2
Cohomology of partially ordered sets and ext’s2
On f-derivations on polynomial modules2
Cryptographic group and semigroup actions2
Reducibility index and sum-reducibility index2
Homogeneously t-linked extensions in graded integral domains2
Characterizations of weighted core inverses in rings with involution2
The modular representations of basic classical restricted Lie superalgebras2
Smooth torus quotients of Richardson varieties in the Grassmannian2
Some remarks on two-periodic modules over local rings2
Zero-divisor graphs and zero-divisor functors2
A class of t-weight codes and its applications2
Characters and quantum reduction for orthosymplectic Lie superalgebras2
A note on a Cohen-type theorem for w-Artinian modules2
On the generalized Hamming weights of hyperbolic codes2
Triangular matrix coalgebras: Representation theory and recollement2
Galois groups of certain even octic polynomials2
Units in some group rings over the ring of p-cyclotomic integers2
Tropical matrix groups and Boolean matrix groups2
A class of error-detecting codes based on T-quasigroups2
Local and 2-local derivations of ????????(2) on any finite-dimensional completely reducible module2
w-invertible ideals over infra-Krull domains2
Lie centralizers and commutant preserving maps on generalized matrix algebras2
A new determinantal formula for three matrices2
On rings with finite Gorenstein weak global dimension2
Finite solvable groups with two imprimitive monolithic characters2
On binary linear codes and binary pseudo-random sequences2
Galois extensions for quasigroupoid magmas2
Butson–Hadamard matrices and Plotkin-optimal codes over ℤpe2
Gorenstein (ℒ,????)-flat dimension of complexes and relative singularity categories2
On diameters of commuting graphs of matrix algebras over division rings2
Monomial Isaacs π-partial characters and derived length2
Attached and associated primes of local cohomology modules via linkage2
The diameter of commuting graph of matrix ring of division rings2
The Kähler different of a 0-dimensional scheme2
On multiplicative automorphisms of incidence algebras2
Absence of torsion in orbit space2
Embeddings in matrix wreath products of algebras2
Anti-flexible bialgebras2
On deformations of Leibniz superalgebras with an invariant scalar product2
Lie polynomials in an algebra defined by a linearly twisted commutation relation2
On classical 2-prime subsemimodules2
Igusa–Todorov algebras over Morita rings2
On rings whose quasi-injective modules are injective or semisimple2
The influence of the expression form of solutions to related equations on SEP elements in a ring with involution2
Some properties of LPVDs and T-LPVDs2
The algebraic structure of additive codes over ????2????82
Groups with the same character degrees as almost simple Suzuki groups2
Kostant’s generating functions and Mckay–Slodowy correspondence2
Cryptanalysis of a key exchange protocol based on a congruence-simple semiring action2
Derivations and root closures of graded ideals2
Multipliers and unicentral diassociative algebras2
Cohen–Macaulayness of Nagata idealization2
A note on the zero divisor graph of the ring of Lipschitz integers modulo n2
On relative counterpart of Auslander’s conditions2
Valued rank-metric codes2
Number theoretical locally recoverable codes2
Polyfunctions over commutative rings2
Compatible left-symmetric conformal algebras on the Schrödinger–Virasoro conformal algebra and its subalgebra2
On rings with weak property (A) and their extensions2
Weak Hopf algebras, smash products and applications to adjoint-stable algebras2
Skewed comultiplications in genetic coalgebras2
Whittaker modules over the N = 2 Neveu–Schwarz algebra2
Cohomology of modified Rota–Baxter Leibniz algebra of weight λ2
Some differential identities on prime Banach algebras2
Recollements and Φ-Cohen–Macaulay Auslander–Yoneda algebras2
The algebra of the Feistel-Toffoli construction2
A note on a class of permutation trinomials2
On generalized quasi Baer skew monoid rings2
On p′-degree ℓ-Brauer characters of ℓ-solvable groups2
On the matroidal path ideals1
A type C study of Braverman–Gaitsgory–Ginzburg’s construction of sln representations1
Symmetric mutation algebras in the context of subcluster algebras1
Radicals in Ore extensions1
On elementary, odd, semimagic and other classes of antilattices1
Locally standard measure algebras1
A note on finite groups in which every non-nilpotent maximal subgroup has prime index1
Fully S-coidempotent modules1
Symbolic power decompositions of disjoint cycle graphs1
Erdős–Ko–Rado theorem for vector spaces over residue class rings1
On three types of Galois extensions which are Azumaya1
Bounds on the minimal number of generators of the dual module1
Reflexive ideals and reflexively closed subsets in rings1
Reverse ∗-Jordan type maps on Jordan ∗-algebras1
Filtrations on block subalgebras of reduced enveloping algebras1
Erratum: RB-operator and Nijenhuis operator on Hom-associative conformal algebra1
The non-abelian tensor and exterior products of crossed modules of Lie superalgebras1
On the basic representation of the double affine Hecke algebra at critical level1
Fixed points of order-preserving transformations1
Flag-transitive automorphism groups of 2-designs with λ ≥ (r,λ)2 and k odd1
SPANSE: Combining sparsity with density for efficient one-time code-based digital signatures1
Additive properties for the pseudo core inverse of morphisms in an additive category1
On ρ-semipermutable subgroups of finite groups1
Weighted differential (q-tri)dendriform algebras1
On equality of certain subcentral automorphisms in finite p-groups1
Some quadratic permutation polynomials over finite fields1
When ideals of a commutative semilocal ring decompose into cyclic modules1
Groups whose non-commuting graph on a transversal is planar or toroidal1
Study on Leavitt path algebras and associated Grothendieck groups for directed enhanced power graphs1
On ϕ-P-flat modules and ϕ-von Neumann regular rings1
On certain semigroups of transformations with restricted range1
Distributive Noetherian centrally essential rings1
Differential equations defined by (convergent) Laurent series1
Inert type extensions and related factorization properties1
Unit groups of commutative modular group algebras1
Quaternion rings over local rings1
On S-1-absorbing prime submodules1
Anonymous Proxy signature scheme based on multivariate polynomials over finite field1
On the adjacency spectrum of zero divisor graph of ring ℤn1
A talented monoid view on Lie bracket algebras over Leavitt path algebras1
Derivations of quantum and involution generalized Weyl algebras1
On the theory and applications of G-dimension with respect to a semidualizing module1
Congruence-simple semirings without nilpotent elements1
On the reduction numbers and the Castelnuovo–Mumford regularity of projective monomial curves1
Hom–Leibniz bialgebras revisited1
Homological properties of trivial ring extensions1
An extension of Rees’ theorem and two interpretations of a vector in the joint reduction lattice1
The p-nilpotency of finite groups with some CSS-subgroups1
On the structure of ideals in a family of skew polynomial rings1
On weakly ℋ-subgroups of finite groups III1
On finitely generated G-flat modules over domains1
On algebras of Ωn-finite and Ω∞-infinite representation type1
Symmetry phenomenon on quasitriangular Hopf algebras and its applications1
On the irreducible characters of Suzuki p-groups1
Diagonals of Lau product Banach algebras1
On upper bounds for asymptotic ideal-grade1
Ramification structures for quotients of the Grigorchuk groups1
Serre condition for category of gradual modules1
Division in the plactic monoid1
Generalized Hom–Lie–Rinehart algebras1
Quantum immanants, double Young–Capelli bitableaux and Schur shifted symmetric functions1
Non-monogenity of some number fields generated by binomials or trinomials of prime-power degree1
Ideal structure of rings of analytic functions with non-Archimedean metrics1
The opposite of projectivity by proper classes1
On the minimum number of generators for the module of derivations of the ring of invariants for some dihedral groups1
Multiplication groups of quotient divisible Abelian groups1
Two topologies on the set of minimal prime elements of a continuous frame1
On the algebraic structure of quasi-group codes1
Fixed-point group conjugacy classes of unipotent elements in low-dimensional symmetric spaces of special linear groups over a finite field1
Morita equivalences on Brauer algebras and BMW algebras of simply-laced types1
Locally cohomologically complete intersection ideals and cofiniteness1
When nilpotent elements generate nilpotent ideals1
Well-rounded twists of ideal lattices from imaginary quadratic fields1
Homogeneous involutions on graded division algebras and their polynomial identities1
Secondary transpose of matrix and generalized inverses1
On partial augmentations of elements in integral group rings1
Completely realizable groups1
Remarks on rings with u − 1 quasi-nilpotent for each unit u1
Rings of Morita contexts which are Dubrovin valuation rings1
Projective rigidity and Alexander polynomials of certain nodal hypersurfaces1
Theory of linkage, Gorenstein dimension and two semidualizing modules1
Automorphisms of simples Danielewski algebras1
A note on square-free commuting probabilities of finite rings1
Partial order on involutive permutations and double Schubert cells1
On a group under which symmetric Reed–Muller codes are invariant1
Portrait growth in contracting, regular branch groups1
Character codegrees and element orders in symmetric and alternating groups1
On some notions of algebraically closed σ-fields1
On the minimum cut-sets of the power graph of a finite cyclic group1
Properties of generalized weighted core inverses in Banach *-algebras1
On the relation between torsion submodule and Fitting ideals1
Finite groups with some weakly SΦ supplemented subgroups1
A class of irreducible modules for loop-Virasoro algebras1
Factorization in group algebras1
Minimal linear codes derived from weakly regular bent and plateaued functions1
Upper bounds for the regularity of symbolic powers of certain classes of edge ideals1
Cyclotomic q-Schur superalgebras1
On a class of constacyclic codes of length 4ps over ????pm[u] 〈u3〉1
Unit-regularity of elements in rings1
Powers of edge ideals of weighted oriented graphs with linear resolutions1
Compatible, split and family Loday-algebras1
Dyck path categories and its relationships with cluster algebras1
On G-derivations of Lie–Yamaguti algebras1
The local permutability of primary subgroups1
Ring theoretic properties of partial skew groupoid rings with applications to Leavitt path algebras1
Rings with S-Noetherian spectrum1
Primitive and prime rings with s.Baer or related modules1
On triple homomorphisms of Lie algebras1
The h-vectors of edge rings of odd cycle compositions1
The groups Aut and Out of the fundamental group of a closed Sol 3-manifold1
Almost strong finite type rings and Krull dimension of power series ring extensions from sequences1
A bijection theorem for Gorenstein projective τ-tilting modules1
On a weak version of S-Noetherianity1