International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics

(The median citation count of International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A Novel Orthogonally Separated Isolation System and Its Seismic Performance on a Curved Concrete Bridge56
Interference Effects of Adjacent High-Rise Building on Wind-Induced Response of Low-Rise Flat Roof Building53
A New Crack Detection Method Based on the Correlation Analysis of Frequency Response Function Curvature Differentiation (FRFCD)43
Nonlinear Dynamic Characteristics of Rotating Thick Ring on the Elastic Foundation Based on Plane Stress Theory33
Development of the Dynamic Response of Curved Bridge Deck Pavement Under Vehicle–Bridge Interactions32
Failure Criteria and Wind-Induced Vibration Analysis for an Offshore Platform Jacking System31
Erratum: Nonlinear Free and Forced Vibrations of In-Plane Bi-Directional Functionally Graded Rectangular Plate with Temperature-Dependent Properties30
Dynamic Response Analysis of Train–Vehicle–Bridge System Under Train-Induced Winds30
Band Gap Analysis and Vibration Reduction of Metamaterial Periodic Timoshenko Beam with Inertial Amplification Mechanism30
Frequency Response of a Nonlinear Vibration Isolator Containing a Viscoelastic End-Stop Buffer27
Frequency Regulation in Nanocomposite Sandwich Joined Conical-Conical Shells with Open Cell Foam Partially Supported by Pasternak Elastic Foundation Using GDQ26
Neural Network Adaptive Damping Control Strategy for High Speed Elevator Car System with Transient Performance24
Study of the Target Earthquake-Induced Track Irregularity Spectrum under Transverse Random Earthquakes22
Seismic Design and Performance Evaluation of Self-Centering Hybrid Rocking Braced Steel Frames22
A Practical Longitudinal Buckling Analysis Method of Spatial Diamond-Shaped Pylon Cable-Stayed Bridge22
Performance of Shape Memory Alloy Lead Rubber Bearing (SMA-LRB) Isolated Building Under Blast-Induced Ground Motion Considering Parametric Uncertainty21
Effect of a Damping Layer Addition on the Transient Response of a Bolted Joint Under Shear Impact Load21
Development of Moving Force Identification for Simply Supported Bridges: A Comprehensive Review and Comparison20
Frictional Impact-Contacts in Multiple Flexible Links20
A Minimum Discrepancy Method for Weibull Distribution Parameter Estimation20
Full-Scale Observations for the Combined Wind-Induced Responses of a Cylindrical Tower20
Steering Mechanism and Capability of Forced Steering Device for Low-Floor Light Rail Train20
Stability Characteristics of a Vibrating System with Double Rigid Frames Driven by Four Co-Rotating Coupling Vibrators19
Stochastic Analysis for the Embedded Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Under Random Vibrations19
Asymptotic Stability of Controlled Nonlinear Stochastic Systems Considering the Dynamics of Sensors and Actuators19
An Improved Stochastic Averaging on the Piezoelectric Vibrational Harvester Model with Stiffness and Inertia Nonlinearities18
Nonlinear Vibration Control for Nanobeam with Time Delay by Field Effect Transistor Sensing18
Design and Forced Vibration Experiment Study of the Elastic Beam Structure with an Intelligent Boundary18
A Low-Frequency Vibration Isolator with Cross-Ring Structure17
Elastic-Plastic Finite Element New Method for Lower Bound Shakedown Analysis17
Author Index Volume 21 (2021)16
Theoretical and Experimental Analysis on Vibration Absorber with Particle Damping16
A Novel Real-Time Method for Structural Damage Detection Using Kalman Filter and Sensitivity Analysis16
Dynamic Instability of Functionally Graded Carbon Nanotubes-Reinforced Composite Joined Conical-Cylindrical Shell16
Receptance-Based Computation of Stability Crossing Curves for Single-Input-Multiple-Output Second-Order Linear Systems with Two Time-Delays16
Numerical Studies on the Air–Membrane Interaction of ETFE Cushions16
Nonlinear Phase Angle and Amplitude Analysis of Porous Functionally Graded Material Rotating Shaft Under Electromagnetic Loads15
Research on the Damping Characteristics of Partially Filled All-Composite Honeycomb-Core Sandwich Panel15
Nonlinear Forced Vibration Analysis of Two-Directional Functionally Graded Truncated Conical Shells15
Analytical Solution for Vibrations of a Modified Timoshenko Beam on Visco-Pasternak Foundation Under Arbitrary Excitations15
Aerodynamic Performance of Leeward Side One During Trains Meeting on High-Speed Railway Bridges in Crosswinds15
Responses of a System Comprising a Rigid Block with Resettable Sliding Key Under Base Excitation15
Failure Probability Analysis of Lattice Wind Turbine Towers Under Combined Wind and Earthquake Action15
Damage Identification of Offshore Platform Structure Based on Earch Model and Optimized KPCA Under Environmental Interference15
Running Safety of High-Speed Railway Train on Bridge During Earthquake Considering Uncertainty Parameters of Bridge14
Effects of Van Der Waals Forces on the Vibration of Stacked Multilayered Graphene/Black Phosphorus Heterostructures14
Temperature-Dependent Vibration Characteristics of Porous FG Material Plates Utilizing FSDT14
Transient PDF Solution of Nonlinear Stochastic Oscillator Subjected to Modulated Gaussian White Noise14
Study on Structure-Borne Noise Characteristics of Long-Span Steel Truss Bridge in Urban Rail Transit14
A Modal Derivatives Enhanced Kron’s Substructuring Method to Calculate Structural Responses and Response Sensitivities of Geometrically Nonlinear Systems14
Study on the Effect of Different Sandwich Thicknesses on the Impact Resistance of Laminated Glass14
Vibration Suppression Performance of FRP Spherical-Cylindrical Shells with Porous Graphene Platelet Coating in a Thermal Environment14
Experimental and Numerical Study on Damage Characteristics of the Shield Tunnel Segment Under Blast Impact Loading14
The Effect of Hyperelasticity and Nonlinearity on the Dynamic Behaviors of Hyperelastic Functionally Graded Beams on Nonlinear Elastic Foundation14
An Efficient Mixed Finite Element Perfectly Matched Layer with Optimal Parameters Selection for Two-Dimensional Time Domain Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis14
Exact Augmented Perpetual Manifolds Define Specifications for the Steady States of Similar Rigid Body Modes, a Corollary for Nonautonomous Systems14
Analytic Solution and Benchmark Results for the Free Vibrations of Thin Shallow Shells with Rectangular Planform14
Transverse Dynamic Responses and Optimization of a Flexibly Constrained Beam with Multiple Nonlinear Supports that Present Cubic Stiffness14
Nonlinear Vibration Behavior of FG Sandwich Beams with Auxetic Porous Copper Core in Thermal Environments14
Seismic Performance Assessment of a Single-Layer Spherical Lattice Shell Structure with Multifunctional Friction Pendulum Bearings13
Multiobjective Optimization Design of a MDOF Structure with Attached Nonlinear Gas–Spring Damper13
Time-Dependent Reliability Evaluation for the Buckling Limit States of the Purlin with Sheeting Considering Typhoon-Induced Diaphragm Degradation Effect13
Study on Nonlinear Flutter Characteristics of Single-Box Section and Twin-Box Section as a Three-Degree-of-Freedom System13
Wrinkling Analysis of Double Nanofilms Embedded in Compliant Substrates Based on Nonlocal Elasticity Theory13
Moving Force Identification Based on Group Lasso and Compressed Sensing13
Orthogonal Polynomials-Ritz Method for Dynamic Response of Functionally Graded Porous Plates Using FSDT13
Modeling the Multi-Phased Hysteretic Friction Behavior of Aluminum Foam/Polyurethane Interpenetrating Phase Composites Damper13
Effect of Permafrost on Seismic Performance of Railway Bridge Pile Foundation with Elevated Cap13
Dynamic Performance Analysis of a High-Speed Railway Bridge Under Train Actions Using Operational Modal Parameters13
Optimization Design of the Magnetic Multi-Mass Damper for Multi-Frequency Vibration Suppression13
Computer Simulation for Determination of Critical Buckling Temperatures of Sandwich Microplates with Cellular Core and CNT-RC Piezoelectric Patches via MSGT12
The Influence of Curved Profiles on the Vibro-Acoustic Characteristics of Light-Weighted Sandwich Shell: An Analytical Solution12
Dynamic Model and Parameter Identification of Magnetic Liquid-Double-Suspension Elastic-Supported Thrust Bearing12
A Functionally Arranged Phononic Crystal Rod Enabling Ultra-Wideband Vibration Attenuation and Orderly Frequency Distillation12
Numerical Study and Design Method for Lateral Torsional Buckling of High-Strength Steel Beams12
Application of Perturbation Method to Analytical H2 Optimization for a Damped Structure with Inerter-Based Control12
Equivalent Static Force in Heavy Mass Impacts on Structures12
Fiber–Based Model for Simulating Inelastic Interaction Buckling of Rectangular CFST Slender Columns with Unequal Wall Thickness11
Damped Vibration and Optimization of the Geometrical Parameters of FG Stiffened Cylindrical Shells Resting on Elastic Foundation Using GA11
Experiments for the Assessment of the Probabilistic Multistage Algorithm for Damage Detection in Flat and Curved CFRP Panels11
Influence of Spatially Varied Soil Property on Train-Induced Soil-to-Column Vibration Transmission11
Large-Strain Vibrations of Axially Stretched Hyperelastic Rods11
Overturning Resistance of Structure Base-Isolated by Laminated Rubber Bearing Considering Pounding Against the Moat Wall11
Analysis of In-Plane Impact Mechanical Properties of Centre-Symmetric Chiral Honeycomb11
Analytical Analysis of Interaction Between a Heavy Vehicle and a Simply Supported Light Bridge Based on Frequency Modulation11
Analytical Solution and Buckling of Hemi-Ellipsoidal Shell Structures of Revolution under Uniformly Distributed Load11
The Moving Element Method for the Dynamic Responses of Floating Double-Plate Structures on the Shallow Water11
Nonlinear Dynamic and Stability Analysis of an Edge Cracked Rotating Flexible Structure11
Influence of External Clearance Variation on Vibration Characteristics of Ship Electrically Assisted Turbocharger Rotor Bearing System11
Comparative Study of Semi-Active Control Effectiveness of Structures on Soft Soil Using MR Damper: Shaking Table Investigation11
A Generalized Dynamic Analysis Method for the Linear Structural System with Viscoelastic Elements11
Thermal–Structural Coupling Analysis for Multiple Honeycomb Plates Connected by Hinges11
Dynamic Analysis of Meta-Material Plates with Magnetostrictive Face Sheets11
Elastic Buckling of Oblate Hemi-Ellipsoidal Shells Subjected to Hydrostatic Pressure11
Dynamic Instability Response of Soft Core Sandwich Plates Based on Higher-Order Plate Theory10
The Sub and Super-Tangential Nonconservative Load in Stability Problem of Nanobeams with Sprung Masses10
Dynamic Response of Metaconcrete Beam Under Blast Load10
Dynamic Snap-Through Instability of Hygro-Thermally Excited Functionally Graded Porous Arches10
Reliability Analysis of a Cable-Stayed Bridge: A Comparative Study Across Varied Support Scenarios and Incorporating Soil–Pile–Structure Interaction10
Modeling of Human-Induced Dynamic Bouncing Force Using a Self-Sustained Nonlinear Oscillator10
Comfort Assessment of Human-Induced Vibration of Pedestrian Bridges Based on Stevens Annoyance Rate Model10
Large Deflection and Post-Buckling Analysis of Cantilever Nanorods Including Effects of Couple and Surface Stresses by Intrinsic Coordinate Finite Elements10
Nonlinear Vibrations and Stability Analysis of GPL Reinforced Pipes Conveying Fluid Excited by Arbitrary Initial Conditions: An Optimized Analytical Solution10
Numerical Investigations of Asymmetric Inerter Nonlinear Energy Sink for Vibration Control10
A Size-Dependent Generalized Thermoelasticity Theory for Thermoelastic Damping in Vibrations of Nanobeam Resonators10
Vibration Mitigation via Tuned Mass Damper for Adjacent Stay Cables Interconnected with Rigid Cross-Tie10
The Influence of Variable Shell Thickness on the Vibrational Behavior of Composite Sandwich Conical Shells with Geodesic Lattice Cores10
An Efficient Weighted Residual Time Integration Family10
Gas-Spring Quasi-Zero Stiffness Air Damping Isolator for Vertical Vibration Control of Indoor Substation Excited by Metro Loads10
Fluctuating Wind Load Properties on the Surface of Inverted Umbrella-Shaped Membrane Structure Group10
A Dissipative Momentum-Conserving Time Integration Algorithm for Nonlinear Structural Dynamics10
Pattern Matching-Based Structural Damage Identification Using Mode Shape Difference Ratio with Limited Sensors10
Effect of Cutout on the Stability and Failure of Laminated Composite Cylindrical Panels Subjected to In-Plane Pulse Loads10
Tunable Bending and Buckling Behaviors of Circular Plates Made of FG Graphene Origami-Enabled Auxetic Metamaterials10
A Multiple Scale Approach to Nonlinear Vibrations and Stability of Doubly Curved Shells/Panels Under External and Parametric Excitations10
Vibration Suppression of Piecewise-Linear Stiffness NES System Under Random Excitation9
Dynamic Buckling Characteristics of Drill String in Horizontal Wells9
Vibration and Buckling Characteristics of Sandwich FGM Plate with Conventional and Auxetic Honeycomb Core9
Crash Stability Analysis and Multi-Objective Optimization of Oriented Energy-Absorbing Structure for Locomotive9
A novel stability analysis method of the clamping connection structure9
Bridge Frequency Identification Using Multiple Sensor Responses of an Ordinary Vehicle9
Dynamic Analysis of Elastically Supported Functionally Graded Sandwich Beams Resting on Elastic Foundations Under Moving Loads9
Modal Characteristic and Nonlinear Dynamic Response of Suspension Bridge with Lateral Asymmetric Stiffness9
Axisymmetric Free Vibration Analysis of Functionally Graded Sandwich Annular Plates: A Quasi-3D Shear and Normal Deformable Model9
Effect of Thickness Stretching on Bending, Buckling, and Free Vibration of Functionally Graded Porous Beams9
Dynamic Buckling Characteristics of Drill String in Inclined Straight Well with Friction Effect9
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Polyurea-Coated Ultra-High-Performance Concrete (UHPC) Column Under Lateral Impact Loading9
Effect of Distributed Loading and Refined Modeling on Wind-Induced Stress Analysis of Long-Span Bridges9
Effect of Soil–Structure Interaction on Inelastic Displacement Ratios of Bridge Structures Subjected to Pulse-Like Ground Motions9
Nonlinear Vibration of FG-GNPRC Dielectric Beam with Kelvin–Voigt Damping in Thermal Environment9
Nonlinear Damping and Vibration Assessment of Sandwich Beam with Composite Faces and Viscoelastic Core Layer9
Membrane Residual Stress of Q690 High-Strength Steel Welded H-Section9
Free Vibration and Buckling Characteristics of Uniform Beam: A Modified Segmented Rod Method9
Influences of Wind Barriers on the Train Running Safety on a Highway-Railway One-Story Bridge9
Refined Simulation of Cracked Reinforced Concrete Beams Based on Enhanced Bond-Based Peridynamics9
Running Stability for Monorail Vehicles Based on the Magic-Formula Tire Model9
Shifted Resonance of Railway Bridges Under Trains Passing by Each Other9
Forced Vibration Analysis of Uniform and Stepped Circular Cylindrical Shells with General Boundary Conditions9
Co-Rotational Formulations for Geometrically Nonlinear Analysis of Beam-Columns Including Warping and Wagner Effects9
Seismic Behaviors of Shuttle-Shaped Double-Restrained Buckling-Restrained Braces: Experimental, Numerical, and Restoring Force Model Parameter Identification9
A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm-Based Parameter Identification Method for Nonlinear Hysteretic System with Experimental Verification9
Design and Vibration Isolation Investigation of a Load-Adjustable Quasi-Zero Stiffness Isolator9
Online Dynamic Response Reconstruction in the Presence of Observation Outliers9
Electroelastic Static and Vibration Response Analysis of Sigmoid PZT-5A/ Pt-Based Smart Functionally Graded Plate9
Study on Dynamic Characteristics of Vibration System with Two Degrees of Freedom and Multiple Rigid Constraints9
Effect of Control–Structure Interaction Using Torsional Servomotor for Active Tuned Mass Damper Control System8
Finite Element-Based Free Vibration and Deflection Analysis of Bio-Composites Hybrid Laminated Skew Plates Using Experimental Elastic Properties8
Large Amplitude Free Vibration Analysis of Nanobeams Based on Modified Couple Stress Theory8
Effects of Temporary Pier on Buffeting Response of a Three-Tower Cable-Stayed Bridge Under Construction8
Dynamic Characteristics of Bistable Vibration Energy Harvester Incorporating Electromagnetic Generator8
Generation of Surface Roughness Profiles for Inclusion in Vehicle–Bridge Interaction Analysis and Test Application8
Vibration Characteristics and Mesoscopic State Evolution of Ballasted Track During Dynamic Stabilizing Operation8
Failure Probability-Based Dynamic Instability Evaluation of the Long Span Steel Arch Bridge Subjected to Earthquake Excitations8
State-Spatial Viewpoint of Stress in Thermally Postbuckled and Nonlinearly Bent FG Saturated Poroelastic Circular Plates8
Train Load Identification of the Medium-Small Railway Bridge using Virtual Axle Theory and Bayesian Inference8
A Novel Mayfly Algorithm with Response Surface for Static Damage Identification Based on Multiple Indicators8
Nonlinear Vibrations of Fiber-Metal Laminates Thin Plates Considering Both Geometric and Material Nonlinearity: Theoretical and Experimental8
Analysis of Natural Vibration Characteristics of Modified Timoshenko Cracked Beam8
Vibration Performance Evaluation of Cold-Formed Steel and Plywood Composite Floors8
Application of Supplementary Inerter-Based Damping Devices Alongside Unbonded Fiber-Reinforced Elastomeric Isolators8
2D and 2.5D Numerical Simulations for Vortex-Induced Vibration (VIV) of a 1.5:1 Rectangular Cylinder8
Dynamic Simulation of a Dual-Cable Parallel Winding Hoisting System with Flexible Guides8
Out-of-Plane Instability and Vibrations of a Flexible Circular Arch Under a Moving Load8
Modal Frequency Shifts Measured on Xinjiang Bridge Excited by Traveling Vehicles8
Effect of Ground Motion Time–Frequency Non-Stationarity on Seismic Response of High-Speed Railway Simply Supported Bridge Based on Wavelet Packet Transform8
Buckling resistance of sandwich cylindrical shell with porosity-dependent GPLRC core and metallic facesheets8
An Iterative Augmented Unscented Kalman Particle Filter for Simultaneous State-Parameter-Input Estimation for Structural Systems Subjected to Gamma-Distribution Noise8
Feedback Stabilization of Chain-Like MDOF Nonlinear Structural Systems Under Purely Parametric Gaussian White Noises8
Various Near-Fault Ground Motions for Seismic Analysis of High-Speed Railway Track Bridges8
Analysis of Structural Vibrations of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Blades via Hamilton’s Principle — Part 3: Pitch Angle and Equilibrium State8
Shaking Table Test and Numerical Simulation on a Mega-Sub Isolation System Under Near-Fault Ground Motions with Velocity Pulses8
Estimation of Road Roughness Based on Tire Pressure Monitoring7
Vibration Control of Wind Turbine Towers with Inerter-Based Outrigger-Cable-Lever-Damping (IOCLD) Systems7
Free Vibration Behavior of Angle-Ply Laminated Composite Stiffened Plates7
Straight-Beam Approach for Vibration Analysis of Horizontal Curved Beams7
An Experimental Study of a Single-Degree-of-Freedom Impact Oscillator7
Diagnosis method for abnormal data in bridge health monitoring using BMA-assisted EasyEnsemble-AlexNet7
Experimental and Numerical Study on the Influence of Plastic-Modified Concrete as Attenuation Layer on Explosion Effect7
Indirect Damage Identification in Bridges Based on Dynamic Tyre Pressure Monitoring7
Dynamic Forces and Vibrations of the Planetary Gear-Set Radial Bearings with the Roller Dimension Deviation7
Free Vibrations of FG-GPLRC Magneto–Electro–Elastic Sandwich Cantilevered Trapezoidal Plates with Variable Thickness7
Influences of Different Boundary Conditions and Hygro-Thermal Environment on the Free Vibration Responses of FGM Sandwich Plates Resting on Viscoelastic Foundation7
Thermal Backbone Curves of Nanocomposite Beams Reinforced with Graphene Platelet on Elastic Foundation7
Isolation Performance of the Quasi-Zero Stiffness Isolation System Enhanced by Mixed Tuned Inerter Damper7
Buckling Design of Axially Compressed Cylindrical Shells Based on Energy Barrier Approach7
Novel Robust Control Method for Leg-Soil System of Lunar-Based Equipment7
A Novel Two-Stage Structural Damage Identification Method Based on Superposition of Modal Flexibility Curvature and Whale Optimization Algorithm7
Frequency Variation and Dynamic Behavior in a Moving Mass-Plate System7
Formation of Toroidal Explosively Formed Projectile and Its Penetration into Concrete Targets7
A State-of-the-Art Review on FRF-Based Structural Damage Detection: Development in Last Two Decades and Way Forward7
Debonding Analysis and Identification of the Interface Between Sleeper and Track Slab for Twin-Block Slab Tracks7
Evaluation of Kriging-NARX Modeling for Uncertainty Quantification of Nonlinear SDOF Systems with Degradation7
An Analytical Solution for Lateral-Torsional Buckling Resistance of Perforated Cold-Formed Steel Channel Beams with Circular Holes in Web7
Geometric Nonlinear Analysis of Angle Section Elements Based on Updated Lagrangian Formulation and Rigid Body Rule7
Dynamic Analysis of Elliptical Hull Supported 5MW OC3 Wind Turbine7
A Novel Acceleration-Based Approach for Monitoring the Long-Term Displacement of Bridge Cables7
Network-Based Radial-Gradient Al–Si10–Mg Gyroid Lattice Structures: Manufacture, Mechanical Response and Energy Absorption6
Dynamic Modeling and Analysis of Multi-Span Timoshenko Beams Under Moving Loads6
Vehicle Response-Based Bridge Modal Identification Using Different Time–Frequency Analysis Methods6
Effects of Pasternak Foundation on Asymmetric Thermomechanical Stability Analysis of Bi-Directional Functionally Graded Discs6
A Fully Explicit–Explicit Staggered Algorithm for the Dynamic Response of Fluid-Saturated Porous Media6
Numerical Investigation of Sloped Wall Tank with Bottom-Mounted Internal Object for Structural Vibration Control6
Dynamic Analysis of a Double-Cable-Stayed Shallow Arch Model Under Multi-Frequency Excitation by IHB Method6
A Novel Frictional Sliding Shear Key for the Transverse Seismic Mitigation of Girder Bridges6
Refined Probabilistic Seismic Demand Modeling of High-Speed Railway Bridge Under Near-Fault Hanging-Wall Effects and Velocity Pulse Effects by a Novel Ground Motion Selection Approach6
General Theory for Damped Beams with Elastic Supports Subjected to a Moving Damped Sprung Mass6
Dynamic Behaviors of Composite-Laminated Concentrically Stiffened Rectangular Plates by Substructure Modal Synthesis6
Analysis of Honeycomb Structure for Vibration Damping of Integrated Water Tanks6
Identification Methods for Modal Parameters of Track Structures and Their Application Status and Prospects6
Vibration Characteristic Analysis of Tunnel Structure Buried in Elastic Foundation Based on Dynamic Stiffness Matrix6
A Comparative Study on the Behavior of Ride Quality Due to Deflated State of Air Spring Using Different Properties of Hyperelastic Material6
A Nonlocal Numerical Solution Based on Carrera Unified Formulation for Static and Free Vibration Analysis of Laminated Composite Nanoplate6
Vibration Response Analysis of Multilayer Functionally Graded Graphene Platelet-Reinforced Composite Cylindrical Shell Under Moving Random Loads6
Numerical and Experimental Investigation of an Extradosed Cable-Stayed Bridge in Urban Rail Transit Under Dynamic Train Load6
Hygrothermal Effects on Vibration Response of Porous FG Nanobeams Using Nonlocal Strain Gradient Theory Considering Thickness Effect6
A Small-Deformation Rate-Independent Continuous-Flow Model for Elasto-Plastic Frames Allowing Rapid Fatigue Predictions in Metallic Structures6
A Methodology for Detecting Loss of Support Under PCC Pavement Based on Real-Time Structural Acceleration Response6
Optimizing Acoustic Performance and Structural Integrity of the Oud6
Solving for the Thermal Vibration Behaviors of Functionally Graded Stepped Conical Curved Plates with Point Connection Conditions6
Interaction of thermal, electrical, and magnetic effects on the nonlinear thermally induced vibrations functionally graded magneto-electro-thermo-elastic (FG-METE) beams6
Nonlinear Optimized PID Vibration Control of Thermal-Dependent FG Composite Porous Plates Reinforced by Agglomerated CNTs6
Cross-Section Stability and Design of Normal Strength and High Strength Steel I-Sections in Fire6
Nonlinear Dynamics of a Beam Subjected to a Moving Mass and Resting on a Viscoelastic Foundation Using Optimal Homotopy Analysis Method6
An Analytical Solution on Vibration Reduction and Shear Force Mitigation of Cantilever Mindlin Plates Using Orthogonal Ribs6
Modeling and Analysis of 1:3 Internal Resonance of Suspension Bridge Under Boundary Excitations6
Lateral deformation calculation of bridge pile foundation subjected to horizontal dynamic load6
Influences of External Magnetic Field on Thermo-Mechanical Vibration Analysis of Nanocomposite Beam using Higher-Order Strain Gradient Theory6
Energy Absorption Characteristic of Biomimetic Gradient Hierarchical Multicellular Tubes Under Axial Impact6
Spatial Vibration Response of a Beam Under a Moving Train Considering Track Irregularities: An Analytical Approach6
Numerical Estimation of Elastic Constants of Hydroxyapatite at Finite Temperatures: A Comparisons of Different Force Fields6
Spatiotemporal Frequency Variation in Plate-Type Bridges Under Moving Vehicles: Theoretical Study6
A Finite Element Approach for Forced Dynamical Responses of Porous FG Nanocomposite Beams Resting on Viscoelastic Foundations6
Dynamic Analysis of Two Straight and Curved Beams Connected with Intermediate Vertical Beams Made of Functionally Graded Porous Materials6
Assessment of Axisymmetric Dynamic Snap-Through and Thermally Induced Vibrations in FGM Cylindrical Shells Under Instantaneous Heating6
Probabilistic Seismic Assessment for Reinforced Concrete Bridges5
Longitudinal Seismic Response of a Pipe Pile Embedded in Saturated Thermoelastic Ground Subjected to Rayleigh Waves5
Influence of Refined Wind Load Parameters and Wind-Loading Mode on Wind-Induced Responses of a Long Cross-Arm Angle-Steel Transmission Tower5
Further Assessment of Three Bathe Algorithms and Implementations for Wave Propagation Problems5
Crashworthiness Analysis of Bio-Inspired Fractal Plant Stems Multi-Cell Circular Tubes5
Post-Buckling Behavior of Sandwich Composite Beams Made of FGM Faces and FGP Core Under High-Temperature Loads5
Nonlinear Traveling-Wave Vibration of a Ring-Stringer Stiffened Cylindrical Shell5
Numerical Simulation of a Cable-Stayed Bridge Subjected to Ship Collision5
Time-Dependent Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Two-Way Slabs Strengthened with External FRP and Steel Plates5
Parametric Resonance Control of Flexible Manipulator Based on Saturation and Quadratic Nonlinearity Enhancement5
In Plane Radial Vibration of Uncracked and Cracked Circular Curved Beams Subjected to Moving Loads5
A Passive Adaptive Suspended Mass Pendulum to Compensate Detuning Due to Large Swing Angle5
Small-Scale Dynamic Behavior of Embedded Beams Under Moving Force in Complex Environments5
A Nonlocal IGA Numerical Solution for Free Vibration and Buckling Analysis of Porous Sigmoid Functionally Graded (P-SFGM) Nanoplate5
An Efficient and Robust Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis Method for Framed Structures Using the Rigid Body Rule5