Modern Physics Letters B

(The TQCC of Modern Physics Letters B is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Universal method to describe multiple localized modes in photonic crystal heterojunction84
Accumulation and diffusion of charges in kinetics of polymer electric breakdown79
Magnetic and electric properties of multiferroic LiFeP2O7. Comparison with LiCrP2O776
Research on application of dual-wavelength LED in pulse oxygen saturation72
The impurity states in InGaAsP/InP coaxial double quantum well wires with the effects of electric and magnetic fields71
Free energy behavior in exactly solvable many-fermion interacting systems70
Recognition of jet modes in electrohydrodynamic direct-writing based on image segmentation61
Numerical analysis of airfoils used in an omni-directional-guide vane structure of vertical axis wind turbine for high-rise buildings55
Investigation of piezoelectric properties in manganese doped alkaline niobate-based lead-free piezoceramics54
New exact solutions to the generalized shallow water wave equation54
Parallel differential evolution paradigm for multilayer electromechanical device optimization52
Design of large core AS2S3 chalcogenide PCF pumped at all-normal and anomalous dispersion regimes for supercontinuum generation52
The generalized q-Wronskian solutions of the q-deformed constrained modified KP hierarchy50
Rock-salt-type lithium–titanium oxynitride as anode material for Li-Ion secondary batteries44
Research on the performance of carbon film formed on thin stainless steel bipolar plates of PEMFC by laser irradiating44
Preparation of Ba(1−x)SrxTiO3 fiber arrays and influence on its dielectric properties44
Tuning of relative spatial distributions of a two-component ion system to improve sympathetic cooling efficiency43
Study on sound insulation performance of sonic black hole with micro-perforated plates42
Rogue lumps on a background of kink waves for the Bogoyavlenskii–Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation37
Metal–dielectric hybrid nanoparticle for SERS and optical sensing applications in the near-infrared region36
Significance of heat conduction in binary reactive flow of Walter’s B fluid with radiative flux and activation energy34
Designing artificial intelligence computing techniques to study heat transfer of a ternary hybrid nanofluid flow: Application of particle swarm optimization and artificial neural network33
Asymptotic analysis to Van der Pol equation and regularized long-wave equation33
Review on the physical basis of wave–particle duality: Conceptual connection between quantum mechanics and the Maxwell theory33
Thermodynamical study of (CaGa2S4)x(BaGa2S4)1−x solid solutions32
Koo–Kleinstreuer–Li conductivity model for the thermal enhancement in the water-based nanofluids over a stretching sheet considering dissipative heat effects32
OpenFOAM for optimization of aerodynamics design and fog harvesting technology32
Artificial stochastic neural network on the base of double quantum wells31
Author Index Volume 3530
The influences of parabolic potential and magnetism on strongly coupled polaron characteristics within asymmetric Gaussian quantum wells30
Design of a digital control system of gyroscope29
Mathematical analysis for flow of hybrid nanofluid over a vertical stretchable surface: Assisting and opposing flows28
Irreversibility analysis for the EMHD flow of silver and magnesium oxide hybrid nanofluid due to nonlinear thermal radiation28
Spatial inhomogeneous effect on single-order harmonic enhancement27
Design and numerical analysis of dual-core photonic crystal fiber-based biosensor26
The wave patterns to the time-space fractional Casimir equation for the Ito system26
An extended car-following model accounting for two preceding vehicles with mixed maximum velocity26
Flame retardant and mechanical properties of carbon fiber/novel phenolic resin sandwich composite laminates25
Improvement of electrical properties of ZnO TFT with NbLaO-based stacked gate dielectrics25
Darboux transformation for the supersymmetric nonisospectral KdV equation25
Improving the electrical properties of TiOx Schottky-type diode with an extra ZrO2 insulating layer23
Amplification of strong coupling in the simulation system of perovskite nanowire coated by the metal film23
Microwave polarization conversion and reflection loss mechanism of complementary-modeled Rossler-based chaotic metamaterial23
Structure-induced features of transport processes in an electroconsolidated FeNi composite23
Tunneling dynamics of spin-orbit coupled BECs in a one-dimensional accelerating optical lattice22
Majorana fermions in multiband quantum wires: A semiclassical analysis22
Analytical expression and simulation study of quantum radar scattering characteristics of triangular pyramid22
Screening combinatorial perturbations via a bifurcation-based method21
On a Riemann–Hilbert problem for the NLS-MB equations20
Multiple solutions of unsteady flow of CNTs nanofluid over permeable shrinking surface with effects of dissipation and slip conditions20
Application of CFD-DSMC coupling method in H2 flow and heat transfer in microtube20
Effective thermal conductivity measurement of PCM composites during phase transition by using the transient plane source method19
High-order breathers and semi-rational solutions of the (2+1)-dimensional Yu–Toda–Sasa–Fukuyama equation19
Advanced numerical analysis of convective rarefied flows in microchannels: Studying the impact of multiple obstacle arrangements through LBM modeling19
Movement characteristics analysis of bi-directional friction linear micro-motor driven by a set of micro-actuator19
Chirp form selection to produce intense and broad harmonic spectra and attosecond pulses in the presence of single and superposition initial states18
Characteristics of the temporal behavior of quantum Fisher information and entanglement between radiation field and two atoms under atomic motion effect18
Quantum dissipation and friction attributed to plasmons18
Shear strain-induced structure relaxation of Ni Σ17 [110](223) grain boundary: A molecular dynamics simulation18
Mathematical model of second-grade Casson fluid flow with Soret and Dufour impact over Riga sheet17
Controllable doping concentration and defects in Zn:Ru:Fe:LiNbO3 by [Li]/[Nb] ratios17
Dynamical stricture of optical soliton solutions and variational principle of nonlinear Schrödinger equation with Kerr law nonlinearity17
Lie symmetry analysis and invariant solutions of (3+1)-dimensional Date–Jimbo–Kashiwara–Miwa equation17
Kink solutions of two generalized fifth-order nonlinear evolution equations17
Periodic exciton–polariton solitons in semiconductor nanowires17
Preparation of S self-doped porous carbon nanospheres as ORR catalysts derived from block copolymer grafted S group17
Research on MEMS multi-point exploding metal foil synchronous array17
Micromechanical study of nano-cutting metal-ceramic WC/Cu by diamond tools17
Dynamical study and diverse soliton collisions for the Kraenkel–Manna–Merle system in ferrites17
Study of physical properties of the new inorganic perovskites LiSnX3 (X=Br or I): A DFT approach16
Electron transition dynamics in high-order harmonic generation process from H2+16
Enhancement of the hardness and impact strength of epoxy-based metal oxide nanocomposites through hybridization16
Bäcklund transformations, Lax pair and solutions of a Sharma-Tasso-Olver-Burgers equation for the nonlinear dispersive waves16
Phase separation of spin-1 spin-orbital-angular-momentum coupled Bose–Einstein condensates16
Coupling resonance effect of interface delamination of laminates excited by horizontal shear wave sources on the surface16
S-wave resonance states below the Ps(n=2) threshold in positron-potassium system: Effects of weakly coupled classical plasma and dense quantum plasma16
Solitary wave solutions, fusionable wave solutions, periodic wave solutions and interactional solutions of the (3+1)-dimensional generalized shallow water wave equation16
Effects of dipolar interaction on vortex formation in spin-orbit coupled spin-1 rotating condensates15
Effect analysis of surface metal layer on step height standard15
First-principles study of halide double perovskite Cs2SnX6 (X=Cl, Br, I) for solar cell applications15
Mechanism of Co atom point defects on different termination surfaces of WC–Co/diamond interface by first-principles15
Absorption edge characteristics of β-Ga2O3 single crystal15
Effects of synthesizing time and Eu2+ concentration on photoluminescence properties of Ca2−xEuxMgSi2O7 phosphors15
Microstructure evolution, thermal conductivity and mechanical properties of hot-rolling Al–Si–Fe–Mg alloy under different reductions15
Dielectric permittivity and relaxation process investigation of C-doped TlInS2 crystals15
High-temperature adhesive properties of CF/PEKK composites applied fusion bonding and adhesive bonding15
New unexpected behavior to the soliton arising from the geophysical Korteweg–de Vries equation14
Pressure-induced metallic phase transition in gallium arsenide up to 24.3 GPa under hydrostatic conditions14
Effect of transition metal doping on the photoelectric effect of monolayer NbS2 under strain: First-principles calculations14
Influence of insulation paper on the hot spot temperature of oil-immersed transformer winding14
A new neural network approach to density calculation on ceramic materials14
A Multi-functional terahertz metamaterial with polarization-controlled EIT and broadband absorption14
Numerical study of MHD flow over stretching cylinder with variable Prandtl number and viscous dissipation in ternary hybrid nanofluids with velocity and thermal slip conditions14
3D printed stretchable sensor based on silver nanowires-polydimethylsiloxane14
Vibration properties of an elastic gold nanosphere submerged in viscoelastic fluid14
Numerical simulation of molybdenum disulfide-carbon nanotubes/water hybrid nanofluid flow due to a stretching cylinder: Applications to industrial manufacturing processes14
Diethylamine and formic acid-based ionic liquid in selective purification process of oil distillates of various viscosities14
Investigation of effective stress imposed on flexible single-crystalline semiconductor nanomembrane electronics under bending conditions13
Coarse-graining modeling of primitive chains in entangled polymer melts13
Thermophysical and structural properties of manganese ferrite nanoparticles13
Optical soliton solutions of multi-dimensional Boiti–Leon–Manna–Pempinelli equations13
Shift of the semimetal-dielectric phase transition boundary in case of violation of sublattice symmetry in the extended Hubbard model13
Multiband acoustic reflection metasurface with split hollow cubic13
Computational analysis of MHD hybrid nanofluid over an inclined cylinder: Variable thermal conductivity and viscosity with buoyancy and radiation effects13
High pressure effects on ferroelectric tetragonal phase in BaTi1−xFexO3 (x=1%)13
Driving behavior of connected autonomous vehicles in mixed traffic flow within ramp segments on freeway based on an advanced cellular automata13
Simulation of bright–dark soliton solutions of the Lonngren wave equation arising the model of transmission lines12
Drop model of integer and fractional quantum Hall effects12
Micro/nano blocks of Ni/MnO composites synthesized by microwave-assisted solvothermal for supercapacitors12
Darcy–Forchheimer flow of second-grade fluid in a porous medium using Cattaneo–Christov model12
Mechanical performance according to fiber lamination pattern for radar mast application12
Phonon share to the thermal capacitance of ultrathin crystalline film along the entire temperature region12
Models of activated recrystallization on isolated grain boundaries in polycrystals12
Numerous optical soliton solutions of the Triki–Biswas model arising in optical fiber12
The asymptotic formula on average weighted path length for scale-free modular network12
Influence of nonlinear absorption on the propagation of ultrashort optical pulses in an anisotropic optical medium with carbon nanotubes12
Local nonsimilar solution and heat analysis of mixed convective flow across whole spherical shape with nonisothermal surface temperature12
Propagation of diverse ultrashort pulses in optical fiber to Triki–Biswas equation and its modulation instability analysis12
Reflection-mode nanostructured GaAlAs photocathode with narrow-band response to 532 nm11
New unexpected variety of solitons arising from spatio-temporal dispersion (1+1)-dimensional Ito-equation11
Quantum signature based on multi-arbitrators and product states11
Multi-kink solitons, resonant soliton molecules and multi-lumps solutions to the (3+1)-dimensional shallow water wave equation11
Investigation on the fluorescent efficiency of ZN2SiO4:Mn synthesized by repeated solid-state sintering11
Synthesis and physico-chemical studies of alloys of the As2Se3–CuCr2Te4 system and properties of the obtained composite materials11
On the quantum dynamics of a general time-dependent coupled oscillator11
Large eddy simulation of turbulent cavitating flow in a Venturi-type section with special emphasis on LES errors and pressure fluctuation analyses10
Effect of doping gas on HFCVD diamond thin films deposited on cemented carbide substrates10
Effect of vacancy defects on the optoelectronic properties of 1T-TaS2 under torsional deformation10
Magnetized dissipative Soret-Dufour effects on Walter’s-B fluid flow over a stretching sheet with nonuniform heat source/sink and thermal radiation under chemical reaction10
Bifurcation analysis of Van der Pol–Mathieu equation for the dust grain charge with regularized (κ)-distributed electron-ion10
Instability modulation properties of the (2 + 1)-dimensional Kundu–Mukherjee–Naskar model in travelling wave solutions10
New optical soliton solutions via two distinctive schemes for the DNA Peyrard–Bishop equation in fractal order10
Enhanced thermoelectric performance of Bi2Te3 by La2O3 dispersion10
Anti-resonance fiber propagating 86 orbital angular momentum modes with high purity for a long distance10
Effect of magnetic field and slip velocity on the performance of bearings lubricated by couple stress fluid on long cylinder and infinite plate — A theoretical analysis10
Electronic property of intrinsic point defect system on β–Si3N4(0001) surface10
Optical properties of the proton-implanted waveguide in the Dy3+-doped Y3Al5O12 transparent ceramic9
Piecewise asymmetric exponential potential under-damped bi-stable stochastic resonance and its application in bearing fault diagnosis9
Using the bond valence sum model to calculate Li-diffusion pathways in Silicene with MgX2 (X=Cl, Br, I) substrates9
Formation of strong-coupling (bi)polarons and related in-gap states in lightly-doped cuprate superconductors9
Effect of antibacterial and compatibilizer agents on properties of low-density polyethylene composites9
Multiple soliton, soliton molecules and the other diverse wave solutions to the (2+1)-dimensional Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation9
Bilinear Bäcklund transformation, breather- and travelling-wave solutions for a (2+1)-dimensional extended Kadomtsev–Petviashvili II equation in fluid mechanics9
Modulational instability and multiple rogue wave solutions for the generalized CBS–BK equation9
Ab-initio study on structural, magnetic, electronic and optical properties of SrCo1−xAxO3 (A = Fe or Cr, x = 0.125 and 0.25)9
Annealing of aluminum nanoparticle and the formation of ethanol–ether binary coating layer on aluminum nanoparticle surface: A molecular dynamic study9
Dynamical analysis, circuit implementation and synchronization of a new memristive hyperchaotic system with coexisting attractors9
Exact analysis of chemical reaction and thermal radiation effects on MHD Cu–water nanofluid flow past an infinite oscillatory vertical plate9
Influence of U-tube type casing treatment on pressure fluctuations of a centrifugal pump at low flow conditions9
Antiferromagnetic spin-3/2 Heisenberg model with the effects of Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction8
Scalable deposition of MASnI2Br-based perovskite solar cells via ultrasonic spray pyrolysis8
Phase coexistence in a half-filled extended Hubbard model8
The influence of screening function on exciton mott transition in an asymmetric double quantum well8
Solitary waves in magnetostrictive circular rods with temperature effect8
Solitary wave solutions of chiral nonlinear Schrödinger equations8
The self-similarity of complex networks: From the view of degree–degree distance8
An optimized laser ultrasonic synthetic aperture imaging method using differential technique8
Infinite solitons in ferromagnetic materials with an internal magnetic field8
Study dearomatization of kerosene by IR and UV spectral analysis8
HCF4−n(SO3)n (n=1–4): Designing new series of organic superacids8
Exploration of soliton structures in the Hirota–Maccari system with stability analysis8
Numerical simulation for coupled nonlinear Schrödinger–Korteweg–de Vries and Maccari systems of equations8
Optimal locally resonant bandgaps in a windmill-like phononic crystal structure8
Effect of plasma surface modification on mineral fibers/thermoplastic composites8
The investigation gamma-irradiated nanocrystalline ZrC particles using infrared, DSC and TG methods8
Novel multiple soliton and front wave solutions for the 3D-Vakhnenko–Parkes equation8
Design and development of MEMS quartz gyroscope measurement and control circuit with automatic gain control principle8
Electronic and thermoelectric properties of the 2D Cu2FeSnS4: DFT study8
Viscoelastic effects on the double-diffusive oscillatory flow in a fluid-saturated porous layer8
Supercontinuum generation in all-normal dispersion regime of C7H8-core photonic crystal fibers with different lattices8
The effect of cations in electronic, and optical properties of lead-free halide perovskites based on Sn–Ge8
Note on Landau–Stanyukovich rule and the similarity parameter of converging shock waves8
Heat transfer evaluation of (CaTe+SiC) hybrid nanofluid flow based RT42 HC (Rubitherm) phase change material: Cooling photovoltaic panels application7
The critical values of coupling strength of the non-self-dual Ising lattices under decimation transformation7
Preparation and characterization of electrospun silver nanowires/ZnO/PVP composite transparent conductive film7
Theoretical and experimental study of rigid rapier weft insertion vibration7
Microscopic modeling and experimental investigation of inner surface magnetorheological polishing based on particle micromechanics7
Homogeneous–Heterogeneous reactions on Darcy–Forchheimer flow of SWCNTs/MWCNTs over a bidirectional Riga plate with nonlinear radiation and non-uniform heat source/sink7
Localized interaction solution and its dynamics of the extended Hirota–Satsuma–Ito equation7
Synchronizability of multilayer totally homogeneous networks7
Painlevé analysis, dark and singular structures for pseudo-parabolic type equations7
Synthesis of mulberry-like Fe nanoparticles assembly by nano-spheres and its excellent electromagnetic absorption properties7
Impact of variable electrical conductivity, viscosity on convective heat and mass transfer flow of CuO- and Al2O3-water nanofluids in cylindrical annulus7
Exploration on modulation instability in ????????-symmetric non-Kerr Bragg grating structures7
Comparison of pin-loaded tensile behavior and failure behavior of thermosetting and thermoplastic composite7
Design of NiO–ZnCo2O4 heterostructures for room temperature H2S sensing7
MHD slip flow through nanofluids for thermal energy storage in solar collectors using radiation and conductivity effects: A novel design sequential quadratic programming-based neuro-evolutionary appro7
Dynamical behaviors of various optical soliton solutions for the Fokas–Lenells equation7
Quantum spin Hall effect and emergence of conducting edge states in silicene supported by MX (M=Ga, In; X=S, Se, Te) monolayer7
Highly sensitive MoS2 photodetector on polarized thin-film lithium niobate with extremely low dark current7
The electronic, optical, and vibrational properties of Ag3X (X = S, Se) with density functional theory7
Multiple breathers and high-order rational solutions of the (3+1)-dimensional B-type Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation7
Liquid phase stratification induced by large temperature gradient during spinodal decomposition in Fe–Cr alloys: A phase-field study7
Thermal improvement of the porous system through numerical solution of nanofluid under the existence of activation energy and Lorentz force7
Free-will arbitrary time adaptive chaos control for permanent magnet synchronous motor7
Impact of In element on the melting point and properties of Pb-56Bi-In eutectic alloy7
Mechanical properties of CoCrFeNiV high-entropy alloys with different Cu element contents under different strain rates7
The generalized exponential rational function and Elzaki–Adomian decomposition method for the Heisenberg ferromagnetic spin chain equation7
Stimulated Raman scattering coupled with decay instability in a magnetized plasma with hot drifting electrons7
A low-frequency sound insulation metastructure with relatively high ventilation7
Nonlinear dynamics of Kerr optical microresonators with spatially fluctuating loss7
Enhanced simulated sunlight photocatalytic performance in K2Ti6O13/g-C3N4 heterojunction7
Hybrid soliton, breather waves and solution molecules of the (2+1)-dimensional generalized fifth-order KdV equation6
Thermal characterization of hybrid nanofluid with impact of convective boundary layer flow and Joule heating law: Dual solutions case study6
The wave attenuations in phononic crystals based on unit cell and supercell relationship6
High-speed railway-based fast logistics service network design problem6
Theoretical study of the optical and thermodynamic properties of aluminum oxide (Al2O3) with high pressures at elevated temperatures6
Synthesis of electronegative S-filled and Sn–Te double substituted skutterudite compounds by HPHT and its thermoelectric properties6
Features of electrochemical reduction of silk fibroin in the presence of phosphate tricalcium in the form of nanocating6
Study on flame retardant properties of epoxy composites using circular economy material hydroxyapatite combined with DOPO-HQ6
Large-scale preparation of SCLNCM of lithium-ion batteries with an improved continuous spray pyrolysis method6
Exact solutions of the generalized Huxley–Burgers’ equations6
Investigation of oceanic wave solutions to a modified (2+1)-dimensional coupled nonlinear Schrödinger system6
Diverse bistable dark novel explicit wave solutions of cubic–quintic nonlinear Helmholtz model6
First principle and experimental investigations on Mg-doped ZrO2 thin films for electronic, thermoelectric, and optical application6
Research on nonlinear optical absorption coefficients of GaAs/Ga1−ηAlηAs quantum dots6
Measuring economies’ pivotability on the global value chain under the perspective of inter-country input–output network6
Impact of Arrhenius energy and irregular heat absorption on generalized second grade fluid MHD flow over nonlinear elongating surface with thermal radiation and Cattaneo–Christov heat flux theory6
Thermo-viscoelastic fractional model of rotating nanobeams with variable thermal conductivity due to mechanical and thermal loads6
Optical solitons for the Kaup–Newell equation by collective variables method6
Using molecular docking and molecular dynamics to investigate protein-ligand interactions6
Investigation of the electronic, optical, elastic, mechanical and vibrational properties of CuI using HSE036
Influence of non-uniform inflow on unsteady internal flow characteristics of waterjet pump6
Inquisition of optical soliton structure and qualitative analysis for the complex-coupled Kuralay system6
Effects of exchange coupling and external magnetic field on the magnetic characteristics of hexagonal boron nitride: A Monte Carlo study6
Diverse solitary and Jacobian solutions in a continually laminated fluid with respect to shear flows through the Ostrovsky equation6
Whitham modulation theory and exotic wave patterns of the good Jaulent–Miodek equation with step-like initial data6
Elucidating the FPU-paradox based on the dynamics of Kuznetzov–Ma breathers6
Fano resonance based on a triangular resonator and its application on nanosensing6
Peristalsis of Carreau–Yasuda nanofluid possessing variable thermal conductivity regulated by electroosmosis via an expanding asymmetric channel6
Size-dependent thermomechanical vibrations in rotating pre-twisted porous functionally graded thick microplates6
Effect of peristaltic endoscope and heat transfer on the magnetohydrodynamic flow of non-Newtonian biviscosity fluid through an inclined annulus: Homotopy perturbation approach6
Surface wave behavior and refraction simulation on the ocean for the fractional Ostrovsky–Benjamin–Bona–Mahony equation6
DFT study on the structural, electronic, optical, and electrical properties of CuO based on GGA+U and TB-mBJ approximations6
Investigating the invariant solutions of (1+1)-dimensional Sawada–Kotera model using Lie symmetries analysis6
Analysis of propagation of normal shocks in Van der Waals gas: Buongiorno model6
MHD Darcy–Forchheimer flow and double-diffusive modeling of Maxwell fluid over rotating stretchable surface: A computational study6
Prediction of comprehensive mechanical properties of thermoplastic vulcanizate (TPV) with various composition ratios based on a micromechanical method6
A 3D image encryption algorithm based on chaos and random cross diffusion6
Molecular dynamic simulations of Ti-6Al and Fe-12Cr alloys for their heat transfer and oxygen transport behaviors6
Control of NLO and photocatalysis properties based on the use of Sn-doped ZnO thin films for optoelectronics applications6
A special case on the distillability problem of two-copy n×n Werner states6
The propagation of hyper-geometric optical soliton waves in plasma dynamics for the integrable Zhanbota-IIA equation6
Impact of thermal conductivity of a Williamson’s nanofluid flow due to a stretching sheet6
Numerical simulations and analytical approach for three-component coupled NLS-type equations in fiber optics5
Generalized vortex flow of nanoparticle shapes over a permeable disc surface with generalized slip conditions5
Hydrothermal transport of magnetized mono nanofluids between two spinning disks5
Significance of shape factor on magnetohydrodynamic buoyancy thin film flow of nanofluid over inclined sheet with slip condition: Irreversibility analysis5
Analyzing variable characteristics effects on an unsteady hybrid nanofluid flow over a rotating sphere near a stagnation point with thermal stratification — A comparative study5
Physical properties and power conversion efficiency of SrZrX3 (X=S and Se) chalcogenide perovskite solar cell5