International Journal of Modern Physics A

(The TQCC of International Journal of Modern Physics A is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Thermal neutrino self-energy beyond the contact approximation53
On incorporation of heavy-quark mass into soft-wall holographic models46
SUSY coherent states and enhanced canonical quantizations for Pauli model43
Axion electrodynamics: Energy–momentum tensor and possibilities for experimental tests41
The Debye length and the running coupling of QCD: A potential and phenomenological approach36
Rotating frame effects and potential on a relativistic scalar particle in Kaluza–Klein theory32
Analytic continuation of harmonic sums with purely imaginary indices near the integer values32
Modeling Confinement in Analogy with Black Holes29
Standard model measurements at the LHC29
Large distance limit of the Casimir energy between carbon nanotubes27
Note on a BCS analogy of Majorana neutrinos26
The physical meaning of Sharma–Mittal entropy and its relevance to Giddings’ hypothesis on black hole evaporation24
Vortex lattices in high-Tc superconductors and periodic Casimir forces23
Probing quark mass matrices in the flavor basis21
Transverse momentum-dependent parton distributions of pion in the light-front holographic model21
Resurgence and self-completion in renormalized gauge theories21
Loop-induced h → γγ, Zγ, gg decays in 3-Higgs doublet models19
Light charged Higgs search with deviation neural networks18
Hawking radiation of charged massive particle and tunneling from Kerr–Newman–de Sitter black hole18
Vector heavy quarkonia production in gluon fragmentation in the ordinary and noncommutative standard model17
Thermodynamic corrections of Gauss–Bonnet black hole under general uncertainty principle17
Time-dependent He–McKellar–Wilkens effect on noncommutative space17
Growth factor parametrization17
Toward the (non-cellular) automata interpretation of quantum mechanics: Volovich postulates as a roadmap15
The S-matrix bootstrap: From the sine-Gordon model to celestial amplitudes15
Study of phases in a holographic QCD model15
Shadow of a noncommutative-inspired Einstein–Euler–Heisenberg black hole15
Two-point functions of Neumann–Dirichlet open-string sector moduli15
Quasi-spherical gravitational collapse in f(R,T) gravity15
Imprints of new physics in Λb → Λ∗l+l− decay in nonuniversal Z′ model14
Analysis of OPAL Bose–Einstein correlation at Z0-pole by the second conventional formula14
The foundation of the hyperunified field theory I — Fundamental building block and symmetry14
F-theory models with 3 to 8 U(1) factors on K3 surfaces13
Emission distribution for the quantas of Maxwell–Chern–Simons gauge field coupled to external current13
Radiation reaction on an accelerating point charge13
LRS Bianchi type-I cosmological models with periodic time varying deceleration parameter in f(R,T) gravity13
Phase transition at high supersymmetry breaking scale in heterotic string theory13
Summation over the gravitational instantons and the temperature of the cosmic background radiation13
No radiative corrections to the Carroll–Field–Jackiw term beyond one-loop order12
Scalar electrodynamics and the decays of the neutral pion12
Study of the semileptonic Bc → ηcτ−v̄τ decay in W′ model12
Fermionic construction in the supersymmetric coset model12
Implications of correlations and fluctuations in small systems12
Pairwise helicity in higher dimensions12
Dark energy nature of logarithmic f(R,Lm)-gravity models with observational constraints11
Massive 4D Abelian 2-form theory: Nilpotent symmetries from the (anti-)chiral superfield approach11
New window on matter-antimatter differences from BESIII11
General perturbations in D+1 standard and brane cosmology revisited11
The cosmological behavior and geometrical diagnostic for new Tsallis agegraphic dark energy with sign-changeable interaction11
Nonextensive statistics and the entropy on the horizon11
Confined vortex surface and irreversibility. 2. Hyperbolic sheets and turbulent statistics10
Test of quantum nonlocality via vector meson decays to KSKS10
Search for heavy resonances decaying into a pair of Z bosons using 139 fb−1 of p–p collisions at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector10
The string little algebra10
The radiation instability in modified gravity10
Strong first-order phase transition and B-violation in the compact 341 model10
Magnetic nonsingular black holes in lovelock gravity coupled to exponential electrodynamics10
Study of heavy quarkonia in the presence of magnetic field by Nikiforov Uvarov method9
Modified CPL models for dark energy and observational constraints9
Adiabatic expansion, local equilibrium and extended Maxwell distribution for fire-ball to describe multiple particle production (II)9
Erratum — The full Lorentz-violating vacuum polarization tensor: Low- and high-energy limits9
Quasi-exact solution of the anharmonic oscillator in curved space–time with tensor potential of type Ar + B/r3 and spin and pseudo-spin symmetries9
Majorana phases in high-scale mixing unification hypotheses9
One-loop effective action in chiral Einstein–Cartan gravity9
The pilot of Taiji program — From the ground to Taiji-29
Adiabatic expansion, local equilibrium and extended Maxwell distribution for fire-ball to describe multiple particle production9
Null-dimensional reduction of M2-brane9
Superintegrability of (2n + 1)-body choreographies, n = 1,2,3,…,∞ on the algebraic lemniscate by Bernoulli (inverse problem of classical mechanics)9
δCP for leptons and a new take on CP physics with the FSM9
Darboux transformations and reality conditions for stationary Dirac and Klein—Gordon equations in one dimension9
Performance studies of jet flavor tagging and measurement of Rb(Rc) using ParticleNet at CEPC9
On Schwinger pair production between D3 branes8
Tsallis statistics and thermofractals: Applications to high energy and hadron physics8
D-dimensional self-gravitating lattice gas in general relativity8
Color-flavor locked compact stars: An exact solution approach8
Electromagnetic properties of neutrinos from scattering on bound electrons in atom8
Implications of precision measurements and unitarity on CKM paradigm8
Relativistic tunneling time under the generalized uncertainty principle8
Heating of the interstellar gas by cosmic rays and warm transparent ionized plasma observed by pulsar dispersions8
Review on the operator/Feynman diagram/dessins d’enfants8
Yangian symmetry applied to quantum chromodynamics8
Analysis of different scenarios with new Tsallis holographic dark energies and bulk viscous fluid in the framework of Chern–Simons modified gravity7
GUP-corrected thermodynamics and remnant of a black hole in Horndeski theory7
Looking for the signals of the missing baryons in the extragalactic background light7
Charged AdS black holes with higher derivative corrections in the presence of string cloud7
Weyl anomalies on conformal manifolds and moduli spaces7
Probing EWPT in 2HDM with future lepton colliders7
Symmetries of theq-NKdV hierarchy7
Estimates of charm-mixing parameters in two-body charm decays7
High(est) energy lepton colliders7
CEPC accelerator status and TDR progress highlights7
Modeling a Holographic Inflationary Scenario in the Framework of f(T,????) Gravity7
The ground states and the first radially excited states of D-wave vector ρ and ϕ mesons7
Finite temperature contributions to cosmological constant7
Quantum cosmology for double scalar field cosmological model: Symmetry analysis7
ATLAS searches for higgsinos with R-parity violating couplings in events with leptons7
Nonresonant central exclusive production from CMS+TOTEM7
Synchrotron radiation from final doublet magnets in CEPC MDI7
Casimir cosmology6
Modified trimaximal mixing for solar and reactor neutrino mixing angles6
Type IIB moduli stabilization, inflation and waterfall fields6
On the gravitational diagram technique in the discrete setup6
Can the new states around 2.2 GeV be identified as the ω(3D)?6
On production of excited Kaluza–Klein states in large radius compactification scenario6
The fate of infrared divergences in a finite formulation of field theory: QED revisited6
Nonrelativistic quantum particles interacting with pseudoharmonic-type potential under flux field in a topological defect geometry6
Parton distributions: Functional complexity and Lorentz parametrization6
Kaniadakis holographic dark energy with scalar field in Bianchi type-V universe6
Stability of nontopological string in supersymmetric SU(2)×U(1) gauge theory6
Chiral dynamics with confinement versus the standard chiral theory6
Effects of strong magnetic field on the formation of wakes in thermal QCD6
Physical charges versus conformal invariance in unimodular gravity6
Dynamical dark energy and infinite statistics6
Dynamics and kinetics of phase transition for regular AdS black holes in general relativity coupled to nonlinear electrodynamics6
Quantum gravity effects on tunneling of fermions across the event horizon of rotating BTZ black hole6
Barrow entropic quintessence and dilation dark energy models with generalized HDE cut-off6
Some interesting aspects of modified Gauss–Bonnet gravity6
Top squark signal significance enhancement by different machine learning algorithms6
Krylov complexity in Calabi–Yau quantum mechanics6
Extended Faddeev–Jackiw canonical quantization for the Podolsky electrodynamics6
Mapping between eras in scale-covariant gravity with a van der Waals cosmological source6
On the discrete version of the Kerr–Newman solution6
Features of gravitational interaction as the basis of “Dark Energy” in the gas of null strings6
High transformer ratio electron acceleration for CEPC plasma injector6
Timeless state of gravity: Black hole universal clock6
Quaternionic fermionic field6
L#x221E; Estimate For Maxwell-Higgs Equation on Reissner-Nordstrom Geometry5
Entropy product function and central charges in NUT geometry5
Quark mixing angles and weak CP-violating phase vs quark masses: Potential approach5
Performance tests and simulations for Taiji-1 inertial sensor5
Look how it runs!5
Entropy and its conservation in expanding Universe5
Universes as big data5
Vector-Boson scattering at the LHC: Unraveling the electroweak sector5
Snowmass white paper: The quest to define QFT5
Search for new physics in semileptonic decays of K and B as implied by the g−2 anomaly in FSM5
Geometrical particles and dualities related to curves in null de Sitter 3-sphere5
Properties of spin and orbital angular momenta of light5
Key technologies analysis and design of ultra-clean & ultra-stable spacecraft for gravitational wave detection5
Charge conservation, entropy current and gravitation5
Boosted and semi-boosted all-hadronic tt̄ reconstruction performance on kinematic variables for selected BSM models using a 2D extension of the BUMPHUNTER algorithm5
Effects of massive gravity on s-wave holographic superconductor5
How modes shape Casimir physics5
Design study of CEPC lower emittance booster5
Vacuum pendulum test for a modified Kaluza–Klein theory5
Decomposition and the Gross–Taylor string theory5
Heavy–Light meson spectroscopy with strong coupling at N2LO level in V-scheme5
A non-Standard Standard Model5
Noncommutativitys impact on the local stability of the accelerating(un)charged Schwarzschild black hole5
System modeling in data processing of Taiji-1 mission5
The upgrade of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter: Future prospects for precision timing and energy measurements at the HL-LHC5
Spinning protons and gluons in the η′5
Deep-inelastic scattering: What do we know?5
Nonstandard interactions in hyperons decay with di-neutrinos in the final state5
A solvable quantum field theory with asymptotic freedom in (3+1) dimensions5
Gravitational collapse of dissipative fluid in f(R,G) gravity5
A vacuum transition in the FSM with a possible new take on the horizon problem in cosmology5
Resonance and nonresonant contributions to three-body Ds+→π+π0η′ decay4
Ramond superstring in static gauge4
Physics of near-threshold resonances4
Perturbative color correlations in double parton scattering4
Hamiltonian of mean force in the weak-coupling and high-temperature approximations and refined quantum master equations4
Laminar flow of charged quantum fluids of the Calogero–Sutherland universality class4
Amplitudes meet cosmology: A (scalar) primer4
Hawking radiation of rotating BTZ black hole based on modified dispersion relation and Rarita–Schwinger equation4
TOP detector for particle identification at Belle II4
Analysis of the Hidden-charm Tetraquark molecule mass spectrum with the QCD sum rules4
The physics of pulsar halos: Research progress and prospect4
Angular correlations in associated top-quark and dark matter production at Large Hadron Collider4
Tests of the parametrizations of fragmentation functions using data on inclusive pion and kaon production in unpolarized pp collisions from the STAR collaboration and at the NICA project4
The general one-loop structure for the LFV Higgs decays Hr→lalb in multi-Higgs models with neutrino masses4
Preliminary results on the transverse flow of K+ mesons from Ag+Ag collisions registered by the HADES experiment4
Casimir effect on the lattice spacetime4
Supersymmetric quantum mechanics and the Riemann hypothesis4
Higgs physics at ILC4
2d (0, 2) gauge theories from branes: Recent progress in brane brick models4
Quantum corrections to soliton energies4
A randomly generated Majorana neutrino mass matrix using adaptive Monte Carlo method4
Kinetic factors in affine quantization and their role in field theory Monte Carlo4
Gravitational field effects produced by topologically nontrivial rotating space–time under magnetic and quantum flux fields on quantum oscillator4
Study of isospin eigenstates of the pentaquark molecular states with strangeness4
Co-positivity of tensors and boundedness-from-below conditions of CP conserving two-Higgs-doublet potential4
Joule–Thomson expansion of Bardeen black hole with a cloud of strings4
Probing neutrino mass models through resonances at neutrino telescopes4
Roles of modified Chaplygin–Jacobi and Chaplygin–Abel gases in FRW universe4
Lessons from LHC on the LFV Higgs decays h→ℓaℓb in the two-Higgs doublet models4
Charged current semi-inclusive deeply inelastic neutrino and antineutrino nucleus scattering4
Status of laser spectroscopy measurements of long-lived antiprotonic and pionic helium atoms at CERN and PSI4
Electron efficiency in LHC Run-2 with the ATLAS experiment4
Mass-spectra of light-heavy tetraquarks4
An alternative way to decipher the nature of the doubly charmed tetraquark Tcc(3875)+: Its antiparticle Tc̄c̄(3875)− photoproduction off nuclei near threshold4
Aspects of supergroup gauge theory4
Exact solutions of the (3+1)-dimensional DKP oscillator in doubly special relativity4
Some exact anisotropic cosmological solutions of a simple nonlocal de Sitter gravity4
Closed-form bound states for two Dunkl–Liénard oscillator systems4
BBN constraints on f(Q,T) gravity4
Holographic entanglement negativity in flat space generalized minimal massive gravity4
The CAT and the Mirror: Classical Acceleration Temperature and the Anti-de Sitter Dynamical Casimir Effect4
Worldsheet contributions to instantons in string effective field theories4
Stochastic quantization and holographic Wilsonian renormalization group of scalar theory with generic mass, self-interaction and multiple trace deformation4
Generalized UC Plane Partitions4
Phenomenology of the dispersion law in a three-dimensional quantum space4
P−v criticality and Joule–Thomson expansion in corrected thermodynamics of conformally dressed (2+1)D AdS black hole4
Seeking the Casimir Energy3
Ground performance tests and evaluation of RF ion microthrusters for Taiji-1 satellite3
Comparison of basic equations of the Kaluza–Klein theory with the nonholonomic model of space–time of the sub-Lorentzian geometry3
Axion and the SuperMassive Black Holes at high z3
Vortex solutions in the presence of dark portals3
Extended Z3-graded Lorentz symmetry and quark chromodynamics3
The Bs0 meson decaying into τe mediated by Z′ gauge bosons3
The large-scale structure formation in an expanding universe3
Maximally chaotic dynamical systems of Anosov–Kolmogorov and fundamental interactions3
A de-Sitter weak gravity conjecture3
Deforming integrable models of AdS3 strings3
Neutrino interactions and detections: Review and future potential3
Generalized momentum implied by GUP with a nonrelativistic harmonic oscillator3
Detection of monopoles and vortices in SU(2) Yang–Mills theory3
A spaceborne neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet laser with nonplanar-ring-oscillator configuration3
Casimir-Lifshitz adhesion between Si and Ru measured by the method of adhered cantilever3
Multi-dimensional investigation of the pion pair-source in heavy-ion collisions with EPOS3
Inflation based on a classically scale invariant extended standard model3
Radion dynamics, heavy Kaluza–Klein resonances and gravitational waves3
Singlet scalar dark matter in the noncommutative space–time: A viable hypothesis to explain the gamma-ray excess in the galactic center3
Deviations from tribimaximal and golden ratio mixings under radiative corrections of neutrino masses and mixings3
The effect of noncommutativity on the charged 4D-EGB black hole in AdS space–time3
Classical and quantum cosmology in Einstein–æther scalar–tensor gravity: Noether symmetry analysis3
Comment on: “Lorentz transformation of a charge-current density and ‘relativistic polarization’ of a moving current loop”3
Path integral analysis from the D-dimensional generalized displacement operator, and some of their applications3
Partially massless theory as a quantum gravity candidate3
Noninertial effects on a composite system3
Proposal to repeat the Abraham force experiment using giant permittivity materials3
Generalized quantum electrodynamics: One-loop correction3
High stability laser source for Taiji-1 satellite3
KS0 production in p+p interactions measured by NA61/SHINE3
The energy quantization in hydrogen atom and proton-electron mass ratio in light of Symmetrical Special Relativity3
Geometric quantization: Particles, fields and strings3
Erratum: Preliminary simulation analysis of the temperature fluctuation effect on Taiji-1 laser interferometer3
Superconductivity and color superconductivity at high Tc due to breaking of supersymmetry3
Axial-vector form factor of nucleons at finite temperature from the AdS/QCD soft-wall model3
Understanding the chiral and parity anomalies without Feynman diagrams3
A new anomaly-free flipped 341 model3
Radiation reaction force on an accelerating point charge3
Stop-mass prediction in naturalness scenarios within MSSM-253
The phase transition of nonminimal Yang–Mills AdS black brane3
Self-similar behavior of the neutron fracture functions3
Feigin–Semikhatov conjecture and related topics3
Continuous cosmic evolution with diffusive barotropic fluid: First-order thermodynamic phase transition3
RF parameters design for a Circular Electron–Positron Collider3
Nonequilibrium Casimir pressure for two graphene-coated plates:quantum field theoretical approach3