Modern Physics Letters A

(The TQCC of Modern Physics Letters A is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Wormholes in Poincarè gauge theory of gravity44
A viable relativistic charged model of super-dense star LMC X-433
Evaluation of pion-nucleon sigma term in Dyson–Schwinger equations approach of QCD with three-constituent quark approximation27
Higher-Order mimetic gravity after GW17081726
The decays τ → a1πντ, τ → K1πντ and τ → K1Kντ in the extended U(3) ×U(3) chiral NJL model24
Perturbation analysis for massless spin fields in accelerating Kerr-Newman-(anti-)de Sitter black holes21
Study on (p, n) reactions for the production of iodine isotopes used in nuclear medicine at 1–20MeV protons21
Properties of bottomonia in a relativistic quark model21
Neutrino: Chronicles of an aloof protagonist21
Semi-classical approximation description of static properties of nuclei21
Cosmic acceleration & deceleration with f(R,T) gravity19
Strong interaction coupling-constant sum rules with broken SU(3) symmetry for heavy baryons B(Qqq′)19
Theoretical comparison of transition rate B(E2) and deformation parameter with experimental data for calcium (20Ca) isotopes using shell model theory18
The effect of hidden-color channel on the structure of strangeness S = −1 dibaryon18
The effect of dark matter on the weak cosmic censorship conjecture in the extended space18
Optimizing the Parton Showers in PYTHIA8 for Xe–Xe collision at 5.44 TeV17
On the dynamics of the torus around the kicked black hole17
Nonleptonic Bc decay rates from model independent relations17
Discrete phase space and continuous time relativistic quantum mechanics II: Peano circles, hyper-tori phase cells, and fiber bundles17
Theoretical analysis on the Barrow holographic dark energy in the DGP braneworld16
Zero energy states of Dirac equation in (2 + 1)-dimensional curved spacetime16
Cosmological consequences of Rényi, Sharma–Mittal holographic and new agegraphic dark energy models in generalized Rastall gravity15
Effect of anomalous HHH and ZZHH couplings on the decay width of H→νeν̄eνμν̄μ15
Comment on: “Effects of the Kaluza–Klein theory on a Klein–Gordon particle with position-dependent mass”15
Optical shadows of rotating Bardeen-AdS black holes14
Quantum entanglement and coherence in a system of four-level atom interacting with a nonlinear field14
A new multi-party quantum private comparison based on n-dimensional n-particle GHZ state14
Joule–Thomson expansion in charged AdS black hole surrounded by a cosmological fluid in Rainbow Gravity14
Deconstruction hierarchies and locality diagrams of conformal models13
A study of cosmological dynamics of expansion in modified gravity and phase–space analysis13
Tripartite quantum teleportation in de Sitter spacetime13
Acceleration in quantum mechanics and electric charge quantization13
One-loop calculations in CPT-even Lorentz-breaking scalar QED13
New cosmological solutions in hybrid metric-Palatini gravity from dynamical symmetries12
High-energy nucleus–nucleus collision and halo radii in different approaches of Glauber theory12
A new shape function and some specific wormhole solutions in braneworld scenario12
Searching for new physics in the differential decay width of a Λb semi-leptonic decay12
Light from Reissner–Nordstrom–de Sitter black holes12
Remarks on SUq (2) fermions12
Refined mass estimate for bilepton gauge boson12
Spin correlation coefficients in lepton–deuteron elastic scattering and their sensitivity to realistic NN potentials11
A novel viewpoint of proton decay11
Dynamical features of f(T,B) cosmology11
Restricted Weyl symmetry and spontaneous symmetry breakdown of conformal symmetry11
Geometric imaginary and quasi-probability functions of multi-component Schrödinger cat state11
Algebraic solution and coherent states for the Dirac oscillator interacting with the Aharonov–Casher system in the cosmic string background11
Flavor-changing neutral currents in the Higgs sector11
Oscillating quintom scenario with time-dependent periodic deceleration parameter10
An oscillating Chern-Simons universe crossing the phantom divide line and alleviating the Hubble tension10
Relativistic charged stellar model of the Pant interior solution via gravitational decoupling and Karmarkar conditions10
Magnetic Bianchi-I cosmology in the Horndeski theory10
QCD chiral condensate and pseudoscalar-meson properties in the nuclear medium at finite temperature10
Extended phase space thermodynamics of magnetized black holes with nonlinear electrodynamics10
Quintessential f(G) gravity with statistically fitting of H(z)9
Euclidean Wormhole with k-essence field in the presence of Gauss–Bonnet term9
Swampland program for hypergeometric inflation scenarios in rescaled gravity9
Study on the ϕ-meson photoproduction off the proton target with the pentaquark-like K∗Σ bound state Ps9
Circular motions and electromagnetic properties in the magnetized Kaluza–Klein spacetime9
The quantal flux behaviors of the refractive process in the elastic scattering of16O at 1503 MeV8
The temperature effect on the q-deformed optomechanical oscillator motion8
On Finslerian extension of special relativity8
Stability analysis of circular orbits around a charged BTZ black hole spacetime in a nonlinear electrodynamics model via Lyapunov exponents8
A comment on “Singular and nonsingular black holes using the Gaussian distribution”8
Quantitative analysis of (3He,t) charge exchange reactions at 140 MeV/u beam energy8
Multi-scalar field cosmological model and possible solutions using Noether symmetry approach8
Quantum private comparison with six-particle maximally entangled states8
Modified Hawking temperature and entropy of Kerr–de Sitter black hole in Lorentz violation theory8
Erratum: Particle motion around Schwarzschild-MOG black hole8
A protocol for conferencing through shared multipartite entanglement8
Shadow of topologically charged rotating braneworld black hole8
Hierarchical remote preparation of arbitrary dimensional equatorial states8
On the energy of Schwarzschild spacetime with the post-Newtonian approximation8
Generating light-matter one-way steering via radiation pressure8
On negative mass, partition function and entropy8
Spontaneous symmetry breaking and the cosmological constant8
A review on correlations among the multiplicities of charge particles at SPS, RHIC and LHC energies8
Superluminal propagation of light in a atomic medium8
Accretions of (m, n)-type Pilgrim dark energies with logarithmic and power-law entropy corrections onto (D + 2)-dimensional black hole and wormhole7
Adiabatic and nonadiabatic evolution of a generalized damped harmonic oscillator7
Conformal Higgs model: Gauge fields can produce a 125 GeV resonance7
On generating r-uniform subspaces with the isometric mapping method7
Study on the RVB method for calculating the Hawking temperature of black holes7
Reconstructing cosmic evolution with a density parametrization7
Quantum motion, coherent states and geometric phase of a generalized damped pendulum7
Recent LIGO-Virgo discoveries7
Half-lives and fragments of spontaneous fission of superheavy elements7
Review of muon-proton and muon-nucleus collier proposals7
Particle motion around Schwarzschild-MOG black hole7
Optimal teleportation fidelity and its deviation in noisy scenarios7
Model-independent extraction of the proton charge radius from PRad data7
Analytical solution for Ξ-type qutrit interacting nonlinearly with a cavity field through Kerr-like medium with intrinsic noise present7
Degeneracy pressure in the presence of maximum length for non-interacting electrons6
Beyond Horndeski interactions induced by quantum effects6
Flavor-mass majorization uncertainty relations and their links to the mixing matrix6
Quantification of different quantum correlations in a double cavity optomechanical system6
On Klein–Gordon Gürses oscillators and pseudo-Gürses oscillators: Vorticity–energy correlations and spacetime-associated degeneracies6
Reflective ability and its energy dependence6
Addendum Signature-causality reflection generated by Abelian gauge transformations6
Emerging WGC from the Dirac particle around black holes6
On the strong coupling problem in cosmologies with “strong gravity in the past”6
Efficient tripartite scheme of remotely sharing single-qubit operation with five-qubit Brown state6
Variable mass motion in the Hénon–Heiles system6
Nonlocal SU(5) GUT6
Dark photon portal into mirror world6
Deriving the dark matter-dark energy interaction term in the continuity equation from the Boltzmann equation6
Single particle electronic voting scheme based on quantum ring signature6
Study of midrapidity pt distributions of identified charged particles in Xe+Xe collisions at (snn)1/2 = 5.44TeV using non-extensive Tsallis statistics with transverse flow6
Quantum decomposition algorithm for master equations of stochastic processes: The damped spin case6
Interacting dynamical dark energy with stable high-scale cosmological perturbations at radiation-dominated epoch6
Connections between Weyl geometry, quantum potential and quantum entanglement6
Probing top changing neutral Higgs couplings at colliders5
Thermodynamics of charged Lifshitz black holes with scalar hair5
Varying coupling constants and their interdependence5
Exact quantum-mechanical equations for particle beams5
Distribution dynamics of fisher and Wigner–Yanase information correlations of two qubits coupled to an open superconducting cavity5
Wormhole inducing inflation in Kaluza–Klein cosmology5
On the reformulation of the Thomas–Fermi model to make it compatible with the Planck-scale5
Yang–Mills effective Lagrangian — Contribution of Leutwyler zero mode chromons5
Gauss–Bonnet source of Brans–Dicke scalar field and accelerated expansion of universe5
Quasinormal modes of the Hayward black hole surrounded by quintessence: Scalar, electromagnetic and gravitational perturbations5
On the entanglement of co-ordinate and momentum degrees of freedom in noncommutative space5
Investigations on the Ti-induced fusion cross-sections in the range 44≤Z≤1045
On dynamical stability and information loss of a collapsing string fluid in rainbow gravity5
From black hole to white hole via the intermediate static state5
Behavior of spin-0 scalar particles in Eddington-inspired Born–Infeld gravity global monopole with harmonic oscillator potential5
Quantum forgery attacks against OTR structures based on Simon’s algorithm5
Searching maximally eight-qubit entangled states by using 8-tangle5
Harmonic oscillator in the context of the extended uncertainty principle5
Exploring the Bianchi-IX universe within Brans–Dicke theory and a deceleration parameter5
Aharonov–Bohm effect on the generalized Duffin–Kemmer–Petiau oscillator in the Som–Raychaudhuri spacetime5
Quasinormal modes, Hawking radiation and absorption of the massless scalar field for Bardeen black hole surrounded by perfect fluid dark matter5
Repulsive gravitational force and quintessence field in f(T) gravity: How anisotropic compact stars in strong energy condition behave5
Quantum secure direct communication based on quantum homomorphic encryption5
Stellar structures admitting Noether symmetries in f(ℛ,???? ) gravity5
Mass variation effect in CR3B problem with nanoscale5
Photoelectron angular distributions for photoionization of argon by two-color fields5
Search for Θ+ in KLp→K+n reaction in KLF at JLab5
Quantum entanglement and axion physics4
The Minkowski vacuum of stochastic composite gravity4
Monte Carlo modeling of production of three alpha-particles in low energy n +12C interactions4
Quantification of correlations in bipartite states via metric-adjusted skew information4
Custodial and SUSY 2HDM breaking under interfering condensates’ Goldstone bosons4
Bulk-induced gravitational waves on braneworld wormhole4
FRW Universe with a Parameterization of the EoS Parameter in f(Q) Gravity4
Preface — Special Issue on Future Tau Charm Facilities 2024: Accelerator and software and computing4
Duffin–Kemmer–Petiau equation and thermodynamic quantities4
Longitudinal beam dynamics and collective effects at the STCF collider rings4
An anisotropic interior solution of Einstein equations4
Dynamical aspects of torsion on anisotropic dissipative matter4
Quintessence reconstruction through new Tsallis holographic dark energy model4
Accelerator commissioning and rare isotope identification at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams4
On the origin of the holographic universe4
Calculations of GDR parameters for deformed nuclei using LogitBoost classifier and artificial neural network4
Gauge fixing and metric independence in topological quantum theories4
Nonlocal quark scalar condensate from the Dyson–Schwinger equation and the gluon vacuum polarization based on the OPE approach4
Effect of nucleon coupling constants on the mass radius ratio of proto neutron star PSR J0737-3039A4
Forward–backward multiplicity distribution with the Chou–Yang model for pp collisions at s = 0.9, 7 and 8 TeV from the CMS experiment4
Reflecting attack and improvement of a semi-quantum private comparison protocol with three-particle GHZ-like states4
Inflationary magnetogenesis of primordial magnetic fields with multiple vector fields4
Proof to count bound state nodes in supersymmetric quantum mechanics4
Conservation of boundary term for gravitational action4
Investigating μ±μ−→μ±μ− collisions under the effect of scalar and vector unparticles in Randall–Sundrum model4
Exploring entanglement characteristics in disordered free fermion systems through random bi-partitioning4
Wormhole inducing inflation with Einstein–Gauss–Bonnet dilaton interaction4
Hyperbolic behavior of anisotropic Bianchi type-I cosmological model4
Landau levels for the (2 + 1) Dunkl–Klein–Gordon oscillator4
Amplitude damping error on QKD: Effect and a probable bypass4
Singularities of worldsheets along framed particle trajectories in Minkowski three-space4
The investigation of Carnot engine in the presence of deformed formalism4
Rare radiative Ξb−→ Ξ−γ decay in the relativistic quark model4
Destroying Kerr–Newman-Nut-Quintessence black hole4
A generalized anisotropic model for super dense stars4
Coupling between DBI dark energy model and f(Q) gravity and its effect on condensed body mass accretion4
Barbero–Immirzi value from experiment4
Kaluza–Klein cosmological model with strange-quark-matter in f(R,T) theory of gravity4
Numerical studies on holographic paramagnetic-ferromagnetic phase transition in Gauss–Bonnet gravity4
Inverse Radon transforms: Analytical and Tikhonov-like regularizations of inversion4
Quasi-local black hole thermodynamics and gravitational pressure4
Charmonium pair production at the LHCb in the ICEM using the kT–factorization: DPS versus SPS4
Effective action approach to the dynamical map4
Majorana transformation of the Thomas–Fermi equation demystified4
Properties of hybrid stars with hadron–quark crossover4
Simultaneous quantum identity authentication scheme utilizing entanglement swapping with secret key preservation4
Algebraic structure of Dirac–Pauli equation with account to AMM of neutron in the presence of magnetic field with cylindrical symmetry4
MTN is all you need: Production of multiple semi-invisible resonances at hadron colliders4
Study of new physics effects in lepton flavor violating B→K2∗(1430)l1l2 decays4
Quantum state sharing of an arbitrarym-particle state using Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen pairs and application in quantum voting4
Effect of nonfactorizable background geometry on the thermodynamics of galaxy clusters4
Cosmological consequences of the Lorentz and Doppler transformations4
Constraints on the dimensionality of space4
Status of the Super Charm-Tau Detector software4
On the non-flatness nature of noncommutative Minkowski spacetime and the singular behavior of probes4
Bound states of the isotonic Mathews–Lakshmanan oscillator system within the Dunkl formalism3
Temperature fluctuations and Tsallis statistics in relativistic heavy ion collisions3
Deep anharmonicity on the relativistic spin-0 particles within the spherical regime3
A dynamical evolution of GRB-afterglows in a new generic model3
Magnetic monopole energy cooling source model of old white dwarf stars3
Smeared mass source wormholes in modified f(R) gravity with the Lorentzian density distribution function3
High-precision QED initial state corrections for e+e−→ γ∗/Z∗ annihilation3
The competition between α-decay and spontaneous fission for even–even isotopes of superheavy nuclei in the range 106≤Z≤1243
The susceptibility exponent of Nambu–Goto strings3
“Krein” regularization method3
Generalized linearly varying deceleration parameter solutions of higher dimensional universe in f(R,T) theory3
One-parameter Darboux-deformed Fibonacci numbers3
Generalized Rogers–Ramanujan expressions for some non-singlet twisted affine algebras3
Classification of all constant solutions of SU(2) Yang–Mills equations with arbitrary current in pseudo-Euclidean space ℝp,q3
Evolution equations dynamical system of the Lemaître–Tolman–Bondi metric containing coupled dark energy3
R(K(∗)) with vector unparticles3
Dynamical system scenario for accretion discs: Dark energy acting through the spacetime metric3
Quasifission barriers of heavy ion fusion reaction leading to the synthesis of superheavy nuclei 104 ≤ Z ≤ 126 with actinide targets3
From D = 3 to D = 2 dimensions: A note on topological order3
Harvesting quantum coherence from axion dark matter3
Phonon modes of magnetic vortex lattices in finite isospin chiral perturbation theory3
Fermion realizations of generalized Kac–Moody and Virasoro algebras associated to the two-sphere and the two-torus3
Non-commutative space engine: A boost to thermodynamic processes3
Exact solution of the Dunkl–Schrödinger equation for an angular-dependent potential and application of the Hellman–Feynman theorem3
New method for merging several exponential operators’ product into one exponential operator3
Quantum information entropy and squeezing of ????????-symmetric potential3
Scalar–tensor f(R) gravity model for late-time universe3
Author index Volume 383
Pseudo generalized Ricci-recurrent spacetimes and modified gravity3
Background mode selection during asymptotic-de Sitter inflation3
Experiment with a laser and a mirror to accurately measure the Hubble constant3
Implementation of the entanglement measure in quantum gates language3
Lie symmetry classification for the 1+1 and 1+2 generalized Zoomeron equations3
Supersymmetry anomalies and the Wess–Zumino model in a supergravity background3
Deformation quantization for systems with second-class constraints in deformed fermionic phase space3
Cryptanalysis and improvement of the measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution with hyper-encoding3
Masses of doubly heavy tetraquarks QQq̄n̄ with JP = 1+3
Effects of deuteron optical model potentials on the production cross-section calculations of 66-68Ga from natZn and natGe3
Ghost dark energy in Rastall theory3
The third law of thermodynamics, non-extensivity and energy definition in black hole physics3
Chaotic string dynamics in bosonic η-deformed AdS5×T1,1 background3
Physical content of the bosonized light-front Schwinger model3
AdS black brane solution surrounded by quintessence in massive gravity and KSS bound3
Canonical quantum quantization for interior of black hole and white hole3
Cryptanalysis and improvement on two party quantum private comparison based on seven-qubit and eight-qubit states3
Open quantum system dynamics of X-states: Entanglement sudden death and sudden birth3
The production of charged particles and the kaonic nuclei K−pp and K+p̄p̄ in Au + Au collisions at s = 130 GeV3
Recursive structure of the Gauß hypergeometric function and boundary/crosscap conformal block3
MONG: An extension to galaxy clusters3
Curvaton and quantum gravity effect on the tensor-to-scalar ratio of the chaotic inflation3
Structure and decay chain of fermium isotopes using relativistic mean-field approach3
Scaled affine quantization of φ312 is nontrivial3
Effective field theory for a singlet scalar extension of the standard model and electroweak phase transition3
Measurements of the cross-section of 111Cd(n,n′)111mCd reaction for 241Am/Be neutrons3
Level-density parameter in natural radioactive nuclei3
Asymptotic behavior for a commutative and noncommutative in coordinates Mixmaster model3
Discrete phase space and continuous time relativistic quantum mechanics I: Planck oscillators and closed string-like circular orbits3
Anisotropic compact stars model with generalized Bardeen–Hayward mass function3