Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research

(The median citation count of Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
A Semi-Online Algorithm for Single Machine Scheduling with Rejection20
Solving Nonconvex Feasibility Problem on a Sphere and a Closed Ball by Douglas–Rachford Algorithm15
A Study of Multi-Constraints Emergency Transportation Problem in Disaster Response14
Integrating Operations Research into Very Large-Scale Integrated Circuits Placement Design: A Review14
Scheduling double-track gantry cranes to minimize the overall loading/ unloading time12
Single Machine Scheduling with Rejection and a Non-Availability Interval to Minimize the Maximum Delivery Completion Time Plus the Total Rejection Cost11
Bicriteria Common Flow Allowance Scheduling with Aging Effect, Convex Resource Allocation, and a Rate-Modifying Activity on a Single Machine11
Portfolio Selection Based on Mean-Generalized Variance Analysis: Evidence from the G20 Stock Markets11
A Strong Convergence Theorem for Solving the Split Equality Fixed Point Problem10
Preface: Advance Analytics in Maritime Systems9
Author Index Volume 389
Optimal Algorithms for Inverse Eccentric Vertex Location Problem on Extended Star Networks8
Efficiency Evaluation of Two-Stage Supply Chains with Loss Aversion using the Dea-Based Cooperative Approach8
On Second-Order Semi-Differentiability of Index γ of Perturbation Maps in Parametric Vector Optimization Problems8
Exact Approach for Integrated Delivery Optimization of E-Commerce and Online-to-Offline Parcels8
Streaming Algorithms for Maximizing Monotone DR-Submodular Functions with a Cardinality Constraint on the Integer Lattice7
Demand Information Sharing in the Presence of B2B Spot Market7
Approximation Algorithms for the Capacitated Min–Max Correlation Clustering Problem7
Research on the Measurement of Subject Credit Risk of Chinese Port Enterprises by Constrained Logistic Regression7
Bag-of-Tasks Scheduling with Rejection in Large Computing Systems7
A Computational Approach to Optimal Control Problems with Almost Smooth Controls7
Belief Propagation for Unbalanced Assignment Problem7
An Optimal Online Algorithm for Scheduling with Learning Consideration6
Optimality Conditions for E-Convex Interval-Valued Programming Problem Using gH-Symmetrical Derivative6
Approximation Algorithms for Non-Submodular Optimization Over Sliding Windows6
Product Introduction with Parallel Importation6
The Optimal Pricing in Blockchain-Enabled Enterprises Operation Considering Privacy Attitude and Privacy Protection6
Evaluation of Liquefied Natural Gas as a Ship Fuel for Liner Shipping Using Evolutionary Game Theory6
Coordinating Vulnerable Supply Chains with Option Contracts5
Game-Theoretic Analysis for Green R&D Investment Strategies in the Vehicle Market5
Unification of Higher-Order Dual Programs Over Cones5
A Single Machine Group Scheduling Problem with Due Date Assignment and Position-Dependent Costs5
Improved Kemeny Median Indicator Ranks Accordance Method5
On Solving the Convex Semi-Infinite Minimax Problems via Superlinear ???????? Incremental Bundle Technique with Partial Inexact Oracle5
Workload Balancing Among Heathcare Workers Under Uncertain Service Time Using Distributionally Robust Optimization5
Advance Selling Strategy with Return Service: The Impacts of Information Disclosure and Disclosure Methods4
A Combinatorial Characterization for Population Monotonic Allocations in Convex Independent Set Games4
The Incentive to Join in Customer-to-Manufacturer (C2M) Mode: Competition and Quality Differentiation4
No-Idle Flow Shop Scheduling with Deteriorating Jobs and Common Due Date Under Dominating Machines4
A Resource Allocation Problem with Convex Resource-Dependent Processing Times Under A Two-Machine Flow Shop Environment4
Collaborative Routing Optimization for Heterogeneous Trucks–Drones Under Urban Regional Restrictions4
Service Time and Pricing Decisions in Online Retailing with Drop-Shipping and Guaranteed Service Framework4
Reparametric Sampling for Small Object Image Recognition4
A Halpern Fixed-Point Iteration-Based Approach to Harmonic Model Predictive Control Problem4
Smoothing Approximation to the New Exact Penalty Function with Two Parameters3
A Real-Time Pricing Scheme with Advertisement Competition Based on Multi-Leader–Multi-Follower Game in Smart Community3
Order-Fulfillment Coalitions in a Hybrid E-Commerce Platform: Myopic versus Farsighted Stability3
Fritz John Optimality Conditions for Interval-Valued Multi-Objective Functions Using gH-Symmetrical Derivative3
Logistics Service Openness Strategy of Online Platforms with Vertical Differentiation and Endogenous Service Level3
A New Location and Routing Model for Cross-Docking of Fresh Produce3
A Unified Approach to Single-Machine Scheduling with Position-Based Processing Times, Machine Availability, and Job Rejection3
An Accelerated Regularized Chebyshev–Halley Method for Unconstrained Optimization3
MPCNet: Smart Contract-Based Multiparty Computing Network for Federated Learning3
Production and Reserve Strategies of Relief Materials Based on Post-disaster Spot Market3
The Extended Dominating Sets in Graphs3
Multicriteria ABC Inventory Classification Using a Group Decision Making Method with Individual Preferences3
A Proximal Bundle Method with Exact Penalty Technique and Bundle Modification Strategy for Nonconvex Nonsmooth Constrained Optimization3
A Time–Cost Tradeoff Problem with Multiple Assessments and Release Times on a Chain Precedence Graph3
On Exchange Methods for Nonlinear Semi-Infinite Programs3
Integrating Customer Order Decoupling Point with Operation Planning in Deteriorating Supply Chain: General Dynamic Model and Applications3
Applying Simulation Optimization for Agile Vehicle Fleet Sizing of Automated Material Handling Systems in Semiconductor Manufacturing2
Online Batch Scheduling of Incompatible Job Families with Variable Lookahead Interval2
Joint Channel and Logistics Selection Strategies in an E-Commerce Supply Chain with a Capital-Constrained Supplier2
An Optimization Model for Selecting Sample Days2
Trade Credit Financing for Two Competitive Retailers in a Capital-Constrained Supply Chain2
Study on Low-Carbon Supply Chain Coordination Considering Reference Emission Reduction Effect2
Could Regression of Stationary Series Be Spurious?2
An Active-Set-Based Recursive Approach for Solving Convex Isotonic Regression with Generalized Order Restrictions2
Online Single-Processor Scheduling with an Unexpected Breakdown2
Eigenvalue-Corrected Natural Gradient Based on a New Approximation2
Unrelated Parallel Machine Scheduling with Job Splitting, Setup Time, Learning Effect, Processing Cost and Machine Eligibility2
Non-Submodular Maximization with Matroid and Knapsack Constraints2
A Novel Two-Stage Game Model for Pricing Cloud/ Fog Computing Resource in Blockchain Systems2
Scalarization and Optimality Conditions of E-Globally Proper Efficient Solution for Set-Valued Equilibrium Problems2
Maritime container shipping fleet deployment considering demand uncertainty2
Slack Due-Window Assignment Scheduling Problem with Deterioration Effects and a Deteriorating Maintenance Activity2
A Weighted Inverse Minimum s − t Cut Problem with Value Constraint Under the Bottleneck-Type Hamming Distance2
An Inexact Semismooth Newton-Based Augmented Lagrangian Algorithm for Multi-Task Lasso Problems2
Strategic Technology Innovation of a Basic Product in an E-Commerce Platform Supply Chain with a Potential Entrant in a Complementary Goods Market2
Semi-Online Scheduling on Two Identical Parallel Machines with Initial-Lookahead Information2
Semi-Additive Integer-Valued Production Technology for Analyzing Public Hospitals in Mashhad2
Deep Time-Aware Attention Neural Network for Sequential Recommendation2
Procurement Contract Design Under Asymmetric Information of Random Yield2
Sourcing Channel Decision in the Presence of Platform Encroachment with Quantity Competition2
Approximation Algorithms for the Maximum-Weight Cycle/Path Packing Problems1
A Dynamic and Stochastic Cumulative Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem1
A Drone-Driven Delivery Network Design for an On-Demand O2O Platform Considering Hazard Risks and Customer Heterogeneity1
More on Scarf’s Complementarity Problem and its Error Bounds1
A Study on Efficient Computing Budget Allocation for a Two-Stage Problem1
On the Quasiconcave Multilevel Programming Problems1
Earliness-Tardiness Scheduling with Delivery Times and Deteriorating Jobs1
Minimizing Total Weighted Late Work in a Proportionate Flow Shop with Job Rejection1
Theoretically Scrutinizing Kinks on Efficient Frontiers and Computationally Reporting Nonexistence of the Tangent Portfolio for the Capital Asset Pricing Model by Parametric-Quadratic Programming1
X-Convexity and Quasi-X-Convex Functions with Applications1
Multiple Objective Simulation Optimization for Emergency Department Resource Allocation1
Minimizing the Expected Renewable Resource Costs in a Project with Stochastic Resource Availability1
The Coordinator Role of Trade Credit Contract for Coordinating Integrated Pricing and Periodic Review Inventory Decisions With Stochastic Demand1
Pricing and Cargo Canvassing with Risk-Sensitive Shipping Lines: A Mean-Risk Analysis1
An Accelerated Three-Term Extension of a Descent Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient Method1
Consequences of Trade Regulations on International Trade in Remanufacturing1
Coordination Mechanisms for Traceable Products in the Context of Live Streaming E-Commerce from the Perspective of Platform, Anchor, and Consumer1
Does Gold Still Shelter Inflation, and, if so, When? Evidence From Four Countries1
How Does Queueing Information in Pre-Sales Call Centers Affect Customer Repurchase Behavior1
Proportionate Flow Shop Scheduling with Job-dependent Due Windows and Position-dependent Weights1
A Nonmonotone Smoothing-Type Algorithm for a System of Inequalities Associated with Circular Cones1
Improving Multi-Aspect QoE for Large-Scale O2O Order Allocation and Distribution Problem Using Social Behavior Whale Optimization1
Operational Research for Technology-Driven Supply Chains in the Industry 4.0 Era: Recent Development and Future Studies1
A Benders and Column Generation Method to Integrated Aircraft and Passenger Recovery with Cruise Speed Control Under Slot Capacity Restriction1
Proximal Gradient-Type Algorithms for a Class of Bilevel Programming Problems1
A Variational Inequality-Based Location-Allocation Algorithm for Locating Multiple Interactive Facilities1
Improved Accelerated Gradient Algorithms with Line Search for Smooth Convex Optimization Problems1
Long-Term Mine Planning: A Survey of Classical, Hybrid and Artificial Intelligence-Based Methods1
Impact of Information Sharing Modes on the Dual-Channel Closed Loop Supply Chains Under Different Power Structures1
Embedding Best-Worst Method into Data Envelopment Analysis1
Quantitative Stability and Empirical Approximation of Risk-Averse Models Induced by Two-Stage Stochastic Programs with Full Random Recourse1
Maximizing the Net Present Value in Project Scheduling Under Periodic Inflation1
Bibliometric Analysis on Port and Shipping Researches in Scope of Management Science1
Error Bounds for Inverse Mixed Quasi-Variational Inequality via Generalized Residual Gap Functions1
Yard Template Generation in a Container Terminal Considering Time Requirement of Vessel Operation1
Research on Delivery Times Scheduling with Sum of Logarithm Processing Times-Based Learning Effect1
Application of a Distributionally Robust Optimization Approach for Single-Period Stochastic Inventory Problems with Different Carbon Policies1
V–E Algorithm: A New Vital Vertex Identifying Algorithm Based on Vertex–Edge Interaction1
A Solution Method for the Maritime Pilot Scheduling Problem with Working Hour Regulations1
Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Minimum Cost Submodular Cover Problem with Lower Adaptive Complexity1
Variable Neighborhood Descent for Multi-Compartment and Multi-Objective Vehicle Routing Problem in Refined Product Distribution1
On Proper Separation Theorems by Means of the Quasi-Relative Interior with Applications1
Approximation Algorithms for Spherical k-Means Problem with Penalties Using Local Search Techniques1
Single-Machine Due-Window Assignment Scheduling with Resource Allocation and Generalized Earliness/Tardiness Penalties1
Heuristics for Finding Sparse Solutions of Linear Inequalities1
Single-Machine Scheduling Problems with Variable Processing Times and Past-Sequence-Dependent Delivery Times1
Proximal Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers with Convex Combination Proximal Centers1
A Multi-Strategy Co-Evolutionary Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm with Its Convergence Analysis1
A New Cost-Sharing Scheme for Cleaning Up Polluted Line-Structure River1
Systematic Review of the Latest Scientific Publications on the Vehicle Routing Problem1
Submodular Maximization Subject to a Knapsack Constraint Under Noise Models1
Showroom Deployment with Consumers’ Anticipated Regret1
A Composite Indicator Methodology to Rank National Olympic Committees1
Study on Due-Date Assignment Scheduling with Setup Times and General Truncated Learning Effects1
Incorporating Maintenance Infeasibilities in an Aircraft Rotation Planning Model1
Min–Max Scheduling of Batch or Drop-Line Jobs Under Agreeable Release and Processing Times1
Distributed Core Decomposition in Probabilistic Graphs1
Merging Decision-Making Units with Fuzzy Data1
An Improved TOPSIS Within the DEA Framework1
An Efficient Splitting Algorithm for Solving the CDT Subproblem1
An Integrated Response-Surface-Based Method for Simulation Optimization with Correlated Outputs1
Parallel Machines Scheduling with Deteriorating Maintenance Activities and Job Rejection1
Optimal Strategies for A Dual-Channel Farming Supply Chain with Horizontal Competition and Cooperation1
Equilibrium Pricing, Advertising, and Quality Strategies in a Platform Service Supply Chain1
Delay-Tolerant Distributed Algorithms for Decision-Making in Vehicular Networks1