International Journal of Social Psychology

(The median citation count of International Journal of Social Psychology is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Are gender stereotypes changing over time? A cross-temporal analysis of perceptions about gender stereotypes in Spain (¿Están cambiando los estereotipos de género con el tiempo? Un análisis transte11
Perception of economic inequality: concepts, associated factors and prospects of a burgeoning research agenda (Percepción de desigualdad económica: conceptos, factores asociados yproyeccione8
Coping styles in heterosexual and non-heterosexual students in Lebanon: a cross-sectional study (Estilo de afrontamiento en estudiantes heterosexuales y no heterosexuales en Líbano: un estudio tran6
Enhancing social entrepreneurial intentions through outcome expectations, perceived social support and social entrepreneurial self-efficacy: the moderating effects of sustainability orientation (Me6
Political orientation and system justification: the moderating role of national identity in a Spanish sample (Orientación política y justificación del sistema: el rol moderador de la identidad naci5
Tobacco dependence and motivation to quit smoking: an identity-based framework (Adicción al tabaco y motivación para dejar de fumar: una perspectiva identitaria)5
Influence of sexist language on motivation and feelings of ostracism (La influencia del lenguaje sexista en la motivación y el sentimiento de ostracismo)4
Talking about ‘victims’, ‘survivors’ and ‘battered women’: how labels affect the perception of women who have experienced intimate partner violence (‘Víctimas’, ‘supervivientes’ y ‘mujeres maltrata4
How and when need for cognitive closure impacts attitudes towards women managers (Cómo y cuándo la necesidad de cierre influye en las actitudes hacia las mujeres directivas)4
The mirage of the jihad. Disenchantment as the pathway to disengagement of female jihadists. A case study about radicalization in Spanish prisons (El espejismo de la yihad. El desencanto como camin4
Feeling poor or feeling poorer: comparing subjective measures of income in predicting health and well-being ( Sentirse pobre o más pobre: comparación de medidas subjetivas del nivel de 3
Is guanxi belief predicted by system-justifying ideologies? Exploring the relationship of guanxi belief with meritocratic ideology, social dominance orientation and right-wing authoritarianism (¿So3
High school students’ sexist beliefs about academic abilities and women’s roles: the influence of school specialization (Creencias sexistas de los estudiantes de enseñanza secundaria sobre las apti3
Meritocracy beliefs and intolerance towards wealth inequality among higher subjective social status Filipinos (Creencias meritocráticas e intolerancia ante la desigualdad económica entre la poblaci3
Confronting or avoiding confrontation? The role of sexism in evaluating women who avoid confronting discrimination (¿Confrontar oevitar hacerlo? El rol del sexismo en la evaluación de mujere3
The role of job insecurity in emotional exhaustion and work engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic: the moderating effect of organizational reward and care policies (El papel de la inseguridad lab3
The different effects of income and educational level on prosocial behaviour and related ideological variables ( Los diversos efectos del nivel de ingresos y nivel ed3
AMMSA-21: a revised version of the Acceptance of Modern Myths About Sexual Aggression Scale in English, German, Polish and Spanish (AMMSA-21: una versión revisada de la escala Aceptación de Mitos M2
People at risk of social exclusion: mental health, structural-economic factors and sociocultural factors (Personas en riesgo de exclusión social: salud mental, factores económico-estructurales y so2
‘I know what is best for you better than you do’: cross-cultural evidence of the association between Monopoly on Truth and extremism (‘Yo sé mejor que tú lo que es mejor para ti’: evidencia transcu2
It is not enough to be a member: conditions for health benefits in associative participation (Ser miembro no es suficiente: condiciones en las que la participación asociativa reporta benefic2
A longitudinal analysis of social class and adolescent prosocial behaviour: a latent growth model approach (Un análisis longitudinal de clase social y conducta prosocial adolescente: un enfoque de 2
How people feel about their job: effects of regulatory mode on positivity and job satisfaction (¿Cómo se sienten las personas sobre su trabajo?: los efectos del modo regulatorio en la positividad y2
Real people or mere numbers? The influence of kill-save ratios and identifiability on moral judgements (¿Personas reales o meros números? La influencia de la proporción vidas sacrificadas/vidas sal2
Introduction to the special issue: nuances of social class and socioeconomic status ( Introducción a este monográfico: los matices del concepto de clase social y del nivel socioeconómic2
Older people’s dialogue about loneliness and social support: a cross-cultural qualitative study conducted in Spain and South Africa (Diálogo entre las personas mayores sobre la soledad y el apoyo s2
The differential impact of socioeconomic status indicators on values and self-mastery ( El impacto diferencial de los indicadores del nivel socioeconómico en los valores y el autodomini2
The (non-)reconciliatory effect of reparations for victims of political violence: a cross-sectional study of the Colombian transitional context (El efecto (no)reconciliatorio de la reparación a1
Where you come from matters: familial class background plays a greater role for status-related judgements in France than in the United States ( Tu procedencia importa: la clase social f1
Religiosity, abortion stigma and the mediating effect of gender attitudes. A study in the Chilean population (Religiosidad, estigma del aborto, y el efecto mediador de las actitudes de género. Un e1
Saving versus deleting thoughts affects focal and lateral attitude change (Guardar vs. eliminar los pensamientos influye en los cambios actitudinales focales y laterals)1
Collective fear and social representations of COVID-19. The role of the original ‘reasons’ for the fear object (Miedo colectivo y representaciones sociales de la COVID-19. El rol de las ‘razones’ o1
The roles of national and global identities and leaders in the acceptance of COVID-19 vaccines developed by different countries (Los roles de las identidades y los líderes nacionales y globales en 1
The role of perceived restorative capacity and crowding on satisfaction: a study in different tourist spaces (El papel de la capacidad restauradora percibida y el hacinamiento sobre la satisfacción1
Influence of followers’ strengths-based leadership on follower strengths use through intention to use strengths: the moderating role of work pressure (Los líderes basados en las fortalezas de los s1
Be autonomous or stay away! Providing evidence for autonomy beliefs as legitimizing myths for the stigma of schizophrenia (¡Sé autónomo o mantente al margen! Ofreciendo evidencias para las creencia1
Political socialization and legitimation of radical actions in adolescents: evidence from Chile (Socialización política y legitimación de acciones radicales en adolescentes: evidencia desde Chile1
Health or wealth? The influence of perceived health and wealth threats and style of thinking on protective behaviours and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain (¿Salud o riqueza? La infl1
Processes of radicalization, violent extremism and terrorism (Procesos de radicalización, extremismo violento y terrorismo)1
Adaptation and validation of the Dietarian Identity Questionnaire (DIQ) into the Spanish context (Adaptación y validación al contexto español del Cuestionario de Identidad Alimentaria — DIQ)1
Socio-economic inequalities of families and their differential impact on types of political participation in the new generation of 24 countries ( Desigualdades socio-económicas familiar1
Home habitability, perceived stress and antisocial behaviour (Habitabilidad de la vivienda, estrés percibido y conducta antisocial)1
Analysis of the radicalization of the 17-A terrorist cell: an empirical approach using the 3N model (Análisis del proceso de radicalización de la célula terrorista del 17-A: una aproximación empíri1
Standing up for close others: the relationship effect on moral courage across care and fairness contexts / En defensa de los más allegados: el efecto de la relación en la valentía moral en contexto0
The psychosocial adjustment of care leavers in their transition to adult independent living (El ajuste psicosocial de jóvenes extutelados en su transición a la vida adulta independiente)0
Lower subjective socioeconomic status is associated with self-dehumanization rather than other-dehumanization: the mediating role of belief in a just world / El nivel socioeconómico subjetivo bajo 0
From the concept of threat to the common sense of societal threat: a qualitative inquiry of societal threats’ features / Del concepto de amenaza al significado lego de la amenaza social: un estudio0
The impact of individual differences in the holistic-analytic thinking style and product incongruences on word of mouth / El efecto de las diferencias individuales en el estilo de pensamiento holís0
Social representation of COVID-19, attitudes and knowledge in the adult Portuguese population (La representación social, las actitudes y los conocimientos de la población adulta portuguesa s0
Reviewers for 2022 / Evaluadores del año 20220
Tolerance and perceived threat matter! Understanding employment discrimination against immigrants in the Spanish labour market / ¡La tolerancia y la amenaza percibida importan! Entender la discriminac0
Inclusion of the partner in the self and its association with relational quality and quality of life: an analysis based on the actor-partner interdependence model / La inclusión de la pareja en el 0
Magellanic ecological identity: comparison between groups from different cultural and regional backgrounds / Identidad ecológica magallánica: comparación entre grupos de orígenes culturales y terri0
Reviewers for 2020 / Evaluadores del año 20200
Hostile classism and admiration: antecedents of the perceived humanity of low- and high-socioeconomic-status groups / Clasismo hostil y admiración: antecedentes de la humanidad percibida de los gru0
Spillover outcomes of job insecurity: differences among men and women (Consecuencias indirectas de la inseguridad laboral: diferencias entre hombres y mujeres)0
Efficacy of peaceful and violent protests as predictors of normative and non-normative collective action: Catalonia 2019 ( La eficacia de la protesta pacífica y de la violenta como pred0
Normative effect of economic inequality: empirical evidence about conspicuous consumption (Efecto normativo de la desigualdad económica: evidencias empíricas sobre el consumo conspicuo)0
Expressing negative emotions and not feeling them improves effectiveness in solving disputes (Expresar emociones negativas yno sentirlas mejora la eficacia en la resolución de disputas)0
‘We will show our strength!’: the independentists’ support for group-based hierarchy to guarantee and legitimate ingroup status-enhancement (‘¡Mostraremos nuestra fuerza!’: el apoyo de los independ0
The humiliation of the abused woman: the internalization of self-devaluation as a key factor in victim inaction / La humillación de la mujer maltratada: la interiorización de la devaluación del yo 0
Cross-sectional analysis of coping strategies and anxiety and depression levels in a sample of the Andalusian population during the home lockdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic (Análisis transvers0
Community on conflict: social representations of the recent past among members of historical memory associations of Biscay (La comunidad en conflicto: representaciones sociales del pasado reciente 0
All victims have something to say: the differential impact of victims’ narratives on intergroup forgiveness / Todas las víctimas tienen algo que decir: el impacto diferencial de las narrativas de v0
Social participation and radicalism: the mediating role of group identification / Participación social y radicalismo: el papel mediador de la identificación grupal0
Moral foundations and perceptions of rape in Colombia (Fundamentos morales y percepciones del abuso sexual en Colombia)0
Linguistic differences in the political communication of winning mayors in Colombia’s local elections between 2019 and 2023 / Diferencias lingüísticas en la comunicación política de gobernantes gan0
Beyond the presumption of monogamy: the role of religiosity, political conservatism and mononormativity in motivating opposition towards poly families / Más allá de la presunción de monogamia: el r0
Inaugural editorial / Editorial inaugural0
Reviewers for 2021 / (Evaluadores del año 2021)0
The effects of self-oriented perfectionism in an experimental personnel selection context: a self-validation analysis / Los efectos del perfeccionismo auto-orientado en un contexto experimental de 0
Nature connectedness taking into account its negative elements / Conectividad con la naturaleza atendiendo a los elementos negativos de la misma0
Adaptation and validation into Spanish of the moral outrage scale (Adaptación y validación de la Escala de Indignación Moral al español)0
Why do we vent our emotions and blame others during the coronavirus pandemic? The role of emotional clarity in the United States and South Korea (¿Por qué ventilamos nuestras emociones y culpabiliz0
Does threat cause discrimination or does discrimination cause threat? (¿La amenaza causa la discriminación o la discriminación causa la amenaza?)0
Opportunities for contact, contact valence and outgroup attitudes: the moderating role of outgroup anger / Oportunidades de contacto, valencia de contacto y actitudes del exogrupo: el rol moderador0
Protecting ingroup’s humanity: the role of gender and regional belonging (Proteger la humanidad del grupo: el papel del género y de la pertenencia regional)0
Voy a tocarte toa: preferences for sexist music and sexist attitudes predict unwanted sexual attention harassment (Voy a tocarte toa: las preferencias para la música sexista y las actitudes sexista0
The association between recall of historical events and well-being (La asociación del recuerdo de eventos históricos con el bienestar)0
You earn what you weigh: the effect of physical constitution and type of job on remuneration in a simulated personnel selection context (Ganas lo que pesas: el efecto de la complexión física y el t0
Analysis of the cognitive function of myths about gender violence: the case of Rocío Carrasco / Análisis de la función cognitiva de los mitos sobre la violencia de género: el caso de Rocío Carrasco0
The negative effects of stereotype threat on women’s spatial ability: the moderating role of resilience / Los efectos negativos de la amenaza de estereotipo en las habilidades espaciales de las muj0
Reviewers for 2023 / Evaluadores del año 20230
Remembering according to national identity and ideology: influences of ideological positioning and national identities on the collective memory of the Civil War and dictatorship in Spain among youths 0
Social class differences in attribution of stability and purchase intention following a product-harm crisis / Diferencias entre clases sociales en la atribución de estabilidad y la intención de com0
Managers’ displays of busyness predict employees’ job engagement, burnout and turnover intentions (Las muestras de laboriosidad de los superiores predicen el compromiso laboral, el agotamiento y la0
Couple-Specific Dependency Scale in Spanish adolescents and invariance by gender and relationship status (Escala de dependencia específica de la pareja en adolescentes españoles e invarianza por gé0
“I Have Nothing to Complain About!”: System Justification Tendencies Undermines Collective Action Through Adherence to Hierarchy-Legitimizing Ideologies / “No tengo de qué quejarme”: Las tendencias0
How human are you? The humanness scale (¿Cuán humano eres tú? La escala de humanidad)0
How do adolescents perceive Chinese and Romanian immigrants? Testing the extended stereotype content model (¿Cómo perciben los adolescentes a los inmigrantes de origen chino y rumano? Una prueba de0