Revista Matematica Iberoamericana

(The TQCC of Revista Matematica Iberoamericana is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Stability of weighted norm inequalities22
Identification of non-isomorphic $2$-groups with dihedral central quotient and isomorphic modular group algebras14
Local mean value estimates for Weyl sums13
Asymptotic expansions for harmonic functions at conical boundary points11
Nikodym sets and maximal functions associated with spheres11
Sharp Fourier extension for functions with localized support on the circle9
Asymptotic estimates for the largest volume ratio of a convex body8
An optimal multiplier theorem for Grushin operators in the plane, I7
Handlebody diagram algebras7
Real Kaehler submanifolds in codimension up to four7
Braided open book decompositions in $S^3$7
Carleson perturbations for the regularity problem6
Partial Gaussian sums and the Pólya–Vinogradov inequality for primitive characters6
Coregular submanifolds and Poisson submersions6
Examples and applications of the density of strongly norm attaining Lipschitz maps5
Noncommutative partially convex rational functions5
Distribution symmetry of toral eigenfunctions5
Towards a classification of entanglements of Galois representations attached to elliptic curves5
Jet spaces over Carnot groups5
Elliptic Reeb orbit on some real projective three-spaces via ECH5
An example concerning Fourier analytic criteria for translational tiling5
Cones, rectifiability, and singular integral operators5
New slope inequalities for families of complete intersections5
Higher Jacobian ideals, contact equivalence and motivic zeta functions5
Tridiagonal kernels and left-invertible operators with applications to Aluthge transforms4
Falconer’s $(K, d)$ distance set conjecture can fail for strictly convex sets $K$ in $\mathbb R^d$4
$C^2$ interpolation with range restriction4
From octonions to composition superalgebras via tensor categories4
SDEs with random and irregular coefficients4
On the Northcott property for special values of L-functions4
Convex bodies and graded families of monomial ideals4
The Poincaré problem for reducible curves4
$L^{p}$ improving properties and maximal estimates for certain multilinear averaging operators4
Scattering for critical radial Neumann waves outside a ball4
Partial differential equations from matrices with orthogonal columns4
Holomorphic semigroups and Sarason’s characterization of vanishing mean oscillation3
The Dirichlet problem of translating mean curvature equations3
Optimal agnostic control of unknown linear dynamics in a bounded parameter range3
Nijenhuis geometry III: gl-regular Nijenhuis operators3
Profinite rigidity of fibring3
Deformation classification of quartic surfaces with simple singularities3
The angular derivative problem for petals of one-parameter semigroups in the unit disk3
Extrapolation of compactness on weighted spaces3
The sharp quantitative isocapacitary inequality3
A property of ideals of jets of functions vanishing on a set3
Negative amphichiral knots and the half-Conway polynomial3
Horizontally quasiconvex envelope in the Heisenberg group3
Sharp Hardy–Sobolev–Maz’ya, Adams and Hardy–Adams inequalities on quaternionic hyperbolic spaces and on the Cayley hyperbolic plane3
Kostant’s problem for fully commutative permutations3
Slab theorem and halfspace theorem for constant mean curvature surfaces in $\mathbb H^2\times\mathbb R$3
Supercaloric functions for the porous medium equation in the fast diffusion case3
On Gaussian decay rates of harmonic oscillators and equivalences of related Fourier uncertainty principles3
Gaussian almost primes in almost all narrow sectors3
A sphericity criterion for strictly pseudoconvex hypersurfaces in $\mathbb{C}^{2}$ via invariant curves3
Keller and Lieb–Thirring estimates of the eigenvalues in the gap of Dirac operators3
Tensorization of quasi-Hilbertian Sobolev spaces3
Spans of translates in weighted $\ell^p$ spaces2
Product-complete tilting complexes and Cohen–Macaulay hearts2
Rigidity of the Pu inequality and quadratic isoperimetric constants of normed spaces2
Tangent ray foliations and their associated outer billiards2
A set with no Riesz basis of exponentials2
Short incompressible graphs and $2$-free groups2
Small cap decoupling inequalities: Bilinear methods2
Contractive inequalities between Dirichlet and Hardy spaces2
The large sieve with prime moduli2
Epsilon-regularity for the solutions of a free boundary system2
Decoupling for two quadratic forms in three variables: a complete characterization2
Homogenization of iterated singular integrals with applications to random quasiconformal maps2
Every noncompact surface is a leaf of a minimal foliation2
Universal bounds on the entropy of toroidal attractors2
Bi-Lipschitz arcs in metric spaces with controlled geometry2
Bing meets Sobolev2
Equivalence of critical and subcritical sharp Trudinger–Moser inequalities in fractional dimensions and extremal functions2
A McKay bijection for projectors2
Sums of squares III: Hypoellipticity in the infinitely degenerate regime2
Gap distributions of Fourier quasicrystals with integer weights via Lee–Yang polynomials2
An upper bound on the hot spots constant2
Solutions of definable ODEs with regular separation and dichotomy interlacement versus Hardy2
Asymptotic $N$-soliton-like solutions of the fractional Korteweg–de Vries equation2
$L^{p}$ gradient estimates and Calderón–Zygmund inequalities under Ricci lower bounds2
Real semisimple Lie groups and balanced metrics2
Transport equation in generalized Campanato spaces2
Localized regularity of planar maps of finite distortion2
Growth of Sobolev norms for $2d$ NLS with harmonic potential2
Asymptotic mapping class groups of Cantor manifolds and their finiteness properties (with an appendix by Oscar Randal-Williams)2