Revista Espanola de Linguistica Aplicada

(The TQCC of Revista Espanola de Linguistica Aplicada is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Translation unit and quality of translation9
Becoming a translation teacher7
Functionally-defined recurrent multi-word units in English-to-Polish translation6
La unidad verbal cantaría en las gramáticas de ELE5
Subtitling of ostensible speech acts (OSAs)5
Developing language attitudes in a second language4
Adjectival and verbal agreement in the oral production of early and late bilinguals3
Authoring support for Spanish language writers3
Incidental vocabulary learning and retention of EFL learners3
“A los niños se les habla en castellano”3
Task-modality effects on young learners’ language-related episodes in collaborative dialogue3
“¡Por el presente se certifica!”2
The role of phonological short-term memory in second language phonology2
Micropolíticas lingüísticas familiares de resistencia2
Functions and transmission of humour in interpreter-mediated healthcare consultations2
Revisited interpretation ofTa’ārof2
Constructing identity through code choice and code-switching2
Thinking for speaking in the right aspect2
Sources and steps of corpus lemmatization1
A story-writing based study on the acquisition of aspect in Spanish by Mandarin Chinese learners1
Effects of task repetition with written corrective feedback on the knowledge and written accuracy of learners with different prior knowledge of the structure1
Positivity in the English language learning classroom1
El españolismo lingüístico en el alumnado madrileño de Bachillerato1
Effects of language background and directionality on raters’ assessments of spoken-language interpreting1
Direct object anaphora resolution in L1 English-L2 Spanish1
The use of the intensifierbienamong bilinguals in Southern Arizona Spanish and its grammaticalization process1
A protocol for the annotation of evaluative stance and metaphor across four discourse genres1
Reflexiones y propuesta didáctica para desarrollar la competencia metalingüística1
Exploring the effects of audiovisual material and age in pragmatic learning1
Expressing emotion1
Simultaneous interpretation of complex structures from English into Arabic1
La mediación textual a partir de estrategias de reformulación1
Phraseological modifications in Sepúlveda’sThe Story of a Seagull and the Cat Who Taught Her to Fly1
Actitudes de los mallorquines hacia el castellano y el andaluz1
Estudio de corpus del español europeo sobre la selección modal en las oraciones valorativas encabezadas por el artículo neutro1
Modality across genres in Spanish as a heritage language1
Blurred lines1
Automatic lexical collocate extraction for corpus-based ontology building and refinement1
Texto escolar y comprensión1
La red polisémica denegro1
Influencia de la lengua materna y del conocimiento de lenguas extranjeras en el léxico disponible en ELE1
Multi-word term variation1