Revista Espanola de Linguistica Aplicada

(The TQCC of Revista Espanola de Linguistica Aplicada is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
The use of the intensifierbienamong bilinguals in Southern Arizona Spanish and its grammaticalization process7
Identification of metadiscourse markers in bachelor’s degree theses in Spanish6
Multi-word term variation4
Interclausal relations with Old English verbs of inaction3
Disagreeing without tears3
Review of Lamb, Csizér, Henry & Ryan (2019): The Palgrave handbook of motivation for language learning3
Transcending medical consultations3
Las percepciones de hablantes japoneses acerca de la alternancia ‘tú’/‘usted’ en la formulación de peticiones en español L2/LE2
University students’ perceptions of team teaching by native and non-native speakers in a Spanish course2
Becoming a translation teacher2
On Arab EFL learners’ production of words with “-ate”2
Assessing voice vs. writing quality2
The use of questions posed by professors in English and Montenegrin academic lectures1
Form-function dialectics in the analysis of irony in political discourse1
How do Andalusian journalism students perceive Andalusian and Castilian linguistic varieties of Spanish?1
Actitudes de los mallorquines hacia el castellano y el andaluz1
Effects of indirect corrective feedback and teacher encouragement on EFL students’ writing accuracy1
The effect of fluency training on interpreter trainees’ speech fluency, comprehensibility, and accentedness1
Direct object anaphora resolution in L1 English-L2 Spanish1
Estudio correlacional del género ficha clínica1
Effects of language background and directionality on raters’ assessments of spoken-language interpreting1
Functions and transmission of humour in interpreter-mediated healthcare consultations1
Corpus RLD1
Delimitación, visualización y metalenguaje1
Crítica de Pontrandolfo & Piccioni (2022): Comunicación especializada y divulgación en la red1
Who does it better?1
Review of Meredith, Giles & Stommel (2022): Analysing Digital Interaction1
New considerations for variable clitic placement in Spanish1
“A los niños se les habla en castellano”1
Estudio cognitivo e intercultural del eufemismo chino y español de muerte1
Developing language attitudes in a second language1
Influencia de la lengua materna y del conocimiento de lenguas extranjeras en el léxico disponible en ELE1
La construcción metafórica de una pandemia1
The function of the pointing gesture-speech combination in children’s story retelling1