Anales de Psicologia

(The median citation count of Anales de Psicologia is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Validation and measurement invariance of the Compound PsyCap Scale (CPC-12): a short universal measure of psychological capital14
Exposición de jóvenes y adolescentes a la publicidad de los juegos de azar: una revisión sistemática13
Assessing Organizational Climate: Psychometric properties of the ECALS Scale13
Personalidad emprendedora, responsabilidad, autocontrol y grit: El lado psicológico del autoempleo12
El consumo de sustancias y su relación con la dependencia emocional, el apego y la regulación emocional en adolescentes12
Adaptación y validación de la escala de liderazgo MLQ-5X al contexto educativo español11
Resilience and associated factors in women survivors of Intimate Partner Violence: a systematic review9
The Roles of Spiritual Well-being and Tolerance of Uncertainty in Prediction of Happiness in Elderly9
Which is the optimum parenting for adolescents with low vs. high self-efficacy? Self-concept, psychological maladjustment and academic performance of adolescents in the Spanish context9
Duelo complicado: Una revisión sistemática de la prevalencia, diagnóstico, factores de riesgo y de protección en población adulta de España.9
Maternal and paternal parenting styles as a whole: validation of the simple form of the Parenting Style Evaluation Scale8
Relaciones de la motivación con la metacognición y el desempeño en el rendimiento cognitivo en estudiantes de educación primaria8
Relationships between test anxiety, self-regulation and strategies for coping with stress, in professional examination candidates7
Polychronicity, Time Perspective, and Procrastination Behavior at the Workplace: An Empirical Study7
From randomized control trial to mixed methods: A practical framework for program evaluation based on methodological quality7
Verbal fluency in school-aged Spanish children: analysis of clustering and switching organizational strategies, employing different semantic categories and letters6
Creativity as a "vaccine" for depressed mood: coping and divergent thinking in young adults6
Explorando habilidades requeridas para la industria 4.0: Un enfoque orientado al trabajador6
Autorregulación de las emociones académicas: investigaciones recientes y prospectiva6
Prevention of Emotional Disorders and Symptoms Under Health Conditions: A Pilot Study using the Unified Protocol in a Fertility Unit6
Predicting teacher resilience by using artificial neural networks: influence of burnout and stress by COVID-196
Estrategias de regulación de uso del smartphone y uso problemático de internet en la adolescencia6
Procrastination, Negative Emotional Symptoms, and Mental Well-Being among college students in Saudi Arabia5
The healthy management: the moderator role of transformational leadership on health workers5
Character strengths as protective factors against engagement in sexting in adolescence5
Acceptance of ambivalent sexism in trainee teachers in Spain and Latin America countries5
A multilevel analysis of the effects of indoor activities on psychological wellbeing during COVID-19 pandemic5
Emotional intelligence and adult attachment: effects on problematic smartphone usage5
Percepción y detección de violencia de género e identificación como víctimas: Un estudio bibliométrico4
Análisis de la comprensión lectora y sus dificultades en adolescentes4
Investigation of Pre-School Childrens’ Self-Concept in terms of Emotion Regulation Skill, Behavior and Emotional Status4
Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) adapted to work: Psychometric Properties of the Satisfaction with Work Scale (SWWS)4
The Gender Role Attitude Scale (GRAS) as an alternative for the crisis in measurement of attitudes towards gender roles in Latin America: A study in Chilean university students4
Factores para potenciar el desarrollo de comunidades universitarias inclusivas: Ideas, creencias y actitudes del profesorado universitario hacia la discapacidad4
Differences in psychological distress, resilience and cognitive emotional regulation strategies in adults during the Coronavirus pandemic: A cross-cultural study of Poland and Spain.3
La influencia del apego sobre el bienestar en la juventud : el rol mediador de la regulación emocional3
La intolerancia a la incertidumbre, la tendencia a experimentar preocupaciones y el pesimismo como factores intervinientes en la relación entre la dependencia emocional y la violencia3
Prevalencia de la Ortorexia Nerviosa en estudiantes universitarios españoles: relación con la imagen corporal y con los trastornos alimentarios3
Efecto modelador de la competencia emocional en los perfiles de ciberacoso3
Work characteristics and occupational health: validation and proposal of a shortened version of the Work Design Questionnaire3
Rating mean of expert judges and asymmetric confidence intervals in content validity: An SPSS syntax3
Effects of the COVID-19 lockdown on personal well-being: A longitudinal study in Spanish population3
Academic stress and adaptation to university life: mediation of cognitive-emotional regulation and social support3
Evaluation of the PID-5 depressivity personality dimensions and depressive symptomatology in a community sample3
Is it quality, is it redundancy, or is model inadequacy? Some strategies for judging the appropriateness of high-discrimination items3
Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). An effective tool for improving episodic memory in young people?3
CSI-SF: Psychometric properties of spanish version of the coping strategies inventory - short form3
Factores psicosociales asociados a la credibilidad del testimonio en Abuso Sexual Infantil3
Validación de la escala multifactorial mixta de engagement educativo (EMMEE)3
Mediation Role of Anxiety Sensitivity on the Relationships between Intolerance of Uncertainty and Fear of COVID-193
Validation of the Spanish version of the Childhood Executive Functioning Inventory (CHEXI) in 4-5 year-old children3
Adaptation to the Spanish university context and psychometric properties of the MSLQ: Contributions to the measurement and analysis of gender differences of self-regulated learning2
La investigación española en psicología educativa desde una perspectiva de género (2008-2018)2
Propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Gaudibilidad (Moduladores de Disfrute) para Niños y Adolescentes (EGNA).2
The contribution of participation in meaningful activities on mental health during the COVID-19 lockdown in the Spanish population2
Intimate Partner Violence: perspective of convicts and psychologists of penitentiary institutions. A Qualitative analysis with focus groups2
Perspectivas de niños y niñas sobre crecer en hogares con violencia de género en la pareja2
Validation of the Spanish version of the Technostress Creators Scale in Chilean Workers2
Predictive variables for sleep quality in professional drivers2
Is ambition a gendered issue? Students´ vs employees´ antecedents of Ambition about Leadership2
"My life is not going to have any meaning." Personality and vulnerability to depression in Spanish youth.2
El papel mediador del afecto negativo en la relación entre funcionamiento familiar y felicidad subjetiva en estudiantes universitarios españoles2
Una revisión sistemática acerca del reconocimiento facial de las emociones en la Enfermedad de Alzheimer: una perspectiva evolutiva y de género2
Interpersonal forgiveness: validation of the Enright Forgiveness Inventory (EFI-30) in the Spanish sample2
Neurodesarrollo y estimulación oportuna en niños de madres indígenas migrantes y no migrantes en Chihuahua, México2
Examination of military personnel’s changed psychological states during long-term deployment in a war zone2
Bullying and cyberbullying, what do they have in common and what not? A latent class analysis2
Power Decreases Loneliness through Enhanced Social Support: The Moderating Role of Social Exclusion2
The Bem Sex-Role Inventory: Proposal of a short version in Spanish2
The social perspective of euthanasia in Spain: variables that predict attitudes towards euthanasia2
Gender roles and women’s mental health: their influence on the demand for psychological care2
Family involvement and school effectiveness in primary education2
Fear and Anxiety of COVID-19, Stress and Health Perception. A Predictive Model in Ecuadorian Hospital Patients2
Parental divorce, interparental conflict, and parent-child relationships in Spanish young adults2
Psychometric properties of the positive mental health scale in Arequipa (Peru)2
Acoso escolar, necesidades psicológicas básicas, responsabilidad y satisfacción con la vida: relaciones y perfiles en adolescentes2
Factorial analysis and gender invariance of GPIUS2 scale and evaluation of Caplan’s cognitive-behavioral model of problematic Internet use in adolescents2
Self-perceived and reported mental health in older adults2
Prominencia facial autoatribuida en redes sociales a través de la propia fotografía: Efecto del tipo de red, edad y género1
Evolución de la colaboración científica en la Psicología española entre 1970 y 19891
Diferencias en el autoconcepto entre alumnado con altas capacidades y alumnado general: un metaanálisis desde 2005 hasta 20201
The Effect of the Valence of Imagined Contact with Immigrants on Adolescents’ Stereotype Content: The Importance of Perceived Typicality1
Exploring a dialogic approach in tackling psychotic diseases: A systematic review1
Curiosity as a moderating variable between Impulsivity and Entrepreneurial Orientation1
The small impact of p-hacking marginally significant results on the meta-analytic estimation of effect size1
Validation of the Job Crafting Scale in Latin American Workers1
The effect of traumatic experiences on attachment styles1
Aplicación del protocolo unificado para el tratamiento transdiagnóstico de los trastornos emocionales en pacientes post-cirugía bariátrica: estudio de efectividad y viabilidad en formato grupal1
Respuesta cardiovascular al estrés en pacientes con epilepsia farmacorresistente: datos preliminares1
Psychometric properties of the Adolescents’Academic Motivation Scale (AAMS) in a representative sample of Dominican Republic high school students1
Propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Satisfacción Familiar en familias uruguayas1
Desarrollo moral a través de un programa predeportivo y de valores en estudiantes adultos con discapacidad intelectual1
Medidas observacionales para evaluar la responsividad parental: una revisión sistemática.1
Is the Episodic Buffer of Baddeley independent of the Central Executive? A new measure of the Episodic Buffer1
Social and emotional loneliness among older people living in Nursing Homes in Spain: a cross-sectional study1
What do we know about highly effective therapists? A systematic review1
Masculinidad y Feminidad: Una visión multidimensional1
Women and videogames: What do they play?1
Entrepreneurship attitudes and the Big Five: A cross-cultural comparison between Spain and the United States1
Psychometric properties and measurement invariance of a European Portuguese version of the fear of COVID-19 scale1
The relationship between psychological distress, meaning in life, and life satisfaction in the COVID-19 pandemic1
Psychological intervention with victims of prison violence: a systematic literature review1
Los primeros días de la actividad electrodérmica1
Study on the use, acceptability and implementation of the Unified Protocol in general health psychologists in Spain1
The impact of a peer-tutoring program to improve self-regulated learning1
Future expectations of adolescents from different social backgrounds1
Robustness of Generalized Linear Mixed Models for Split-Plot Designs with Binary Data1
The relationship between psychological distress and professional identity in graduate nursing students during COVID-19: A longitudinal cross-lagged analysis1
Parental autonomy support and homework completion: Mediating effects of chil-dren’s academic self-efficacy, purpose for doing homework, and homework-related emotions1
A Meta-analytic Study on Executive Function Performance in Children/Adolescents with OCD1
Bienestar eudaimónico y meditación mindfulness en los contextos laborales: una revisión sistemática1
Validación en español del Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction en los cursos superiores de educación primaria (QTI-P) y cómo esta interacción influye en el rendimiento académico.1
Assessment of sustained attention in high-performance and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) children with a vigilance task1