Studies in Psychology

(The median citation count of Studies in Psychology is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
People and machines in communication / Personas y máquinas en comunicación6
The literalist bias in the autistic spectrum conditions: review of existing accounts (El sesgo literalista en las condiciones del espectro autista: revisión de las teorías existentes)6
Does chess-playing relate to theory of mind? An examination of the interrelations among theory of mind, perspective-taking, and empathic concern in chess-players (¿El juego de ajedrez tiene relació5
Mediation of emotional intelligence in resilient coping and depression in adverse conditions: study in home confinement of the COVID-19 health crisis ( Mediación de la inteligencia emoc5
Social support and resilience to foster prosocial behaviours during the COVID-19 pandemic confinement: an explanatory model (Apoyo social y resiliencia para fomentar las conductas prosociales duran4
The adverse childhood experiences of caregivers of children who have been victims of sexual assault: their relationship with the parental alliance in child psychotherapy (Experiencias adversas temp4
Clinical intuition in psychotherapy: an approach based on Grounded Theory (La intuición clínica en psicoterapia: una aproximación desde la Teoría Fundamentada)3
Reviewers for 2023 / Evaluadores del año 20233
‘My daughter is no angel’: impairments in nominal metaphor comprehension by aphasic patients (‘Mi hija no es un tesoro’: alteraciones en la comprensión de metáforas nominales en personas con afasia3
Analysis of the relative impact of emotional intelligence on explaining adolescent academic performance / Análisis del impacto relativo de la inteligencia emocional en la explicación del rendimient3
Rehabilitation of communication in people with traumatic brain injury: a systematic review of types of intervention and therapeutic ingredients (Rehabilitación de la comunicación en personas con tr2
An overview of Roberto Celestino Corral Ruso’s contributions from the Vygotsky Chair / Semblanza de los aportes de Roberto Celestino Corral Ruso desde la cátedra Vygotski2
COVID 19: the psychological consequences of lockdown (COVID 19: consecuencias psicológicas del confinamiento)2
Anxiety in the face of Artificial Intelligence. Between pragmatic fears and uncanny terrors / Ansiedad ante la Inteligencia Artificial. Entre temores pragmáticos y terrores ominosos2
Humanism or transhumanism? Scissions of thought and the technological drift of science, a crisis for psychology ( ¿Humanismo o transhumanismo? Las escisiones del pensamiento y la deriva2
The impact of mindfulness on creativity among Chinese adolescents: a moderated mediation model ( El impacto del mindfulness en la creatividad de los adole2
Personal experience of Latin American therapists on their clinical practice during the COVID-19 pandemic (Experiencia personal de terapeutas latinoamericanos sobre su práctica clínica durante la pa2
Neuropsychological rehabilitation in acquired brain injury: a question of identity? (Rehabilitación neuropsicológica en el daño cerebral adquirido: ¿una cuestión de identidad?)2
Do artificial neural networks dream of understanding sentence comprehension? A preliminary study ( ¿Sueñan las redes neuronales artificiales con entender la comprensión de frases? Un es2
Gender and age as moderators of depressive symptoms in people with ASD and ID (El género y la edad como moderadores de los síntomas depresivos en personas con TEA y DI)1
Adaptation and validation of the LGBQ Ally Identity Measure (Adaptación y validación de la Medida de Identificación Aliada LGBQ)1
Ayahuasca and personality. A systematic review and meta-analysis of cross-sectional studies with long-term participants (Ayahuasca y personalidad. Revisión sistemática y metaanálisis de estudios tr1
Reviewers for 2021/Evaluadores del año 20211
Call for Papers: Special Issue on Neurorehabilitation Research (Convocatoria de presentación de manuscritos: número especial de investigación en neurorehabilitación)1
Heavy study investment in Spanish college students: psychometric properties of the studyholism inventories (SI-10 and SI-15) ( Alta inversión en el estudio en estudiantes universitarios1
When the future comes knocking: psychological perspectives on Artificial Intelligence / Cuando el futuro toca a la puerta: perspectivas psicológicas sobre la Inteligencia Artificial1
Assessing the Teacher Emotions Scale in Chile: Does it relate to teachers’ well-being? / Evaluación de la Escala de Emociones Docentes en Chile: ¿Está relacionada con el bienestar docente?1
Complexity and psychology / Complejidad y psicología1
The underestimated extent of post-concussion syndrome (Espectro subestimado del síndrome postconmocional)1
Open pathways to neuropsychological rehabilitation: an interview with Barbara Wilson (Abriendo camino en la rehabilitación neuropsicológica: una entrevista con Barbara Wilson)1
Modulation of performance during executive function tasks by emotional salience of stimuli (Modulación del desempeño en tareas de funciones ejecutivas por saliencia emocional de los estímulos)1
Understanding the people confined by the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative analysis (Comprendiendo a los confinados por el COVID-19: análisis cualitativo)1
Current methods in treatment of aphasia (Métodos actuales en el tratamiento de la afasia)1
Software testing education. Teaching the concept of confirmation bias from a pragmatic perspective of reasoning / La formación en pruebas de software. Enseñanza del concepto de sesgo de confirmació1
Modulation of executive functioning by social stress: a behavioural study ( Modulación del funcionamiento ejecutivo por estrés social: un estudio conductual )1
Reviewers for 2022/Evaluadores del año 20221
Practice-based research with psychologists-in-training: presentation of a supervision model and use of routine outcome monitoring (Investigación basada en la práctica con psicólogos en formación: p1
Become a victim or a star player! A process model understanding the individualized outcomes of workplace envy on young performers (¡Conviértete en una víctima o en un jugador estrella! Un modelo de1
What is important for you makes you think about the pandemic differently: moral foundations, pandemic-related fears and convictions ( Lo que cada uno consideramos importante nos hace re1
Affective learning as a higher psychological process: a microgenetic analysis of evaluative conditioning from a sociocultural approach (Aprendizaje afectivo como proceso psicológico superior: análi1
Employment status among individuals afflicted by acquired brain injury: exploring economic consequences for both the affected person and their family ( Situación laboral en personas con1
Effectiveness of robotic therapy in the proximal and distal rehabilitation of the upper limb in patients after stroke using the Amadeo® and Armeo® devices: a systematic review of randomized clinical t1
A posthumous tribute to Cuban psychologist Roberto Corral Ruso (1947–2024) / Un homenaje póstumo al psicólogo cubano Roberto Corral Ruso (1947–2024)1
The therapeutic relationship as a change mechanism in child psychotherapy: a qualitative study of children, parents’, and therapists’ views in different moments of the process (La relación terapéut1