Behavioral Disorders

(The TQCC of Behavioral Disorders is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
A Synthesis of Academic Interventions for High School Students With Behavioral and Learning Difficulties21
A Preliminary Study of BEST in CLASS–Elementary on Teacher Self-Efficacy, Burnout, and Attributions13
CCBD’s Position on Eliminating the Use of Seclusion in Educational Settings9
Lifting the Voices of Black Students Labeled With Emotional Disturbance: Calling All Special Education Researchers9
Expelled Students in Need of Special Education Services Using Bayes’ Theorem: Implications for the Social Maladjustment Clause?7
Student Interview-Informed Behavior Contracts for High School Students Identified as at Risk7
Paraprofessionals’ Implementation of Constant Time Delay Procedures With Elementary Students With High-Intensity Behavioral Support Needs6
The Council for Exceptional Children, Division of Emotional and Behavioral Health’s Position Statement on Solitary Confinement5
Disability Status and Early Suicide Risk Among Children With and Without a History of Suspensions/Expulsions5
A Review of Measurement Characteristics Within Single-Case Designs in Special Education5
A Positive Version of the Good Behavior Game in a Self-Contained Classroom for EBD: Effects on Individual Student Behavior4
Exploring Extracurricular Activity Participation, School Engagement, and Social Competence for Students With Emotional and Behavioral Disorders4
Academic and Behavioral Strategies in Inclusive Settings for Students With EBD: A Meta Analysis4
Factor Structure of the Scales for Assessing Emotional Disturbance – 3 Rating Scale for Students Identified With Emotional Disturbance4
Empowering School Staff to Implement Effective School Mental Health Services4
Comparison of Educationally Labeled and Nonlabeled Adolescents With Emotional and Behavioral Needs3
Corrigendum to Predictive Role of Classroom Management in Literacy Development in Preschool Children at-risk for EBD3
The Super Clean-Up Game: Increasing Productivity and Prosocial Engagement Among Youth at a Residential Summer Camp3
An Analysis of SRSS-IE Externalizing Cut Scores to Facilitate Data-Informed Decision-Making in K–12 Schools3