Earth Surface Processes and Landforms

(The H4-Index of Earth Surface Processes and Landforms is 20. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Pronounced increase in slope instability linked to global warming: A case study from the eastern European Alps54
Gully prevention and control: Techniques, failures and effectiveness49
What is wrong with post‐fire soil erosion modelling? A meta‐analysis on current approaches, research gaps, and future directions42
Impact of the Three Gorges Dam on riverbed scour and siltation of the middle reaches of the Yangtze River36
Assemblages of geomorphic units: A building block approach to analysis and interpretation of river character, behaviour, condition and recovery33
What type of gully is that? The need for a classification of gullies31
The effect of location and geometric properties of landslides caused by rainstorms and earthquakes29
Biogeomorphology, quo vadis? On processes, time, and space in biogeomorphology25
How far have management practices come in ‘working with the river’?24
Predicting sediment connectivity in a mountain basin: A quantitative analysis of the index of connectivity24
Inventory and evolution of glacial lakes since the Little Ice Age: Lessons from the case of Switzerland24
Estimation of initiation thresholds and soil loss from gully erosion on unpaved roads on China's Loess Plateau24
Hydro‐morphological mapping of river reaches using videos captured with UAS23
Laboratory simulation of salt weathering under moderate ageing conditions: Implications for the deterioration of sandstone heritage in temperate climates23
Numerical modelling shows an old check‐dam still attenuates flooding and sediment transport22
Coarse sediment supply sets the slope of bedrock channels in rapidly uplifting terrain: Field and topographic evidence from eastern Taiwan21
Basin‐wide hydromorphological analysis of ephemeral streams using machine learning algorithms21
Interrelations between relief, vegetation, disturbances, and permafrost in the forest‐steppe of central Mongolia20
When do rock glacier fronts fail? Insights from two case studies in South Tyrol (Italian Alps)20
Drag variations, tidal asymmetry and tidal range changes in a mangrove creek system20
Planform‐asymmetry and backwater effects on river‐cutoff kinematics and clustering20