International Migration Review

(The median citation count of International Migration Review is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Book Review: Organizing While Undocumented: Immigrant Youth’s Political Activism Under the Law81
Book Review: Migranthood: Youth in the New Era of Deportation56
Book Review: Risking Immeasurable Harm. Immigration Restriction and U.S-Mexican Diplomatic Relations, 1924-193228
Negative Sentiment Toward Recent Migrants in a Post-Colonial City: A Case Study in Hong Kong27
Review Essay: Moving Beyond the Migration State27
Generational Perspectives on Homeland-Oriented Diasporic Humanitarianism: Coptic, Assyrian, and Iraqi Christian Charities in the United Kingdom20
A Global Meta-analysis of the Immigrant Mortality Advantage19
Book Review: Belonging in a House Divided18
Policy Change, Threat Perception, and Mobility Catalysts: The Trump Administration as Driver of Asylum Migration to Canada17
The EU Urban Partnership on Inclusion: Institutionalizing Local–Supranational Integration Governance16
Book Review: Author Conversation between Natasha Iskander and Rina Agarwala16
Book Review: Discrimination and Delegation: Explaining State Responses to Refugees15
Book Review: The Rohingya: An Ethnography of 'Subhuman' Life15
Book Review: Migration and Democracy: How Remittances Undermine Dictatorship13
Expected Occupational Contexts and Postgraduate Pursuit among Skilled Immigrants and Natives in the United States12
Book Review: The Coffin Ship: Life and Death at Sea During the Great Irish Famine12
Circumstantial Citizenship: UAE Born Syrians and Their Complex Journeys to Long-Term Security11
Unraveling Migration Policy-Making in the Land of “No Immigrants”: Japanese Bureaucracy and the Discursive Gap11
From Restricted to Permissive: Egypt Migration Policy Since 195211
Dreaming of a Remittance House: Understanding Transnational Housing Aspirations11
Book Review: An Address in Paris10
Immigration, Sanctuary Policies, and Public Safety10
Book Review: Immigration Nation: Aid, Control, and Border Politics in Morocco10
Book Review: New year, new plans for IMR’s book review section10
The Labor Market Effect of South-to-South Migration: Evidence From the Venezuelan Crisis9
Book Review: Statelessness9
Book Review: Argonauts of West Africa9
Why do Citizens Criminalize Migrants? Experimental Evidence from a Multi-Role Country, Mexico9
Happiness in the Daily Socio-Cultural Integration Process: A day Reconstruction Study among American Immigrants in Germany9
Global Evidence on the Relative Importance of Nonfinancial Drivers of International Migration Intentions8
Estimating Global Bilateral Refugee Migration Flows from 1990 to 20158
Exit-Voice Dynamics: How do Hong Kong People Respond to Democratic Backsliding?8
Regulating the Undesirable: Statusless Women in Israel8
Big Data for the Prediction of Forced Displacement8
Does Aid Drive Migration? Evidence from a Shift-Share Instrument8
Ireland's White Paper to End Direct Provision (2021): Migrant Accommodation and Control8
Badante or Bride? Patterns of Female Migration in Italy, Japan, Korea, and Spain7
Book Review: The Voice of the Rural6
Overlap and Interrelations Between (Im)mobility Motivations6
“Losing the Maid” Contradictory Dynamics of Social Class, Race, and Gender in the Migration Experiences of Mexican Expat Wives6
Embodied Transnational Belonging6
Immigrants in the Transnational Far Right: Integration through Racisms and Negotiating White Supremacy in a Migratory Context6
Sexuality, Migration, and LGB Policy: A Portrait of Immigrants in Same-Sex Couples in the United States6
Spatial Assimilation at a Halt? Intergenerational Persistence in Neighborhood Contexts among Immigrant Minorities in Norway6
Refugees Separated by the Global Color Line: The Power of Europeanness, Whiteness, and Sameness6
What Drives Migration to Europe? Survey Experimental Evidence from Lebanon5
Permanent Membership: The Prohibition of Citizenship Renunciation5
Why Do People Migrate? Fresh Takes on the Foundational Question of Migration Studies5
Migrant Rights Protections and Their Implementation in 45 Countries5
Book Review: On Transits and Transitions5
Socialization Disrupted: The Intergenerational Transmission of Political Engagement in Immigrant Families5
Can We See Their ID? Measuring Immigrants’ Legal Trajectory: Lessons From a French Survey5
‘State Brokerage’ in Migration Infrastructure: A Case of State-Led Multilevel Governance of the Employment Permit System in South Korea5
Resilient Remittances? Examining Immigrant Remittances from the United States to Latin America During Covid-195
Book Review: Refugee Cities5
Externalization Beyond “Immigration Risk”? UK Borderwork Creep in Africa and its Cumulative Rippling Effects5
Why Has Migration Research So Little Impact? Examining Knowledge Practices in Migration Policy Making and Migration Studies5
Book Review: Mobility Economies in Europe's Borderlands5
How Much Does Migration Affect Labor Supply in Europe? Methodological Insights and Contemporary Evidence from the European Union and Selected European Countries4
The Polarizing Effect of Anti-Immigrant Violence on Radical Right Sympathies in Germany4
Book Review: Ethnic Dissent and Empowerment: Economic Migration Between Vietnam and Malaysia4
Persistent Educational Advantages of Asian Immigrants’ Children, 1940 to 2015–20194
Young Gazan Refugees, Sport and Social Media: Understanding Migration as a Process of Becoming4
Book Review: The Digital Border4
Next Stop: Europe? Aspirations for Secondary Migration Among Syrian Refugees in Jordan4
Book Review: Exit4
Book Review: Visiting Immigration Detention4
Criminal Victimization of Central American Migrants in Transit Through Mexico4
Invisible Migration and “Perverse” Capital: Exploring the Experiences of Migrant Delivery Riders4
Family Matters: Modeling Naturalization Propensities in the United States4
Book Review: Diaspora Space-time3
Public Support for Migrant Entrepreneurship: The Case of North Koreans in the Republic of Korea3
Book Review: ‘Am I Less British?’3
Assessing Timely Migration Trends Through Digital Traces: A Case Study of the UK Before Brexit3
When Bare Life is Bearable: The Life Projects of Rohingya and Hazara Refugees Living in Malaysia3
The Exodus of Moldova: Understanding the Migration Dilemma3
Trust in Transit: External Migration Control and Migrants’ Perceptions of Humanitarian Borderwork in the Sahel3
Infrastructures of Social Reproduction: Migrant Survival and Economic Development at the Thailand-Myanmar Border3
Influence of “Primary Groups” on New Chinese Immigrant Entrepreneurship in Africa3
The Effect of Foreign and Domestic Graduate Degrees on the Earnings of Immigrants to the U.S.3
Bargaining Power: A Framework for Understanding Varieties of Migration Experience3
Jigsaw Migration: How Mixed Citizenship LGBTQ Families (Re)Assemble Their Fragmented Citizenship3
Book Review: Advanced Introduction to Migration Studies3
Interethnic Union Formation Among 1.5- and Second-Generation Immigrants: The Role of Cultural Proximity3
Refugee Status, Settlement Assistance, and the Educational Integration of Migrants’ Children in the United States3
The Labor Force Trajectories of Immigrant Women in the United States: Intersecting Individual and Gendered Cohort Characteristics3
To What Extent Does Asylum Policy Match Public Policy Preferences?3
Partner Choice and Economic Outcomes among the Children of Immigrants3
Migration and Education in the Global South: A Study of South American Origin Children in the Argentinean Educational System3
Book Review: Waiting for the Revolution to End3
Immigrant Women’s Economic Outcomes in Europe: The Importance of Religion and Traditional Gender Roles3
Discrimination of Black and Muslim Minority Groups in Western Societies: Evidence From a Meta-Analysis of Field Experiments3
Papers of the Paperless: Governmentality, Technologies of Freedom, and the Production of Asylum-Seeker Identities3
Understanding Adverse Outcomes in Gulf Migration: Evidence from Administrative Data from Sri Lanka3
Climate Change, Drought, and Potential Environmental Migration Flows Under Different Policy Scenarios3
Book Review: Bootlegged Aliens: Immigration Politics on America’s Northern Border2
Web Scraping for Migration, Mobility, and Migrant Integration Studies: Introduction, Application, and Potential Use Cases2
The Gender Employment Gap among Refugees and the Role of Employer Discrimination: Experimental Evidence from the German, Swedish and Austrian Labor Markets2
Safety, Shame, and Ambiguity — the Case of Ukrainian Male Refugees2
Challenges with International Migration Data: An Analysis of the Experience of National Statistical Institutions2
The Inflow of Refugees and Educational Attainment of U.S. Natives: Evidence from the Mariel Boatlift2
Analyzing the Borderlands: A Regional Report on the Colombia–Ecuador Border on Political, Economic, Social, Legal, and Environment Aspects2
Fathers’ Migration and Academic Achievement among Left-behind Children in India: Evidence of Continuity and Change in Gender Preferences2
Book Review: Crossing the Border to India2
Of Rice and Men: Rice Consumption-Based Estimates of Undocumented Persons in Malaysia2
Externally Driven Border Control in West Africa: Local Impact and Broader Ramifications2
How Social Networks Shape Refugee Movements in Wartime: Evidence from the Russian Attack on Ukraine2
Book Review2
Forecasting Ukrainian Refugee Flows With Organic Data Sources2
The Evolution of the Returns to Schooling for Refugees and Other Immigrants in the United States2
Book Review: The Outside: Migration as Life in Morocco2
Book Review2
Hierarchy in the Politics of Migration: Revisiting Race, Ethnicity, and Power in the Migration State2
The Struggle Over Mobility Narratives: How Senegalese Activists use Alternative Information Campaigns to Contest EU Externalization2
The Value of Illegality: Venezuelan Migrants in Ecuador and the (Re)Entrenchment of Neoliberal Capitalism2
Does Personality Matter? Noncognitive Skills and the Male Migrant Wage Gap in Germany2
Foreign Accents in the Early Hiring Process: A Field Experiment on Accent-Related Ethnic Discrimination in Germany2
Immigration and New Firm Formation – Evidence from a Quasi-Experimental Setting in Germany2
How Much Do “Local Policies” Matter for Refugee Integration? An Analytical Model and Evidence from a Highly Decentralized Country2
Unwelcome Immigrants Knocking on the Door: Demographic Features of Immigrants and Populist Attitudes Rising in South American Countries2
Ain’t I a Migrant?: Global Blackness and the Future of Migration Studies2
Uncovering Attitudes to Family Migration—A Conjoint Survey Experiment with a Dyadic Approach2
Subjectivity in Welfare Mobilities: Rethinking Welfare as a Structure, a Process, and an Experience2
Book Review: The Opportunity Trap2
Reimagining, Repositioning, Rebordering: Intersections of the Biopolitical and Geopolitical in the UK's Post-Brexit Migration Regime (and Why It Matters for Migration Research)1
Book Review: The Death of Asylum: Hidden Geographies of the Enforcement Archipelago1
Book Review: The Arab Spring Abroad: Diaspora Activism Against Authoritarian Regimes1
Actors, Ideas, and International Influence: Understanding Migration Policy Change in South America1
Immigrant Men’s Economic Adaptation in Changing Labor Markets: Why Gaps between Turkish and German Men Expanded, 1976–20151
Book Review: Displacement among Sri Lankan Tamil Migrants1
Book Review: The Migrant Diaries1
Book Review: Global Nomads: An Ethnography of Migration, Islam, and Politics in West Africa1
Unauthorized Mexican-Born Immigrants, Occupational Injuries, and the use of Medical Services in the United States1
Health-Care Utilization of Refugees: Evidence from Austria1
Does City Size Affect International Migrants and Native-Born Workers Differently? Exploring Inequalities in Unemployment and Occupations Across Spanish Cities1
Precarious Times, Professional Tensions: The Ethics of Migration Research and the Drive for Scientific Accountability1
A Citizen Just Like You: The Role of Complex Contagion and Resemblance for Decisions to Naturalize1
The Migration Intersections Grid: An Organizing Framework for Migration Research in and through the Twenty-first Century1
Book Review: African Football Migration1
The Legacy of Conflict: Reconstruction and Migration in the Aftermath of Civil War in Tajikistan1
Integrating Traditional and Social Media Data to Predict Bilateral Migrant Stocks in the European Union1
Gradations of Migrant Legality: The Impact of States’ Legal Structures and Bureaucracies on Immigrant Legalization and Livelihoods1
Migration Governance in Pakistan: Institutional Challenges and Data Gaps1
Book Review: Ageing at a Crossroads1
When Diaspora Politics Meet Global Ambitions: Diaspora Institutions Amid China's Geopolitical Transformations1
Explaining the Paucity of Migrant Language Valorization Policies in Europe: An Analysis of International and Supranational Constraints and Incentives1
Detecting Imperfect Substitution between Comparably Skilled Immigrants and Natives: A Machine Learning Approach1
Transnational Students Facing Multiple Crises: Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Oaxaca, Mexico1
Implications of the Rohingya Relocation from Cox’s Bazar to Bhasan Char, Bangladesh1
Scapegoating Immigrants in Times of Personal and Collective Crises: Results from a Czech Panel Study1
Men's Migration and Women's Health in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa: The Role of Migration's Economic Returns and Spousal Communication1
Classic, Segmented-, or Neo-Assimilation, Which Theory to Use? A Scientific-Method Investigation1
Reimagining “Integration” in the Light of the New Forms of Mobility1
Transnational Parenthood and Migrant Subjective Well-Being in Italy1
Book Review: The Border Within: Vietnamese Migrants Transforming Ethnic Nationalism in Berlin by Su, Phi Hong1
Book Review: Soviet Signoras: Personal and Collective Transformations in Eastern European Migration1
Public Attitudes to Immigration in the Aftermath of COVID-19: Little Change in Policy Preferences, Big Drops in Issue Salience1
Sick Days: Logical Versus Survey Identification of the Foreign-Born Population in the United States1
Book Review: Unauthorized Love: Mixed-Citizenship Couples Negotiating Intimacy, Immigration, and the State1
Exclusionary Contexts Frustrate Cultural Integration: Migrant Acculturation Into Support for Gender Equality in the Labor Market in Western Europe1
Embedding Attitudes Toward Immigrants in Solidarity Contexts: A Cross-European Study1
Book Review: Historias migratorias y educativas de estudiantes transfronterizos entre Estados Unidos y México1
The Realization of Short-Term Fertility Intentions Among Immigrants and Children of Immigrants in Norway and Sweden1
Book Review: The Deportation Machine: America’s Long History of Expelling Immigrants1
Mapping the Future of Migration and Climate Change Science1
Forced Migration and the Politics of Belonging: Integration Policy, National Debates and Migrant Strategies1
Assessing the Differentiated Impacts of COVID-19 on the Immigration Flows to Europe1
Are They Still Aiming High? The Development of Educational Aspirations of Lower Secondary School Students With Immigrant Backgrounds in Germany1
Book Review: Algerian Women and Diasporic Experience1
Separation During Emergencies: Is there a Stable Relationship Between Separated Children and the Rest of a Fleeing Population? Evidence from Three Situations in Africa1
Which Integration Policies Work? The Heterogeneous Impact of National Institutions on Immigrants’ Labor Market Attainment in Europe1
Mobile Phone Network and Migration: Evidence From Myanmar1
The Tradeoff of Temporariness: Economic and Social Impacts of H-2A Status on Mexican Migrant Men1
Spatial Segregation in Action? An Empirical Assessment of Population Concentration of Foreigners and Nationals in Italy, 2002–20181
Short-run Labor Market Integration of Venezuelan Immigrants to Peru1
In the Ear of the Listener: The Role of Foreign Accent in Interethnic Friendships and Partnerships1
African Migration at a Crossroads: The Social and Theoretical Implications of Emerging International Migration Trends1
Bridges or Barriers? The Relationship between Immigrants’ Early Labor Market Adversities and Long-term Earnings1
Author Conversation: Laura Briggs and Ethan Blue1
Book Review: Asylum as Reparation1
Book Reviews: Migration and Political Theory1
The Social Inclusion of Migrants Between Policy and Practice: Lessons from Uruguay1
Overcoming Social Interactions Stress During COVID-19 Lockdown: The Role of Individuals’ Mobility and Online Emotional Support1
“Now I Must Go”: Uncovering the Relationship Between Masculinity and Structural Vulnerability in Young African Men's Stories of Forced Migration1
Social Status and Gendered Pathways to Citizenship1
Making a National Program National: The US Resettlement of Displaced Persons After World War II1
Immigrants’ Life Satisfaction in Intermarriages with Natives: A Family Life Course Perspective1
Understanding the Dynamics of Refugee Impact on Employment: Evidence from Northern Uganda1
Assimilation Theories in the 21st Century: Appraising Accomplishments and Future Challenges1
Bazaar-Related Migrant Residential Concentration Areas in Post-Socialist Russian Cities1
The Real Consequences of Symbolic Social Policies: The Public Charge Rule and Benefits Use among Noncitizen Immigrants1
Refugee Belonging: How Values and Value Consensus Between Refugees and German Citizens Are Associated with Feeling Welcome and Spending Time Together1
Do Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) Support Self-Reliance among Urban Refugees? Evidence from Kuala Lumpur and Penang, Malaysia1
Gendered and Stratified Family Formation Trajectories in the Context of Latin American Migration, 1950 to 20001
Book Review: Dying Abroad0
Political Adaptation of Foreign-Born Ethnic Minorities in Britain: The Effects of Pre-Migration Political Learning and Post-Migration Exposure0
Book Review: The Slow Violence of Immigration Court0
Book Review: Drawing Deportation0
The Effect of Immigrant Integration Policies on Public Immigration Attitudes: Evidence from a Survey Experiment in the United Kingdom0
Bureaucratic Migration Politics in West Africa: Opportunities and Dependencies Created by EU Funding0
Does Information Improve the Experience of Pursuing Labor Migration? Evidence from a Field Experiment in Pakistan0
Fertility of Female Filipino and Indonesian Migrant Domestic Workers in Hong Kong0
Author Conversation: Alana Lee Glaser and Ethel Tungohan0
Remittance Modality: Unpacking Canadian Money Transfer Mechanism Choices0
Book Review: Migration and Hybrid Political Regimes: Navigating the Legal Landscape in Russia0
Home Country Work Experience and Immigrant Self-Employment in the United States0
“No Place for Old Men”: Immigrant Duration, Wage Theft, and Economic Mobility among Day Laborers in Denver, Colorado0
Book Review: Reclaiming Diasporic Identity0
Book Review: The Invisibility Bargain: Governance Networks & Migrant Human Security0
Linguistic Barriers to Immigrants’ Labor Market Integration in Italy0
Homestay Accommodation for Refugees (in Europe). A Literature Review0
International Migration and the (Un)happiness Push: Evidence from Polish Longitudinal Data0
Book Review: Unwanted: Italian and Jewish Mobilization against Restrictive Immigration Laws 1882–19650
Book Review: Time and Migration: How Long-Term Taiwanese Migrants Negotiate Later Life0
The Aspiration to Stay: A Global Analysis0
Counting Migrants in Russia: The Human Dimension of Administrative Data Production0
Book Review: Engage and Evade0
Protected, Yet Undocumented: The U.S. Case of Growing Liminal Immigration Status and the Theoretical, Advocacy, and Policy Implications for the U.S. and Beyond0
With Time We Learn to Trust Others? Long-Standing Ethnic Diversity, Recent Immigration, and Out-Group Trust in Russia0
Book Review: The Rise of the Latino Vote: A History0
Does Time Since Arrival have an Effect on Immigrants’ Preferences for Vocational Education and Training Programs in Switzerland?0
Becoming “Platform Workers”: A Biographical Exploration of Temporary Visa and Worker Subjectivities in the Gig Economy0
The Making of a “Lost Generation”: Child Labor among Syrian Refugees in Turkey0
Temporariness and Post-Migration Adaptation of Older Migrants: The Case of Chinese Grandparenting Migrants in Singapore0
Search for a New Home: Refugee Stock and Google Search0
Making Single Mothers Matter: Reflections on the Vulnerability and Agency of Displaced Persons in Postwar Occupied Austria and Beyond0
Mobility Repertoires: How Chinese Overseas Students Overcame Pandemic-Induced Immobility0
Point of Reference: A Multisited Exploration of African Migration and Fertility in France0
Does Changing the Narrative Improve Host Community Attitudes Toward Climate Migrants? Experimental Evidence from Bangladesh0
Intergroup Encounters in Urban Public Spaces: Everyday Strategies of Host Community Members Following a Refugee Influx0
The Life Course Origins of the Immigrant Advantage? Parental Nativity, Parental Education, and Academic Achievement Gaps From Kindergarten to High School in the United States0
Effect of External Shocks on the Predictability of Remittance Flows From Developed Countries0
Book Review: A Thousand Tiny Cuts0
The Politics of Believing and Belonging: Increasing Diversity Among Muslim Immigrants in Germany0
Change in Administration, Change in Deportation Worry? Analyzing the Reduction of U.S. Latinos’ Worries About Deportation from 2019 to 20210
Impact of Syrian Refugees on Male Immigrants’ Labor Market Outcomes in Jordan0
The Glaring Gap: Undervalued and Unrecognized Knowledges and Expertise in International Migration Research0
Does It Pay Off? Understanding Subjective Employment Mobility of European Physicians in Germany0
Book Review: The Politics of Immigration Beyond Liberal States0
Judicial Framing and Immigration Policymaking: Israel's Policy toward Self-Claiming Palestinian Informers0
Book Review: Lived Refuge0
Book Review: Decolonial Mourning and the Caring Commons0
Book Review: The Refugee System0
Book Review: Intimate Strangers0
Collectivized Discretion: Seeking Explanations for Decreased Asylum Recognition Rates in Finland After Europe's 2015 “Refugee Crisis”0
Is Migration a Way Out from Ascription? The Status Attainment Process of Romanians in Western Europe0
Does Self-Employment Contribute to Immigrants’ Economic Integration? Examining Patterns of Self-Employment Exit in Belgium0
Book Review: Forced Out0
Refugee Entrepreneurship: A Systematic Review of Prior Research and Agenda for Future Research0
“All the World's a Stage?” A Role Theory Analysis of City Diplomacy in Global Migration Governance0