Journal of Advanced Transportation

(The median citation count of Journal of Advanced Transportation is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Accident Diagnosis and Evaluation System in Parking Lots Using Multisource Data Based on Bayesian Networks116
Comparison between Physical Parameters and Sensory Parameters Regarding Travel Behavior Based on Sensitivity Analysis81
Deep Learning-Enabled Automatic Detection of Bridges for Promoting Transportation Surveillance under Different Imaging Conditions69
Revealing the Impacts of the Pandemic on Travel Behavior by Examining Pre- and Post-COVID-19 Surveys52
Analytical Approximation-Based Approach for Passenger Flow Control Strategy in Oversaturated Urban Rail Transit Systems51
Extracting the Complete Travel Trajectory of Subway Passengers Based on Mobile Phone Data51
The Impacts of the Multiscale Built Environment on Commuting Mode Choice: Spatial Heterogeneity, Moderating Effects, and Implications for Demand Estimation48
Data-Driven Simulation of Pedestrian Movement with Artificial Neural Network45
Modeling Analysis of Improved Minimum Safe Following Distance under Internet of Vehicles44
A Multiscale Symbolic Dynamic Entropy Analysis of Traffic Flow35
A Mixed Equilibrium Model and Optimal Path Platooning Method for CAV Platoons in Heterogeneous Traffic Flow35
Can Monetary Incentive Regulate Boarding Passenger Distribution on the Metro Station Platform?33
Evaluation of the Cost of Intelligent Upgrades of Transportation Infrastructure for Intelligent Connected Vehicles31
Deployment and Operation of Battery Swapping Stations for Electric Two-Wheelers Based on Machine Learning30
Studying the Simultaneous Effect of Autonomous Vehicles and Distracted Driving on Safety at Unsignalized Intersections29
Evolution of Traffic Microsimulation and Its Use for Modeling Connected and Automated Vehicles28
Factors Influencing the Acceptance of Robo-Taxi Services in China: An Extended Technology Acceptance Model Analysis28
Stability Analysis of the New Traffic Flow Lattice Model considering Taillight Effect and Speed Deviation27
Safety Assessment and a Parametric Study of Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist Based on Real-World Crash Simulations27
An Improved Social Force Model for Bicycle Flow in Groups27
Traffic Flow Characteristics and Lane Use Strategies for Connected and Automated Vehicles in Mixed Traffic Conditions27
Statistical Analysis of Train Operation and Passenger Distribution Based on Real Records: A Case Study of Wuhan-Guangzhou HSR26
Calculation and Analysis of Aircraft Pollutant Emission Based on Time Wake Separation Mode under Coastal Airport and Headwind Conditions25
Conflict Judgment and Safety Assessment at Unsignalized Intersections Based on Machine Vision24
Evaluating the Performance of Connected and Automated Vehicles in Fixed Signal-Controlled Conventional Intersections and Superstreets with Platooning-Based Trajectory Planning23
A Simulation Study for Lateral Stability Control of Vehicles on Icy Asphalt Pavement23
Coupled Control of Traffic Signal and Connected Autonomous Vehicles at Signalized Intersections23
Customer’s Adoption Intentions toward Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Services: Extending DOI Theory with Social Awkwardness and Use Experience22
Optimization of Bus Scheduling and Bus-Berth Matching at Curbside Stops under Connected Vehicle Environment22
Multidimensional Dynamics and Forecast Models of Network Public Opinions Based on the Fusion of Smart Transportation and Big Data22
Optimal Deployment of Dynamic Wireless Charging Lanes for Electric Vehicles considering the Battery Charging Rate22
Pick-Up and Delivery Problem for Sequentially Consolidated Urban Transportation with Mixed and Multi-Pupropse Vehicle Fleet21
Flexible Scheduling Model of Bus Services between Venues of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games21
Lane-Level Road Map Construction considering Vehicle Lane-Changing Behavior21
Optimal Tradable Credit Scheme Design with Recommended Credit Price20
Dynamic Emergency Vehicle Path Planning and Traffic Evacuation Based on Salp Swarm Algorithm20
Research on Recommendation Algorithm of Joint Light Graph Convolution Network and DropEdge20
Integrated Optimization Strategy for Sustainable Shared Designated Driver Ferry Vehicle Scheduling20
How Snowfalls Affect the Operation of Taxi Fleets? A Case Study from Harbin, China20
Simulation Study of Rear-End Crash Evaluation considering Driver Experience Heterogeneity in the Framework of Three-Phase Traffic Theory20
Vehicle Routing Simulation for Prediction of Commuter’s Behaviour20
Reliability of Accessibility: An Interpreted Approach to Understanding Time-Varying Transit Accessibility19
Systematic Analysis and Modelling of Profit Maximization on Carsharing18
Finite Mixture of the Hidden Markov Model for Driving Style Analysis18
SAVE-T: Safety Analysis Visualization and Evaluation Tool18
Multitarget Vehicle Tracking and Motion State Estimation Using a Novel Driving Environment Perception System of Intelligent Vehicles18
Information Exchange Pairs Simulation Method Based on Discrete Event Simulation for Autonomous Transportation System18
A Hierarchical Passenger Mobility Prediction Model Applicable to Large Crowding Events18
Effectiveness and Optimal Location of Real-Time Traffic Conflict Risk Warning System for Rural Unsignalized Intersections: A Driving Simulation Study18
An Exact Solution Approach for the Bus Line Planning Problem with Integrated Passenger Routing18
Improvement of Multiclass Classification of Pavement Objects Using Intensity and Range Images17
Exploring Passengers’ Dependency Variety on Stations’ Functions in Urban Subway17
Optimum Equilibrium Passenger Flow Control Strategies with Delay Penalty Functions under Oversaturated Condition on Urban Rail Transit17
Study of the Space Occupied by a Wheelchair User at Metro de Santiago Platforms by Laboratory Experiments16
Travel Matrix Enabled Delta-Based Roadside Units Deployment for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks: A Case of Kigali City16
Optimizing Train Timetable Based on Departure Time Preference of Passengers for High-Speed Rails16
Data-Driven Approach for Passenger Mobility Pattern Recognition Using Spatiotemporal Embedding16
Driving Safety Assurance Method in Work Zone Crossovers of Highway Reconstruction and Expansion Project16
Analysis of Injury Severity of Drivers Involved Different Types of Two-Vehicle Crashes Using Random-Parameters Logit Models with Heterogeneity in Means and Variances15
Stacking Ensemble Learning Process to Predict Rural Road Traffic Flow15
Investigating Pedestrian Crossing Patterns at Crossing Locations Based on Trajectory Data Collected by UAV15
Dynamic Response Analysis of Medium-Speed Maglev Train with Track Random Irregularities15
Knowledge Graph-Based Enhanced Transformer for Metro Individual Travel Destination Prediction15
Synergistic Optimization Method for URT Network Train Connection Scheme in Peak and Off-Peak Periods15
Heavy-Duty Vehicle Braking Stability Control and HIL Verification for Improving Traffic Safety15
Research on Hub-and-Spoke Transportation Network of China Railway Express14
Research on Urban Traffic Active Control in Cooperative Vehicle Infrastructure14
Exploring the Behavior-Driven Crash Risk Prediction Model: The Role of Onboard Navigation Data in Road Safety14
Automated Lane-Level Road Geometry Estimation Using Microscopic Trajectory Data14
Evaluation of Railway Transportation Performance Based on CRITIC-Relative Entropy Method in China14
Impacts of Different Driving Automation Levels on Highway Geometric Design from the Perspective of Trucks14
Driving Risk Analysis Based on Driving Experience at Hook-Turn Intersection Using the Emerging Virtual Reality Technology14
Exploring Driver Injury Severity in Single-Vehicle Crashes under Foggy Weather and Clear Weather14
Power Allocation for 5G Mobile Multiuser Cooperative Networks14
Heterogeneous Signal Fusion Method in Driving Fatigue Detection Signals14
Ground-Air Traffic Congestion Propagation Model Based on Hierarchical Control Interdependent Network14
Invalid Signatures Searching Bitwise Divisions-Based Algorithm for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks13
Near-Field Route Optimization-Supported Polar Ice Navigation via Maritime Radar Videos13
The Improved Precoding Method in the VLC-Based Intelligent Transportation System13
Network Modeling of Hurricane Evacuation Using Data-Driven Demand and Incident-Induced Capacity Loss Models13
Exploring Route Choice Behaviours Accommodating Stochastic Choice Set Generations13
Unidirectional and Bidirectional LSTM Models for Short-Term Traffic Prediction13
A Function Area Division Approach for Autonomous Transportation System Based on Text Similarity13
Subway Platform Passenger Flow Counting Algorithm Based on Feature-Enhanced Pyramid and Mixed Attention13
Deviation of Pedestrian Path due to the Presence of Building Entrances13
Waiting Behavior and Arousal in Different Levels of Crowd Density: A Psychological Experiment with a “Tiny Box”13
Parking Permit Scheme for Morning Commute considering Parking Search13
Multi-Objective Optimal Travel Route Recommendation for Tourists by Improved Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm12
NCG-TSM: A Noncooperative Game for the Taxi Sharing Model in Urban Road Networks12
Performance Assessment of a Rehabilitation Transportation Reservation Matching Service with Market Design Mechanisms12
Integrated-Hybrid Framework for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Microscopic Traffic Flow Modelling12
Examining Built Environment Effects on Metro Ridership at Station-to-Station Level considering Circle Heterogeneity: A Case Study from Xi’an, China12
The Impact of Three Specific Collaborative Merging Strategies on Traffic Flow12
Application of Fuzzy Linguistic Rating and Entropy-Based GRA to Address Uncertainty in Safety Performance Index Construction12
An Auction-Based Multiagent Simulation for the Matching Problem in Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem with Occasional Drivers12
Off-Ramp Vehicle Mandatory Lane-Changing Duration in Small Spacing Section of Tunnel-Interchange Section Based on Survival Analysis11
Factors Influencing Users’ Willingness to Adopt Connected and Autonomous Vehicles: Net and Configurational Effects Analysis Using PLS-SEM and FsQCA11
Vehicle Trajectory Control and Signal Timing Optimization of Isolated Intersection under V2X Environment11
Data Imputation for Detected Traffic Volume of Freeway Using Regression of Multilayer Perceptron11
Cybersecurity and Countermeasures at the Time of Pandemic11
Dispatching Design for Customized Bus of Hybrid Vehicles Based on Reservation Data11
Driver Lane-Changing Behavior Prediction Based on Deep Learning11
Fitting Method of Optimal Energy-Running Time Curve Based on Train Operation Data of an Urban Rail Section11
How to Improve the Efficiency of Check-In Counter: A Counter-Sharing Method11
Centralized and Decentralized Signal Control with Short-Term Origin-Destination Demand for Network Traffic11
Fuzzy Multidimensional Assessment Approach of Travel Deprivation in Small Underdeveloped Cities: Case Study of Lhasa, China11
Platoon-Based Assessment of Two-Way Two-Lane Roads Performance Measure: A Classification Method11
Combined Dynamic Route Guidance and Signal Timing Optimization for Urban Traffic Congestion Caused by Accidents11
Headway Optimisation for Metro Lines Based on Timetable Simulation and Simulated Annealing11
Cluster Analysis of Daily Cycling Flow Profiles during COVID-19 Lockdown in the UK11
Research on Optimization Model of Logistics Transportation Truck Path considering Environmental Impact: Experimental Data from Xiqing District, Tianjin11
Heterogeneity in the Driver Behavior: An Exploratory Study Using Real-Time Driving Data11
Highway Traffic Speed Prediction in Rainy Environment Based on APSO-GRU11
A Person-Based Adaptive Traffic Signal Control Method with Cooperative Transit Signal Priority11
Positivity-Preserving Discontinuous Galerkin Methods on Triangular Meshes for Macroscopic Pedestrian Flow Models11
Data Collection System of IoT Based on the Coordination of Drones and Unmanned Surface Vehicle11
Variable Speed Limit Strategies Based on the Macro Hierarchical Control Traffic Flow Model11
Compact Sine Cosine Algorithm with Multigroup and Multistrategy for Dispatching System of Public Transit Vehicles10
Data-Driven Approach for Modeling the Nonlane-Based Mixed Traffic Conditions10
Dynamic Capacitated Arc Routing Problem in E-Bike Sharing System: A Monte Carlo Tree Search Approach10
An Improved Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search Algorithm for the Heterogeneous Customized Bus Service with Multiple Pickup and Delivery Candidate Locations10
Data Transmission Control of Vehicle Ad Hoc Network in Intelligent Transportation Systems for Smart Cities10
Layout Methods for Integrated Energy Supply Service Stations from the Perspective of Combination Optimization10
A Decentralized ETC Architecture Based on Blockchain Technology10
Risk Assessment of Rollover and Skidding due to Pavement Roughness and Differential Settlement for Enhancing Transportation Safety10
Evaluation of Spatial and Temporal Performance of Deep Learning Models for Travel Demand Forecasting: Application to Bike-Sharing Demand Forecasting10
Designing Airline Hub-and-Spoke Network and Fleet Size by a Biobjective Model Based on Passenger Preferences and Value of Time10
A Fuzzy Logic-Based Approach for Humanized Driver Modelling10
Understanding the Factors That Are Associated with Motorcycle Crash Severity in Rural and Urban Areas of Ghana10
Profit Maximization Model with Fare Structures and Subsidy Constraints for Urban Rail Transit9
Research on Accessibility and Equity of Urban Transport Based on Multisource Big Data9
I See Your Gesture: A VR-Based Study of Bidirectional Communication between Pedestrians and Automated Vehicles9
Traffic Incident Detection Based on mmWave Radar and Improvement Using Fusion with Camera9
Fuel Consumption and Traffic Emissions Evaluation of Mixed Traffic Flow with Connected Automated Vehicles at Multiple Traffic Scenarios9
Influences of Exit Advance Guide Signs on the Trajectory and Speed of Passenger Cars in Highway Tunnels9
Local or Neighborhood? Examining the Relationship between Traffic Accidents and Land Use Using a Gradient Boosting Machine Learning Method: The Case of Suzhou Industrial Park, China9
Optimization of Urban Cold Chain Transport Routes under Time-Varying Network Conditions9
Improved F-DBSCAN for Trip End Identification Using Mobile Phone Data in Combination with Base Station Density9
Influence of Public Bus Driver’s Driving Behaviors on Passenger Fall Incidents: An Analysis Using Digital Tachograph Data9
Analysis of the Impact of Ride-Hailing on Urban Road Network Traffic by Using Vehicle Trajectory Data9
Freight Demand Distribution in a Suburban Area: Calibration of an Acquisition Model with Floating Car Data9
Rebalancing Docked Bicycle Sharing System with Approximate Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning9
A Roadway Safety Sustainable Approach: Modeling for Real-Time Traffic Crash with Limited Data and Its Reliability Verification9
Variable Cell Transmission Model for Mixed Traffic Flow with Connected Automated Vehicles and Human-Driven Vehicles9
Research on Green Transport Mode of Chinese Bulk Cargo Based on Fourth-Party Logistics9
Procedural Modeling-Based BIM Approach for Railway Design8
Prediction of Road Network Traffic State Using the NARX Neural Network8
Modeling and Quantifying Interaction of Information and Capacity in Public Transport Disruptions8
Drivers’ Yielding Behavior in Different Pedestrian Crossing Configurations: A Field Survey8
A Study on the Utility Measurements and Influencing Factors of High-Speed Rail and Air Passenger Travel8
Do Residents Living in Transit-Oriented Development Station Catchment Areas Travel More Sustainably? The Impacts of Life Events8
Optimization Approach for Yard Crane Scheduling Problem with Uncertain Parameters in Container Terminals8
Understanding City-Wide Ride-Sourcing Travel Flow: A Geographically Weighted Regression Approach8
Queue Intensity Adaptive Signal Control for Isolated Intersection Based on Vehicle Trajectory Data8
Exact Algorithms for Practical Instances of the Railcar Loading Problem at Marine Container Terminals8
Impact of Road Environment on Drivers’ Preference to Merging Location Selection in Freeway Work Zone Merging Areas8
A Multifeature Fusion Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction Model Based on Deep Learnings8
Modeling Spatial Riding Characteristics of Bike-Sharing Users Using Hotspot Areas-Based Association Rule Mining8
Vulnerability Analysis of Urban Rail Transit Network considering Cascading Failure Evolution8
A Metro Freight Plan for Mixed Passenger and Freight Transportation8
Time and Distance Gaps of Primary-Secondary Crashes Prediction and Analysis Using Random Forests and SHAP Model8
Flight Delay Classification Prediction Based on Stacking Algorithm8
Real-Time Monitoring and Optimal Resource Allocation for Automated Container Terminals: A Digital Twin Application at the Yangshan Port8
Research on Travel Behavior with Car Sharing under Smart City Conditions8
Social Norms Matter: University Students’ Misbehaviors in the Metro Carriage8
Evaluating the Safety Impact of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles with Lane Management on Freeway Crash Hotspots Using the Surrogate Safety Assessment Model8
In Search of Severity Dimensions of Traffic Conflicts for Different Simulated Mixed Fleets Involving Connected and Autonomous Vehicles8
Short-Term Passenger Flow Forecasting for Rail Transit considering Chaos Theory and Improved EMD-PSO-LSTM-Combined Optimization8
Investigating Different Types of Red-Light Running Behaviors among Urban e-Bike Rider Mixed Groups8
Analysis of Spatial-Temporal Characteristics of Operations in Public Transport Networks Based on Multisource Data8
Research on Urban Road Network Evaluation Based on Fractal Analysis8
Short-Term Passenger Flow Prediction of Urban Rail Transit Based on SDS-SSA-LSTM8
Impact of Automated Truck Platooning on the Performance of Freeway Mixed Traffic Flow8
Estimating the Potential Modal Split of Any Future Mode Using Revealed Preference Data8
Forecasting the Development of Self-Driving Technology in China by Multidimensional Information8
Analysis of the Relationship between the Density and Lane-Changing Behavior of Circular Multilane Urban Expressway in Mixed Traffic8
Deep Learning-Based Dynamic Stable Cluster Head Selection in VANET8
Emission Reduction Effect and Mechanism of Auto-Purchase Tax Preference8
Conflict Probability Prediction and Safety Assessment of Straight-Left Traffic Flow at Signalized Intersections8
Retracted: A Content Dissemination Technique Based on Priority to Improve Quality of Service of Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks7
Introducing an Experimental Model of Asphalt Shear Strength Using Designed Jaws and Presentation of Shear Strength Prediction Model by Genetic Programming Method7
Multitype Origin‐Destination (OD) Passenger Flow Prediction for Urban Rail Transit: A Deep Learning Clustering First Predicting Second Integrated Framework7
Exploring Safe Overtaking Behavior on Two‐Lane Two‐Way Road Using Multiagent Driving Simulators and Traffic Simulation7
The Relationship between Built Environment Characteristics and Metro Stations Pedestrian Catchment Areas7
A Lane Change Strategy to Enhance Traffic Safety in the Coexistence of Autonomous Vehicles and Manual Vehicles7
Multiobjective Optimization of Port Collecting and Distributing Network Considering the Balance Among Efficiency, Environmental Performance, and Disruption to Urban Traffic7
Reliability Analysis of Horizontal Curves Using Geometric Design Consistency Assessment Criterion7
Crowding Perception Thresholds of Passengers in Urban Rail Transit: A Study of Differences in Spatiotemporal Dimensions7
Evaluating Emission Reduction Policies along an Urban Arterial Highway Using the AIMSUN Model7
Retracted: Optimization Drive on a Flat Tire Vehicular System for Autonomous E-Vehicles Using Network Distribution Simulations7
Retracted: Key Technologies of Vehicle Active Safety System Based on Computer Vision7
Modified Model Predictive Control for Coordinated Signals along an Arterial under Relaxing Assumptions7
Attention Mechanism with Spatial‐Temporal Joint Deep Learning Model for the Forecasting of Short‐Term Passenger Flow Distribution at the Railway Station7
An Optimization Strategy for Truncating Ultralong Bus Lines Integrated with Metro Networks7
Vulnerability Analysis of China‐Europe Railway Express Network Based on Improved Nonlinear Load‐Capacity Model7
Optimal Reservation Volume of Urban Roads Based on Travel Reservation Strategy7
Managing Air Traffic Flow With Link Flow Rate Control: A Pure Integer Programming Model With More Accurate Link Connection Modeling7
Integration and Application of Online Sports Resources Based on Multidimensional Intelligent Technology and Resource Optimization Architecture7
Examining Causation of Fatal Traffic Crashes Involving Commercial Vehicles over the Last Decade in China7
Retracted: Research on the Path of Artisan Spirit to Party Ideological Education in Colleges and Universities Based on Image Processing Technology7
Modeling Uncertainties for Automated and Connected Vehicles in Mixed Traffic7
Retracted: Improved Multiple Lyapunov Functions of input-to-output Stability and input-to-state Stability for Switched Systems7
Retracted: Thermal Straightening Control System for Variable-Section Automotive Leaf Springs Rolling Based on IoT Edge Computing7
Bottom-Up Approach Ship Emission Inventory in Port of Incheon Based on VTS Data7
Revolutionizing TOD Planning in a Developing Country: An Objective-Weighted Framework for Measuring Nodal TOD Index7
PID‐Based Freeway Work Zone Merge Control with Traffic State Prediction under Mixed Traffic Flow of Connected Automated Vehicles and Manual Vehicles7
Evolutionary Game Analysis of Queue‐Jumping and Yielding Behaviours of Drivers With Type A and Type B Personality Traits7
Analysing the Environmental and Social Impacts of a Novel User‐Based Transit Signal Priority Strategy in a Connected Vehicle Environment7
Research on Chaotic Characteristics of Cascade Failure in Rail Transit Networks considering Nonlinear Load Fluctuations7
An Interval Integrated Optimization to Air‐Cargo Hub Network Design and Airline Fleet Planning7
Dynamic Risk Assessment and Control Framework for Work Zone and Its First Implementation under Simulation Environment7
Optimizing Urban Traffic Management: Investigating the Impact of Probe Vehicle Road Coverage, Penetration Rates, and Speed Data Quality in Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram Estimation7
Study on Abnormal Transmission of Date Frames Based on PT-CAN Bus7
Retracted: A Way to Automatically Generate Lane Level Traffic Data from Video in the Intersections7
Retracted: An Improved Deep Belief Network IDS on IoT-Based Network for Traffic Systems7
A Choice Behavior Model of Bike-Sharing Based on User Perception, Psychological Expectations, and Loyalty7
Metamodel-Based Optimization Method for Traffic Network Signal Design under Stochastic Demand6
Evaluating the Impacts of Optimization Horizon on the Shared Autonomous Vehicle Reservation Request System6
Static Integration Based on Stochastic P-Time Petri Nets of Maintenance Scheduling for Railway Transport Equipment6
An Overview of Pavement Degradation Prediction Models6
Transferability of a Machine Learning-Based Model of Hourly Traffic Volume Estimation—Florida and New Hampshire Case Study6
Improving the Urban Transport System Resilience Through Adaptive Traffic Signal Control Enabled by Decentralised Multiagent Reinforcement Learning6
Sentiment Analysis Models with Bayesian Approach: A Bike Preference Application in Metropolitan Cities6
Decision-Making Research on Tour Lines of Tourist-Dedicated Train Based on Vague Sets and Prospect Theory6
A Two-Level Model for Traffic Signal Timing and Trajectories Planning of Multiple CAVs in a Random Environment6
Vehicle Assignment considering Battery Endurance for Electric Vehicle Carsharing Systems6
Relieving the Congestion around a School via Automatic Vehicle Identification Technology-Based Traffic Measures6
Optimization of Distribution Path considering Cost and Customer Satisfaction under New Retail Modes6
Digital Twins and Road Construction Using Secondary Raw Materials6
Auxiliary Stopping Area Layout Method for High-Speed Maglev Operated Bidirectionally on Single Track6
Identifying the Key Nodes and Sections of Urban Roadway Network Based on GPS Trajectory Data6
Analysis of Traffic Volume and Travel-Time Relationship Using Continuous One-Hour Values on Urban Expressway6
Research on Urban Traffic Industrial Management under Big Data: Taking Traffic Congestion as an Example6
Evaluation and Optimization of Air Traffic Complexity Based on Resilience Metrics6
Defining Equity Criteria for Determining Fare Zones in Integrated Passenger Transport6
GPS Trajectory-Based Spatio-Temporal Variations of Traffic Accessibility under Public Health Emergency Consideration6
Subway Sudden Passenger Flow Prediction Method Based on Two Factors: Case Study of the Dongsishitiao Station in Beijing6
Extracting Overtaking Segments by Unsupervised Clustering and Predicting Nonmotorized Vehicle’s Trajectory6
Extracting Vessel Speed Based on Machine Learning and Drone Images during Ship Traffic Flow Prediction6
Vibration Analysis of Traction Drive System Components Based on the Field Test for High-Speed Train6
Volcanic Ash Region Path Planning Based on Improved A-Star Algorithm6
Multiobjective Multidepot Capacitated Arc Routing Optimization Based on Hybrid Algorithm6
Exploring the Built Environment Factors in the Metro That Influence the Ridership and the Market Share of the Elderly and Students6
Classification of the Traffic Status Subcategory with ETC Gantry Data: An Improved Support Tensor Machine Approach6
Estimating the Railway Network Capacity Utilization with Mixed Train Routes and Stopping Patterns: A Multiobjective Optimization Approach6
Applying the Operational Design Domain Concept to Vehicles Equipped with Advanced Driver Assistance Systems for Enhanced Safety6
Analysis of Freeway Safety Influencing Factors on Driving Workload and Performance Based on the Gray Correlation Method6
Dynamic Trajectory Planning for Automated Lane Changing Using the Quintic Polynomial Curve6
Study on Influencing Factors of the Duration of Residential Leisure Travel to Urban Parks6
Development of Macroscopic Cell-Based Logistic Lane Change Prediction Model6