Energy Conversion and Management

(The median citation count of Energy Conversion and Management is 11. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Wind farm layout optimization with uncertain wind condition421
Spatial and temporal variations of the flow characteristics at a tidal stream power site: A high-resolution numerical study357
Economic performance of biogas production and use from residues co-digestion in integrated 1G2G sugarcane biorefineries: Better electricity or biomethane?336
Integration of oxycombustion and microbial electrosynthesis for sustainable energy storage306
Effect of natural gas direct injection (NGDI) on the performance and knock behavior of an SI engine270
Multi-objective optimization of a cryogenic cold energy recovery system for LNG regasification263
Building energy characteristic evaluation in terms of energy efficiency and ecology259
Optimizing hydropower plants based on carbon-water-energy-ecosystem nexus248
Reliable and cost-effective optimal design of an off-grid hybrid renewable energy system using a multi-objective swarm intelligence method considering long-term effects of high temperature210
The management of an energy system in the realm of rapid energy transition and degasification as a consequence of energy crisis, examination in H2RES energy model201
Off-grid multi-region energy system design based on energy load demand estimation using hybrid nature-inspired optimization algorithms199
Synergetic performance improvement of a novel building integrated photovoltaic/thermal-energy pile system for co-utilization of solar and shallow-geothermal energy196
Energy recovery from produced water via reverse Electrodialysis: The role of heavy metals and soluble organics on process performance190
Prescriptive Lifetime Management for PEM fuel cell systems in transportation applications, Part I: State of the art and conceptual design179
The effect of membrane thickness on AEMFC Performance: An integrated theoretical and experimental study167
Techno-economic analysis to identify the optimal conditions for green hydrogen production165
Technical-economic-environmental analysis of high temperature cascade heat pump with R718 (high stage) and six different low global warming potential refrigerants (low stage)159
Deep learning strategies for automatic fault diagnosis in photovoltaic systems by thermographic images159
Design and optimization of an annular air-hydrogen precooler for advanced space launchers engines153
Modeling, construction, and testing of a diaphragm thermoacoustic Stirling engine144
A new generation of centrifugal pumps for high conversion efficiency143
Polyethylene waste gasification syngas analysis and multi-objective optimization using central composite design for simultaneous minimization of required heat and maximization of exergy efficiency142
Hybrid vibro-acoustic energy harvesting using electromagnetic transduction for autonomous condition monitoring system142
Salinity gradient energy harvested from thermal desalination for power production by reverse electrodialysis141
The effects of heave motion on the performance of a floating counter-rotating type tidal turbine under wave-current interaction136
Performance analysis of stirling engine double-effect absorption chiller hybrid system for waste heat utilization from gas turbine modular helium reactor135
Improving wave energy conversion performance of a floating BBDB-OWC system by using dual chambers and a novel enhancement plate133
Energy separation and condensation effects in pressure energy recovery process of natural gas supersonic dehydration133
Hybrid photovoltaic-thermoelectric system using a novel spectral splitting solar concentrator133
Optimization of microreactor-intensified transesterification reaction of sesame cake oil (sesame waste) for biodiesel production using magnetically immobilized lipase nano-biocatalyst132
Low carbon pathway and life cycle assessment of ammonia co-firing in coal power plants under the context of carbon neutrality131
Comprehensive review of development and applications of hydrogen energy technologies in China for carbon neutrality: Technology advances and challenges130
Real-time cost-minimization power-allocating strategy via model predictive control for fuel cell hybrid electric vehicles130
Simulation of the supercritical CO2 recompression Brayton power cycle with a high-temperature regenerator127
Comparative double and integer optimization of low-grade heat recovery from PEM fuel cells employing an organic Rankine cycle with zeotropic mixtures127
Self-adaptive heat management of solid oxide electrolyzer cell under fluctuating power supply123
Thermodynamic analysis and optimization of solar methane dry reforming enhanced by chemical hydrogen separation123
Multi- objective optimization and life cycle assessment of a cascade system integrating LiBr/H2O absorption refrigeration with transcritical CO2 power cycle122
Structural improvement and thermodynamic optimization of a novel supercritical CO2 cycle driven by hot dry rock for power generation120
Hydrogen double compression-expansion engine (H2DCEE): A sustainable internal combustion engine with 60%+ brake thermal efficiency potential at 45 bar BMEP120
Energy management strategy based on health state for a PEMFC/Lithium-ion batteries hybrid power system119
Multi-objective grey wolf optimization of solar chimneys based on an improved model incorporating a wind turbine power curve119
Performance evaluation of small scale solar organic Rankine cycle using MWCNT + R141b nanorefrigerant117
Assessing the performance of a renewable District Heating System to achieve nearly zero-energy status in renovated university campuses: A case study for Spain117
Application of methanol with an ignition improver in a small marine CI engine117
Optimal retrofitting of MCH-Toluene dehydrogenation system: Energy and technoeconomic analysis116
Ignition detection with the breakdown voltage measurement during nanosecond repetitively pulsed discharges116
Application analysis of adsorption refrigeration system for solar and data center waste heat utilization116
Potential cost savings of large-scale blue hydrogen production via sorption-enhanced steam reforming process115
Investigations of a novel proton exchange membrane fuel cell-driven combined cooling and power system in data center applications115
Ascertaining the techno-economic feasibility of a biomass driven dual bed vapor adsorption refrigeration system operated cold storage room: An experimental and comparative approach112
Experiment analysis and computational optimization of the Atkinson cycle gasoline engine through NSGA Ⅱ algorithm using machine learning109
Developing a techno-economic model to evaluate the cost performance of a zeolite 13X-based space heating system107
Model testing of a floating wave energy converter with an internal U-shaped oscillating water column106
GnPs/PVDF decorated thermoplastic veils to boost the triboelectric nanogenerator output performance toward highly efficient energy harvesting106
Human-in-the-loop optimization of knee-joint biomechanical energy harvester to maximize power generation with minimal user effort106
A novel mechanical vapor compression vacuum belt drying system: Model development, experimental verification and performance prediction105
Development of a hybrid integrated energy system driven by solar-thermochemical and pyrolysis processes for useful commodities with hydrogen104
On the efficient topology of the exhaust heat exchangers equipped with thermoelectric generators for an internal combustion engine104
Mixtures of heavy fuel oil and green hydrogen in combustion equipment: Energy analysis, emission estimates, and economic prospects103
District heating planning with focus on solar energy and heat pump using GIS and the supervised learning method: Case study of Gaziantep, Turkey103
Operation strategy and dynamic performance study of integrated solar combined-cycle system103
Theoretical investigation of a humidification-dehumidification/reverse osmosis hybrid desalination unit driven by concentrated photovoltaic/thermal solar collector: On both energy and mass recovery102
Thermodynamic analysis of different modes of a multigeneration SOFC-CCHP system with freshwater production and LNG cold energy utilization102
Sustainable three-stage chemical looping ammonia production (3CLAP) process100
H2 production from catalytic dry reforming of landfill gas utilizing membrane reactor with combined heat and power system: 3E (energy, economic and environmental) feasibility analysis100
Fuel cell/battery power supply system operational strategy to secure the durability of commercial hydrogen vehicles100
Analysis of a hybrid system combining solar-assisted methanol reforming and fuel cell power generation99
Optimizing extraction of antioxidative biostimulant from waste onion peels for microalgae cultivation via response surface model98
Influence of torrefaction as pretreatment on the fast pyrolysis of sugarcane trash98
Dynamic system modeling and simulation of a power-to-methanol process based on proton-conducting tubular solid oxide cells98
A novel combined power and cooling cycle design and a modified conditional exergy destruction approach98
3D fluid–structure simulation of innovative composites for the design and thermal management of electronic devices96
Design and numerical analysis of supersonic radial-inflow turbines for transcritical ORC processes96
Impact and quantification of various individual thermodynamic improvements for transcritical R744 supermarket refrigeration systems based on advanced exergy analysis95
Comparison analysis of two different concentrated photovoltaic/thermal-TEG hybrid systems95
Dynamic analysis and control optimization of hydrogen supply for the proton exchange membrane fuel cell and metal hydride coupling system with a hydrogen buffer tank95
A novel Global maximum power extraction technique for partial shaded solar PV system94
Editorial Board94
Study on the heat and mass transfer mechanisms of liquid-cooled PEMFC stacks based on non-isothermal model92
Short-term scheduling of gas-fired CHP plant with thermal storage using optimization algorithm and forecasting models92
Recent advancements, applications, and technical challenges in fuel additives-assisted engine operations92
Microwave pyrolysis of biomass model compounds for bio-oil: Formation mechanisms of the nitrogenous chemicals and DFT calculations91
Comparison of active and passive cooling of proton exchange membrane fuel cell using a multiphase model91
Origami dynamics based soft piezoelectric energy harvester for machine learning assisted self-powered gait biometric identification91
Experimental investigation and exergy analysis of a high concentrating photovoltaic system integrated with spray cooling91
Thermo-economic evaluation and multi-objective optimization of a waste heat driven combined cooling and power system based on a modified Kalina cycle91
Experimental investigation on CO2-based combined cooling and power cycle90
Electrical energy harvesting by connected form stable phase change material composites89
Dynamic simulation and exergy analysis of adsorption chiller powered by low-grade waste heat from a fuel-cell system: Effect of multibed configuration and time constant89
Thermodynamic analysis of compressed and liquid carbon dioxide energy storage system integrated with steam cycle for flexible operation of thermal power plant89
Performance analysis of Savonius hydrokinetic turbine capturing wave energy under different operating strategies88
Performance analysis of a temperature and humidity independent control system with high temperature chilled water cooling and condensing heat regenerating for office buildings87
Unlocking the multi-mode energy-saving potential of a novel integrated thermal management system for range-extended electric vehicle87
A high-efficiency curved panel energy harvester featured by reduced stress concentration87
Performance analysis of hydrogen iodide decomposition membrane reactor under different sweep modes87
Design optimization of an innovative deflector with bleed jets to enhance the performance of dual Savonius turbines using CFD-Taguchi method87
Multi-stage humidification–dehumidification system integrated with a crystallizer for zero liquid discharge of desalination brine86
Development of technology-explicit energy saving bandwidths: A case study for the pulp and paper sector86
Renewable fuel-powered micro-gas turbine and hydrogen fuel cell systems: Exploring scenarios of technology, control, and operation86
Coal-based graphitized activated carbon for solar energy powered supercapacitor IoT applications85
Catalyzing the metabolism through CoFe2O4 magnetic photocatalyst for photo fermentative biohydrogen production: Selectivity and recyclability across diverse strains85
A novel cryogenic-thermochemical approach for clean hydrogen production from industrial flue gas streams with carbon capture and storage85
Life cycle-based multi-objective model for optimal gaseous fuel generation and portfolio allocation in gas grids: A strategic decarbonization85
Optical study on spray mixing, flame propagation and jets evolution within visible methanol active pre-chamber for turbulent jet ignition85
Energy concentration pipe based on passive jet control for enhancing flow induced vibration energy harvesting85
Exploring novel porphyrin photocatalyst for the conversion of frying oil to biodiesel: A step for globular economy85
Statistical wind speed forecasting models for small sample datasets: Problems, Improvements, and prospects84
Thermoeconomic investigation of pressurized oxy-fuel combustion integrated with supercritical CO2 Brayton cycle84
Evaluation of hybrid evaporative-vapor compression air conditioners for different global climates84
Comparative study on optimized round-trip efficiency of pumped thermal and pumped cryogenic electricity storages84
Capacity configuration of fuel cell hybrid vehicles using enhanced multi-objective particle swarm optimization with competitive mechanism83
Techno-economic assessment of various concentrating solar power (CSP) technologies for large-scale sustainable power generation in Bangladesh83
Capital cost reduction in thermomechanical energy storage: An analysis of similitude-based reversible Brayton systems83
Multigroup differential evolutionary and multilayer Taylor dynamic network planning for zero-carbon grid extension model with user satisfaction83
Optimization of PEMFC operating parameters considering water management by an integrated method of sensitivity analysis, multi-objective optimization and evaluation83
Ridge regression and artificial neural network to predict the thermodynamic properties of alkali metal Rankine cycles for space nuclear power83
Performance of a ground-source integrated heat pump for HVAC and DHW in a residential net-zero energy building82
High-yield activated carbon based ZnO-Ce bifunctional catalyst for production of biodiesel from waste cooking oil82
An autonomous entropy-reduction mechanism for modulating and converting ultralow-frequency vibration energy82
Experimental investigation and thermo-electrical performance modeling of two PV plants in arid climates82
A thermodynamic approach to energy, exergy, exergoeconomic, enviroeconomic, and sustainability assessments involving an VCR diesel engine employing third-generation biodiesel with TiO2 NPs and n-hepta82
Unveiling the potential of pyrolysis-gasification for hydrogen-rich syngas production from biomass and plastic waste81
Stable electrolytic hydrogen production using renewable energy81
Sustainable agrobiorefinery system for advanced ethanol production from Opuntia prickly pear cactus nopales81
Intelligent energy management through neuro-fuzzy based adaptive ECMS approach for an optimal battery utilization in plugin parallel hybrid electric vehicle80
Coupling geospatial suitability simulation and life cycle carbon emissions towards uncertain optimization planning for wind-photovoltaic-hydrogen multi-energy complementary system80
A novel heating system of solar-assisted enhanced jet enthalpy air source heat pump for cold regions80
Design and optimization of flexible decoupled high-temperature gas-cooled reactor plants with thermal energy storage80
Development and prototype testing of a novel small-scale pyrolysis system for the treatment of sanitary sludge79
Exergoeconomic analysis of an integrated humidification-dehumidification desalination/open-cycle ejector system for freshwater and cooling energy production79
Performance prediction of a curved-type solar balcony combined with the flexible PV/T system during the non-heating season78
Prediction of phenol yield by machine learning based on biomass characteristics, pyrolysis conditions, and catalyst properties78
Thermodynamics analysis of a novel absorption heat transformer-driven combined refrigeration and desalination system78
Thermal performance of an absorption-assisted two-stage ejector air-to-water heat pump78
Renewable methane and liquid hydrocarbon production through catalytic hydrothermal decarboxylation of waste cooking oil78
An analytical solution to optimal heat pump integration78
Design and synthesis of SiO2/TiO2/PDA functionalized phase change microcapsules for efficient solar-driven energy storage77
Multi-objective optimization of district cooling systems considering cooling load characteristics77
System integration for combined heat and power (CHP) plants with post-combustion CO2 capture76
Investigation of a social group assisted differential evolution for the optimal PV parameter extraction of standard and modified diode models76
Study on a passive concentrating photovoltaic-membrane distillation integrated system76
Solid sorption thermal battery assisted by continuous compression process for efficient heat supply75
Performance analysis of thermoelectric generation system with controlled heat distribution75
Component sizing of a series hybrid electric vehicle through artificial neural network75
Numerical investigation of the energy performance of a solar micro-CHP unit75
Evaluating the impact of off-design CHP performance on the optimal sizing and dispatch of hybrid renewable-CHP distributed energy resources75
Investigating the hybridisation of micro-scale concentrated solar trigeneration systems and wind turbines for residential applications using a dynamic model75
Performance evaluation of a novel vertical axis wind turbine using twisted blades in multi-stage Savonius rotors75
A comprehensive approach for hydrogen production from crude glycerol: Process synthesis, energy integration, and storage74
Investigations on energy harvesting systems incorporating mechanical and electrical nonlinearities to charge reusable batteries74
Thermochemical heat recuperation for compressed air energy storage74
Preliminary design, thermodynamic analysis and optimization of a novel carbon dioxide based combined power, cooling and distillate water system74
The benefits of a recuperative layout of an ORC-based unit fed by a solar-assisted reservoir operating as a micro-cogeneration plant74
Environmental constrained medium-term energy planning: The case study of an Italian university campus as a multi-carrier local energy community74
Off-design performance evaluation of thermally integrated pumped thermal electricity storage systems with solar energy74
Tailoring the actuator line theory to the simulation of Vertical-Axis Wind Turbines73
Aqueous byproducts from biomass wet thermochemical processing: Valorization into fuels, chemicals, fertilizers, and biomaterials73
Explicit prediction models for brackish water electrodialysis desalination plants: Energy consumption and membrane area73
Effectiveness of optimization procedures on the economic profitability of a virtual tri-generation power plant connected to a district heating cooling network73
Model based mapping of a novel prototype spark ignition opposed-piston engine73
Multi-scale thermal modeling, experimental validation, and thermal characterization of a high-power lithium-ion cell for automobile application72
Experimental and numerical analysis on heat and moisture recovery performance of enthalpy wheel with condensation72
Experimental investigations on biodiesel-water emulsion as a potential fuel for early and late injection based premixed lean combustion71
Enhancement of thermoelectric cooling by hot-end electroluminescence71
Energy characterization of an innovative non-equilibrium plasma ignition system based on the dielectric barrier discharge via pressure-rise calorimetry71
Integrated production of methanol and biochar from bagasse and plastic waste: A three-in-one solution for carbon sequestration, bioenergy production, and waste valorization71
Two-phase ejector enhanced carbon dioxide transcritical heat pump for cold climate71
Pyrolysis and combustion kinetics of thermally treated globe artichoke leaves70
Coupling the full solar spectrum with a two-step thermo-electrolytic cycle for efficient solar hydrogen production70
Energy saving and flexibility analysis of combined heat and power systems integrating heat-power decoupling technologies in renewable energy accommodation70
Performance mapping of an open absorption thermal battery with crystallization and sorbent circulation70
Flexibility scores for energy transition pathways: Integrating socio-technical factors in a long-term energy market model70
Dual fluid trigeneration combined organic Rankine-compound ejector-multi evaporator vapour compression system69
Fuel cell system for aviation applications: Modeling, parameter sensitivity, and control69
An insight on the physical mechanisms responsible of power augmentation in a pair of counter-rotating Darrieus turbines69
One-way heat exchange regenerative cooler: Principle, conceptual design and thermodynamic analysis69
Inverse optimization investigation for thermoelectric material from device level68
Predictive maintenance within combined heat and power plants based on a novel virtual sample generation method68
Thermal stability and plasmonic photothermal conversion of surface-modified solar nanofluids: Comparing prolonged and cyclic thermal treatments68
Conformal heat energy harvester on Steam4 pipelines for powering IoT sensors68
Experimental investigation on the thermal performance of a novel thermosyphon heat pipe with truncated cone for heat recovery systems68
A whole-system approach for quantifying the value of smart electrification for decarbonising heating in buildings68
A hybrid forecasting system with complexity identification and improved optimization for short-term wind speed prediction68
Flare-to-hydrogen in oil and gas industries: Techno-economic feasibility of a net-negative alternative67
Techno-economic assessment and optimization of the performance of solar power tower plant in Egypt's climate conditions67
Cost and thermodynamic analysis of wind-hydrogen production via multi-energy systems67
4E performance evaluation of PV, PV/Thermal, and solar domestic water Heater for building integration in the Moroccan country67
Multiscale investigation of the plasmonic solar cell in the spectral splitting concentrating photovoltaic-thermal system67
Enhancement of solar pond stability performance using an external magnetic field66
Simulating the effects of flow configurations on auxiliary power requirement and net power output of High-Temperature Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell66
A novel electrochemical system with adiabatic pre-charging and pre-discharging processes for efficient refrigeration66
CO2 conversion to syngas via electrification of endothermal reactors: Process design and environmental impact analysis66
The Carnot batteries thermally assisted by the steam extracted from thermal power plants: A thermodynamic analysis and performance evaluation66
Can biogas-producing sugarcane biorefineries techno-economically outperform conventional ethanol production? Deciphering the way towards maximum profitability66
Continuous production of cryogenic energy at low-temperature using two-stage ejector cooling system, Kalina power cycle, cold energy storage unit, and photovoltaic system65
Comparative Techno-economic analysis of methanol production via carbon dioxide reforming of landfill gas using a highly active and stable Nickel-based catalyst65
Techno-economic assessment for a pumped thermal energy storage integrated with open cycle gas turbine and chemical looping technology65
Scenario-based operation of an integrated rural multi-energy system considering agent-based farmer-behavior modeling64
Assessment of different end-of-life strategies for wind power plants under uncertainty64
A 3E water energy nexus based optimum design for a hybrid PV-PEMFC electricity production systems for off-gird applications64
Asymmetric reactors as an innovative approach for optimum microbial fuel cells performance64
Development of a novel tool to simulate solar thermal cogeneration plants using small-capacity tower plants64
Machine learning-aided thermography for autonomous heat loss detection in buildings64
The effects of the location of the leading-edge tubercles on the performance of horizontal axis wind turbine63
Comprehensive assessment of a novel multi-generation system for power, water, and valuable chemical (chlor-alkali) production with zero brine discharge63
An efficient low-grade thermal energy dual-driven elastocaloric cooling system: Thermodynamic cycle analysis, economic and sustainability assessment63
Boosting of energy efficiency and by-product quality of anaerobic digestion of Kitchen Waste: Hybridization with pyrolysis using Zero-Waste strategy63
Biodiesel production from used cooking oil at room temperature using novel solvent – A techno-economic perspective, sensitivity analysis and societal implications63
Evaluating the impact of rock damage and induced fracture evolution on heat extraction using supercritical carbon dioxide as the working fluid: Semi-analytical model, numerical model, workflow, econom63
Artificial neural network grey-box model for design and optimization of 50 MWe-scale combined supercritical CO2 Brayton cycle-ORC coal-fired power plant62
Power and biogas to methanol – A techno-economic analysis of carbon-maximized green methanol production via two reforming approaches62
Development and assessment of a solar driven trigeneration system with storage for electricity, ammonia and fresh water production62
Increasing transportation sustainability from scratch: Small city context62
A 2030 and 2050 feasible/sustainable decarbonization perusal for China’s Sichuan Province: A deep carbon neutrality analysis and EnergyPLAN62
Adiabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage system performance with application-oriented designed axial-flow compressor62
Preliminary design and assessment of concentrated solar power plant using supercritical carbon dioxide Brayton cycles61
Simulation study on the PEMFC oxygen starvation based on the coupling algorithm of model predictive control and PID61
Techno-economic assessment of blue and green ammonia as energy carriers in a low-carbon future61
A methodology to study the interaction between variable valve actuation and exhaust gas recirculation systems for spark-ignition engines from combustion perspective61
Comparative life-cycle assessment of microalgal biodiesel production via various emerging wet scenarios: Energy conversion characteristics and environmental impacts61
Impact of cooling tower technology on performance and cost-effectiveness of CSP plants60
Wind farm layout optimization for levelized cost of energy minimization with combined analytical wake model and hybrid optimization strategy60
Flexible CO2-plume geothermal (CPG-F): Using geologically stored CO2 to provide dispatchable power and energy storage60
Advancements of combustion technologies in the ammonia-fuelled engines60
Techno-Economic feasibility of enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) with partially bridging Multi-Stage fractures for district heating applications60
Strategic-level performance enhancement of a 660 MWe supercritical power plant and emissions reduction by AI approach60
Techno-economic and environmental feasibility study with demand-side management of photovoltaic/wind/hydroelectricity/battery/diesel: A case study in Sub-Saharan Africa60
Feasibility study of a smart hybrid renewable energy system to supply the electricity and heat demand of Eram Campus, Shiraz University; simulation, optimization, and sensitivity analysis60
Energy, exergy, and economic analysis of a data center energy system driven by the CO2 ground source heat pump: Prosumer perspective60
Thermoeconomic and environmental evaluation of a combined heat, power, and distilled water system of a small residential building with water demand strategy60
Combined production of biofuel precursors, platform chemicals, and catalyst material from the integral processing of rice bran59
Flexible load regulation method for a residential energy supply system based on proton exchange membrane fuel cell59
Experimental study on a novel split thermoelectric cooler of big temperature difference for combined cooling and heating supply59
Modeling and comprehensive analysis of food waste gasification process for hydrogen production59
Sustainable chemical recycling of waste plastics into olefins through low-pressure hydrothermal liquefaction and microwave pyrolysis: Techno-economic analysis and life cycle assessment59
Dynamic analysis and sizing optimization of a pumped hydroelectric storage-integrated hybrid PV/Wind system: A case study58
Thermodynamical analysis of carbon activity in ethanol steam reforming58
Validation of robustness and fuel efficiency of a universal model-based energy management strategy for fuel cell hybrid trains: From analytical derivation via simulation to measurement on test bench58
A novel liquid desiccant-based hybrid system of building integrated photovoltaic-thermal system and ground heat exchanger for buildings in hot and humid climate58
Thermo-economic design, optimization, and evaluation of a novel zeotropic ORC with mixture composition adjustment during operation58
Joule heating membrane distillation enhancement with multi-level thermal concentration and heat recovery57
Optimal scheduling of integrated demand response-enabled integrated energy systems with uncertain renewable generations: A Stackelberg game approach57
Techno-economic analysis and multi-objective optimization of a novel solar-based building energy system; An effort to reach the true meaning of zero-energy buildings57
A multiwavelength model to improve microalgal productivity and energetic conversion in a red-blue light emitting diodes (LEDs) continuous photobioreactor57
Performance evaluation on radial turbines with potential working fluids for space closed Brayton cycle57
Net zero in the heating sector: Technological options and environmental sustainability from now to 205057
A broadband magnetically coupled bistable energy harvester via parametric excitation57
Phosphotungstic acid-modified zeolite imidazolate framework (ZIF-67) as an acid-base bifunctional heterogeneous catalyst for biodiesel production from microalgal lipids57
Development of a combined flash and binary geothermal system integrated with hydrogen production for blending into natural gas in daily applications57