Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics

(The median citation count of Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Remote and Hybrid Schooling During COVID-19: Associations with Child Behavior and Sleep89
Essential Skills for Struggling Learners: A Framework for Student Support Teams34
Application of the “Monitoring Child Development in Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses Context” in Indian Infants and Toddlers33
Regularity and Timing of Sleep Patterns and Behavioral Health Among Adolescents27
Youth, Caregiver, and Provider Perception of the Transition from Pediatric to Adult Care for Youth with Chronic Diseases26
Psychotropic Medication Use by Children with Autism Served in Publicly Funded Mental Health Settings25
Challenging Case: Caregiver-Fabricated Illness Masquerading as Autism Spectrum Disorder20
Family Language Preference, Not Provider-Family Language Concordance, Predicts Integrated Psychology Treatment Engagement in a Spanish-English Bilingual Clinic19
Fragile X Syndrome and Premutation Disorders: New Developments and Treatments19
Adherence to Child Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Treatment Guidelines in Medical Homes—Results from a National Survey17
Role of Pediatricians, Pediatric Associations, and Academic Departments in Ensuring Optimal Early Childhood Development Globally: Position Paper of the International Pediatric Association15
Ear Infection Trajectories and Academic, Behavioral, and Quality-of-Life Outcomes: A Population-Based Longitudinal Study15
Supporting Reading Aloud Beginning Prenatally and in Early Infancy: A Randomized Trial in Brazil15
Infant Mental Health Home Visiting Mitigates Impact of Maternal Adverse Childhood Experiences on Toddler Language Competence: A Randomized Controlled Trial14
Considerations in the Management of Functional Neurological Disorders in Patients with Hearing Loss13
Has Telehealth Come of Age in Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics?13
Improving Developmental Screening and Supporting Families with Paid Parent Partners13
Developmental Behavioral Pediatrician Perspectives on Decision-Making in Early Treatment Planning for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder13
Adaptive Behavior Profiles of Intellectually Gifted Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder11
Parent-Reported Problems Accessing Mental Health Services Among a National Sample of Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Anxiety11
Climbing Mountains and Avoiding Slippery Slopes: Challenges in Constructing Measures of Children's Environments11
Longitudinal Psychiatric and Developmental Outcomes in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome: A Systematic Review11
Implications of COVID-19 on School Services for Children with Disabilities: Opportunities for Interagency Collaboration10
Variation in Caregiver-Reported Child Sleep Patterns and Problems by Family Socioeconomic Indicators10
Abstracts of Posters, Research Platforms, and Poster Symposia Accepted for Presentation at the 2022 Annual Meeting of the Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics10
Commentary on “Exploring the Experiences of Families of Latino Children Newly Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder”10
Use of Child Care Attenuates the Link Between Decreased Maternal Sleep and Increased Depressive Symptoms10
COVID-19 Pandemic Highlights Access Barriers for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder10
The Associations Between Child-Care Services During the Preschool Years and High School Graduation: A 20-Year Longitudinal Population-Based Study10
Secondary Analysis of Existing Data Sets for Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics9
Racism as an Adverse Childhood Experience: An Interactive Workshop to Train Pediatricians to Address Racism in Clinical Care9
Raising an Organized Child: 5 Steps to Boost Independence, Ease Frustration, and Promote Confidence9
Role of Individual, Family, and Community Resilience in Moderating Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Mental Health Among Children9
Psychosocial, Medical, and Demographic Variables Associated with Parent Mealtime Behavior in Young Children Recently Diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes9
Psychometric Comparison of the English and Spanish Western-Hemisphere Versions of the Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers—Revised9
Complex Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in a Bilingual Child with Down Syndrome and Intellectual Disability8
Prevalence and Correlates of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in a Diverse, Treatment-Seeking Pediatric Overweight/Obesity Sample8
Child Media Use During COVID-19: Associations with Contextual and Social-Emotional Factors8
Eating-Related Versus Disordered Eating Cognitions in the Context of Pediatric Overweight and Obesity Research8
Journal Article Reviews8
Disorders, Disabilities, and Differences: Reconciling the Medical Model with a Neurodiversity Perspective8
Time to Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Children with Coexisting Developmental Behavioral Disorders8
Measurement and Identification of Parenting Behaviors Associated with Social-Emotional Outcomes in Children: The Racial and Cultural Appropriateness of a Commonly Used Parenting Measure8
The Association Between Family Resources and Language Among Young Children Who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing8
Is Developmental Regression in Down Syndrome Linked to Life Stressors?7
Ensuring Optimal Early Childhood Development Globally: Optimism about the Increasing Role of Pediatricians7
Bed-Sharing in the First 6 Months: Associations with Infant-Mother Attachment, Infant Attention, Maternal Bonding, and Sensitivity at 18 Months7
Associations Between Diaper Need and Child Sleep in Under-resourced Families7
Fragile X Syndrome and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Occurrence of Dual Diagnosis in a Set of Triplets7
Adolescent Sleep and Mental Health Across Race/Ethnicity: Does Parent-Child Connectedness Matter?7
Journal Article Reviews7
Stigma, Intrusiveness, and Distress in Parents of Children with a Disorder/Difference of Sex Development7
Survey of Well-Being of Young Children (SWYC): Preliminary Norms for Screening for Developmental Delay in Brazilian Children Younger than 65 Months7
Novel Neurocognitive Profile in a Minority of Boys with 47,XXY (Klinefelter Syndrome)7
Comparison of the Parents' Evaluation of Developmental Status and Ages and Stages Questionnaire Developmental Screening Tests in a Eurasian Country7
A Road Map for Academic Developmental-Behavioral Pediatric Practices to Increase Access7
Buspirone for the Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Down Syndrome: 3 Cases7
Journal Article Reviews7
Congenital Blindness and Autism Spectrum Disorder6
Engagement and Satisfaction With Care Navigation Support Following Telehealth Autism Evaluation6
Black Families' Experiences of Developmental Screening: Review of Well-Child Visits to Inform Enhanced Autism Spectrum Disorder Risk Assessment6
Journal Article Reviews6
Executive Functioning, Language, and Behavioral Abilities Related to Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Down Syndrome6
Racial, Ethnic, and Sociodemographic Disparities in Diagnosis of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder6
Toilet Training in Children and Adolescents with Down Syndrome6
The Use of Person-Centered Language in Scientific Research Articles Focused on Autism6
Reviewer Acknowledgment6
Interoception in Practice: The Gut-Brain Connection6
Pharmacogenetic Testing in Patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder Evaluated in a Precision Medicine Clinic6
School Readiness in Children Born <30 Weeks' Gestation at Risk for Developmental Coordination Disorder: A Prospective Cohort Study6
Criando Niños Con Cariño: Primary Care-Based Group Parenting Program Adaptation and Pilot5
Habilitative Teletherapy for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Survey of Parents5
Implementing the Get SET Early Model in a Community Setting to Lower the Age of ASD Diagnosis5
Safeguarding Your Child with Autism: Strategies and Tools to Reduce Risks5
Associations Between Technology Use, Responsive Feeding, and Child Temperament Among Prior Prenatal Intervention Participants5
Assessment and Documentation of Language Disorders in Young Children: Challenges and Opportunities5
Diagnostic Overshadowing: Insidious Neuroregression Mimicking Presentation of Autism Spectrum Disorder5
Childcare Disruptions and Parental Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic5
Reading Aloud, Self-Regulation, and Early Language and Cognitive Development in Northern Brazil5
Effect of Brief Training to Identify Autism Spectrum Disorder During Toddler Well-Child Care Visits5
Identifying Children and Adolescents at Elevated Mental Health Risk Before and During COVID-195
Introduction to Exploring Complex ADHD Through Challenging Cases5
Social Connectedness as a Determinant of Health in African-American Low-Income Families with Young Children: A Cross-Sectional Cohort Study5
Abstracts of Posters and Platform Sessions Accepted for Virtual Presentation at the 2021 Annual Meeting of the Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics5
Generative AI for Children's Digital Health: Clinician Advice5
Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and the Quality of Maternal-Child Interactions in Mothers of Preterm Infants5
Mental Health and Developmental Disorder Diagnoses of Foster and Nonfoster Children Enrolled in Medicaid4
Preschoolers' Self-Regulation and Behavior Problems in the Midst of Caregiver Depression and Chaos4
Decisional Regret Among Caregivers of Infants with Differences of Sex Development Reared as Male: Erratum4
Society for Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics Position Statement on Telehealth4
Adaptation of the Measure of Processes of Care for the Evaluation of Family-Centeredness of Services in India4
A Randomized Clinical Trial Targeting Daily Living Skills in Autistic Adolescents Without an Intellectual Disability Before the Transition to Adulthood4
Through the Webcam: Impact of Telehealth on Developmental and Behavioral Pediatric Fellowship Training4
Toward Antiracism Pediatric Practice: The Role of System Navigation in the Medical Home4
Opening Up: The Parenting Journey4
Uniquely Human: A Different Way of Seeing Autism4
School Readiness of Young Children Enrolled in Preschool in the United States4
Recommendations for the Biden-Harris Administration. A Statement of Priorities from the Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics4
“Your Child Should Not Return”: Preschool Expulsion Among Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder as an Early Indicator of Later Risks4
Pattern of Visual-Motor Integration, Visual Perception, and Fine Motor Coordination Abilities in Children Being Assessed for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Erratum4
Symptoms of Pediatric Feeding Disorders Among Individuals with 3q29 Deletion Syndrome: A Case-Control Study4
The Behavioral Phenotype of 7q11.23 Duplication Syndrome Includes Risk for Oppositional Behavior and Aggression4
Feasibility and Acceptability of an Online Family Literacy Program in an Under-Resourced Community During the COVID-19 Pandemic4
Abstracts of Posters and Platform Sessions Accepted for Virtual Presentation at the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics4
Journal Article Reviews4
Prevalence of Screen Time Among Children Aged 2 to 5 Years in Chandigarh, a North Indian Union Territory4
Preschooler Screen Time During the Pandemic Is Prospectively Associated With Lower Achievement of Developmental Milestones4
Revisiting the Role of Pediatricians for Optimal Early Childhood Development in LMICs4
Challenging the Chatbot: An Assessment of ChatGPT's Diagnoses and Recommendations for DBP Case Studies4
Food Insecurity and Children's Problem Behaviors: The Mediating Role of Parental Relationship Quality and Parenting Stress4
Changes in Children's Behavioral Health and Family Well-Being During the COVID-19 Pandemic4
Suicide Risk Screening in Pediatric Outpatient Neurodevelopmental Disabilities Clinics4
ChatGPT's Diagnoses and Recommendations for Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics Case Studies: Comment4
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Medication Treated Preschool-Age Children Without and With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Developmental-Behavioral Research Network Study4
A Note From the Editor-in-Chief4
Improving Access to Diagnostic Evaluations for Developmental Disabilities Through an Initial Assessment Model4
Provider and Caregiver Perspectives on Telehealth Assessments for Autism Spectrum Disorder in Young Children: A Multimethod DBPNet Study Exploring Equity4
Exploring Links Between Prenatal Adversity and Adolescent Psychiatric Risk in a Canadian Population-Based Sample4
Pilot Trial of a Peer-to-Peer Psychoeducational Intervention for Parents of Black Children Awaiting a Developmental Evaluation4
Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics 5th Edition4
Disparities in Telehealth Uptake for Developmental-Behavioral Pediatric Assessments by Preferred Family Language: A Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics Research Network Study4
Experience of Children With Special Education Needs During COVID-194
The Hidden Disease: Delayed Diagnosis in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and Co-Occurring Conditions3
Association Between Maternal Postnatal Depression and Offspring Anxiety and Depression in Adolescence and Young Adulthood: A Meta-Analysis3
Journal Article Reviews3
Developmental Status of Young Children in Foster Care3
Role of Primary Care Clinician Concern During Screening for Early Identification of Autism3
The Quality of Interactive Behaviors in the Context of Prematurity: Fathers, Mothers, Daughters, and Sons3
NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity3
Neurodevelopmental Disorders Including Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability as a Risk Factor for Delayed Diagnosis of Catatonia3
Pilot Study of Maternal Autoantibody–Related Autism3
Identifying Components of Autism Friendly Health Care: An Exploratory Study Using a Modified Delphi Method3
Challenging Case: Leveraging Community Partnerships to Address Barriers to Care for Students with Autism3
Inequities in Receipt of the North Carolina Medicaid Waiver Among Individuals with Intellectual Disability or Autism Spectrum Disorder3
Lifetime Prevalence of Psychiatric Disorders in Adolescents with Unexplained Weight Loss, Underweight, or Poor Appetite3
Reviewer Acknowledgment3
Parents' Perspectives on Early Relational Health: A Qualitative Study3
Parenting Children with Cystic Fibrosis: Developmental Acquisition of Expertise3
Assessment and Treatment of a Young Adult with Congenital Heart Disease and ADHD3
Autism and General Developmental Screening Practices Among Primary Care Providers3
Decision-Making in Childhood Predicts Prodromal Eating Pathology in Adolescence3
Parent-Reported Caregiving Roles of Siblings of Children with Inborn Errors of Metabolism3
Fine Motor Skills, a Surrogate of Motor Planning Ability, at Age 2 Predict Social Skills at Age 63
Measuring Early Relational Health Using PediaTracTM in a Diverse Sample of Infant-Caregiver Dyads3
Cyberbullying Among Adolescents with Chronic Illnesses in Thailand: Prevalence and Relationship with Health-Risk Behaviors3
Early Intervention Referral Information, Transmission, and Sources—A Survey of State Part C Coordinators and Analysis of Referral Forms3
An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence in Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics3
Children with Cerebral Palsy and Unmet Need for Care Coordination3
Prevalence of Mental Health Diagnoses Among Early Adolescents Before and During Foster Care3
The Impact of Preinjury and Secondary Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder on Outcomes After Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury3
Addressing Self-Injurious Behavior in the Medically Complex Child: Identifying the Root Cause vs Blocking Resulting Behavior2
Duration of Breastfeeding and Supportive Paternal Caregiving in Early Childhood and the Potential Mediating Function of Maternal Caregiving2
Socioeconomic Factors Account for Variability in Language Skills in Preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Erratum2
Food Insecurity Predicts Magnitude of Early BMI Change in a Pediatric Weight Management Intervention2
Associations of Reproductive Health Concerns, Health-Related Quality of Life, and Stress Among Adolescents and Young Adults with Chronic Illness2
Suicidal Ideation in Adolescents: Understanding Results from Screening with the PHQ-9M and the PSC-17P2
Young Children's Development and Behavior: Associations with Timing of Household Food Insecurity in a Racially and Ethnically Diverse Early Head Start Sample2
Co-occurring Epilepsy and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in a 6-Year-Old Boy2
Developmental and Behavioral Problems of Preschool-Age Children with Chronic Rheumatic Diseases2
Journal Article Reviews2
Parents' Concerns Are Associated with Early Intervention Evaluation and Eligibility Outcomes2
Interactive Effects of Neighborhood Safety and Screen Time on Adolescent Internalizing Symptoms2
Child Psychological Functioning During the COVID-19 Lockdown: An Ecological, Family-Centered Approach2
Screening for Children's Chronic Health Conditions and Their Strengths and Difficulties in Primary Care2
Reviewer Acknowledgment2
The Importance of Accessible Language for Development in Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children2
Raising the Question: Medication Mix-Up or Diversion2
Mental Health of Caregivers of Children with Medical Complexity During COVID-192
Book Review “The Pattern Seekers”2
Relationships Among Parenting Stress and Well-Being, COVID-19 Information Management, and Children's COVID-19 Fear2
Caregiver Perspectives on the Health Care System for Tic Disorders: Utilization and Barriers2
Sociodemographic and Biomedical Correlates of Developmental Delay in 2- and 4-Year-Olds with Sickle Cell Disease2
Challenging Case: A Toddler with Autism and Concerns About Release of Information in Medical Record2
Health and Education Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Developmental Disabilities2
Preliminary Study of Coping, Perceived Control, and Depressive Symptoms in Youth with Sickle Cell Anemia2
Growth Trajectories in Stimulant-Treated Children Ages 6 to 12: An Electronic Medical Record Analysis2
Sleep Disturbance in Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and the Relationship to the Neurodevelopmental Profile2
Sluggish Cognitive Tempo and Daytime Sleepiness Mediate Relationships Between Sleep and Academic Performance2
Elucidating the Perspectives of Autistic Youth About Their Health Care Experiences: A Qualitative Study2
Reducing Stimulant Prescribing Error: A Quality Improvement Initiative in Pediatric Outpatient Setting2
Maternal Pregnancy Intention and Developmental Outcomes in Brazilian Preschool-Aged Children2
School Readiness Predictors of Early Academic Achievement in Children Born Very Preterm2
Comparison of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Typically Developing Children and Children with Down Syndrome2
Early Parenting Stress Links Obstetric Complications and Child Psychopathology in Middle Childhood in an At-Risk Sample2
Journal Article Reviews2
Impact of COVID-19 on Families with Children: Examining Sociodemographic Differences2
Perspectives of Rural Primary Care Clinicians on Pediatric Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Care2
The Relationship Between Maternal and Infant Sleep Duration Across the First Two Years2
Dyslexia Articles Unboxed: Analyzing Their Readability Level1
Receipt of Behavioral Therapy in Preschool-Age Children with ADHD and Coexisting Conditions: A DBPNet Study1
Description of Audiologic, Developmental, Ophthalmologic, and Neurologic Diagnoses at a Primary Care Clinic for Children in Foster Care1
Family Involvement During Comprehensive Developmental Evaluations: Perspectives of Diverse Mothers1
Stress and Infant Media Exposure During COVID-19: A Study Among Latino Families1
Exploring Stakeholder Service Navigation Needs for Children with Developmental and Mental Health Diagnoses1
Do Externalizing and Internalizing Symptoms Moderate Medication Response in Preschool Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder? A DBPNet Study1
Research Gaps in Fragile X Syndrome: An Updated Literature Review to Inform Clinical and Public Health Practice1
Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses: Safety and Efficacy of Complementary and Alternative Treatments for Pediatric Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder1
Race and Social Policy1
Challenging Case: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Demystifying Chronic Sleep Impairment in an Infant with a Complex Medical and Behavioral Profile1
Family Perspectives on In-Home Multimodal Longitudinal Data Collection for Children Who Function Across the Developmental Spectrum1
Knowledge of Infant Development and Parent Well-Being: Cross-Sectional Analysis of Toddlers1
View of ASD Diagnosis and Prognosis1
Evaluating Characteristics Associated with Success with Tube Weaning After Intensive Multidisciplinary Intervention1
A Note From the Editor-in-Chief: JDBP is Going Electronic Only1
Embedding Financial Services in Frequented, Trusted Settings: Building on Families' Pre-existing Economic Mobility Efforts1
A Population-Based Study of Associations Among Child Screen Media Use, Social-Contextual Factors, and School Readiness1
A Longitudinal Study of Assisted Infant Toilet Training During the First Year of Life1
Telehealth Utilization and Follow-Up Visits in Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics During the COVID-19 Pandemic in 20201
COVID-19 Vaccines for Children with Developmental Disabilities: Survey of New York State Parents' Willingness and Concerns1
Stimulant Medication Treatment in Children with Congenital Heart Disease and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Cardiovascular Outcomes1
Family Support Services and Reported Parent Coping Among Caregivers of Children with Emotional, Behavioral, or Developmental Disorders1
Navigating Medical Care for a Young Adult with Developmental Disability1
Severe Vitamin D Deficiency in Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder During the COVID-19 Pandemic1
Children's Attention and Self-Regulatory Behavior Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic1
Enhancing Resident Education in Autism Diagnosis: Training on the Screening Tool for Autism in Toddlers1
Missed Opportunities and the Impact of the Pandemic1
Relationship Between Parental Postnatal Distress and 5-Year Mental Health Outcomes of Children Born at <30 Weeks and at Term1
Toileting Resistance Among Preschool-Age Children with and Without Autism Spectrum Disorder1
Adolescent Chronic Health Conditions and School Disconnectedness1
Parent-Reported Social Skills in Children with Neurofibromatosis Type 1: Longitudinal Patterns and Relations with Attention and Cognitive Functioning1
What is in a Day? Investigating the Relationship Between Sleep Quality and Quality of Life Among Caregivers of Children With Autism1
Are There Bidirectional Influences Between Screen Time Exposure and Social Behavioral Traits in Young Children?1
The Value of Telehealth and a Team-Based Approach in Improving Developmental and Behavioral Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic1
Exploring the Experiences of Families of Latino Children Newly Diagnosed With Autism Spectrum Disorder1
Physician Voices on ECHO Autism India—Evaluation of a Telementoring Model for Autism in a Low-Middle Income Country1
Profiles of Autistic Youth with and Without Co-occurring Behavioral Health and Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Latent Class Analysis1
Cross-Sectional Analysis of Caregiver-Reported Expressive Language Profiles and Associated Covariates in Individuals with Down Syndrome1
Shared Decision-Making During Initial Diagnostic and Treatment Planning Visits for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder1
Understanding the Associations Among Perceived Stress, Self-Control Skills, and Overeating in Asian Adolescents1
Preschool Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Telephone Medication Management at Developmental-Behavioral Pediatric Network Sites1
Journal Article Reviews1
Peer Relationship Trajectories in Very Preterm and Term Individuals from Childhood to Early Adulthood1
Assessment of Executive Function in Infants and Toddlers: A Potential Role of the Bayley-41
Conducting In-Home Functional Analyses of Aggression and Self-Injury Exhibited by Boys with Fragile X Syndrome1
Association of Age of Enrollment in Early Intervention with Emergent Literacy in Children Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing1
Addressing Adolescent Suicidality in Pediatric Primary Care1
Assessing Ease of Delivering Emergency Care for Patients with Autism Spectrum Disorders1