Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation

(The TQCC of Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Eigen Background Subtraction for Industrial Flaw Detection: Application to High-Pressure Turbine Blade CT Scans79
Unsupervised Enhancement of Ultrasonic Sequential Images Based on High-Frequency Feature Extraction and Bi-ConvLSTM57
Simulation-Trained Neural Networks for Automatable Crack Detection in Magnetic Field Images35
Controlled Creating of Delaminations in Concrete for Nondestructive Testing31
Automated Welding Defect Detection using Point-Rend ResUNet31
Defect Detection in Aramid Fiber-Reinforced Composites via Terahertz Radiation28
Bone-Implant Osseointegration Monitoring Using Electro-mechanical Impedance Technique and Convolutional Neural Network: A Numerical Study28
Prediction of Residual Strains Due to In-Plane Fibre Waviness in Defective Carbon-Fibre Reinforced Polymers Using Ultrasound Data27
Scanning Induction Thermography for Bearing Ring Under AC-DC Composite Magnetization22
Visually Encoded Contact Inspection System for EMATs19
Harmonising Cross-System GPR Wave Amplitude for Concrete Diagnosis with Machine Learning19
Data Processing Scheme for Laser Spot Thermography Applied for Nondestructive Testing of Composite Laminates19
A Comparative Study on Methods of Distinction Between Near- and Far-Side Defects as Techniques Used Alongside with the Magnetic Flux Leakage Testing18
Determination of Maximum Accuracy of Concrete Textures as Natural Targets for Movement Tracking Through DIC18
Slight Looseness Detection of Reinforcing Bar’s Threaded Sleeve Connections Using Convolutional Neural Network Trained by Magnetostrictive Guided Wave Signals18
Automatic Air-Coupled Ultrasound Detection of Impact Damages in Fiber-Reinforced Composites Based on One-Dimension Deep Learning Models18
Adaptive Ultrasonic Imaging Total Focusing Method Based on Covariance Correlation Weighting Factor17
Backside Defect Evaluation in Carbon Steel Plate Using a Hybridized Magnetic Flux Leakage and Eddy Current Technique17
Classification of Composite Delaminations via Pitch-Catch Phased Array Ultrasound17
Modeling Ultrasonic NDE Benchmark Problems Using Full-Wave Scattering Models15
Localisation of Ultrasonic NDT Data Using Hybrid Tracking of Component and Probe15
Normal Magnetizing-Based Eddy Current Testing Method for Multidirectional Cracks on Steel Plate Surface Based on Permeability Perturbation15
Use of Passive Thermography to Detect Detachment and Humidity in Façades Clad with Ceramic Materials of Differing Porosities14
Detection and Separation of Close Flaws in Coarse-Grained Materials Using Ultrasonic Image Deconvolution14
Evaluating Rolling Contact Fatigue Damage Precursors with Rayleigh Waves in 1060 Steel13
Conductivity Measurement of Non-magnetic Material Using the Phase Feature of Eddy Current Testing13
Implementation of Supervised Classification Method of Acoustic Emission Signals: Damage Mechanisms Identification of Non-hybrid and Hybrid Flax Fibre Composites13
Cut-Off Thickness Identification of Defects with Single and Two-Step Geometries Using SH1 Mode Conversion13
Piezomagnetic Behaviour of Wire Arc Additively Manufactured Steel Single-lap Shear Bolted Connections13
Structural Health Assessment of Timber Utility Poles Using Stress Wave Propagation and Artificial Neural Network Techniques12
Hardness and Ferrite Grain Size Evaluation of X70 Steel Using Magnetic Barkhausen Noise Method12
Deploying Machine Learning for Radiography of Aerospace Welds12
Effects of Surface Roughness in Adhesively Bonded CFRP Joints Using NDE12
Determination of Thermal Parameters of Concrete by Active Thermographic Measurements11
Non-Destructive Measurement of Chloride Profiles in Cementitious Materials Using NMR11
Debond Identification in GFRP Strengthened RC Beam Using Surface Guided Wave Mode Generated by Angle Beam Transducer11
A Feature Selection Committee Method Using Empirical Mode Decomposition for Multiple Fault Classification in a Wind Turbine Gearbox11
Machine Learning Based Preprocessing to Ensure Validity of Cross-Correlated Ultrasound Signals for Time-of-Flight Measurements11
Simulation-Based Investigation of a Probability of Detection (POD) Model Using Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT) Technique11
Application of a Particle Filter to Flaw Identification for Ultrasonic Nondestructive Evaluation: Assimilation of Simulated and Measured Data11
Photothermal NDE of UD/Epoxy-Based Carbon Fibre Reinforced Laminates for Quantitative Porosity Analysis10
Nondestructive Characterization of Multiscale Defects in an Aluminum Alloy After Cold Spray Repair10
Vibration-Based Damage Identification in Steel Girder Bridges Using Artificial Neural Network Under Noisy Conditions10
A Novel Contactless Bolt Preload Monitoring Method Using Digital Image Correlation10
Experimental Contact Acoustic Nonlinearity of Interfaces During Loading-Unloading Cycle: Combined Effects of Elastoplastic Nonlinear Spring, Crack-Clapping, and Adhesion10
Progress and Trends in Non-destructive Testing for Thermal Barrier Coatings Based on Infrared Thermography: A Review9
Uncertainty Quantification and Sensitivity Analysis in Subsurface Defect Detection with Sparse Models9
An Improved Ultrasonic B-Scan Images Method for Delamination Defects in Composite Materials Based Optimized Modified Stockwell Transform9
The Image Classification Method for Eddy Current Inspection of Titanium Alloy Plate Based on Parallel Sparse Filtering and Deep Forest9
Impact-Delamination Detection in Repaired-Composite Laminates Using Numerical and Ultrasonic Method9
Eddy Current Testing in the Quantitive Assessment of Degradation State in MAR247 Nickel Superalloy with Aluminide Coatings9
Corrected Mode-Converted Wave Method for Detecting Defects in TOFD Dead Zone8
AI-Driven Synthetization Pipeline of Realistic 3D-CT Data for Industrial Defect Segmentation8
The Effect of Different Flaw Data to Machine Learning Powered Ultrasonic Inspection8
Analysis of a Prototype Multi-Detector Fast-Neutron Radiography Panel8
A Comparison Among Some Non-linear Prediction Tools on Indirect Determination of Uniaxial Compressive Strength and Modulus of Elasticity of Basalt8
Statistical and Machine Learning-Based Imaging with Long Pulse Thermography for the Detection of Non-standardised Defects in CFRP Composites8
Buried Service Line Material Characterization Using Stress Wave Propagation: Numerical and Experimental Investigations8
Assessing the Influence of Welded Joint on Health Monitoring of Rail Sections: An Experimental Study Employing SVM and ANN Models8
Defect Characterization Method for Bridge Cables Based on Topology of Dynamical Reconstruction of Magnetostrictive Guided Wave Testing Signals8
Ultrasonic Echo Localization Using Seismic Migration Techniques in Engineered Barriers for Nuclear Waste Storage8
Analysis of Progressive Tensile Damage of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Carbon Fiber Composites by Using Acoustic Emission and Micro-CT8
Structural Reliability Analysis of Corroded Landing Gear Drag Beam Considering Uncertainties in Radiographic Thickness Measurement8
Improved Tafel-Based Potentiostatic Approach for Corrosion Rate Monitoring of Reinforcing Steel8
Evaluation of RGB-D Image for Counting Exposed Aggregate Number on Pavement Surface Based on Computer Vision Technique7
A New Method for Rapid Detection of Surface Defects on Complex Textured Tiles7
Research on Yield Strength Estimation and Lift-off Suppression Method Based on Incremental Permeability Features7
Fruit Defect Prediction Model (FDPM) based on Three-Level Validation7
Damage Identification Based on the Nodal Line Active Modulation Method7
Application of Pencil Lead Break (PLB) Point Source in the Detection of Interfacial Defects in Adhesive Bonds7
Assessment of TSA Technique for the Estimation of CFRP T-Joint Debonding7
Self-Calibrating Stress Measurement System Based on Multidirectional Barkhausen Noise Measurements6
Nondestructive, Microwave Testing of Compression Strength and Moisture Content of Green Molding Sands6
The Influence of Creep Induced Grain Boundary Separation on Electrical Non-destructive Evaluation Measurements6
3D Scan of Hardness Imprints for the Non-destructive In-Situ Structural Assessment of Operated Metal Components6
Active Thermography Inspection of Surface-whitened Mortars – Measurement of Surface Spectral Absorptivity for Investigation of Efficient Heating Light Wavelengths6
Scheme Design and Experimental Study of Selective Thermal Stimulation for Concrete Microcracks Based on IR Thermography6
Inline Pipeline Inspection Using Hybrid Deep Learning Aided Endoscopic Laser Profiling6
Methodology for Mapping the Residual Stress Field in Serviced Rails Using LCR Waves6
Multilevel Kernel Degeneration–Adaptive Cross Approximation Method to Model Eddy Current NDE Problems6
Degradation Detection in Rice Products via Shape Variations in XCT Simulation-Empowered AI6
Monitoring of Crack Initiation at Coating/Substrate Interface by Residual Magnetic Field Measurement6
Quality Assessment of Artocarpus heterophyllus Log Using Nondestructive Evaluation Techniques6
Ultrasonic Lamb Wave Damage Detection of CFRP Composites Using the Bayesian Neural Network6
Thin Wires and Edge Imaging Using Hard Bremsstrahlung Generated by a Microfocal Target of a Betatron6
Air-Coupled Broadband Impact-Echo Actuation Using Supersonic Jet Flow6
Practical Part-Specific Trajectory Optimization for Robot-Guided Inspection via Computed Tomography6
Impact of Bounding Media on the Attenuation Characteristics of Magnetostrictive Signal Obtained from Pipe Embedded in Soil and Sand6
New Trends of Damage Detection and Identification Based on Vibrothermography in Composite Materials6
Classification of Located Acoustic Emission Events Using Neural Network6
A Rapid Non-destructive Detection Method for Wolfberry Moisture Grade Using Hyperspectral Imaging Technology5
Non-destructive, Contactless and Real-Time Capable Determination of the α’-Martensite Content in Modified Subsurfaces of AISI 3045
Effective Method for Measuring Shear Nonlinearity of Nanocomposites Using Digital Image Correlation5
3D Remote Assistance for NDT Inspections5
Carton-Missing Detection System Based on the Millimeter-Wave Imaging Technique5
X-ray Computed Microtomography Characterization of Ti6Al4V/CoCrMo Biomedical Composite Fabricated by Semi-solid Sintering5
Nonlinear Impact-Echo Test for Quantitative Evaluation of ASR Damage in Concrete5
Developing a DSS for Enhancing Weldment Defect Detection, Classification, and Remediation Using HDR Images and Adaptive MDCBNet Neural Network5
Delamination Defect Evaluation in CFRP Composite Patches by the Use of Active Thermography5
A Modification of Magnetic Adaptive Testing: Progressive Method for Nondestructive Inspection of Microstructural Changes in Ferromagnetic Constructional Materials5
Analysis of Coil-Dependent Receiving Frequency Response of PPM EMAT Receiver Using Equivalent Model5
Abnormal Signals Elimination in Hardness Evaluation Using Barkhausen Noise and Tangential Magnetic Field5
Application of High-Dimensional Model Representation in the Ultrasonic Evaluation of Superalloy Grain Size5
Transfer Component Analysis for Compensation of Temperature Effects on the Impedance-Based Structural Health Monitoring5
Micromagnetic and Quantitative Prediction of Yield and Tensile Strength of Carbon Steels Using Transfer Learning Method5
Nondestructive Evaluation of the Isolated Pore Spatial Distribution State in a Special-Shaped C/SiC Composite Component5
Speckle Interferometric Investigation of Argon Pressure-Induced Surface Roughness Modifications in RF-Sputtered MoO3 Film5
Advancements in Radiographic Evaluation Through the Migration into NDE 4.05
Detection of Delaminations in Concrete Plates Using a Laser Ablation Impact Echo Technique5
Temperature Monitoring of Through-Thickness Temperature Gradients in Thermal Barrier Coatings Using Ultrasonic Guided Waves5