Journal of Legal Medicine

(The TQCC of Journal of Legal Medicine is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
The “Strawman” in the Process of Review and Evaluation of Complaints Regarding Controlled Substance Prescriptions8
Decreasing Inmate Populations to Mitigate Effects of COVID-19 in State Prisons5
Enact a Safe Firearm Storage Law to Reduce Suicides and Unintentional Deaths in Nevada2
Artificial Intelligence in Health Care: The Challenge of Effective Regulation2
Mortality of COVID-19 and Seasonal Influenza in Southern Nevada and the United States1
The History and Policy Evolution of Waivers of Informed Consent in Research1
Encouraging Online Voter Registration of Nevada Physicians - A Challenge in Apathy?1
Turbulent Airflow Costume Compromises Occupational Safety and Infection Control: A Hospital Risk Management Case Report0
2022–2023 Southern Illinois University National Health Law Moot Court Competition0
The Potential Risk of Shift Work Leading to Diabetes: A Logistic Regression Analysis of an Open Data Set0
Extension of Law of Limitation in Medical Negligence Cases and Applicability of Discovery Rule: Emerging Indian Perspective0
The Other Three Waves: Re-assessing the Impact of Industry–Prescriber Relations on the Opioid Crisis0
Assessing the Relationship between Infection Citations and COVID-19 Infections in Nursing Homes0
Medical Error Litigation in Nigeria: A Proposal for Change0
Editor’s Note0
In-State Retention of Physicians in Nevada Residency Programs0
Editor’s Note0
Screen for Lysosomal Storage Diseases, Save More Nevada Babies0
A Values-Based Approach to Capacity Assessment0
Fitness to Drive: It is Time for Evidence-Based Consensus and Italian Guidelines for Medical Driving Assessment0
First Filings and False Judgments: Is the First-to-File Rule Jurisdictional and Can a Medical Opinion be “False” Under the False Claims Act?0
Who Decides? State Bans on Gender-Affirming Care for Minors in Tension with Parental Rights and Equal Protection Under the Law0
Curbing a Stealth Health Threat: Regulation of Child-Directed “Stealth” Junk Food Marketing0
Emerging Neuralink Brain Machine Interface Technology: An Oversight Proposal to Address the Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications0
In The Supreme Court of the United States: Docket No. 21-19670
The Problem with Using Medical Boards to Regulate Misinformation0
The Legal Landscape of Surrogacy in China0
DOJ Overreach: The Criminalization of Physicians0
The Overestimated Risks of Bringing Medical–Legal Partnerships to Schools0
COVID-19 and Firearms: Public Health Considerations0
Ethical and Legal Issues for Medical Professionals Using Social Media0
Assessing Legal Protection of Biometric Data in China: Gaps, Principles, and Policy Recommendations0
Prescribing Patterns of XR-Naltrexone for Treating OUD by Nevada Addiction Specialists0
Procedural Sedation by Non-Anesthesiologists: A Review of Malpractice Litigation0
The Medical and Legal Dual Degree: A Survey on Motivations, Time Commitment, Outcomes, and Value0
Should Healthcare Workers Treat COVID-19 Patients Despite the Inadequate Personal Protective Equipment?0
Take Away from COVID-19 Outbreak: Enhancing Jails’ and Prisons’ Abilities in Response to a Future Pandemic0
The Impact of COVID-19 Isolation on Domestic Violence Calls in Southern Nevada0
Dispelling Medico-Legal Misconceptions Impeding Use of Advance Instructions to Shorten Immersion in Deep Dementia0
Boundaries in Search of Boundaries: Establishing Parameters for Physician Sexual Misconduct0
Public Health and Sex Work: Using History to Motivate Change0
The Retention of Nevada Medical Graduates: A 6-Year Study0
2022–2023 Southern Illinois University National Health Law Moot Court Competition: Winning Brief0
Ethical Dilemma of Physicians Informing Patients of Foreign Organ Transplant Alternatives0
Banning Condoms as Evidence against Sex Workers in Illegal Prostitution0
Nevada Healthcare Boards: Violations of Public Record Act and Inaccessibility of Licensee Information0
Physicians’ Obligation to Disclose Comparative Surgical Outcomes: Distinctive Features of Facial Feminization Surgery0
Editor’s Note0
Euthanasia Should Be Legalized in Nevada0
The Roberts Court 2021–2022: Dobbs and the Continuing Intersection of Law and Medicine0
Life After Brain Death0
2021–2022 Southern Illinois University National Health Law Moot Court Competition0
Proposal for Using Digital Tools in Mitigating a Pandemic: Lessons Learned from COVID-190
Investigating the Relationship Between Opioid Prescription Frequency and Deaths From Illicit Opioids0
Increased Deaths-at-Home in Nevada During the COVID-19 Pandemic0