Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology

(The TQCC of Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Teacher-student relationships across the first seven years of education and adolescent outcomes71
Teacher mindset is associated with development of students' growth mindset39
Child behavior problems during COVID-19: Associations with parent distress and child social-emotional skills39
Political engagement and wellbeing among college students31
Adverse childhood experiences and children's development in early care and education programs23
Preschool screen media exposure, executive functions and symptoms of inattention/hyperactivity21
Emotion socialization by parents and friends: Links with adolescent emotional adjustment21
Behavioral and cognitive differences in early childhood related to prenatal marijuana exposure21
Building integrated peer relationships in preschool classrooms: The potential of buddies19
COVID-19: Psychological symptoms and coping strategies in preschoolers, schoolchildren, and adolescents19
Overparenting, emotion dysregulation, and problematic internet use among female emerging adults18
Examining heterogeneity among Latino dual language learners' school readiness profiles of English and Spanish at the end of Head Start18
The slippery slope of parental exhaustion: A process model of parental burnout17
Supportive parenting and social and behavioral development: Does classroom emotional support moderate?17
“Remain calm, negotiate or defer but by all means, call me”: Father-son communication to keep sons safe from violence involvement and victimization17
Spatial language during a household task with bilingual Latine families15
Longitudinal relations between social avoidance, academic achievement, and adjustment in Chinese children15
Contributions of the specificity principle to theory, research, and application in the study of human development: A view of the issues15
Commonalities and specificities of positive youth development in the U.S. and Taiwan15
Maternal personality predicts insensitive parenting: Effects through causal attributions about infant distress13
Using a participatory design approach for co-creating culturally situated STEM enrichment activities12
How does a switch work? The relation between adult mechanistic language and children's learning12
Transactional models linking maternal authoritative parenting, child self-esteem, and approach coping strategies11
Maternal behaviors mediate the relationship between socioeconomic status and joint attention11
Interactive effects of coping strategies and emotion dysregulation on risk for peer victimization11
Testing TIK (Tuning in to Kids) with TEC (Test of Emotion Comprehension): Does enhanced emotion socialization improve child emotion understanding?11
Informant discrepancies in perceived parental psychological control, adolescent autonomy, and relatedness psychological needs11
Exploring the relations between child and word characteristics and preschoolers' word-learning10
Can service-learning boost science achievement, civic engagement, and social skills? A randomized controlled trial of Connect Science10
Preschoolers' evaluations of comforting actions towards third parties in different relationship contexts10
Executive functions and English reading comprehension growth in Spanish-English bilingual adolescents10
Cross-sectional and longitudinal relationships between children's moral standards and their antisocial lie telling10
Reciprocal associations among teacher–child interactions, teachers' work engagement, and children's social competence10
School readiness and achievement in early elementary school: Moderation by Students' temperament10
Co-rumination with friends exacerbates association between peer victimization and adjustment in adolescence10
School climate and bullying bystander responses in middle and high school10
Expectancy-value theory & preschool parental involvement in informal STEM learning9
Mothers' emotion socialization profiles and relation to adolescent socio-emotional functioning in China and India9
Teachers' self-efficacy and perceptions of school climate are uniquely associated with students' externalizing and internalizing behavior problems9
How can a relevance intervention in math support students' career choices?9
Latino kindergarteners' math growth, approaches to learning, and home numeracy practices9
The refugee crisis and peer relationships during childhood and adolescence9
Early strengths in science: Young children's conversations about nature in Latine families9
Childhood maltreatment, sleep disturbances, and anxiety and depression: A prospective longitudinal investigation9
Student–teacher relationships and school engagement: Comparing boys from special education for autism spectrum disorders and regular education9
Survey of the home music environment of children with various developmental profiles9
How-to parenting program: A randomized controlled trial evaluating its impact on parenting9
Trajectories of social-emotional development across pre-primary and early primary school8
An intervention focused on maternal sensitivity enhanced mothers' verbal responsiveness to infants8
Varying trajectories of infant television viewing over the first four years of life: Relations to language development and executive functions8
Maternal working memory, emotion regulation, and responsivity to infant distress8
A structural equation model of the etiology and developmental consequences of parent-child role confusion8
Co-rumination with parents and friends: Gender-specific links to adolescent internalizing symptoms8
A guide for innovation in LGBQ+ youth peer relationships research8
Information processing of social exclusion: Links with bullying, moral disengagement and guilt8
Can interactive apps promote parent-child conversations?8
Displaying easily recognizable tactile pictures: A comparison of three illustration techniques with blind and sighted children7
Digital era bullying: An examination of adolescent judgments about bystander intervention online7
Parent and friend emotion socialization in adolescence: The path to internalizing symptoms7
Transactional associations among adolescents' depressive symptoms and self- and friend-reported friendship experiences7
Interpersonal racism and peer relationships: An integrative framework and directions for research7
Childhood maltreatment, basic psychological needs satisfaction, internet addiction and internalizing problems7
Attachment, empathy, emotion regulation, and subjective well-being in young women7
Children's fluid collaboration versus managing individual agendas: Cultural differences in pair programming7
The role of home language in children's friendship choice and peer acceptance7
Advancing equity through research: The importance of asset-based approaches and methods7
The home mathematics environment of dual-language learning children and their early mathematics skills7
Math talk during traditional and digital number board game play7
Decontextualized language use during Chinese and American caregiver-child interactions6
Emotional support moderates associations between preschool approaches to learning and academic skills6
Unpacking pre-K classroom organization: Types, variation, and links to school readiness gains6
Understanding child executive functioning through use of the Bornstein specificity principle6
Adolescent exposure to violence and intimate-partner violence mediated by mental distress6
The emotional faces of student agency6
To endure or to resist? Adolescents' coping with overprotective parenting6
Parents' and children's gendered beliefs about toys and screen media6
Do girls pay an unequal price? Black and Latina girls' math attitudes, math anxiety, and mathematics achievement6
Fostering children's block building self-concepts and stability knowledge through construction play6
Identity formation and psychopathological symptoms in adolescence: Examining developmental trajectories and co-development6
Sex differences in first graders' literacy skills are mediated by parental input6
Assessment and implications of aloneliness in Chinese children and early adolescents6
RETRACTED: Parental investment mediates associations between lower family income and primary math achievement6
Disentangling the relations of theory of mind, executive function and conduct problems6
Directly assessed and adult-reported executive functions: Associations with academic skills in Ghana6
Can classic moral stories with anthropomorphized animal characters promote children's honesty?5
Preschool executive control predicts social information processing in early elementary school5
Museum-based tinkering and engineering learning opportunities among Latine families with young children5
Chinese children's in-group favoritism is affected by age and gender5
Early student-teacher relationships and autism: Student perspectives and teacher concordance5
In search of the individual embedded in context: Applications of the Specificity Principle5
Theory of mind development in impoverished U.S. children and six cross-cultural comparisons5
Joint implications of teachers and classroom peers for adolescents' aggression and engagement5
Classes of problematic smartphone use and information and communication technology (ICT) self-efficacy5
Supporting struggling middle school readers: Impact of the Lexia® PowerUp Literacy® program5
Two may be better than one: Promoting incidental word learning through multiple media5
Differences between pre-k and kindergarten contexts and achievement across the kindergarten transition5
Parent beliefs and child media use: Stress and digital skills as moderators5
The relations between teacher-child relationships in preschool and children's outcomes in kindergarten5
“I woke up to science”: Teacher narratives of growth in a culturally sustaining preschool STEM program5