Studies in Educational Evaluation

(The TQCC of Studies in Educational Evaluation is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Teacher support and academic engagement among EFL learners: The role of positive academic emotions94
Perceptions of STEM alumni and students on developing 21st century skills through methods of teaching and learning84
Advantages of authentic assessment for improving the learning experience and employability skills of higher education students: A systematic literature review74
Misconceptions about data-based decision making in education: An exploration of the literature69
HEISQUAL: A modern approach to measure service quality in higher education institutions63
A case study of a formative assessment practice and the effects on students’ self-regulated learning55
A scoping review on the notions of Assessment as Learning (AaL), Assessment for Learning (AfL), and Assessment of Learning (AoL)41
Assessment for learning in the Hong Kong assessment reform: A case of policy borrowing40
Creating a forum for researching teaching and its quality more synergistically36
A measurement model of entrepreneurship education effectiveness based on methodological triangulation36
When artificial intelligence meets educational leaders’ data-informed decision-making: A cautionary tale35
Core practices in practice-based teacher education: A systematic literature review of its teaching and assessment process33
Student – Feedback Interaction Model: Revised27
A co-orientation analysis of teachers’ and students’ perceptions of online teaching and learning in Hong Kong higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic27
Structural validity and invariance of the Feedback Perceptions Questionnaire26
Teacher support, growth language mindset, and academic engagement: The mediating role of L2 grit26
Measurement invariance of information, communication and technology (ICT) engagement and its relationship with student academic literacy: Evidence from PISA 201825
Evaluation of construct-irrelevant variance yielded by machine and human scoring of a science teacher PCK constructed response assessment24
We agree on what we see: Teacher and student perceptions of formative assessment practice24
Conceptualizing and exploring the quality of teaching using generic frameworks: A way forward24
Using Opinion Mining as an educational analytic: An integrated strategy for the analysis of students’ feedback24
Dimensionality and reliability of a screening instrument for students at-risk of dropping out from Higher Education24
Impact of distributed leadership on teacher job satisfaction in China: The mediating roles of teacher autonomy and teacher collaboration24
On the value of data-based decision making in education: The evidence from six intervention studies23
How is a professional development programme related to the development of university teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs and teaching conceptions?23
Evaluation of university teaching as sound performance appraisal22
Creativity development in preschoolers: The effects of children’s museum visits and other education environment factors20
Measuring graduate students’ global competence: Instrument development and an empirical study with a Chinese sample20
Analyzing the relationship between principals’ learning-centered leadership and teacher professional learning: The mediation role of trust and knowledge sharing behavior19
Construction and validation of a test to assess (pre-service) teachers' technological pedagogical knowledge (TPK)19
From fixing the work to improving the learner: An initial evaluation of a professional learning intervention using a new student-centred feedback model18
Perceived university support and entrepreneurial intentions: Do different students benefit differently?18
The effectiveness of the GoKoan e-learning platform in improving university students’ academic performance17
The impact of the scoring system of a large-scale standardized EFL writing assessment on its score variability and reliability: Implications for assessment policy makers17
The effects of an AWE-aided assessment approach on business English writing performance and writing anxiety: A contextual consideration17
Evaluating peer feedback as a reliable and valid complementary aid to teacher feedback in EFL writing classrooms: A feedback giver perspective17
Affordances and constraints of mathematics-specific observation frameworks and general elements of teaching quality17
Automatic evaluation of open-ended questions for online learning. A systematic mapping17
Professional vision of inclusive classrooms: A validation of teachers’ reasoning on differentiated instruction and teacher-student interactions17
Bachelor’s degree student dropouts: Who tend to stay and who tend to leave?16
Working more collaboratively to better understand teaching and its quality: Challenges faced and possible solutions16
A continuum of data literacy for teaching16
Developing teacher assessment skills: The impact of the dynamic approach to teacher professional development16
Learning processes and their mediating role between teaching quality and student achievement: A systematic review15
A cross-cultural study of student self-efficacy profiles and the associated predictors and outcomes using a multigroup latent profile analysis15
The dynamic relationship between response processes and self-regulation in critical thinking assessments15
Explaining self-efficacy development in an authentic higher education learning context of role-play simulations15
The effects of individual- and class-level achievement on attitudes towards mathematics: An analysis of Hong Kong students using TIMSS 201914
Intelligence quotient, short-term memory and study habits as academic achievement predictors of elementary school: A follow-up study14
How to measure soft skills in the educational context: psychometric properties of the SKILLS-in-ONE questionnaire14
Data-based individualization in mathematics to support middleschool teachers and their students with mathematics learning difficulty14
The ecocentric and anthropocentric attitudes towards different environmental phenomena: A sample of Syrian refugee children14
Academics’ beliefs towards holistic competency development and assessment: A case study in engineering education14
Testing measurement invariance of PISA 2015 mathematics, science, and ICT scales using the alignment method13
How do primary school English textbooks teach moral values? A critical discourse analysis13
School bullying: Prevalence and variation in and between school systems in TIMSS 201513
Assessment literacy of college EFL teachers in China: Status quo and mediating factors13
Analyzing the effects of mathematical discourse-based instruction on eleventh-grade students’ procedural and conceptual understanding of probability and statistics13
Profiles of instructional quality in primary and secondary education: Patterns, predictors, and relations to student achievement and motivation in science13
The impact on student achievement of an assessment for learning teacher professional development program13
Does inequality in opportunity perpetuate inequality in outcomes? International evidence from four TIMSS cycles13
Toward a multidimensional conceptualization of motivation to transfer training: Validation of the transfer motivation questionnaire from a self-determination theory perspective using bifactor-ESEM13
Data use for equity?: How data practices incite deficit thinking in schools13
Capacity building to bridge data use and instructional improvement through evidence on student thinking13
Exploring factors related with resilience in primary education: Evidence from European countries12
To assess or not to assess holistic competencies – Student perspectives in Hong Kong12
A systematic review of item response theory in language assessment: Implications for the dimensionality of language ability12
Re-evaluation of the D21-digital-index assessment instrument for measuring higher-level digital competences12
Students’ evaluation of academic courses: An exploratory analysis to an Italian case study12
Online teaching during COVID-19 pandemic: A phenomenological study of university educators’ experiences and challenges12
Supporting students’ generation of feedback in large-scale online course with artificial intelligence-enabled evaluation11
Examining the relationships between teachers’ affective states, self-efficacy, and teacher-child relationships in kindergartens: An integration of social cognitive theory and positive psychology11
Assessment and evaluation of simulation-based learning in higher education and professional training: An introduction11
Students’ experiences of fairness in summative assessment: A study in a higher education context11
Hybrid content-specific and generic approaches to lesson observation: Possibilities and practicalities11
The quality assurance of a national English writing assessment: Policy implications for quality improvement11
Connecting feedback to self-efficacy: Receiving and providing peer feedback in teacher education11
The global rise of online chatting and its adverse effect on reading literacy11
Bullying: Group differences of being victim and being bully and the influence of social relations11
Are teachers literate in formative assessment? The development and validation of the Teacher Formative Assessment Literacy Scale11
Formative peer assessment to enhance primary school pupils’ oral skills: Comparison of written feedback without discussion or oral feedback during a discussion11
Comparing two constructs for describing and analyzing teachers’ diagnostic processes11
Analysis of activities included in Saudi Arabian chemistry textbooks for the inclusion of argumentation-driven inquiry skills10
Learning from reviewing peers’ concept maps in an inquiry context: Commenting or grading, which is better?10
Preservice teachers’ attitudes, attributions, and stereotypes: Exploring the disadvantages of students from families with low socioeconomic status10
Private supplementary tutoring expenditures and children’s learning outcomes: Gender and locational evidence from Ghana10
The role of academic competences and learning processes in predicting Bachelor’s and Master’s thesis grades10
An Expanded Ethical Decision-making Model to Resolve Ethical Dilemmas in Assessment10
The long-term washback effects of the National Matriculation English Test on college English learning in China: Tertiary student perspectives10
The validity of student ratings of teaching quality: Factorial structure, comparability, and the relation to achievement9
Preservice teachers’ implementation of formative assessment in English writing class: Mentoring matters9
The intersection of school context and teachers’ data use practice: Implications for an integrated approach to capacity building9
Research on the construction and application of teacher-student interaction evaluation system for smart classroom in the post COVID-199
Is ‘the more the better’? Investigating linear and nonlinear effects of school culture on teacher well-being and commitment to teaching across school size9
Assessing teachers’ collaborative lesson planning practices: Instrument development and validation using the SECI knowledge-creation model9
Teachers’ grading decisions and practices across cultures: Exploring the value, consistency, and construction of grades across Canadian and Chinese secondary schools9
From classroom learning environments to self-regulation: The mediating role of task value9
Developing a shared cluster construct of instructional leadership in TALIS9
Ethics across the curriculum: Detecting and describing emergent trends in ethics education9
Diagnosing English reading ability in Chinese senior high schools9
The development of the relationship between professional identity tensions and teacher identity: A quantitative longitudinal study among Dutch primary student teachers9
Teacher quality, self-efficacy, and quality teaching in Ethiopian primary schools: An integrated sociological and psychological perspective9
The complexity of data-based decision making: An introduction to the special issue9