Philosophy & Social Criticism

(The TQCC of Philosophy & Social Criticism is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
“Political disobedience and the climate emergency”20
Cin ciun cian’ (ching chong): Yellowness and neo-orientalism in Italy at the time of COVID-1910
Gentrification and the racialization of space10
Radical democratic theory and migration: The Refugee Protest March as a democratic practice10
Epistemic injustice in workplace hierarchies: Power, knowledge and status8
How much economic inequality is fair in liberal democracies? The approach of proportional justice8
The reasons of the unreasonable: Is political liberalism still an option?6
Towards a principle of most-deeply affected6
The neoliberal influence on South Africa’s early democracy and its shortfalls in addressing economic inequality6
#MeToo and testimonial injustice: An investigation of moral and conceptual knowledge5
Democracy’s critical infrastructure: Rethinking intermediary powers5
Expropriation of the expropriators5
The virtues of truth: On democracy’s epistemic value5
The public sphere in the mode of systematically distorted communication5
The appropriating subject: Cultural appreciation, property and entitlement5
Online astroturfing: A problem beyond disinformation5
Academic freedom: How to conceptualize and justify it?5
The gentle way in governing: Foucault and the question of neoliberalism4
The platformization of the public sphere and its challenge to democracy4
Horizontal experimentalism: Rethinking democratic resistance4
At the bar of conscience: A Kantian argument for slavery reparations4
Freedom of speech: A relational defence4
Populism, localism and democratic citizenship4
Political polarization: Radicalism and immune beliefs4
Political meritocracy versus ethical democracy: The Confucian political ideal revisited3
Gendering Islamophobia at the crossroad of conflicting rights3
Adorno and climate science denial: Lies that sound like truth3
The problem of anthropocentrism and the human kind of personhood3
Étienne Balibar on the dialectic of universal citizenship3
Juridification as politics: An institutional view3
The “populist” foundation of liberal democracy: Jan-Werner Müller, Chantal Mouffe, and post-foundationalism3
Refusing post-truth with Butler and Honig3
Carl Schmitt and the authoritarian subversion of democracy3
Nietzsche’s shadow: On the origin and development of the term nihilism3
Malinchism as a social pathology3
Biopolitics in the ‘Psychic Realm’: Han, Foucault and neoliberal psychopolitics3
‘Lost in the marketplace of ideas: Towards a new constitution for free speech after Trump and Twitter?’2
Homo homini tigris: Thomas Hobbes and the global images of sovereignty2
The people and the voters2
Of savages and Stoics: Converging moral and political ideals in the conjectural histories of Rousseau and Ferguson2
Understanding the democratic promise of the city2
World out of difference: Relations and consequences2
Critical theory, immanent critique and neo-liberalism. Reply to critique raised in Copenhagen2
Foucault and fugitive study2
Preserving spontaneous order: A normative reflection of community building in post-reform China2
Democratic deliberation and economic democracy2
Plural reconstruction: A method of critical theory for the analysis of emerging and contested political practices2
Beyond the entrepreneur society: Foucault, neoliberalism and the critical attitude2
What is distinctive of political normativity? From domain view to role view2
Anonymity, fidelity to law, and digital Civil disobedience2
‘Who’ or ‘what’ is the rule of law?2
Can the “real world” please stand up? The struggle for normality as a claim to reality2
Critique and cognitive capacities: Towards an action-oriented model2
Where is the Breughel Village? Community and the radical tradition2
Pragmatist democracy and the populist challenge2
A New Skin for the Wounds of History: Fanon’s Affective Sociogeny and Ricœur’s Carnal Hermeneutics2
Work of art in the Age of Its AI Reproduction2
Black Lives Matter and the politics of redemption2
A militant defence of democracy: A few replies to my critics2
Mapping the individual and the community in Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr.2
Constitution as recommendation2
Feminist takes on post-truth2
Against ‘institutional racism’2
Communities and the individual: Beyond the liberal–communitarian divide2
Beyond emergency politics: Carl Schmitt’s substantive constitutionalism2
Beyond the political principle: Applying Martin Buber’s philosophy to societal polarization2
On militant democracy’s institutional conservatism1
From shipwreck to commodity exchange: Robinson Crusoe, Hegel and Marx1
Linguistic domination: A republican approach to linguistic justice1
On the very idea of normative foundations in critical social theory1
Truth-tracing versus truth-tracking: Lafont, Landemore and epistemic democracy1
Populism and the political system: A critical systems theory approach to the study of populism1
Indigenous patrimonialization as an operation of the liberal state1
Freedom and dialectics: On the critical theory of Moishe Postone and Theodor Adorno1
Kant, Realism, and the Theory of Ideals1
Critical theory and the future of humanity: A reply to Asger Sørensen1
Differentiating risks to academic freedom in the globalised university in China1
Connecting racial and species justice: Towards an Afrocentric animal advocacy1
The Flesh of Negation: Adorno and Merleau-Ponty contra Heidegger1
The platform economy’s infrastructural transformation of the public sphere: Facebook and Cambridge Analytica revisited1
A call for psycho-affective change: Fanon, feminism, and white negrophobic femininity1
From Horkheimer to Honneth and back again: A comment on Asger Sørensen’s capitalism, alienation and critique1
Changing hearts and minds: Cristina Lafont on democratic self-legislation1
Anti-vaccination as political dissent – a post-political reading of Yellow Vests’ accounts of Covid-19, vaccines and the Health pass1
Has the owl flown with regard to ‘the constitutional theory of political liberalism’?1
Thinking about Brexit with Cristina Lafont1
Brothers in arms: Adorno and Foucault on resistance1
Gnosticism, political theory and apocalypse: Jacob Taubes and Günther Anders, Tracy Strong and Carl Schmitt1
Whose time is it? Rancière on taking time, unproductive doing and democratic emancipation1
World-building and the predicaments of our time1
Where Is Richard Kearney Coming From? Hospitality, Anatheism, and Ana-deconstruction1
Emerson’s abolitionist perfectionism1
‘Be your own boss’? Normative concerns of algorithmic management in the gig economy: reclaiming agency at work through algorithmic counter-tactics1
“Who shall be lord of the earth?” Nietzsche, Schmitt, and thinking “beyond the line”1
Liberalism, legal revolution and Carl Schmitt1
Freedom and domination through time: Jean-Paul Sartre’s theory of the plurality of temporalities1
From Cultural Marxism to Critical Literacy: Rethinking Douglas Kellner’s Media Theory1
The politics of the invisible: Post-truth’s instrumental use of transparency and Arendt’s ‘nobody’1
Boredom at the end of history: ‘empty temporalities’ in Rousseau’s Corsica and Fukuyama’s liberal democracy1
Not everyone can be a winner, baby: A pragmatist response to problems of contemporary ‘crisis studies’1
Self-esteem and competition1
From resistance to transformation – The journey to develop a framework to explore the transformative potential of environmental resistance practices1
Social ontology in metaethics1
Against authenticity: Autonomy and oppressive circumstances1
Carl Schmitt in the 21st century: A response to critics1
Realist legitimacy: What kind of internalism?1
Foucault, Sellars, and the “conditions of possibility” of science1
(Post-)Truth, populism and the simulation of parrhesia: A feminist critique of truth-telling after Hannah Arendt and Michel Foucault1
Human rights, belonging and the challenge of difference1
Cultural industry in the age of post-truth democracy1
The made and the made-up1
Understanding and evaluating populist strategy1
Legitimizing political power from below. A reinterpretation of the founding myths of Thebes, Athens, and Rome as a critique against private and public violence1
Political authority and resistance to injustice: A Confucian perspective1
Who, the people? Rethinking constituent power as praxis1
Critical Republicanism and the Discursive Demands of Free Speech1
Adorno, Marx, and abstract domination1
Searching for the fourfold in critical discourse analysis1
Articulating the social: Expressive domination and Dewey’s epistemic argument for democracy1
Social criticism, dissonance, and progress: A socio-epistemic approach1
What the controversy over ‘the reasonable’ reveals: On Habermas’s Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie1
‘Taking politics seriously: A prudential justification of political realism’1
Three theories of separation: Kelsen, Schmitt and Pashukanis and the historical development of the legal form1
Jean Améry and the time of resentment1
A militant defence of democracy in hard times1
From totalitarianism to populism: Claude Lefort’s overlooked legacy1
Marcuse’s critique of technology today1
The Genius of Feminism: Cavellian Moral Perfectionism and Feminist Political Theory1
Decentring critical theory with the help of critical theory: Ecocide and the challenge of anthropocentricism1
Sartre’s imaginary and the problem of whiteness1
Public sphere and global governance1
Neoliberalism, the entrepreneur and critique of political economy: A commentary on Sørensen’s Capitalism, Alienation and Critique1
Two sorts of philosophical therapy: Ordinary language philosophy, social criticism and the Frankfurt school1
Critical problems and pragmatist solutions1
Comedy as dissonant rhetoric1
Creation and renunciation in Ricoeur’s political ethics of compromise1
Engaging the later Rawls on legitimacy1
Paradoxes of democracy: Rousseau and Hegel on democratic deliberation1
Religious language in the postsecular public sphere: A falsificationist model1
The horizon of another world: Foucault’s Cynics and the birth of radical cosmopolitics1
From agonistic to insurgent democracy1
A Marxist reading of Ludwig Wittgenstein: Making the case for social and political change1