Political Behavior

(The TQCC of Political Behavior is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Attacking the Weak or the Strong? An Experiment on the Targets of Parochial Altruism98
Another Day, Another Currency: Self-interest, Experience, and Attitudes Toward Dollarization in Ecuador57
How to Distinguish Motivated Reasoning from Bayesian Updating41
Facts Shape Feelings: Information, Emotions, and the Political Consequences of Violence30
Partisanship, Electoral Autocracy, and Citizen Perceptions of Party System Polarization28
Possible Evolutionary Origins of Nationalism24
Social Trust in Polarized Times: How Perceptions of Political Polarization Affect Americans’ Trust in Each Other23
Propaganda, Presumed Influence, and Collective Protest22
Trajectories of Mental Health Problems in Childhood and Adult Voting Behaviour: Evidence from the 1970s British Cohort Study19
Political Trust and American Public Support for Free Trade19
Attributions of Trust and Trustworthiness18
Economic Self-Interest or Cultural Threat? Migrant Unemployment and Class-based Support for Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe18
The Contrasting Effects of Ethnic and Partisan Identity on Performance Evaluation17
The Role of Personal Availability and Gender in Negative Online Congressional Campaigning14
Framing Layoffs: Media Coverage, Blame Attribution, and Trade-Related Policy Responses14
Deadly Influences: Evaluating the Relationship Between Political Competition and Religious Violence14
Elections, Party Rhetoric, and Public Attitudes Toward Immigration in Europe13
Does Race-Baiting Split Latino and White Americans? Racial Political Speech, Political Trust and the Importance of White Identity13
Voters Use Campaign Finance Transparency and Compliance Information13
The Dimensions and Effects of Reciprocity in Political Tolerance Judgments12
Neural Bases of Sector Bias in Perceptions of Public Versus Private-Sector Service Performance12
Valuing the Future: Changing Time Horizons and Policy Preferences12
Fewer but Younger: Changes in Turnout After Voluntary Voting and Automatic Registration in Chile12
Connecting Local Economic Decline to the Politics of Geographic Discontent: The Missing Link of Perceptions11
Partisan Stability During Turbulent Times: Evidence from Three American Panel Surveys11
Can the Fairer Sex Save the Day? Voting for Women After Corruption Scandals in Latin America11
Congressional Approval and Responsible Party Government: The Role of Partisanship and Ideology in Citizen Assessments of the Contemporary U.S. Congress10
Deficit Attention Disorder: Partisanship, Issue Importance and Concern About Government Overspending10
From Inter-Racial Solidarity to Action: Minority Linked Fate and African American, Latina/o, and Asian American Political Participation10
Do Women Always Represent Women? The Effects of Gender Quotas on Substantive Representation10
Detecting Voter Understanding of Ideological Labels Using a Conjoint Experiment9
When Do Voters Respond to Campaign Finance Disclosure? Evidence from Multiple Election Types8
Divided by Income? Policy Preferences of the Rich and Poor Within the Democratic and Republican Parties8
Group Consciousness and the Politics of American Indians8
Social and Political Trust in a Low Trust Society8
Closing the Gender Gap in Internal Political Efficacy? Gender Roles and the Masculine Ethos of Politics in Spain8
Place, Race, and the Geographic Politics of White Grievance8
The Politics of Personal Crisis: How Life Disruptions Shape Political Participation8
Media Exposure to Highly Skilled Immigrants and Attitudes Toward Immigration8
Millionaire Justices and Attitudes Towards the Supreme Court7
Developing Political Trust at Work: How Socialization Experiences in the Workplace Reduce Inequalities in Political Trust7
Linking Primary Voter Mindsets to General Election Enthusiasm7
Testing the Participation Hypothesis: Evidence from Participatory Budgeting7
Exposure to Extremely Partisan News from the Other Political Side Shows Scarce Boomerang Effects6
Correction: How Does a Relative Economy Affect Voter Turnout?6
Correction: Expressive Responding and Belief in 2020 Election Fraud6
Tilly versus Milward: Experimental Evidence of Public Preferences for European Defense Amidst the Russian Threat6
The Relationship Between Social Media Use and Beliefs in Conspiracy Theories and Misinformation6
Correction to: Beyond Performance: Racial Prejudice and Whites’ Mistrust of Government6
When Women Run, Voters Will Follow (Sometimes): Examining the Mobilizing Effect of Female Candidates in the 2014 and 2018 Midterm Elections6
Correction: Nail in the Coffin or Lifeline? Evaluating the Electoral Impact of COVID-19 on President Trump in the 2020 Election6
The Conditional Effects of Authoritarianism on COVID-19 Pandemic Health Behaviors and Policy Preferences6
Correction to: Beyond Racial Linked Fate: Inter-Minority Political Solidarity and Political Participation6
Nail in the Coffin or Lifeline? Evaluating the Electoral Impact of COVID-19 on President Trump in the 2020 Election6
Residential Context and Voting for the Far Right: The Impact of Immigration and Unemployment on the 2017 French Presidential Election6
Congratulations to EPOVB’s Award Winners!5
The Wages of Latinidad: How Immigration Enforcement Mitigates Anti-Black Assimilation5
Working Hard or Hardly Working? Gender and Voter Evaluations of Legislator Productivity5
Disagreement and Deliberation: Evidence from Three Deliberative Mini-Publics5
Televised Oral Arguments and Judicial Legitimacy: An Initial Assessment5
How Do Unions Create Candidates?5
How Political Representation Empowers Women5
In Need of the Devil’s Advocate? The Impact of Cross-Cutting Exposure on Political Discussion5
Division Does Not Imply Predictability: Demographics Continue to Reveal Little About Voting and Partisanship5
Racial Resentment, Electoral Loss, and Satisfaction with Democracy Among Whites in the United States: 2004–20165
Political Candidacy and Sibling Sex Composition: Your Sister Will Not Make You Run For Office5
Young Citizens’ Civic Engagement and Civic Attitudes: A Regression Discontinuity Analysis5
Visual Conjoint vs. Text Conjoint and the Differential Discriminatory Effect of (Visible) Social Categories5
The Unequal Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Political Interest Representation5
No Country for Asylum Seekers? How Short-Term Exposure to Refugees Influences Attitudes and Voting Behavior in Hungary5
Authoritarianism, Political Attitudes, and Vote Choice: A Longitudinal Analysis of the British Electorate4
Who Is “On Welfare”? Validating the Use of Conjoint Experiments to Measure Stereotype Content4
The Influence of Descriptive Representation on Support for Judicial Nominees and the US Supreme Court4
Birds of a Feather Get Angrier Together: Social Media News Use and Social Media Political Homophily as Antecedents of Political Anger4
When Right is Left: Values and Voting Behavior in Tunisia4
Campaign Principal-Agent Problems: Volunteers as Faithful and Representative Agents4
Big Boys Don’t Cry: Evaluations of Politicians Across Issue, Gender, and Emotion4
How Social Group Memberships Interact to Shape Partisanship, Policy Orientations, and Vote Choice4
Distance and Trust: An Examination of the Two Opposing Factors Impacting Adoption of Postal Voting Among Citizens Living Abroad4
Increasing Youth Political Engagement with Efficacy Not Obligation: Evidence from a Workshop-Based Experiment in Zambia4
When are Explicit Racial Appeals Accepted? Examining the Role of Racial Status Threat4
Race, Prejudice and Support for Racial Justice Countermovements: The Case of “Blue Lives Matter”4
The Role of Education in Political Information Processing and Correct Voting: Inequality at the Voting Booth?4
Party Foul: The Effectiveness of Political Value Rhetoric is Constrained by Party Ownership4
Explaining Protest Participation in Semi-authoritarian Regimes: The Power of Social Networks4
Narcissism and Affective Polarization4
Partisan Identity, Counter-Attitudinal Information, and Selective Criticism in India4
Explaining the Surge of the Populist Radical Right: A Time-Series Analysis of the Effects of Immigration and the Economy in Norway4