Policy Studies Journal

(The median citation count of Policy Studies Journal is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Adapting to Sea‐Level Rise: Centralization or Decentralization in Polycentric Governance Systems?25
The Pathways of Policy Feedback: How Health Reform Influences Political Efficacy and Participation22
The Advocacy Coalition Index: A new approach for identifying advocacy coalitions21
Policy Diffusion Through Multiple Streams: The (Non‐)Adoption of Energy Conservation Building Code in India20
Diverse Lobbying Coalitions and Influence in Notice‐and‐Comment Rulemaking19
Policy Change Through Negotiated Agreements: The Case of Greening Swiss Agricultural Policy18
Advocacy coalitions, beliefs, and learning: An analysis of stability, change, and reinforcement16
Private citizens, stakeholder groups, or governments? Perceived legitimacy and participation in water collaborative governance16
Drivers of (in)equity in collaborative environmental governance16
The multiple streams framework in a nondemocracy: The infeasibility of a national ban on live poultry sales in China16
Narrative strategies in a nondemocratic setting: Moscow’s urban policy debates16
Does Data Drive Policymaking? A Multiple Streams Perspective on the Relationship Between Indicators and Agenda Setting15
How to Explain Major Policy Change Towards Sustainability? Bringing Together the Multiple Streams Framework and the Multilevel Perspective on Socio‐Technical Transitions to Explore the German “Energie15
What Explains Collaboration in High and Low Conflict Contexts? Comparing Climate Change Policy Networks in Four Countries14
Narrative policy images: Intersecting narrative & attention in presidential stories about the environment14
Rules and the Ruled: Understanding Joint Patterns of Institutional Design and Behavior in Complex Governing Arrangements13
Building blocks of polycentric governance13
“Protect the women!” Trans‐exclusionary feminist issue framing and support for transgender rights13
Policy dimension: A new concept to distinguish substance from process in the Narrative Policy Framework13
When do decision makers listen (less) to experts? The Swiss government's implementation of scientific advice during the COVID‐19 crisis12
Assessing sustainability through the Institutional Grammar of urban water systems12
Policy attributes shape climate policy support12
Coalition cascades: The politics of tipping points in clean energy transitions11
Intergovernmental Implementation in a Time of Uncooperative Federalism: Immigration Enforcement and Federal Secure Communities Program, 2011–1411
Mitigating conflict with collaboration: Reaching negotiated agreement amidst belief divergence in environmental governance11
External drivers of participation in regional collaborative water planning10
Taking perspective of the stories we tell about transgender rights: The narrative policy framework10
Birds of a Feather Fight Together: Forum Involvement in a Weakly Institutionalized Ecology of Policy Games10
More than just experts for hire: A conceptualization of the roles of consultants in public policy formulation10
Measuring design diversity: A new application of Ostrom's rule types10
What's the grand story? A macro‐narrative analytical model and the case of Swiss child and adult protection policy9
How police agency diversity, policies, and outcomes shape citizen trust and willingness to engage8
Political institutions, punctuated equilibrium theory, and policy disasters8
Policy Regime Decay8
Race, representation, and policy attitudes in U.S. public schools8
How racialized policy contact shapes the social constructions of policy targets8
More than agents: Federal bureaucrats as information suppliers in policymaking7
Prescribed by law and therefore realized? Analyzing rules and their implied actor interactions as networks7
A Political Economy Approach to the Grammar of Institutions: Theory and Methods7
The benefits of specialized knowledge in polycentric governance7
Linking policy design, change, and outputs: Policy responsiveness in American state electricity policy7
Environmental governance in China: The effects of policy clarity, career concerns, and new appointed officials on pollution control6
Post‐loss power building: The feedback effects of policy loss on group identity and collective action6
How street‐level dilemmas and politics shape divergence: The accountability regimes framework6
Relational coupling of multiple streams: The case of COVID‐19 infections in German abattoirs6
Theorizing reactive policy entrepreneurship: A case study of Swedish local emergency management5
Shifting narrative strategies: How monument advocates change their stories in response to conflict over time5
What do we know about the punctuated equilibrium theory in China? A systematic review and research priorities5
Protest and state policy agendas: Marches and gun policy after Parkland5
Punctuated equilibrium in multilevel contexts: How federal and state level forces feedback into shaping the local policy agenda in Mexico4
The calm before the storm: A punctuated equilibrium theory of international politics4
The institutional grammar in policy process research4
Identifying institutional configurations for policy outcomes: A comparison of ecosystem services delivery4
Understanding policy influence in hybrid regimes: Insights from a qualitative study of policy advice in Ukraine and Moldova4
Measuring the stasis: Punctuated equilibrium theory and partisan polarization4
Policy feedback via economic behavior: A model and experimental analysis of consumption behavior4
Narratives and expert information in agenda‐setting: Experimental evidence on state legislator engagement with artificial intelligence policy4
The policy acknowledgement gap: Explaining (mis)perceptions of government social program use4
Empirical research on polycentric governance: Critical gaps and a framework for studying long‐term change4
Chain of command vs. Who’s in command: Structure, politics, and regulatory enforcement4
Policy coordination and selective corruption control in China3
Does Program Evaluation Affect Program Termination? Insights from the Repeal of Corporate Tax Incentives for the Motion Picture Industry3
Social construction and the diffusion of anti‐trafficking laws in the U.S.3
Global diffusion of COVID‐19 policies: The role of geographic, institutional, and cultural cues3
Who is satisfied with their inclusion in polycentric sustainability governance? Networks, power, and procedural justice in Swiss wetlands3
Design paths of federal intergovernmental cooperation3
Policy composition and adoption duration: Capturing conflict in the legislative process3
The politics of problems versus solutions: Policymaking and grandstanding in congressional hearings3
The policy feedback effects of preemption3
Police unions and use‐of‐force reforms in American cities3
Budgetary changes and organizational performance: Evidence from state transportation agencies3
A grammar of institutions for complex legal topics: Resolving statutory multiplicity and scaling up to jurisdiction‐level legal institutions2
Subsystems and ill‐fitting problems: Clarifying a concept2
The adoption of culturally contentious innovations: The case of citizen oversight of police2
Cabinet ministers and the use of agenda‐setting power: Evidence from cabinet ministers in Israel2
The public‐facing policy agenda of state legislatures: The communication of public policy via twitter2
Advocacy strategies in state preemption: The case of energy fuel bans2
Examining emotional belief expressions of advocacy coalitions in Arkansas' gender identity politics2
The role of policy narrators during crisis: A micro‐level analysis of the sourcing, synthesizing, and sharing of policy narratives in rural Texas2
Does anxiety increase policy learning?2
Operationalizing social equity in public policy design: A comparative analysis of solar equity policies in the United States2
Decentralization and resource contributions within local governance networks: Evidence from health sector reform in Honduras2
Analyzing the association of policy narratives with problem tractability in the implementation of EU decisions: Evidence from the phytosanitary policy area2
The particular and diffuse effects of negative interactions on participation: Evidence from responses to police killings2
Narrative spillover: A narrative policy framework analysis of critical race theory discourse at multiple levels2