Discrete & Computational Geometry

(The TQCC of Discrete & Computational Geometry is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A Uniform Lower Bound on the Norms of Hyperplane Projections of Spherical Polytopes14
Search of Fractal Space-Filling Curves with Minimal Dilation11
Discrete Yamabe Problem for Polyhedral Surfaces11
Fast Algorithms for Minimum Homology Basis10
Noncrossing Partition Lattices from Planar Configurations10
Combinatorics of Antiprism Triangulations8
Lexicographic Optimal Homologous Chains and Applications to Point Cloud Triangulations7
Pair Crossing Number, Cutwidth, and Good Drawings on Arbitrary Point Sets7
Unbounded Regions of High-Order Voronoi Diagrams of Lines and Line Segments in Higher Dimensions6
Polarization Problem on a Higher-Dimensional Sphere for a Simplex6
A New Face Iterator for Polyhedra and for More General Finite Locally Branched Lattices6
A Note on Bézout Type Inequalities for Mixed Volumes and Minkowski Sums6
Bipartite Diameter and Other Measures Under Translation6
Nondegenerate Spheres in Four Dimensions6
Complete Characterization of Polyhedral Self-Affine Tiles5
Erdős–Szekeres Theorem for k-Flats5
On the Contractibility of Random Vietoris–Rips Complexes5
Almost Congruent Triangles4
Inserting One Edge into a Simple Drawing is Hard4
An Almost Optimal Bound on the Number of Intersections of Two Simple Polygons4
Fractal Dimension and Lower Bounds for Geometric Problems4
Gorenstein Braid Cones and Crepant Resolutions4
Efficient Computation of a Semi-Algebraic Basis of the First Homology Group of a Semi-Algebraic Set3
Implicit Representation of Sparse Hereditary Families3
The Convex Hull of Random Points on the Boundary of a Simple Polytope3
A Logarithmic Bound for Simultaneous Embeddings of Planar Graphs3
Computing a Link Diagram From Its Exterior3
The Maximal Number of 3-Term Arithmetic Progressions in Finite Sets in Different Geometries3
Power Mean Inequalities and Sums of Squares3
Intersection Theorems for Triangles3
Taking a Detour; or, Gioan’s Theorem, and Pseudolinear Drawings of Complete Graphs3
Orientation Preserving Maps of the Square Grid II3
Short Topological Decompositions of Non-orientable Surfaces3
In Search of Hyperpaths3
A Tight Analysis of Geometric Local Search3
Union of Hypercubes and 3D Minkowski Sums with Random Sizes3
Flexible Placements of Periodic Graphs in the Plane3
Embeddings of k-Complexes into 2k-Manifolds3
Column-Convex Matrices, G-Cyclic Orders, and Flow Polytopes3
Bisections of Mass Assignments Using Flags of Affine Spaces3
Cyclic Polytope of the Simplest Cubic Fields3
Radon Numbers Grow Linearly3
Computing Generalized Rank Invariant for 2-Parameter Persistence Modules via Zigzag Persistence and Its Applications3
Topology and Geometry of Random 2-Dimensional Hypertrees3
Extendability of Simplicial Maps is Undecidable3
Local Criteria for Triangulating General Manifolds3
Labelings vs. Embeddings: On Distributed and Prioritized Representations of Distances3
Generalized Dissections and Monsky’s Theorem2
Transversals to Colorful Intersecting Convex Sets2
Proof of a Conjecture of Batyrev and Juny on Gorenstein Polytopes2
Geodesic Geometry on Graphs2
Computing Characteristic Polynomials of Hyperplane Arrangements with Symmetries2
On the Ehrhart Polynomial of Schubert Matroids2
Substitution Discrete Plane Tilings with 2n-Fold Rotational Symmetry for Odd n2
On the Extension Complexity of Polytopes Separating Subsets of the Boolean Cube2
Posets Arising as 1-Skeleta of Simple Polytopes, the Nonrevisiting Path Conjecture, and Poset Topology2
Distinct Distances on Non-Ruled Surfaces and Between Circles2
The VC Dimension of Metric Balls under Fréchet and Hausdorff Distances2
Relative Persistent Homology2
Ehrhart Quasi-Polynomials of Almost Integral Polytopes2
Bounds on the Lattice Point Enumerator via Slices and Projections2
Lines on $$K3$$–Quartics Via Triangular Sets2
Monotone Paths on Cross-Polytopes2
Erdős–Szekeres-Type Problems in the Real Projective Plane2
Completeness for the Complexity Class $$\forall \exists \mathbb {R}$$ and Area-Universality2
Stabbing Pairwise Intersecting Disks by Four Points2
A Positive Fraction Erdős–Szekeres Theorem and Its Applications2
Compact Metric Spaces with Infinite Cop Number2
Convexity, Elementary Methods, and Distances2
Peeling Sequences2
From the Separable Tammes Problem to Extremal Distributions of Great Circles in the Unit Sphere2
A Subdivision Algebra for a Product of Two Simplices via Flow Polytopes2
The $$\mathbb {Z}_2$$-Genus of Kuratowski Minors2
A Universal Triangulation for Flat Tori2
When is a Planar Rod Configuration Infinitesimally Rigid?2
Incidences of Möbius Transformations in $${\mathbb {F}}_p$$2
On the Regularity Radius of Delone Sets in $${\mathbb {R}}^3$$2
Locally Finite Completions of Polyhedral Complexes2
The Minimum Number of Peeling Sequences of a Point Set2
Undecidable Translational Tilings with Only Two Tiles, or One Nonabelian Tile2
Volume Computation for Meissner Polyhedra and Applications2
Number of Directions Determined by a Set in $$\mathbb {F}_{q}^{2}$$ and Growth in $$\mathrm {Aff}(\mathbb {F}_{q})$$2
Decomposition of Zero-Dimensional Persistence Modules via Rooted Subsets2
Monochromatic Infinite Sets in Minkowski Planes2
Graph Reconstruction from Unlabeled Edge Lengths2
Irregular Tilings of Regular Polygons with Similar Triangles2
No-Dimensional Tverberg Theorems and Algorithms2
On the Löwner-John Ellipsoids of the Metric Polytope2
The Parameterized Complexity of Guarding Almost Convex Polygons2
Fractional Helly Theorem for Cartesian Products of Convex Sets1
A Sparse Colorful Polytopal KKM Theorem1
A Lower Bound Theorem for Strongly Regular CW Spheres with up to $$2d+1$$ Vertices1
Smooth Column Convex Polyominoes1
Representing Infinite Periodic Hyperbolic Delaunay Triangulations Using Finitely Many Dirichlet Domains1
Morphing Triangle Contact Representations of Triangulations1
Euclidean Gallai–Ramsey for Various Configurations1
Combinatorics of Intervals in the Plane I: Trapezoids1
On the Reeb Spaces of Definable Maps1
Linear Expected Complexity for Directional and Multiplicative Voronoi Diagrams1
Nearly k-Distance Sets1
Algorithms for Halfplane Coverage and Related Problems1
A Family of Convex Sets in the Plane Satisfying the (4, 3)-Property can be Pierced by Nine Points1
Open, Closed, and Non-Degenerate Embedding Dimensions of Neural Codes1
Set-Valued Recursions Arising from Vantage-Point Trees1
Computing the Homology Functor on Semi-algebraic Maps and Diagrams1
New Upper Bounds for the Number of Embeddings of Minimally Rigid Graphs1
Maximal Perimeters of Polytope Sections and Origin-Symmetry1
Zigzags in Combinatorial Tetrahedral Chains and the Associated Markov Chain1
Biangular Lines Revisited1
Stokes, Gibbs, and Volume Computation of Semi-Algebraic Sets1
Geometric Pattern Matching Reduces to k -SUM1
Some Results About Equichordal Convex Bodies1
Guest Editors’ Foreword1
On Some Non-Rigid Unit Distance Patterns1
Vanishing of All Equivariant Obstructions and the Mapping Degree1
The Maximum-Level Vertex in an Arrangement of Lines1
Discrete $$\ell ^{1}$$ Double Bubble Solution is at Most Ceiling Plus Two of the Continuous Solution1
Classification of Vertex-Transitive Zonotopes1
The Convergence of Discrete Uniformizations for Genus Zero Surfaces1
Worst-Case Optimal Covering of Rectangles by Disks1
The Schwarzian Octahedron Recurrence (dSKP Equation) II: Geometric Systems1
Topological Art in Simple Galleries1
The Structure of Metrizable Graphs1
Approximating Maximum Integral Multiflows on Bounded Genus Graphs1
Arrangements of Approaching Pseudo-Lines1
The Number of Configurations of Radii that Can Occur in Compact Packings of the Plane with Discs of n Sizes is Finite1
Lipschitz Selectors May Not Yield Competitive Algorithms for Convex Body Chasing1
Some New Results on Geometric Transversals1
Admissible Reversing and Extended Symmetries for Bijective Substitutions1
Nets of Lines with the Combinatorics of the Square Grid and with Touching Inscribed Conics1
Publisher Correction: Geometry of Log-Concave Density Estimation1
On Fast Johnson–Lindenstrauss Embeddings of Compact Submanifolds of $$\mathbbm {R}^N$$ with Boundary1
Discrete Morse Theory for Computing Zigzag Persistence1
Geometry of Convex Geometries1
Self-Affine Tiles Generated by a Finite Number of Matrices1
On Recovery Guarantees for One-Bit Compressed Sensing on Manifolds1
An Efficient Algorithm for 1-Dimensional (Persistent) Path Homology1
On Semialgebraic Range Reporting1
Lonely Points in Simplices1
Furstenberg Sets in Finite Fields: Explaining and Improving the Ellenberg–Erman Proof1
On an Equichordal Property of a Pair of Convex Bodies1
Spiraling and Folding: The Topological View1
Tropical Carathéodory with Matroids1
On Compact Packings of Euclidean Space with Spheres of Finitely Many Sizes1
On the Maximal Distance Between the Centers of Mass of a Planar Convex Body and Its Boundary1
Average and Expected Distortion of Voronoi Paths and Scapes1
Reconstructing d-Manifold Subcomplexes of Cubes from Their $$(\lfloor d/2 \rfloor + 1)$$-Skeletons1
Delaunay and Regular Triangulations as Lexicographic Optimal Chains1
The Type B Permutohedron and the Poset of Intervals as a Tchebyshev Transform1
The Limit of $$L_p$$ Voronoi Diagrams as $$p\rightarrow 0$$ is the Bounding-Box-Area Voronoi Diagram1
$$A_\infty $$ Persistent Homology Estimates Detailed Topology from Pointcloud Datasets1
More Bisections by Hyperplane Arrangements1
Triangle Percolation on the Grid1
Determinant of the Finite Volume Laplacian1
Drawing Graphs as Spanners1
Homotopy Theory in Digital Topology1
Iterated Medial Triangle Subdivision in Surfaces of Constant Curvature1
Correction to: The Schläfli Fan1
Non-Existence of Annular Separators in Geometric Graphs1
A Structural Szemerédi–Trotter Theorem for Cartesian Products1
Correction to: Large Equilateral Sets in Subspaces of $$\ell _\infty ^n$$ of Small Codimension1
Lines in the Plane with the $$L_1$$ Metric1
The Complex Plank Problem, Revisited1
Minimal Delaunay Triangulations of Hyperbolic Surfaces1
The Multi-Cover Persistence of Euclidean Balls1
Discrete Stratified Morse Theory1
Rotation Inside Convex Kakeya Sets1
Bounds on the Number of 2-Level Polytopes, Cones, and Configurations1
Inductive Freeness of Ziegler’s Canonical Multiderivations1
The Visible-Volume Function of a Set of Cameras is Continuous, Piecewise Rational, Locally Lipschitz, and Semi-Algebraic in All Dimensions1
Distance Bounds for High Dimensional Consistent Digital Rays and 2-D Partially-Consistent Digital Rays1
Perimeter Approximation of Convex Discs in the Hyperbolic Plane and on the Sphere1
Embedding Divisor and Semi-Prime Testability in f-Vectors of Polytopes1
Towards Uniform Online Spherical Tessellations1
Complexity of Maximum Cut on Interval Graphs1
Extreme Points of Gram Spectrahedra of Binary Forms1
Fiber Convex Bodies1