Visual Computer

(The TQCC of Visual Computer is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
A survey on deep multimodal learning for computer vision: advances, trends, applications, and datasets144
A multibranch CNN-BiLSTM model for human activity recognition using wearable sensor data138
MFFN: image super-resolution via multi-level features fusion network70
Real-time detection and identification of plant leaf diseases using convolutional neural networks on an embedded platform61
X-Net: a dual encoding–decoding method in medical image segmentation56
Transfer learning-assisted multi-resolution breast cancer histopathological images classification55
Automatic detection of oil palm fruits from UAV images using an improved YOLO model48
Brain tumor classification based on hybrid approach46
Aspects of visual avatar appearance: self-representation, display type, and uncanny valley45
A multimodal transformer to fuse images and metadata for skin disease classification42
Fingerprint-based robust medical image watermarking in hybrid transform41
Depth-wise Squeeze and Excitation Block-based Efficient-Unet model for surface defect detection38
Contour-aware semantic segmentation network with spatial attention mechanism for medical image38
Color image encryption scheme based on fractional Hartley transform and chaotic substitution–permutation36
Blood vessel segmentation in retinal fundus images for proliferative diabetic retinopathy screening using deep learning36
A survey of image encryption algorithms based on chaotic system35
A detailed analysis of image and video forgery detection techniques34
Dual integrated convolutional neural network for real-time facial expression recognition in the wild34
Segmentation and classification on chest radiography: a systematic survey33
A novel color image encryption based on fractional shifted Gegenbauer moments and 2D logistic-sine map32
Fundus image-based cataract classification using a hybrid convolutional and recurrent neural network32
Background subtraction for moving object detection: explorations of recent developments and challenges32
The image compression–encryption algorithm based on the compression sensing and fractional-order chaotic system31
Image and video processing on mobile devices: a survey31
A comprehensive survey and deep learning-based approach for human recognition using ear biometric30
A robust edge detection algorithm based on feature-based image registration (FBIR) using improved canny with fuzzy logic (ICWFL)29
A multi-stream CNN for deep violence detection in video sequences using handcrafted features27
Cancelable biometric security system based on advanced chaotic maps27
Multi-path dilated convolution network for haze and glow removal in nighttime images26
DDGCN: graph convolution network based on direction and distance for point cloud learning26
GPSD: generative parking spot detection using multi-clue recovery model26
3D lidar point-cloud projection operator and transfer machine learning for effective road surface features detection and segmentation26
A convolution-transformer dual branch network for head-pose and occlusion facial expression recognition26
A color watermarking scheme in frequency domain based on quaternary coding25
Low-dose CT lung images denoising based on multiscale parallel convolution neural network25
Secured telemedicine of medical imaging based on dual robust watermarking25
Can a humanoid social robot stimulate the interactivity of cognitively impaired elderly? A thorough study based on computer vision methods25
A robust framework for glaucoma detection using CLAHE and EfficientNet25
Distortion-free image dehazing by superpixels and ensemble neural network24
Genetic programming-based fusion of HOG and LBP features for fully automated texture classification23
Modality-transfer generative adversarial network and dual-level unified latent representation for visible thermal Person re-identification23
Class-discriminative focal loss for extreme imbalanced multiclass object detection towards autonomous driving23
An automated and efficient convolutional architecture for disguise-invariant face recognition using noise-based data augmentation and deep transfer learning23
ExtriDeNet: an intensive feature extrication deep network for hand gesture recognition23
Dual Siamese network for RGBT tracking via fusing predicted position maps22
A robust framework for spoofing detection in faces using deep learning21
DTR-HAR: deep temporal residual representation for human activity recognition21
A novel robust zero-watermarking algorithm for medical images21
LE–MSFE–DDNet: a defect detection network based on low-light enhancement and multi-scale feature extraction21
HybNet: a hybrid network structure for pain intensity estimation21
Research on the algorithm of helmet-wearing detection based on the optimized yolov421
GuideRender: large-scale scene navigation based on multi-modal view frustum movement prediction21
Recognition of Amharic sign language with Amharic alphabet signs using ANN and SVM20
A novel approach for human skin detection using convolutional neural network20
A novel partial point cloud registration method based on graph attention network20
Image fusion using dual tree discrete wavelet transform and weights optimization20
Facial emotion recognition using subband selective multilevel stationary wavelet gradient transform and fuzzy support vector machine20
HyFiPAD: a hybrid approach for fingerprint presentation attack detection using local and adaptive image features19
Adaptive tri-plateau limit tri-histogram equalization algorithm for digital image enhancement19
New color image encryption using hybrid optimization algorithm and Krawtchouk fractional transformations19
Color image encryption algorithm based on Fisher-Yates scrambling and DNA subsequence operation19
Facial expression GAN for voice-driven face generation19
A new chaotic image encryption algorithm based on dynamic DNA coding and RNA computing19
TPRNet: camouflaged object detection via transformer-induced progressive refinement network19
Unsupervised face super-resolution via gradient enhancement and semantic guidance19
A sophisticated and provably grayscale image watermarking system using DWT-SVD domain18
Virtual reality safety training using deep EEG-net and physiology data18
TransMRSR: transformer-based self-distilled generative prior for brain MRI super-resolution18
SCA-YOLO: a new small object detection model for UAV images18
A high-efficiency blind watermarking algorithm for double color image using Walsh Hadamard transform18
Domain-flexible selective image encryption based on genetic operations and chaotic maps18
A weighted parameter identification PDE-constrained optimization for inverse image denoising problem18
A comprehensive survey on video frame interpolation techniques18
CCST: crowd counting with swin transformer17
Long-term visual tracking algorithm for UAVs based on kernel correlation filtering and SURF features17
Fabric defect detection based on low-rank decomposition with structural constraints17
SGRNN-AM and HRF-DBN: a hybrid machine learning model for cricket video summarization17
Evaluating virtual reality locomotion interfaces on collision avoidance task with a virtual character17
Low dynamic range histogram equalization (LDR-HE) via quantized Haar wavelet transform17
Image recoloring for color vision deficiency compensation: a survey17
DHFNet: dual-decoding hierarchical fusion network for RGB-thermal semantic segmentation17
A bi-directional deep learning architecture for lung nodule semantic segmentation16
SAUNet++: an automatic segmentation model of COVID-19 lesion from CT slices16
Encoded motion image-based dynamic hand gesture recognition16
3D car shape reconstruction from a contour sketch using GAN and lazy learning16
Sparse Attention Module for optimizing semantic segmentation performance combined with a multi-task feature extraction network16
On extended progressive and iterative approximation for least squares fitting15
A survey on adversarial attacks and defenses for object detection and their applications in autonomous vehicles15
Object recognition algorithm based on optimized nonlinear activation function-global convolutional neural network15
Motion-compensated online object tracking for activity detection and crowd behavior analysis15
CF-GAN: cross-domain feature fusion generative adversarial network for text-to-image synthesis15
Dual adaptive deep convolutional neural network for video forgery detection in 3D lighting environment15
Crowd anomaly detection with LSTMs using optical features and domain knowledge for improved inferring15
Effective deep neural networks for license plate detection and recognition15
A history of crowd simulation: the past, evolution, and new perspectives14
An approach to continuous hand movement recognition using SEMG based on features fusion14
CCS-GAN: a semi-supervised generative adversarial network for image classification14
Single image dehazing algorithm based on sky segmentation and optimal transmission maps14
Understanding movie poster: transfer-deep learning approach for graphic-rich text recognition14
Flow-pose Net: an effective two-stream network for fall detection14
Illumination estimation for nature preserving low-light image enhancement14
SPCA-Net: a based on spatial position relationship co-attention network for visual question answering14
A comparative study of single image fog removal methods14
Low dynamic range discrete cosine transform (LDR-DCT) for high-performance JPEG image compression14
Visual image encryption scheme based on inter-intra-block scrambling and weighted diffusion14
An improved whale optimization algorithm-based radial neural network for multi-grade brain tumor classification14
A knowledge-sharing semi-supervised approach for fashion clothes classification and attribute prediction14
SThy-Net: a feature fusion-enhanced dense-branched modules network for small thyroid nodule classification from ultrasound images14
A novel bifold-stage shot boundary detection algorithm: invariant to motion and illumination14
Histogram equalization using a selective filter13
Joint information fusion and multi-scale network model for pedestrian detection13
Semi-Supervised image dehazing network13
Motion-shape-based deep learning approach for divergence behavior detection in high-density crowd13
LungSeek: 3D Selective Kernel residual network for pulmonary nodule diagnosis13
Attention Unet++ for lightweight depth estimation from sparse depth samples and a single RGB image13
A novel backbone architecture for pedestrian detection based on the human visual system13
CSST-Net: an arbitrary image style transfer network of coverless steganography13
Hierarchical learning with backtracking algorithm based on the Visual Confusion Label Tree for large-scale image classification13
NIR/RGB image fusion for scene classification using deep neural networks13
High-performance UAVs visual tracking based on siamese network13
Glioma classification via MR images radiomics analysis13
A lightweight network with attention decoder for real-time semantic segmentation12
BEACon: a boundary embedded attentional convolution network for point cloud instance segmentation12
An effective and friendly tool for seed image analysis12
CGAN: closure-guided attention network for salient object detection12
RC-YOLOv5s: for tile surface defect detection12
Retinopathy grading with deep learning and wavelet hyper-analytic activations12
Neural style transfer combined with EfficientDet for thermal surveillance12
Lane line detection and departure estimation in a complex environment by using an asymmetric kernel convolution algorithm12
GANID: a novel generative adversarial network for image dehazing12
An intelligent fruits classification in precision agriculture using bilinear pooling convolutional neural networks12
A deep crystal structure identification system for X-ray diffraction patterns12
CGFNet: cross-guided fusion network for RGB-thermal semantic segmentation12
Fast exposure fusion of detail enhancement for brightest and darkest regions12
A novel data hiding by image interpolation using edge quad-tree block complexity12
Triple-strip attention mechanism-based natural disaster images classification and segmentation12
Image encryption based on roulette cascaded chaotic system and alienated image library12
Spiking neural network based on joint entropy of optical flow features for human action recognition12
A privacy-aware deep learning framework for health recommendation system on analysis of big data12
Fine-grained visual classification via multilayer bilinear pooling with object localization12
Cell image segmentation by using feedback and convolutional LSTM12
Multiple information perception-based attention in YOLO for underwater object detection12
Detection of damaged buildings after an earthquake with convolutional neural networks in conjunction with image segmentation11
Weber local descriptor for image analysis and recognition: a survey11
Localization of hard joints in human pose estimation based on residual down-sampling and attention mechanism11
Cross-UNet: dual-branch infrared and visible image fusion framework based on cross-convolution and attention mechanism11
Self-supervised monocular depth estimation based on image texture detail enhancement11
Two-stage image decomposition and color regulator for low-light image enhancement11
Exploiting emotional concepts for image emotion recognition11
Depth aware image dehazing11
A multivariate intersection over union of SiamRPN network for visual tracking11
Sketch-to-photo face generation based on semantic consistency preserving and similar connected component refinement11
Adaptive low light visual enhancement and high-significant target detection for infrared and visible image fusion11
A spatio-temporal integrated model based on local and global features for video expression recognition11
A GAN-based approach toward architectural line drawing colorization prototyping11
An image super-resolution network based on multi-scale convolution fusion11
Global structure-guided learning framework for underwater image enhancement11
Clustered redundant keypoint elimination method for image mosaicing using a new Gaussian-weighted blending algorithm11
Multi-level feature fusion pyramid network for object detection11
Image stitching based on human visual system and SIFT algorithm11
PV-RCNN++: semantical point-voxel feature interaction for 3D object detection11
A novel zero-watermarking algorithm based on robust statistical features for natural images10
Attention-based adaptive feature selection for multi-stage image dehazing10
All-weather road drivable area segmentation method based on CycleGAN10
Computer-aided parametric prosthetic socket design based on real-time soft tissue deformation and an inverse approach10
Despeckling and enhancement of ultrasound images using non-local variational framework10
Multi-directional guidance network for fine-grained visual classification10
HF-SRGR: a new hybrid feature-driven social relation graph reasoning model10
Sea-sky line detection in the infrared image based on the vertical grayscale distribution feature10
MS-GAN: multi-scale GAN with parallel class activation maps for image reconstruction10
$$\epsilon \kappa $$-Curves: controlled local curvature extrema10
MSE-Net: generative image inpainting with multi-scale encoder10
Area-based correlation and non-local attention network for stereo matching10
RepPVConv: attentively fusing reparameterized voxel features for efficient 3D point cloud perception10
Joint restoration convolutional neural network for low-quality image super resolution10
MSFFA: a multi-scale feature fusion and attention mechanism network for crowd counting10
An adaptive and rapid 3D Delaunay triangulation for randomly distributed point cloud data10
SSGAN: generative adversarial networks for the stroke segmentation of calligraphic characters10
MTCNN++: A CNN-based face detection algorithm inspired by MTCNN9
Per-former: rethinking person re-identification using transformer augmented with self-attention and contextual mapping9
Tracking of moving athlete from video sequences using flower pollination algorithm9
Edge-enhanced instance segmentation by grid regions of interest9
Multichannel convolutional neural network for human emotion recognition from in-the-wild facial expressions9
Residual connection-based graph convolutional neural networks for gait recognition9
Multi-domain collaborative feature representation for robust visual object tracking9
A new feature clustering method based on crocodiles hunting strategy optimization algorithm for classification of MRI images9
A two-stage network with wavelet transformation for single-image deraining9
Pairwise feature-based generative adversarial network for incomplete multi-modal Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis9
Domain-invariant feature extraction and fusion for cross-domain person re-identification9
Multi-instance cancelable iris authentication system using triplet loss for deep learning models9
Detection and segmentation of image anomalies based on unsupervised defect reparation9
T$$^2$$CNN: a novel method for crowd counting via two-task convolutional neural network9
Real-time spatial normalization for dynamic gesture classification9
Affine non-local Bayesian image denoising algorithm9
Graph-aware transformer for skeleton-based action recognition9
Few-shot image generation based on contrastive meta-learning generative adversarial network9
A survey on horizon detection algorithms for maritime video surveillance: advances and future techniques9
2D arcsine and sine combined logistic map for image encryption9
Single-image dehazing via depth-guided deep retinex decomposition9
WeedGan: a novel generative adversarial network for cotton weed identification9
Material-aware Cross-channel Interaction Attention (MCIA) for occluded prohibited item detection9
CTUNet: automatic pancreas segmentation using a channel-wise transformer and 3D U-Net9
Learning to remove sandstorm for image enhancement9
Localization and tracking of stationary users for augmented reality9
Deep 3D-LBP: CNN-based fusion of shape modeling and texture descriptors for accurate face recognition9
ODRP: a new approach for spatial street sign detection from EXIF using deep learning-based object detection, distance estimation, rotation and projection system9
Automatic segmentation method using FCN with multi-scale dilated convolution for medical ultrasound image9
Visual complexity of shapes: a hierarchical perceptual learning model9
A new hybrid image encryption algorithm based on Gray code transformation and snake-like diffusion8
Jigsaw puzzle solving techniques and applications: a survey8
Adversarial defenses for object detectors based on Gabor convolutional layers8
SSoB: searching a scene-oriented architecture for underwater object detection8
A light iris segmentation network8
Quality assessment-based iris and face fusion recognition with dynamic weight8
VOID: 3D object recognition based on voxelization in invariant distance space8
Image-to-image translation using an offset-based multi-scale codes GAN encoder8
Low-resolution assisted three-stream network for person re-identification8
Online health status monitoring of high voltage insulators using deep learning model8
Image deblurring based on enhanced salient edge selection8
FLA-Net: multi-stage modular network for low-light image enhancement8
Quantized depth image and skeleton-based multimodal dynamic hand gesture recognition8
ResNet-Swish-Dense54: a deep learning approach for deepfakes detection8
Single-image super-resolution based on local biquadratic spline with edge constraints and adaptive optimization in transform domain8
Guided residual network for RGB-D salient object detection with efficient depth feature learning8
Retinal vessel segmentation by using AFNet8
EfiLoc: large-scale visual indoor localization with efficient correlation between sparse features and 3D points8
CoDIQE3D: A completely blind, no-reference stereoscopic image quality estimator using joint color and depth statistics8
Robust and efficient image watermarking via EMD and dimensionality reduction8
Cross-modal and multi-level feature refinement network for RGB-D salient object detection8
Consistency regularization teacher–student semi-supervised learning method for target recognition in SAR images8
Multiview deep learning based on tensor decomposition and its application in fault detection of overhead contact systems8
Two-stage multi-view deep network for 3D human pose reconstruction using images and its 2D joint heatmaps through enhanced stack-hourglass approach8
Blind image quality assessment by simulating the visual cortex8
YOLOF-F: you only look one-level feature fusion for traffic sign detection8
GEMvis: a visual analysis method for the comparison and refinement of graph embedding models8
Improving lane detection with adaptive homography prediction8
A transformer–CNN for deep image inpainting forensics8
Controlling strokes in fast neural style transfer using content transforms8
MFANet: Multi-scale feature fusion network with attention mechanism8
A robust and secure blind color image watermarking scheme based on contourlet transform and Schur decomposition8
Lightweight network-based multi-modal feature fusion for face anti-spoofing8
Evolving graph-based video crowd anomaly detection8
Toward accurate polyp segmentation with cascade boundary-guided attention8
A novel artificial bee colony clustering algorithm with comprehensive improvement8
AEMS: an attention enhancement network of modules stacking for lowlight image enhancement8
An efficient approach for texture smoothing by adaptive joint bilateral filtering8
A video compression-cum-classification network for classification from compressed video streams8
Fast colored video encryption using block scrambling and multi-key generation8
A SLAM-based 6DoF controller with smooth auto-calibration for virtual reality8
Wire rope defect identification based on ISCM-LBP and GLCM features8