Biology and Fertility of Soils

(The H4-Index of Biology and Fertility of Soils is 24. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Estimation of baseline levels of bacterial community tolerance to Cr, Ni, Pb, and Zn in unpolluted soils, a background for PICT (pollution-induced community tolerance) determination109
Temporal recovery of soil biological activity and diversity after 915-MHz microwave treatments56
Aridity-driven divergence in soil microbial necromass carbon in alpine grasslands of the Tibetan Plateau56
Responses of bacterial community composition and diversity to multi-level nitrogen addition at different periods of growing season driven by conditional rare taxa in an alpine meadow44
Time between two partial rewetting events influences the respiration flush and microbial growth after the final rewetting42
Isolation and characterization of Rhizobium from non-leguminous potato plants: New frontiers in Rhizobium research37
Syringic acid from rice as a biological nitrification and urease inhibitor and its synergism with 1,9-decanediol35
Common mycorrhizal networks benefit to the asymmetric interspecific facilitation via K exchange in an agricultural intercropping system35
Metagenomic data highlight shifted nitrogen regime induced by wetland reclamation34
Inoculation and tracking of beneficial microbes reveal they can establish in field-grown potato roots and decrease blemish diseases34
Biochar amendment increases the abundance and alters the community composition of diazotrophs in a double rice cropping system33
Amplitude and frequency of wetting and drying cycles drive N2 and N2O emissions from a subtropical pasture33
Leaf economics spectrum prevails over nutrient resorption in regulating the temperature sensitivity of litter decomposition in a subtropical forest ecosystem31
How tree species with contrasting biological nitrification inhibition capacity influence denitrifier activity and abundance? Insights from reciprocal transfers of soil30
Simulated heat wave events increase CO2 and N2O emissions from cropland and forest soils in an incubation experiment29
Stable isotopes for the study of soil C and N under global change27
Plant sexual variation modulates rhizospheric nutrient processes through the soil microbiome response to drought and rewetting in Populus cathayana26
Fates of slurry-nitrogen applied to mountain grasslands: the importance of dinitrogen emissions versus plant N uptake25
Shifts in bacterial community in response to conservation management practices within a soybean production system25
Increases of N2O emissions due to enhanced nitrification in a sandy loam soil under long-term manure application25
The active role of comammox Nitrospira in nitrification in acidic orchard soils revealed by DNA-SIP25
Microbial carbon use efficiency of litter with distinct C/N ratios in soil at different temperatures, including microbial necromass as growth component24
Inhibitory effect of high nitrate on N2O reduction is offset by long moist spells in heavily N loaded arable soils24
Cover crops offset recalcitrant soil organic carbon losses under plastic-film mulching by altering microbial functional genes24