Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics

(The TQCC of Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Impacts of CENS and MJO phenomena on diurnal cycle of local convection, moisture convergence, and rainfall over land, coast, and sea areas in the western part of Java Island54
Influence of tidal state on air temperature through penetrating sea breeze front in Seoul in summer48
Spatio-temporal variations of compound precipitation and wind-speed extreme events in Fujian and Jiangxi Provinces, Southeast China28
The source of low-level wind forecast error and its influence on simulating the Guangzhou extreme rainfall on 7 May, 2017 using high-resolution TRAMS model24
Evaluation of 3D structural changes in general atmospheric and monsoon circulations during Kedarnath disaster (India), 16–17 June 201323
An evaluation of Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation (GSMaP) datasets over Iran22
A study of rapid intensification of tropical cyclone Ockhi using C-band polarimetric radar22
Trends in seasonal and monthly rainfall for semi-arid Merguellil basin, central Tunisia17
Probabilistic modeling and identifying fluctuations in annual extreme heatwave regimes of Karachi17
On the importance of non-ideal sulphate processing of multi-component aerosol haze over urban areas16
Exploring the asymmetry and rate of SAT warming over the global land area under the 1.5 °C and 2 °C climate change targets16
Evaluation of rain and cloud microphysical properties of monsoon depressions at a hyperlocal scale from simulations and observations14
Multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis of particulate matter and atmospheric variables at different time scales13
Improving the skill of medium range ensemble rainfall forecasts over India using MoES grand ensemble (MGE)-part-I13
Simulating summer mixing heights in California's San Joaquin Valley using the WRF meteorological model with three land surface modules13
A forecasting method for corrected numerical weather prediction precipitation based on modal decomposition and coupling of multiple intelligent algorithms13
Influence of the indirect assimilation of radar reflectivity data using the ensemble Kalman filter on the simulation of a warm-sector squall line13
Urban heat island characteristics of Yangtze river delta in a heatwave month of 201712
Extreme rainfall events in the Rio de Janeiro city (Brazil): description and a numerical sensitivity case study12
Variability of meteorological droughts in the polish and the Ukrainian Carpathians, 1984–201512
Influence of soil moisture on mean daily maximum and minimum temperatures over India12
Surface atmospheric electric field variability on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau11
Artificial intelligence in forecasting central pressure drop and maximum sustained wind speed of cyclonic systems over Arabian Sea: skill comparison with conventional models11
Multi-scale numerical simulations of the synoptic environment, Diablo windstorm, and wildfire formation mechanisms for the Tubbs Fire (2017)11
An intensification of atmospheric CO2 concentrations due to the surface temperature extremes in India11
Mechanisms for the isolated convections triggered by the sea breeze front and the urban heat Island10
Observed heatwaves characteristics and variability over Saudi Arabia10
Observations and mesoscale forecasts of the life cycle of rapidly intensifying super cyclonic storm Amphan (2020)10
Modulation of boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation on tropical cyclone genesis over the South China Sea10
Dynamical characteristics of Amphan and its impact on COVID-19 cases in Bangladesh10
The impact of El Niño Southern Oscillation on space time PM10 levels in Peninsular Malaysia: the hierarchical spatio-temporal autoregressive models approach9
Prediction and forecast of surface wind using ML tree-based algorithms9
Prediction of dominant daily modes of the Indian summer monsoon in the NCEP GFS model9
A case study on the impact of real-time land cover changes in the intertidal zone on coastal meteorological predictions using a coupled atmosphere–ocean model9
Trend analysis of hydro-meteorological variables of Islamabad, Pakistan: a spatio-temporal view from Pothohar region9
A diagnostic study of heavy rainfall events in upper Ganga and Sharda river basins, India9
Understanding the rapid intensification of extremely severe cyclonic storm ‘Tauktae’ using remote-sensing observations9
Upper vertical thermal contrast over the western Tibetan Plateau and its impact on convection over the Mediterranean region during ENSO events9
Trends in drought occurrence and severity at mid-latitude European stations (1951–2015) estimated using standardized precipitation (SPI) and precipitation and evapotranspiration (SPEI) indices8
Interactions among Cold Surge, Cross-Equatorial Northerly Surge, and Borneo Vortex in influencing extreme rainfall during Madden–Julian oscillation over the Indonesia Maritime Continent8
Spectral and synoptic analysis of Haboob in Tehran, Iran8
Numerical modeling of tropical cyclone size over the Bay of Bengal: influence of microphysical processes and horizontal resolution8
Influence of coastal land–water–atmosphere interactions on tropical cyclone intensity over the Bay of Bengal7
Large-scale circulations associated with recent interannual variability of the short rains over East Africa7
Association of air sea heat fluxes with tropical cyclones, intensity, energy and destructiveness7
Estimation of the probable maximum precipitation (PMP) in the Cheliff semi-arid region (Algeria)7
An environmental and polarimetric study of the 19 November 2015 supercell and multiple-vortex tornado in Marechal Cândido Rondon, southern Brazil7
Diagnostic study on extreme precipitation over Karachi during August 20207
Impacts of climate modes on temperature extremes over Bangladesh using statistical methods7
Application on using the infinite medium vector Green’s function for polarized radiation in a Rayleigh-scattering atmosphere6
Identification and analysis of terrain-induced low-level windshear at Hong Kong International Airport based on WRF–LES combining method6
Understanding dynamics of tropical cyclones in the Bay of Bengal using lightning data6
Distinct urban land cover response to meteorology in WRF simulated pre-monsoon thunderstorms over the tropical city of Kolkata6
Spatio-temporal variations of tropospheric nitrogen dioxide in South Mato Grosso based on remote sensing by satellite5
Study of atmospheric dispersion of radioactive effluents under inversion condition at coastal station Kalpakkam for radiological impact5
An assessment of change point and trend of diurnal variation of dust storms in Iran: a multi-instrumental approach from in situ, multi-satellite, and reanalysis dust product5
Synoptic and cloud-scale aspects related to an extreme rainfall event that occurred in April 2019 in the city of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)5
Budgets of rotational and divergent kinetic energy in the warm-sector torrential rains over South China: a case study5
Assessment of WRF-3DVAR data assimilation on simulation of heavy rainfall events associated with monsoon depressions over Bay of Bengal5
Evaluation of the FY-3E microwave temperature sounding data assimilation on forecasting Typhoon Chanthu (2021)5
Improved quality gridded surface wind speed datasets for Australia5
Classification of synoptic and local-scale wind patterns using k-means clustering in a Tyrrhenian coastal area (Italy)5
Correction to: Macro‑ and microphysical characteristics of snowfall and non‑snowfall clouds in the West Tianshan Mountains of China based on cloud radar5
Projected changes in wind energy potential using CORDEX ensemble simulation over West Africa5
Comparative assessment of radio occultation-based refractivity measurements from the COSMIC mission and in-situ atmospheric measurements in equatorial Africa5
Spatio-temporal changes in sunshine duration over Iran: impact of physical geographic components5
Surface roughness parameters at a tropical semi-arid site: 4 years of atmosphere boundary layer observations in the deccan plateau region at Shadnagar, India5
Predictive skill of extended range forecast of 2020–21 winter precipitation over North India5
Correction: Role of radiation and canopy model in predicting heat waves using WRF over the city of Bhubaneswar, Odisha5
Spatio-temporal analysis of rainfall pattern in the Western Ghats region of India4
A comparison study between the use of single-point versus areal-mean rainfall values from a high-resolution model when verified against satellite retrievals for three typhoons hitting the Philippines4
Features of upper tropospheric temperature fluctuations during drought years of Indian summer monsoon: results inferred from COSMIC GPS RO observations4
El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) signatures in tropical ozone in the Upper Troposphere Lower Stratosphere (UTLS)4
Atmospheric processes dominate the changes in autumn rain hours over the Sichuan Basin: 1960–20184
Tropical cyclones in the northern Mozambique Channel: composite intra-seasonal forcing and 2019 event4
Synoptic conditions triggering extreme flood events in Bintan Island in early January 20214
Efficacy of linear multiple regression and artificial neural network for long-term rainfall forecasting in Western Australia4
Assessment of near-surface air pollutants at an urban station over the central Indo-Gangetic Basin: Role of pollution transport pathways4
Simulation of atmospheric flow field over the complex terrain of Kaiga using WRF: sensitivity to model resolution and PBL physics4
Assessment of global solar radiation estimates across different regions of Togo, West Africa4
Analysis of cold anomalies observed over Turkey during the 2018/2019 winter in relation to polar vortex and other atmospheric patterns4
Long-term spatio-temporal analysis and trends of precipitation over semi-arid region of Rajasthan4
Projected change in precipitation and temperature over undivided Sudan and its major cities4
Squall lines and turbulent exchange at the Amazon forest-atmosphere interface4
Inter-comparison of high-resolution satellite precipitation products over India during the summer monsoon season4