Social Choice and Welfare

(The median citation count of Social Choice and Welfare is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Centrality measures in networks27
Need, equity, and accountability10
Fair long-term care insurance10
On the axiomatic approach to sharing the revenues from broadcasting sports leagues9
Repugnant conclusions9
Lexicographic solutions for coalitional rankings8
Axiomatizations of the proportional division value8
Some regrettable grading scale effects under different versions of evaluative voting7
The average-of-awards rule for claims problems6
Dominance in spatial voting with imprecise ideals6
An Arrovian impossibility in combining ranking and evaluation5
An analytical and experimental comparison of maximal lottery schemes5
Lower and upper bound estimates of inequality of opportunity for emerging economies5
New perspectives on the Gini and Bonferroni indices of inequality5
Marginalism, egalitarianism and efficiency in multi-choice games5
The broken Borda rule and other refinements of approval ranking5
Anonymous, neutral, and resolute social choice revisited5
Monetizing the externalities of animal agriculture: insights from an inclusive welfare function4
Small one-dimensional Euclidean preference profiles4
Ethnic distribution, effective power and conflict4
Choice resolutions4
Binary mechanism for the allocation problem with single-dipped preferences4
Cesàro average utilitarianism in relativistic spacetime4
Obvious manipulations in cake-cutting4
Optimal multi-unit allocation with costly verification4
Moral awareness polarizes people’s fairness judgments3
John Stuart Mill, soft paternalist3
Generalized medians and a political center3
Responsibility utility and the difference between preference and desirance: implications for welfare evaluation3
The doctrinal paradox: comparison of decision rules in a probabilistic framework3
A note on weighted multi-glove games3
Does the approval mechanism induce the efficient extraction in common pool resource games?3
Financial aid in college admissions: need-based versus merit-based3
No individual priorities and the Nash bargaining solution3
Proxy selection in transitive proxy voting3
Evolutionary stability of preferences: altruism, selfishness, and envy3
Revisiting comparisons of income inequality when Lorenz curves intersect2
Effort comparisons for a class of four-player tournaments2
Does public debt secure social peace? A diversionary theory of public debt management2
Undominated mechanisms and the provision of a pure public good in two agent economies.2
Where should your daughter go to college? An axiomatic analysis2
Two new classes of methods to share the cost of cleaning up a polluted river2
Leading by example in a public goods experiment with benefit heterogeneity2
On incentive compatible, individually rational public good provision mechanisms2
Animals and social welfare2
Optimal tax problems with multidimensional heterogeneity: a mechanism design approach2
When is the deferred acceptance mechanism responsive to priority-based affirmative action?2
Auction mechanisms for allocating subsidies for carbon emissions reduction: an experimental investigation2
When the state does not play dice: aggressive audit strategies foster tax compliance2
Electoral Institutions with impressionable voters2
Weighted scoring elections: is Borda best?2
Undominated rules with three alternatives in an almost unrestricted domain2
Strategy-proof and fair reallocation with single-peaked preferences2
Optimizing voting order on sequential juries: a median voter theorem and beyond2
Premise-based vs conclusion-based collective choice2
Collective decision under ignorance2
Stochastic same-sidedness in the random voting model1
Who’s miserable now? Identifying clusters of people with the lowest subjective wellbeing in the UK1
The problem of no hands: responsibility voids in collective decisions1
The expressive power of voting rules1
The largest Condorcet domain on 8 alternatives1
Dynamically rational judgment aggregation1
Group formation in a dominance-seeking contest1
Serial dictatorship mechanisms with reservation prices: heterogeneous objects1
Manipulation of moves in sequential contests1
Million dollar questions: why deliberation is more than information pooling1
Bunching in rank-dependent optimal income tax schedules1
Taxation behind the veil of ignorance1
Optimal sickness benefits in a principal–agent model1
Almost mutually best in matching markets: rank gaps and size of the core1
Quadratic funding with incomplete information1
Top trading cycles with reordering: improving match priority in school choice1
Families of abstract decision problems whose admissible sets intersect in a singleton1
One person, one weight: when is weighted voting democratic?1
Ordinal utility differences1
The theory of straight ticket voting1
An axiomatic characterization of the Slater rule1
Quantity, quality, equality: introducing a new measure of social welfare1
Markets for public decision-making1
On Sugden’s normative economics and the comparison of non-nested opportunity sets1
Information disclosure with many alternatives1
Decentralized pure exchange processes on networks1
Sequential school choice with public and private schools1
Implementation in strong core by codes of rights1
Intergenerational equity and sustainability: a large population approach1
Random assignments and outside options1
Two impossibility results for social choice under individual indifference intransitivity1
Core stability of the Shapley value for cooperative games1
Population ethics under risk1
Liberal political equality does not imply proportional representation1
Laissez-faire versus Pareto1
Habit formation and the pareto-efficient provision of public goods1
Proportional representation in matching markets: selecting multiple matchings under dichotomous preferences1
Compromise in combinatorial vote1
Dynamic choice under familiarity-based attention1
Reduced-form budget allocation with multiple public alternatives1
On the political economy of economic integration1
A modification aimed at reducing the manipulability and inefficiency of the Boston school choice mechanism1
Assignment games with population monotonic allocation schemes1
Peter C. Fishburn (1936–2021)1
Collective or individual rationality in the Nash bargaining solution: efficiency-free characterizations1
Voter conformism and inefficient policies1
Borda-optimal taxation of labour income1
Equity-efficiency implications of a European tax and transfer system1
Partitionable choice functions and stability1
Truthful cake sharing1
How does exposure to COVID-19 influence health and income inequality aversion?1
Monotonicity violations under plurality with a runoff: the case of French presidential elections1
The blocker postulates for measures of voting power1
Variable population manipulations of reallocation rules in economies with single-peaked preferences1
Round-robin tournaments with limited resources1
Optimal lobbying pricing1
Optimality of the coordinate-wise median mechanism for strategyproof facility location in two dimensions1
Poisson voting games under proportional rule1
A polynomial algorithm for maxmin and minmax envy-free rent division on a soft budget1
The possibility of generalized social choice functions and Nash’s independence of irrelevant alternatives1
Fair group decisions via non-deterministic proportional consensus1
Making socioeconomic health inequality comparisons when health concentration curves intersect1
Deliberative democracy and utilitarianism1
On the importance of reduced games in axiomatizing core extensions1
Partial-implementation invariance and claims problems0
The behavioral economics of dynamically inconsistent behavior: a critical assessment0
Electoral turnout with divided opposition0
Generalized welfare lower bounds and strategyproofness in sequencing problems0
Citizen preferences and the architecture of government0
Identity in public goods contribution0
Dynamic communication mechanism design0
Patent package structures and sharing rules for royalty revenue0
A dynamic model of endogenous development: the role of pioneers0
Optimal revenue-sharing mechanisms with seller commitment to ex-post effort0
Escape poverty trap with trust? An experimental study0
Selection closedness and scoring correspondences0
On efficiency in disagreement economies0
Voting behavior in one-shot and iterative multiple referenda0
Forms of new democracy0
The equal share proportional solution in a permit sharing problem0
Correction: Approval-based voting with mixed goods0
Robust dissimilarity comparisons with categorical outcomes0
A topological characterization of generalized stable sets0
Cycles in synchronous iterative voting: general robustness and examples in Approval Voting0
On the safety of group manipulation0
Anthony Downs (1930–2021)0
The “invisible hand” of vote markets0
Flexible representative democracy0
Taxonomy of powerful voters and manipulation in the framework of social choice functions0
Semi-flexible majority rules for public good provision0
The excess method: a multiwinner approval voting procedure to allocate wasted votes0
Rational inattention and public signals0
United for change: deliberative coalition formation to change the status quo0
Tailored recommendations on a matching platform0
Effects of majority-vote reward mechanism on cooperation: a public good experimental study0
Approval-based voting with mixed goods0
Allocation without transfers: a welfare-maximizing mechanism under incomplete information0
Worst-case efficient and budget-balanced mechanism for single-object allocation with interdependent values0
Dorm augmented college assignments0
Private provision of public goods under price uncertainty: a comment0
Relaxed notions of Condorcet-consistency and efficiency for strategyproof social decision schemes0
Valuation of ecosystem services and social choice: the impact of deliberation in the context of two different aggregation rules0
Special Issue in Honour of John A. Weymark0
The character of non-manipulable collective choices between two alternatives0
Optimal labor income taxation: the role of the skill distribution0
Euclidean preferences in the plane under $$\varvec{\ell _1},$$ $$\varvec{\ell _2}$$ and $$\varvec{\ell _\infty }$$ norms0
Voting equilibria and public funding of political parties0
Technological advance, social fragmentation and welfare0
Universalization and altruism0
Population Lorenz-monotonic allocation schemes for TU-games0
On the unique core partition of coalition formation games: correction to İnal (2015)0
Mechanism design with model specification0
Monotonicity anomalies in Scottish local government elections0
Relative measures of economic insecurity0
Natural interviewing equilibria in matching settings0
Constrained school choice: an experimental QRE analysis0
Padding and pruning: gerrymandering under turnout heterogeneity0
Strength in numbers: robust mechanisms for public goods with many agents0
Criteria to compare mechanisms that partially satisfy a property: an axiomatic study0
Voting power on a graph connected political space with an application to decision-making in the Council of the European Union0
Vote swapping in irresolute two-tier voting procedures0
Sharing rules for a common-pool resource in a lab experiment0
Christian Klamler’s ”A distance measure for choice functions” [Social Choice and Welfare 30 (2008) 419–425]: a correction0
Roberts’ weak welfarism theorem: a minor correction0
Robustness to manipulations in school choice0
Correction to: Anonymous, neutral, and resolute social choice revisited0
A general framework for participatory budgeting with additional constraints0
Axiomatization of the counting rule for cost-sharing with possibly redundant items0
Forward induction and market entry with an endogenous outside option0
Voting on sanctioning institutions in open and closed communities: experimental evidence0
Centralized assignment of prizes and contestants0
Childlessness, childfreeness and compensation0
Foundations of utilitarianism under risk and variable population0
Self-implementation of social choice correspondences in Nash equilibrium0
William Thomson: “How to divide when there isn’t enough: from Aristotle, the Talmud and Maimonides to the axiomatics of resource allocation”0
The Political Economy of Technocratic Governments0
Independent, neutral, and monotonic collective choice: the role of Suzumura consistency0
On measuring axiom violations due to each tax instrument applied in a real-world personal income tax0
Lost jobs, new jobs and optimal tax-transfer reforms0
Axiomatization of some power indices in voting games with abstention0
The Burning Coalition Bargaining Model0
Consistent social ranking solutions0
Group strategy-proof rules in multidimensional binary domains0
Dynamic proportional rankings0
Committees under qualified majority rules: the one-core stability index0
Probabilistic models of profiles for voting by evaluation0
Social acceptability and the majoritarian compromise rule0
Welfare ordering of voting weight allocations0
Voting behavior under outside pressure: promoting true majorities with sequential voting?0
Plurality rule and Condorcet criterion over restricted domains0
Bygones in a public project0
Strategy-proof mechanism design with non-quasi-linear preferences: ex-post revenue maximization for an arbitrary number of objects0
On the optimality of policy choices in the face of biased beliefs, retrospective voting and the down-up problem0
Overbidding and underbidding in package allocation problems0
Does allowing private communication lead to less prosocial collective choice?0
The pivotal mechanism versus the voluntary contribution mechanism: an experimental comparison0
Introduction: special issue on deliberation and aggregation0
Cross invariance, the Shapley value, and the Shapley–Shubik power index0
Matching markets with farsighted couples0
Stable preference aggregation with infinite population0
The development of egalitarianism: evidence from children and adults in China0
Institutional reform, technology adoption and redistribution: a political economy perspective0
To be fair: claims have amounts and strengths0
A general impossibility theorem on Pareto efficiency and Bayesian incentive compatibility0
Characterizing group strategy-proof rules in the object allocation problem with money0
Redistribution, power sharing and inequality concern0
Voting over selfishly optimal income tax schedules with tax-driven migrations0
Approval-based shortlisting0
Berge equilibrium, altruism and social welfare0
Correction to: The doctrinal paradox: comparison of decision rules in a probabilistic framework0
Polarization and conflict among groups with heterogeneous members0
Endogenous timing in three-player Tullock contests0
Fair cake-cutting for imitative agents0
Robust incentive compatibility of voting rules with positively correlated beliefs0
Characterization of tie-breaking plurality rules0
Campaign finance and welfare when contributions are spent on mobilizing voters0
Information disclosure under liability: an experiment on public bads0
Preference aggregation for couples0
The interdependence of social deliberation and judgment aggregation0
Correction to: Repugnant conclusions0
Optimizing political influence: a jury theorem with dynamic competence and dependence0
Redistributive politics under ambiguity0
Optimal algorithms for multiwinner elections and the Chamberlin–Courant Rule0
Do conservative central bankers weaken the chances of conservative politicians?0
Collective choice rules on restricted domains based on a priori information0
The Quintilian School in the history of Social Choice: an early tentative step from plurality rule to pairwise comparisons0
Impartiality and relative utilitarianism0
Labor market efficiency: output as the measure of welfare0
Social identity and risky leisure activities: implications for welfare and policy0
Preference heterogeneity over the aspects of individual well-being: towards the construction of an applied well-being index0
Positional preferences and efficiency in a dynamic economy0
Single-peaked domains with designer uncertainty0
Balanced VCG mechanisms for sequencing problems0