Marine Ecology-An Evolutionary Perspective

(The median citation count of Marine Ecology-An Evolutionary Perspective is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Consistent genetic divergence observed among pelagic Sargassum morphotypes in the western North Atlantic20
Colonisers of the dark: biostalactite‐associated metazoans from “lu Lampiùne” submarine cave (Apulia, Mediterranean Sea)14
Evidence of increased mussel abundance related to the Pacific marine heatwave and sea star wasting11
First evidence of an intensive bloom of the coccolithophore Syracosphaerahalldalii in a highly variable estuarine environment (Krka River, Adriatic sea)10
Stable isotopic signatures of sediment carbon and nitrogen sources and its relation to benthic meiofaunal distribution in the Arctic Kongsfjord10
Depth distribution of canopy‐forming algae of the order Fucales is related to their photosynthetic features9
Phylogenetic diversity of culturable marine bacteria from sediments underlying the oxygen minimum zone of the Arabian Sea and their role in nitrate reduction9
Coastal mesozooplankton respond to decadal environmental changes via community restructuring9
Population genetics of cold‐water coral associated Pleustidae (Crustacea, Amphipoda) reveals cryptic diversity and recent expansion off Iceland9
Asymmetric effects of changes in the habitat‐forming algae Sargassum on different associated mobile faunas along São Paulo coast, Brazil8
Food source or refuge: What is behind amphipod choices for seaweeds?8
Long‐term variability of the coastal ocean stratification in the Gulf of Naples: Two decades of monitoring the marine ecosystem at the LTERMC site, between land and open Mediter8
Assembly rules vary seasonally in stable phytoplankton associations of the Gulf of Naples (Mediterranean Sea)8
Metabarcoding reveals marked seasonality and a distinctive winter assemblage of dinoflagellates at a coastal LTER site in the Gulf of Naples8
Vertical and temporal distribution of chytrids infecting diatoms in the Gulf of Naples (Italy, Mediterranean Sea)7
Cryptofauna associated with rhodoliths: Diversity is species‐specific and influenced by habitat7
Concurrent effect of crown‐of‐thorns starfish outbreak and thermal anomaly of 2020 on coral reef communities of the Spratly Islands (South China Sea)7
Composition and diversity of prokaryotic communities sampled from sponges and soft corals in Maldivian waters7
Population genetics reveals global and regional history of the apex predator Galeocerdocuvier (carcharhiniformes) with comments on mitigating shark attacks in north‐eastern brazil7
Patterns of spatial and temporal distribution of the macrobenthic fauna on an estuarine macrotidal sandy beach on the Amazon coast (Brazil)6
Microplastics in the menu of Mediterranean zooplankton: Insights from the feeding response of the calanoid copepod Centropages typicus6
Are populations of economically important bonefish and queen conch 'open' or 'closed' in the northern caribbean basin?6
Population structure, maturity and relative growth of the porcelain crab Pachycheles laevidactylus Ortmann, 1892 (Decapoda, Porcellanidae) in a temperate zone5
Small‐scale macrobenthic community structure along asymmetrical sand waves in an underwater seascape5
Contrasting effects of the El Niño 2015–16 event on coral reefs from the central pacific coast of Mexico5
Matrilineal evidence for genetic structure and Late Pleistocene demographic expansion of the Ornate goby Istigobiusornatus (Teleostei: Gobiidae) in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea5
Core microbiome of corals Pocillopora damicornis and Pocillopora verrucosa in the northeastern tropical Pacific5
The phylum Chloroflexi and their SAR202 clade dominate the microbiome of two marine sponges living in extreme environmental conditions4
From metabarcoding time series to plankton food webs: The hidden role of trophic hierarchy in providing ecological resilience4
Phytoplankton ecology in different coastal habitats along the northern Bay of Bengal4
Size spectra, biomass, and trophic groups of free‐living marine nematodes along a water‐depth gradient in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico4
Strategic foraging: Understanding hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) prey item energy values and distribution within a marine protected area4
Multi‐species fish foraging associations during tool use by the graphic tuskfish Choerodon graphicus (De Vis 1885) (Labridae)4
The ichthyofaunistic colonization and complex biogeographic history of the southern portion of the Southwest Atlantic Ocean4
Holoplankton and meroplankton communities in surf zone waters of a temperate SW Atlantic sandy beach: Seasonal patterns4
Photo‐identification confirms polyandry in loggerhead sea turtles4
A CHEMTAX‐derived phytoplankton community structure during 12‐year observations in the Gulf of Naples (LTER‐MC)4
Maturity of a giant: age and size reaction norm for sexual maturity for Atlantic leatherback turtles4
Effects of the ridge‐and‐runnel system on macrofaunal spatial distribution on a macrotidal sandy beach in the Brazilian Amazon coast4
Advances in the study of the trophic niche of batoids with distribution in Mexican waters4
Epibiosis in sedimentary coastal environments: Effects of an introduced barnacle on a native mussel3
Higher population genetic diversity within the algal symbiontDurusdiniuminPocillopora verrucosafrom Mexican Pacific reefs correlates with higher resistance to bleaching after the El Niño3
Octospy: What Octopus insularis do in their dens3
Twenty‐year trends of Centropages typicus (Copepoda, Calanoida) reproduction, feeding, population abundance and structure in the Gulf of Naples (Western Mediterranean Sea)3
Surface behaviors correlate with prey abundance and vessels in an endangered killer whale (Orcinus orca) population3
Bioerosion and its relationship with skeletal density of Platygyra daedalea and Porites harrisoni in Larak Island, Persian Gulf3
Disruptive coloration and behavior facilitate camouflage of blue‐spotted cornetfish against complex coral reef bottoms3
Algal cover as a driver of diversity in communities associated with mussel assemblages across eastern Pacific ecoregions3
Does the same refuge signify the same reproductive tactics? Comparing the mating systems of two symbiont alpheid shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda)3
Zooplankton community and copepod carcasses and non‐predatory mortality in six tropical estuarine systems (Northeast of Brazil)3
Effects of disturbance on macrofaunalbiodiversity‐ecosystemfunctioning relationships in seagrass habitats3
Size‐based differences in isotopic niche width (δ13C and δ15N) of green turtles (Chelonia mydas) nesting on Príncipe Island, Gulf of Guinea3
Exploration of the inter‐annual variability and multi‐scale environmental drivers of European spiny lobster, Palinurus elephas (Decapoda: Palinuridae) settlement in the NW Mediterranean3
Spatial distribution and density of the invasive sea urchin Diadema setosum in Turkey (eastern Mediterranean)3
Are CO2‐rich seafloor pockmarks a suitable environment for ostracod assemblages? The example of the Zannone Giant Pockmark (central‐eastern Tyrrhenian)3
The planktonic food web in the Gulf of Naples based on the analysis of carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios3
Short‐term movement dynamics of the world’s largest sea cucumbers (genus Thelenota)3
First detailed insights into the life‐history traits of the alien shrimpAthanas nitescens(Decapoda: Alpheidae) in the western Atlantic3
Is integrated taxonomy useful to study diversity and ecology? An example from crustacean zooplankton at the Long‐Term ecological research site MareChiara (LTER‐MC)3
Small‐scale spatiotemporal variability and distance–decay relationships in intertidal micro‐ and meiobenthic assemblages3
Predicting diversity in benthic macro‐scale communities associated with mussel matrices in three Pacific ecoregions3
Interplay among anthropogenic impact, climate change, and internal dynamics in driving nutrient and phytoplankton biomass in the Gulf of Naples3
Characterization and biogeographic affinity of megazoobenthos in the Central Mediterranean Sea3
Tool use by the orange wrasse Pseudolabrus luculentus and doubleheader Coris bulbifrons2
Inter‐sexual comparison of body biomass, proximate biochemical composition, and fatty acid profiles of new juvenile squat lobsters (Pleuroncodes monodon) in the Southeast Pacific Ocean2
Cryptic biodiversity inhabiting coral reef sponges2
Feeding guilds among batoids in the northwest coast of the Baja California Sur, Mexico2
Surface cyclopoid copepod assemblages in relation to environmental conditions near undisturbed coral reefs of Minicoy, southeastern Arabian Sea, a part of the Indian Ocean2
Ontogenetic shifts in feeding habits of orangemouth weakfish (Cynoscion xanthulus): From estuarine benthic feeder to marine nektivore top predator2
Environmental influences on the cyanobacterial mat formation in the mangrove ecosystems along the southwest coast of India2
Mucus from the Pulmonate Sea Slug Onchidium typhae: Biochemical composition and ecological implications for the intertidal community2
Population biology of the endangered land crab Johngarthia lagostoma (H. Milne Edwards, 1837) in the Trindade Island, Brazil: Identifying crucial areas for future conservation strategies2
First insights on the horizontal movements of short‐finned pilot whales in the Gulf of Mexico2
Biodiversity and conservation of “solar‐powered” sea slugs from the Western Atlantic under climate change scenarios2
Effect of habitat topography on the structure and diversity of benthic communities across five marinas from the southwestern Atlantic Ocean2
Comparison of the fish functional arrangement of two contrasting localities in the Gulf of Mexico2
Photosynthetic performances of two deep‐water canopy‐forming fucoid algae across a depth gradient: Interspecific variability and short‐term adaptation to the light environment2
Polychaetes and fish in a tropical bay in southeastern Brazil: Community concordance and influence of environmental variables2
Stable allopolyploidy in a hybrid zone within the Matsukawaura Lagoon (Japan) between Neopyropia yezoensis and Neopyropia tenera (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) and its relevance to speciation m2
Constitutive and activated toxigenic activity ofHalomicronema metazoicum(Cyanoprokaryota, Cyanophyta)2
Abundance of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) in the north‐western Mediterranean Sea, using photo‐identification and microsatellite genotyping2
Genealogical concordance, comparative species delimitation, and the specific status of the Caspian pipefish Syngnathus caspius (Teleostei: Syngnathidae)2
Habitat associations between Streptococcus bovis/equinus complex and Streptococcus phocae, the causative agents of strep syndrome in sea otters, and the marine environment2
Molecular ecology of a shallow water shrimp, Acetes sibogae sibogae Hansen 1919: Evidence for strongly limited gene flow across the western Pacific2
La Niña‐related coral death triggers biodiversity loss of associated communities in the Galápagos2
Spatiotemporal variation in clam recruitment among beaches in Washington State (USA)1
Bottom‐up and top‐down control of seagrass overgrazing by the sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla1
Thinking beyond the data: When the sea went dark1
Species diversity, trophic structure, and taxonomic distinctness of molluscan assemblages associated with Sargassum beds in a historically impacted bay1
Burrow use and sexual dimorphism as indicators of the mating system in the symbiotic pea crab Austinixa patagoniensis (Rathbun 1918) (Decapoda, Brachyura, Pinnotheridae)1
Food preferences of two nudibranch species from the South China Sea revealed by fatty acid trophic markers1
The Gulf of Naples as a model system for plankton ecology studies1
Multi‐year monitoring shows higher species richness and diversity of fish assemblages in a Danish seagrass meadow as compared to neighbouring non‐vegetated areas1
Taxonomic richness and its relationship to the functional diversity of polychaetes in tropical estuaries1
Mitochondrial DNA variation of Metapenaeus monoceros (Decapoda, Penaeidae) reveals high genetic variation within Bangladesh with distinct lineages in the Indian Ocean1
Population dynamics, growth, production, and reproduction of the purple clam Amiantispurpurata1
Comparison of epiphyte algal assemblages on the leaves of marine seagrasses Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile, Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Asch, and the lessepsian Halophila stipulacea 1
COI gene‐based mitochondrial DNA variation of horseshoe crab (Tachypleus gigas) reveals high genetic variation and occurrence of distinct populations in the Bay of Bengal, India, and its1
Molecular evidence for Myripristisjacobus and Scarustaeniopterus new to Bay of Bengal: Sporadic appearance or preliminary colonization?1
Feeding ecology of the Patagonian toothfish, Dissostichus eleginoides, in Ecuadorian waters1
Influence of environmental settings in geographically distinct ports on the protein profiles of cultivable bacteria using MALDI–TOF mass spectrometry1
How does emersion time affect embryos of coastal marine invertebrate species? Biochemical responses of three porcelain crabs from the Southeastern Pacific1
Effects of marine microplastic on marine life and the food webs – A detailed review1
Plastics and the ocean: Origin, characterization, fate, and impacts. Andrady, A.L. (ed.) 2022. John Wiley & Sons, 484 pp. ISBN 9781119768401 (Hardcover: £148)1
Assessing the role of competitive processes in mediating the range expansions of tropical vagrant fish1
Estimation of feeding strategies of spotted seals (Phoca largha) migrating to three regions in Hokkaido, Japan1
Microbiomes associated with cultures of Gambierdiscus australes and Ostreopsis cf. ovata, two epibenthic dinoflagellates from the NE Atlantic Ocean (Las Palmas, Gran Canaria)1
Evaluation of phenolic content of wrack debris on estuarine beaches: The effect on upper beach macrofauna1
Multiannual trends of toxic and potentially toxic microalgae (Ostreopsis cf. ovata, Prorocentrum lima, and Coolia monotis) in Sfax coasts (North of Gabes Gulf, Tunisia)1
Bathymetric distribution of brachyuran crabs: Alpha and beta diversity variation in an upwelling area1
Evaluation of caridean ecological distribution in the Ubatuba region, southeastern Brazilian coast using unsupervised machine learning technique1
Contrasting host use and feeding behavior by sympatric mesograzers1
Productivity changes in the Mediterranean Sea drive foraging movements of yelkouan shearwater Puffinus yelkouan from the core of its global breeding range1
Reassessment of the olive ridley sea turtle Lepidochelys olivacea nesting population at Nancite Beach, Costa Rica1
Unexpected discovery of a serpentinite‐hosted chemosynthetic ecosystem on Asùt Tesoru Seamount, Mariana Forearc1
Inbreeding vs outbreeding depression in a marine species with low dispersal potential1
Latitudinal biodiversity gradients of rocky intertidal assemblages: Spatial scales and complex associations with environmental factors1
Growth rate is temperature‐dependent, but the proportion of resource allocation between the growth and gonads is not, in early adult stage of the lancelet branchiostomajaponicum1
How many are they? Estimates of demographic patterns of reproductive females of southern right whale (Eubalaena australis) in the southern coast of Brazil1
Depth‐independent phenotypic variation of massive Porites coral color morphs1
Living under Ulva canopy: The case of the scavenger snail Buccinastrum deforme in a eutrophic macrotidal bay in Patagonia (Argentina)1
Metals in eggs and hatchlings of Dermochelys coriacea (testudines) in Espírito Santo, Brazil and their relation to hatching and emergence success1
Complex interactions with nutrients and sediment alter the effects of predation on a reef‐building coral1
Biology and evolution of the MolluscaW. F.PonderD. R.LindberghBoca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2019–2020. Two volumes: xxiii‐900 + xx‐870 pp. ISBN: 9780815361695 (volume 1), 97801
Meiofaunal Dynamics in Oceanic Islands: Insights From Spatial Distribution, Substrate Influence and Connectivity0
Dead Zones. The Loss of Oxygen from Rivers, Lakes, Seas, and the Ocean. D. L.KirchmanOxford: Oxford University Press, 2021. 224 pp. ISBN 978‐0‐19‐752037‐6. Hardcover: £25.99. Also available as an Eboo0
Tool use involving a different prey type, microhabitat and location, and long‐term anvil use, by the graphic tuskfish Choerodon graphicus (De Vis 1885)0
Marine biodegradation of natural potential carrier substrates for seagrass restoration0
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Variations in benthic coverage and diversity of shallow water coral reefs in Eastern coast of Sri Lanka: A combined analysis from Allen Coral Atlas and ground surveys0
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Environmental‐driven dynamics of phytoplankton assemblages in the Bay of Bengal, Southeast coast of India0
Meiofauna: Anthropogenic impacts on hidden players in ecosystem0
The impact of space, host dissimilitude, and environment on prokaryotic communities of golf ball sponges0
Filter feeders living on suspension feeders: New insights into the lifestyle and distribution of Arcturidae Dana, 1849 (Crustacea: Isopoda) around Iceland0
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Book Review0
Ascidian diversity and abundance in North Carolina seagrass meadows0
Phytoplankton assemblages in response to environmental variability in tropical coastal waters of the Malacca Straits, Malaysia0
Evaluation of fate of organic matter in sediment through microcosm experiments0
The climate‐induced changes in the life history of the common cuttlefish in the English Channel0
Unusual formations in the B. R. Chinchorro Bank: Miniature atolls0
The differences in the trophic structure of semi‐enclosed and open coastal communities under the influence of an alien top predator (red king crab in the Barents Sea)0
Genetic Differentiation Between Sympatric Crustacean Decapods Inhabiting the Mediterranean Sea: Implications to Avoid Larval and Adult Misidentification0
The habitat preferences of Idiosepius pygmaeus and their use of conspecific cues0
Ecosystems of the Mediterranean Sea: A photographic dive. Glaeser, G. and Abed‐Navandi, D.2023. Springer, 200 pp. ISBN 978‐3‐031‐22333‐4 (Hardcover: € 36.29), ISBN 978‐3‐031‐22330
Handbook of marine model organisms in experimental biology: Established and emerging. By Boutet, A., Schierwater, B. (Eds.), 2022. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. 487 pp. ISBN0
Maternal effects on recruitment of five gadoid species0
Happy families? Insight into the coexistence between the curled octopus (Eledone cirrhosa) and common octopus (Octopus vulgaris) in waters around the UK0
The shelf life of scientific knowledge0
Quantifying direct and indirect linkages between seagrasses, environment and associated macrofauna in a temperate lagoon0
The macrofaunal metropolis in the sediments around the first‐ever deep‐sea alligator fall0
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Nesting activity of Lepidochelys olivacea, and the effect of artificial shade at Cascajilloso beach, a newly inhabited nesting site in Pacific Panama0
Shipwrecks act as de facto Marine Protected Areas in areas of heavy fishing pressure0
Does larval food availability ultimately select for seasonal reproduction in marine invertebrates with feeding larvae? A field test of Crisp’s Rule with the temperate sea star Pisaster ochraceus0
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Occurrence of Phyllariopsis brevipes (C. Agardh) E.C. Henry & G.R. South 1987 in the Gulf of Naples0
Macrofaunal Biodiversity and Patch Mosaics on the Deep Gulf of Mexico Seafloor0
Individual and population‐level variation in susceptibility to temperature in early life history stages of giant kelp0
Sea turtle research and conservation. Lessons from working in the field. NahillB., (Ed.) Oxford: Elsevier (Academic Press), 2021. 224 pp. Paperback: US$97.75. ISBN 9780128210307; Ebook: US$97.75. ISBN0
Growth Rate in Cultured Crustose Coralline Algae of the Genus Phymatolithon and Sporolithon From Taiwan0
Migratory contingents of brown trout reveal variable exposure to anthropogenic threats along a fjord‐river continuum0
Diversity and distribution of foraminifera and tintinnids (bio‐indicators) from Pulicat Lake, India0
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Food Preference of Purple‐Spotted Bigeye (Priacanthus tayenus Richardson 1846) in Northern Coast of Java, Indonesia0
Variation in autotrophic and heterotrophic sponge abundance in a shallow water seagrass system0
Symbiodiniaceae‐Derived Fatty Acids Are Stored Differentially Across Giant Clam Species and Organs0
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Post‐fledging survival of wedge‐tailed shearwaters is linked to pre‐fledge mass, which has decreased over 40 years0
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Biophysical predictors of spatial variation in abundance and population dynamics of an invasive decapod0
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Genetic connectivity of the common octopus (Octopus insularis) along the southwestern Caribbean0
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Book Review0
The Greenland–Scotland Ridge in a Changing Ocean: Time to Act?0
Spatial and temporal recruitment variability of sandy subtidal megabenthic populations on an open coastline influenced by a tsunami caused by the 2011 Tohoku earthquake0
The Fatty Acid Profile of the Deep‐Sea Gastropod Parvaplustrum wareni Indicates a Dominant Role of Chemosynthesis in the Nutrition of the Hydrothermal Vent Ecosystem (Piip Volcano)0
The eternal life of taxonomic monographs: The series on the Fauna and Flora of the Gulf of Naples0
Trophic structure using ecological relationships between five dominant commercial fish in Kolahi to Dargahan0
The brilliant abyss: Exploring the majestic hidden life of the deep ocean and the looming threat that imperils it. Scales, H.2021. New York, NY: Atlantic Monthly Press. 286 + xiv pp. ISBN: 978‐0‐8021‐0
Genetic structure of the commercially important Asian monsoon scallop, Amusium pleuronectes (Linnaeus 1758), across the Indonesian Archipelago0
Comparing the effect of larval dispersal strategies on morphological versus genetic differentiation in two neotropical fiddler crabs0
Phytoplankton Diversity Across a Coastal Urbanization and Eutrophication Gradient: The Sepetiba Bay—Ilha Grande Bay Continuum in Rio de Janeiro0
Coral recruitment in the Toliara region of southwest Madagascar: Spatio‐temporal variability and implications for reef conservation0
Analysis of ecosystem change recent years based on Ecopath models in the Aoshan Bay ecosystem0
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Effects of the upwelling system on the assessment of reproductive parameters of the caridean shrimp Nematopalaemonschmitti (Holthuis, 1950) in the Western Atlantic0
Carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a tropical mangrove along the southwestern coast of India0
A book reviewer farewell and book‐lover call to arms0
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An Approach to Assessing the Impact of Hurricane Matthew on Meiofaunal Communities in Sandy Beach Environments0
“Another Kid on the Block”: Testing the Effects of Artificial Substrates on the Recruitment of Juvenile Fishes in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico0
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Genetic Diversity Losses in Mantis Shrimp Oratosquilla oratoria Offspring Created for Supportive Releases Using an Ecological Breeding in Earthen Pond Method0
Mass Mortality of the Invasive Sea Urchin Diadema setosum in Türkiye, Eastern Mediterranean Possibly Reveals Vibrio Bacteria Infection0
Investigating the timing of spawning of two sea urchins (Tripneustes gratilla and Toxopneustes pileolus)0
Piercing the Mystery: Predator Identification Using the Perforated Tests of the Sea Urchin Brissus unicolor (Leske, 1778)0
Population dynamics of Blood Cockles (Anadara granosa) in the coastal waters of Letman Village, Kei Kecil District, Southeast Maluku Regency0
Macoma calcarea (Gmelin, 1791), a poorly studied bivalve, in the Kara Sea: Distribution and growth variability0
Guide to the identification of marine meiofauna0
Seasonal distribution of solitary and colonial benthic ascidians (Chordata) with ecological gradients in and around Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India0
Effect of the alien octocoral Carijoa riisei on benthic fauna assemblages on natural and artificial substrates0
Understanding marine biodiversity patterns and drivers: The fall of Icarus0
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Low calcification rate, structural complexity, and calcium carbonate production of Pocillopora corals in a biosphere reserve of the central Mexican Pacific0
Serpentinite‐hosted chemosynthetic community of South Chamorro Seamount, Mariana Forearc0
Divergent Communities of Marine Nematodes in Impacted Beaches of Bandar Abbas (Iran)0
The ins and outs of the marine realm that gets sun year‐round0
Effect of high temperature on the meiofauna composition, abundance, and biomass in a zone of geophysical anomalies0
Ecological studies of colonized invertebrate communities on cultivated seaweeds in a typical mariculture zone, China0
Epizoic yellow sponge (Poecilosclerida, Demospongiae) expansion on living Scleractinian corals in Bintan, Riau Archipelago, Indonesia0
Endolithic Algae (Ostreobium) Diversity in Porites Corals at the Western Atlantic and Tropical Eastern Pacific0
Effect of a cyclonic eddy on phytoplankton: A bioassay experiment0
Differential feeding rates of native and alien predators on the invasive Asian date mussel Arcuatula senhousia (Benson in cantor, 1842) in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon0
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Preventing Bleaching in Tropical Corals by Using Thermally Resilient Symbiont Zooxanthellae: All Hands‐On Deck!0
Before and after closed season for beach seine fishing in Ghana: Impact on benthic macroinvertebrates species diversity indices0
Habitat‐mediated reef fish assemblages in coral reef tidal pools0
Modern treatment strategies for marine pollutionKumar, P. SenthilOxford, 2021. Elsevier (Academic Press), 191 pp. ISBN9780128222799(paperback, US$97.50), ISBN: 9780128222805 (E‐book: US$97.50)0
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