Organization Studies

(The median citation count of Organization Studies is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Behavioral Visibility: A new paradigm for organization studies in the age of digitization, digitalization, and datafication151
Control and Surveillance in Work Practice: Cultivating Paradox in ‘New’ Modes of Organizing63
Caste and Organization Studies: Our Silence Makes Us Complicit63
Pre-understanding: An interpretation-enhancer and horizon-expander in research46
Syrian Women Refugees: Coping with indeterminate liminality during forcible displacement38
Matter That Embodies: Agentive Flesh and Working Bodies/Selves38
Organizational Memory Studies35
Imagining Futures: Theorizing the Practical Knowledge of Future-making32
Beyond the Visible, the Material and the Performative: Shifting Perspectives on the Visual in Organization Studies32
Inter-Organizational Paradox Management: How national business systems affect responses to paradox along a global value chain30
From Automobile Capitalism to Platform Capitalism: Toyotism as a prehistory of digital platforms29
Indigenous Peoples and Organization Studies27
The Contemporary Resonances of Classical Pragmatism for Studying Organization and Organizing27
Interpersonal Connectivity Work: Being there with and for geographically distant others27
From People to Objects: The digital transformation of fields26
Prefiguring Alternative Organizing: Confronting marginalization through projective cultural adjustment and tempered autonomy25
Professional Fluidity: Reconceptualising the Professional Status of Self-Employed Neo-professionals25
How art becomes organization: Reimagining aesthetics, sites and politics of entrepreneurship23
How Structural Empowerment Boosts Organizational Resilience: A case study in the Dutch home care industry23
Professional Values and Managerialist Practices: Values work by nurses in the emergency department22
Connectivity in and around Organizations: Waves, tensions and trade-offs21
Hackathons as Affective Circuits: Technology, organizationality and affect21
Orchestrating Open Innovation through Punctuated Openness: A process model of open organizing for tackling wicked multi-stakeholder problems20
Openness as Organizing Principle: Introduction to the Special Issue20
Heart, Mind and Body: #NoMorePage3 and the Replenishment of Emotional Energy19
Watered Down: Market Growth, Authenticity, and Evaluation in Craft Beer19
Multidirectional Idea Travelling Across an Organizational Field19
Living in a Post-truth World? Research, Doubt andOrganization Studies19
Ten Theses on Technology and Organization: Introduction to the Special Issue19
Organizing for Social and Institutional Change in Response to Disruption, Division, and Displacement: Introduction to the Special Issue19
Mechanisms and Dynamics in the Interplay of Trust and Distrust: Insights from project-based collaboration18
Secrecy in Practice: How Middle Managers Promote Strategic Initiatives behind the Scenes18
Organizational Learning From Hidden Improvisation18
Theorizing Institutional Entrepreneuring: Arborescent and rhizomatic assembling17
Turning Back the Rising Sea: Theory performativity in the shift from climate science to popular authority17
Explaining Ignoring: Working with Information that Nobody Uses17
Making a Difference Through Atmospheres: The Orange Alternative, laughter and the possibilities of affective resistance17
Exploring Citizen Participation in Smart City Development in Mexico City: An institutional logics approach16
On Relationality and Organizationality: Degrees of durability, materiality, and communicatively constituting a fluid social collective16
Data and Organization Studies: Aesthetics, emotions, discourse and our everyday encounters with data16
The Political Dynamics of Opening Participation in Strategy: The role of strategy specialists’ legitimacy and disposition to openness16
After the Pain: Reflexive Practice, Emotion Work and Learning16
‘That’s Witchcraft’: Community entrepreneuring as a process of navigating intra-community tensions through spiritual practices16
Precarity, Hospitality, and the Becoming of a Subject That Matters: A Study of Syrian Refugees in Lebanese Tented Settlements15
Responding to stigmatization: How to resist and overcome the stigma of unemployment15
Biomateriality and Organizing: Towards an Organizational Perspective on Food15
Technology and Dis/Organization: Digital data infrastructures as partial connections15
From Pitching to Briefing: Extending entrepreneurial storytelling to new audiences15
The Ethics of Organizational Ethics14
The Becoming of Online Healthcare through Entangled Power and Performativity: A posthumanist agential realist perspective14
Regulating Nimbus and Focus: Organizing Copresence for Creative Collaboration14
The Politics of Reactivity: Ambivalence in corporate responses to corporate social responsibility ratings14
‘Evolution from the inside out’: Revisiting the impact of (re)productive resistance among ultra-orthodox female entrepreneurs13
Research on Grand Challenges: Adopting an Abductive Experimentation Methodology13
The Integrative Potential of Process in a Changing World: Introduction to a special issue on power, performativity and process13
Resistance as a Way of Life: How a group of workers perpetuated insubordination to neoliberal management13
Unmanaged Transparency in a Digital Society: Swiss army knife or double-edged sword?12
Institutional Change, Entrepreneuring and Place: Building a Smart State12
Forging Forms of Authority through the Sociomateriality of Food in Partial Organizations12
Speciation in Nascent Markets: Collective learning through cultural and material scaffolding12
‘Culture for Sale’: The Effects of Corporate Colonization on the UK Museum Sector12
Do We Still Need Professional Boundaries? The multiple influences of boundaries on interprofessional collaboration12
Splintering Organizational Subjectivities: Older workers and the dynamics of recognition, vulnerability and resistance11
No End In Sight: How regimes form barriers to addressing the wicked problem of displacement11
Strangers in the Dark: Navigating opacity and transparency in open online career-related knowledge sharing11
Becoming Naturecultural: Rethinking sustainability for a more-than-human world11
Making Space for Garbage Cans: How emergent groups organize social media spaces to orchestrate widescale helping in a crisis11
Organizing for the Smart African City: Leveraging the urban commons for exerting the right to the city11
Workplace Humiliation and the Organization of Domestic Work11
Turning to Mystery in Institutional Theory: The Jesuit Spiritual Exercises11
Marriage to the Same Kind: Organizational Political Ideology and Mergers and Acquisitions11
On (Not) Fitting In: Fat embodiment, affect and organizational materials as differentiating agents11
Caste, Social Capital and Precarity of Labour Market Intermediaries: The case of dalit labour contractors in India11
A Hopeful Manifesto for a More Humane Academia11
More Than Prefigurative Politics? Redefining institutional frames to reduce precarity under neoliberal capitalism11
How Meaningfulness and Professional Identity Interact in Emerging Professions: The Case of Corporate Social Responsibility Consultants11
The Atmospherics of Creativity: Affective and spatial materiality in a designer’s studio11
Organizational and Institutional Entrepreneuring: Introduction to the Special Issue11
Investigating how the Clock–Event Time Dialectic Shapes the Doing of Time in Organizational Change11
Are We All Activists?10
Embracing Paradox: TMT paradoxical processes as a steppingstone between TMT reflexivity and organizational ambidexterity10
Destigmatization Through Visualization: Striving to redefine refugee workers’ worth10
Political Parties and Organization Studies: The party as a critical case of organizing10
Feminist Theories and Activist Practices in Organization Studies10
Stuck in Temporal Translation? Challenges of discrepant temporal structures in interorganizational project collaboration10
Philosophical Minds or Brotgelehrte?10
Space and Sensemaking in High-Reliability Task Contexts: Insights from a maritime mass rescue exercise10
Caring Leader Identity Between Power and Powerlessness9
Industry vs. Government: Leveraging Media Coverage in Corporate Political Activity9
Breaking a Path by Creating a New One: How Organizational Change Boosts Children’s Cancer Care9
Countering Indeterminate Temporariness: Sheltering work in refugee camps9
Digital Curation and Creative Brokering: Managing information overload in open organizing9
Translating to Maintain Existing Practices: Micro-tactics in the implementation of a new management concept9
Office Design, Neoliberal Governmentality and Professional Service Firms9
Space and the Dynamic Between Openness and Closure: Open strategizing in the TV series Borgen9
Tormented Selves: The social imaginary of the tortured artist and the identity work of creative workers9
The effect of repertoire, routinization and enacted complexity: Explaining task performance through patterns of action9
Expertise Diversity, Informal Leadership Hierarchy, and Team Knowledge Creation: A study of pharmaceutical research collaborations8
Despotic Leadership and Ideological Manipulation at Theranos: Towards a theory of hegemonic totalism in the workplace8
Rethinking Historical Methods in Organization Studies: Organizational Source Criticism8
When Time Falls Apart: Re-centring human time in organisations through the lived experience of waiting8
Deliberative Boundary Work for Sustainable Finance: Insights from a European Commission expert group8
Observational Learning in Networks of Competition: How structures of attention among rivals can bring interpretive advantage8
Beyond the Tipping Point: The Role of Status in Organizations’ Public Narratives to Mobilize Support for Change8
What is ‘Neo-Craft’ Work, and Why it Matters8
Couchsurfing with Bateson: An ecology of digital platforms8
Boundary Work in Response to Professionals’ Contextual Constraints: Micro-strategies in Interprofessional Collaboration8
Duality and Social Position: Role expectations of people who combine outsider-ness and insider-ness in organizational change7
Collective Identity Development Amid Institutional Chaos: Boundary Evolution in a Women’s Rights Movement in Post Gaddafi Libya7
Humanitarian Aid in Times of War: Organization and Ignorance7
From Fit to Fitting: A routine dynamics perspective on M&A synergy realization7
Organizing the Sharing Economy Through Experiments: Framing and taming as onto-epistemological work7
A Figure is Worth a Thousand Words: The role of visualization in paradox theorizing7
Invi(α)gorating Reflexivity in Research: (Un)Learnings from α Field7
Becoming Visible: Uncovering hidden entanglements of power, performativity and becoming subjectivities in a global bank7
Understanding Frameworking for Smart and Sustainable City Development: A configurational approach6
The Performative Power of Frictions and New Possibilities: Studying power, performativity and process with Follett’s pragmatism6
A Dynamic Perspective on Collaborative Innovation for Smart City Development: The role of uncertainty, governance, and institutional logics6
Balancing Breadth and Depth in Qualitative Research: Conceptualizing performativity through multi-sited ethnography6
What is NORML? Sedimented Meanings in Ambiguous Organizational Identities6
Feeling Rule Management and Relational Authority: Fostering patient compliance in palliative care consultations6
Early Career Leadership Advancement: Evidence of incongruity penalties toward young, single women professionals6
How the Malleability of Material Artefacts Contributes to Institutional Maintenance: The Guimard Metropolitan railway entrances, 1914–20006
The Problem of Institutional Trust6
The Desire to Rethink Power AND Performativity AND Process6
OrganizingTekhnē: Configuring processes and politics through craft6
Category Change in Cultural Fields: Practice deviation and the discursive maintenance of category meanings in jazz music6
Smartocracy: Context entanglement of the smart city idea and bureaucracy in Russia6
Seduced by Technology? How moral agency is mediated by the invisibility of everyday technologies5
When Everyone and No One is a Leader: Constructing individual leadership identities while sustaining an organizational narrative of collective leadership5
Who is the Responsible Corporation? A multimodal analysis of power in CSR videos of multinational companies5
‘We’re Not a White Fella Organization’: Hybridity and friction in the contact zone between local kinship relations and audit culture in an Indigenous organization5
Numbers and Organization Studies: Book Review Symposium Editorial5
Breaking with the Past to Face the Future? Organizational path dependence in family businesses5
Oddity as Commodity? The body as symbolic resource for Other-defying identity work5
Entrepreneurial imagining: How a small team of arts entrepreneurs created the world’s largest traveling carillon5
Making Sense of Hybrid Practices: The role of individual adherence to institutional logics in impact investing5
In the Name of Transparency: Organizing European pharmaceutical markets through struggles over transparency devices5
Strategic Change in a Pluralistic Context: Change leader sensegiving5
Developing Capabilities in Smart City Ecosystems: A multi-level approach5
‘Civilized Dispossession’: Corporate accumulation at the dawn of modern capitalism4
Field Disasters, Routine Shifts, and Adaptation Performance: Evidence from the Chernobyl disaster4
The Morality of Informality: Exploring binary oppositions in counterfeit markets4
When Relationships Get in the Way: The emergence and persistence of care routines4
The Object of Inquiry and Organization Studies4
Cultures and Institutions: Dispositional and contextual explanations for country-of-origin effects in MNC ‘ethnocentric’ staffing practices4
Affective Resonance and Durability in Political Organizing: The case of patients who hack4
Paradox as an Interactional Resource: An ethnomethodological analysis into the interconnectedness of organizational paradoxes4
Freedom Behind Bars: The central role of emotions in naturalizing an analogy for social change4
How Leadership Moments are Enacted within a Strict Hierarchy: The case of kitchen brigades in haute cuisine restaurants4
Assembling a Zero-Waste World: From situated to distributed prefiguration4
Bureaucracy Meets Digital Reality: The unfolding of urban platforms in European municipal governments4
New Order and Old Institutions: South Africa and the institutional work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission4
Deferring Difference No More: An (im)modest, relational plea from/through Karen Barad4
Temporal Structuring as Self-Discipline: Managing time in the budgeting process4
“Rather Than Follow Change, Business Must Lead this Transformation”: Global business’s institutional project to privatize global environmental governance, 1990–20104
Organizing for Smart City Development: Research at the crossroads. Introduction to the Special Issue4
Organizing Sustainably: Introduction to the Special Issue4
‘He Pours Love and You Eat It’: A Psychoanalytic Study of Human Contact and Love in Affective Labour4
Uncanny Organization and the Immanence of Crisis: The public sector, neoliberalism and Covid-193
From ‘Pretty’ to ‘Pretty Powerful’: The communicatively constituted power of facial beauty’s performativity3
Prosocial Organizing and the Distance between Core and Community Work3
Insights for Organizational Scholarship from Documentaries on the Australian ‘Black Summer’ Bushfires3
How Orchestration Both Generates and Reduces Polyphony in Narrative Strategy-Making3
Women Whistleblowers: Examining parrhesia, power and gender with Sophocles’ Antigone3
Making a Killing: Israel’s Military-Innovation Ecosystem and the Globalization of Violence3
Beyond the Crisis: Trust repair in an interorganizational network3
Maintaining the Meritocracy Myth: A critical discourse analytic study of leaders’ talk about merit and gender in academia3
Investigating Category Dynamics: An Archival Study of the German Food Market3
Investments in Nascent Project-Based Enterprises: The interplay between role-congruent reputations and institutional endorsement3
From Iron Cage to Glass House: Repurposing of bureaucratic management and the turn to openness3
Extending Meta-Organization Theory: A resource-flow perspective3
The Virus and Organization Studies: A changing episteme3
Bruno Latour (1947–2022)3
Better Sorry than Safe: Emotional Discourses and Neo-normative Control in a Workplace Safety Council3
Post-Diversity, Precarious Work for All: Unmaking borders to govern labour in the Amazon warehouse3
Multimodality and the Messy Object: Exploring how rhetoric and materiality engage3
Why Art Matters for Organization Studies3
Strategy Performation to Avoid Degeneration: How producer cooperatives can achieve social and economic goals3
From Catch-and-Harvest to Catch-and-Release: Trout Unlimited and repair-focused deinstitutionalization3
Enjoying the Betwixt and Between: Liminoid identity construction on Twitter3
Trajectories of Value Generation and Capturing by Public–Private Hybrids: Mechanisms of multi-level governance in healthcare3