International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics

(The TQCC of International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Association between musculoskeletal symptoms and psychosocial factors in tropical crop workers of Spain using standardized Nordic questionnaire and Mini Psychosocial Factors method76
Personality traits affecting construction Worker's near-miss recognition performance: Analysis based on eye tracking74
Robot apology as a post-accident trust-recovery control strategy in industrial human-robot interaction55
Analysis of truck drivers’ unsafe driving behaviors using four machine learning methods52
Semantic distance of icons: Impact on user cognitive performance and a new model for semantic distance classification38
Prediction of lower limb discomfort of elderly drivers based on key dimensions in the leg space36
Performance of X-ray baggage screeners in different work environments: Comparing remote and local cabin baggage screening36
Perturbation effect of noise on overall feeling of discomfort from vertical whole-body vibration in vibro-acoustic environment35
The impact of using wearable devices on the operator during manual material handling tasks33
Editorial Board29
The effect of backpack carriage in different weights on ground reaction force components, loading rate and free moment of Schoolchildren's gait28
Visual differences between novice and expert ASL interpreters when learning/interpreting an ASL phrase28
Editorial Board24
Development of a high-powered Motorcycle Seat Discomfort Survey (MSDS): Traffic police motorcycle21
A multi-functional mobility assist device for sit-to-stand motion21
Hand grip strength for the working-age population in South Korea: Development of an estimation and evaluation model20
Generating deceleration behavior of automatic driving by reinforcement learning that reflects passenger discomfort20
Using a checklist-based electronic calculation aid and contextual cues to assist medication dose calculation and calculation resumption after interruptions20
I spy with my AI: The effects of AI-based visual cueing on human operators’ performance and cognitive load in CCTV control rooms19
Investigating cognitive workload in irrelevant speech-based information communication with visual distractions: Pleasant or distracted?18
Disparities in access to healthcare services in a regional neonatal transport network17
Biodynamic response analysis of semi-supine human under varying vertical excitations17
Comprehension of international safety signs: A prospective technical workers context17
Effect of bright and shade, and luminance difference of defect on defect detection in appearance inspection utilizing peripheral vision17
Editorial Board16
Investigation of full body skin surface variations under dynamic poses16
A multilayered ergonomic intervention program on reducing musculoskeletal disorders in an industrial complex: A dynamic participatory approach16
Identifying systems factors contributing to adverse events in maternal care using incident reports15
Editorial Board15
Posture modification effects using soft materials structures15
Use of bilateral wrist-worn accelerometers to characterize upper limb activity time, intensity and asymmetry of use in physically demanding and sedentary working task15
Risk factors for work-related musculoskeletal disorders among workers in Brazil: A structural equation model approach15
The effect of feed force on vibration and productivity in hammer drilling: A machine-independent analysis excluding the effect of motor speed reduction14
Workplace musculoskeletal disorders: A systematic review and key stakeholder interviews on the use of comprehensive risk management approaches14
Methods for measuring physical workload among commercial cleaners: A scoping review13
Effects of implementing an active sitting protocol compared to using a traditional office chair and standing workstation13
Physical risks of work-related musculoskeletal complaints among quarry workers in East of Iran13
Employees trust, perceived justice, on task performance: Mediating and moderating role of autonomy and organizational culture12
Editorial Board12
A return-on-investment model using clinical and economic data related to safe patient handling and mobility programs in the ICU12
Editorial Board12
A path analysis model of individual variables predicting safety behavior and human error: The mediating effect of situation awareness12
The non-visual effects of correlated color temperature on the alertness, cognition, and mood of fatigued individuals during the afternoon12
A method for fatigue detection based on Driver's steering wheel grip12
Analysis of the physical discomfort of earplugs experienced by a group of workers in Canadian companies and identification of the influencing variables12
Risk of tripping, minimum foot clearance, and step length when crossing a barrier12
The sensitivity of shoulder muscle fatigue to vertical hand location during complex manual force exertions11
Critical roles of explainability in shaping perception, trust, and acceptance of autonomous vehicles11
Flashlight model: Integrating attention distribution and attention resources for pilots’ visual behaviour analysis and performance prediction11
Age differences in driver visual behavior and vehicle control when driving with in-vehicle and on-road deliveries of service logo signs11
3D printed deformable product handle material for improved ergonomics11
Research on the classification and control of human factor characteristics of coal mine accidents based on K-Means clustering analysis11
Determinants of neck symptoms among university professors during Covid 19 pandemics11
Assessment of an arm-support exoskeleton on physical demands, task performance, and usability during simulated agricultural tasks11
Cooling garments against environmental heat conditions in occupational fields: measurements of the effect of a ventilation jacket on the total thermal insulation11
The psychophysical and physiological responses of individuals with varying body fat percentages and physical fitness levels during one-handed carrying on an inclined surface11
Visual analysis of machine learning methods in the field of ergonomics — Based on Cite Space V11
Influence of personal cooling at local body parts on workers’ thermal comfort levels under thermal environments with elevated ambient temperatures: A model study10
Patient handling through moving of the beds and stretchers10
Application of wearable technology for the ergonomic risk assessment of healthcare professionals: A systematic literature review10
Round-trip driving effects on driving performances and mental workload under different traffic rules10
Risk-taking behavior of drilling workers: A study based on the structural equation model10
A comparison of visual ability and its importance awareness between novice and experienced drivers10
Integrating aesthetic and emotional preferences in social robot design: An affective design approach with Kansei Engineering and Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network10
How do app icon color and border shape influence visual search efficiency and user experience? Evidence from an eye-tracking study10
Fatigue assessment of construction equipment operators using a sweat lactate biosensor10
A hybrid evaluation method for human error probability by using extended DEMATEL with Z-numbers: A case of cargo loading operation10
Hand-arm vibration assessment in badminton athletes during three different movements using two rackets9
Seamless switching, feedforward, and feedback mechanisms: Enhancing task performance and user perception in device switch9
The influence of backrest angles on the passenger neck comfort during sleep in the economy class air seat without head support9
A quick identification model for assessing human anxiety and thermal comfort based on physiological signals in a hot and humid working environment9
Does the user behavior effect the productivity of hammer drilling? – Analysis of the influences of feed and lateral force9
Optimizing E-bike controls for human-bike interaction to enhance riding experience and efficiency9
Simple method integrating OpenPose and RGB-D camera for identifying 3D body landmark locations in various postures9
Assessing the link between occupational risk factors, work-related musculoskeletal disorders and quality of work life: An analysis using PLS-SEM9
User involvement in design of a safety-critical operating panel system9
Editorial Board9
Functional near-infrared spectroscopy in the assessment of rehabilitation efficacy of virtual reality products for people with cognitive disorders8
Detection of air traffic controllers’ fatigue using voice analysis - An EEG validation study8
Hamstring stretching significantly changes the sitting biomechanics8
Motorcycle rider arm muscle patterns characterize coordination of hand controls in emergency braking8
A novel method for evaluating population accommodation level of adjustable products based on interval estimation8
Use of EEG signals, cortisol secretion, and task performance to evaluate the effects of different lighting environments on concentration level in a sustained attention task8
Cardiovascular load assessment in the workplace: A systematic review8
Heat strain while wearing pesticide protective clothing in hot environments: Effects of textile physical properties and ambient humidity8
User perception and ergonomic display layout design of truck camera monitor system8
Low back pain and lumbar multifidus cross-sectional area, multifidus activation, and low back force in healthcare workers8
Kansei Engineering Study on Car Seat Lever Position8
Temporal changes in procrastination in online and face-to-face learning environments7
Uncoupled spatial biodynamic model for seated humans exposed to vibration-development and validation7
Effects of mattress firmness on infant body pressure distribution7
Identifying the impact of robot speed and task time on human-robot collaboration through facial feature analysis7
Factors associated with nonspecific neck pain incidence in industrial workers: A systematic review7
Systematic usability evaluation on two harnesses for a wearable chairless exoskeleton7
Investigation of Chinese reading comprehension performance on mass rapid transit7
Application of HFACS and grounded theory for identifying risk factors of air traffic controllers’ unsafe acts7
Development of a tablet test for the precision assembly efficiency assessment7
Influence of spatial presence and flow experience in a non-immersive virtual reality upper limb training system7
Heuristic evaluation and end-user testing of a machine learning-based lower-limb exercise training system for management of knee pain in individuals aged 55 years or over7
Breast shape classification and discrimination driven by local features-focusing on Chinese women in their 20s7
Effects of line length, number of lines, line spacing, and font size on reading performance of Chinese text in virtual reality environment7
A novel biomechanical model for predicting ankle moments and assessing static balance in users of shoulder-support exoskeletons7
Investigation of the effects of whole-body vibration exposure on vehicle drivers when travelling over covered manholes embedded in public roadways7
Exploring the factors influencing e-bike road safety: A survey study based on the experiences of Taiwanese cyclists7
The effects of joint angle variability and different driving load scenarios on maximum muscle activity – A driving posture simulation study7
Retouching headshot photo by myself or professionals while job application? Difference between various retouching approaches on facial impressions perception7
Evaluation of driver distraction from in-vehicle information systems: A simulator study of interaction modes and secondary tasks classes on eight production cars7
3D standard avatar creation of Korean women in their twenties and thirties by body types for apparel industry7
The development of a safety management system (SMS) framework based on root cause analysis of disabling accidents6
Dual hierarchical modelling for the influence of job role demands on psychosocial safety behavior: Evidence from coal industry6
Can we simulate the biomechanical effects of exoskeletons prior to workstation implementation? Application of the Forces ergonomic method6
The development of a brief and practical work safety climate measure6
An adaptive model for human factors assessment in maritime operations6
Perceived comfortable posture and optimum riding position of Indian male motorcyclists for short-duration riding of standard motorcycles6
Natural and forced arm reach ranges in sitting position6
Investigating professional values among pilots, cabin crew, ground staff, and managers to develop aviation safety management systems6
Impacts of mobile phone texting on vertical ground reaction forces during stair negotiation6
Danger or avoidance indication: Dynamics interact with semantics in auditory icons to avoid collisions6
Effects of cognitive characteristics and information format on teleoperation performance: A cognitive fit perspective6
Comparison of three internationally certified firefighter protective ensembles: Physiological responses, mobility, and comfort6
Crosschecking through verbal reports under spatial disorientation scenarios: Evidence from eye tracking metrics6
Editorial Board6
A comparative evaluation of the wearable augmented reality-based data presentation interface and traditional methods for data entry tasks6
Editorial Board6
Ergonomic assessment based on monocular RGB camera in elderly care by a new multi-person 3D pose estimation technique (ROMP)6
Human reliability modeling in occupational environments toward a safe and productive operator 4.06