Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems

(The median citation count of Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
An effective statistical process control scheme for industrial environmental monitoring88
Comparison of the efficacies of Huangqi-Danshen herbal pair compatibility with wild-simulated and transplanted Astragali Radix based on a novel metabolomics strategy71
Discrimination and source correspondence of black gel inks using Raman spectroscopy and chemometric analysis with UMAP and PLS-DA69
Avoiding misleading predictions in fluorescence-based soft sensors using autoencoders69
Validation of classification models in cancer studies using simulated spectral data – A “sandbox” concept68
Editorial Board58
plug im ! software for comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with vacuum ultraviolet detection – A tutorial57
Calibration transfer by likelihood maximization: A standard-free approach capable of handling non-overlapping wavelength ranges53
Editorial Board48
Development of a new approach for rapid identification and classification of uranium ore concentrate powders using textural and spectroscopy signatures47
Quantitative analysis of heavy metals in soil by X-ray fluorescence with improved variable selection strategy and bayesian optimized support vector regression47
ShinyMetID: An R shiny package for metabolite identification by mass spectral matching46
Can we gain insight about the ductile behavior of materials by using polymer informatics?44
New structure-based models for the prediction of flash point and autoignition temperatures of alkyl esters44
Spectral pre-processing and non-linear calibration with convolutional kernel partial least-squares. Teaching new tricks to an old dog42
A short note on achieving similar performance to deep learning with practical chemometrics41
Risk of false conformity decisions in LAL gel-clot test due to false-negative results41
MRMD-palm: A novel method for the identification of palmitoylated protein39
GAN meets chemometrics: Segmenting spectral images with pixel2pixel image translation with conditional generative adversarial networks39
Hierarchical method and hyperspectral images for classification of blood stains on colored and printed fabrics38
Majority scoring based PLS filter mixture for variable selection in spectroscopic data35
Integrated metabonomics and serum pharmacochemistry strategy for ascertaining the material basis of Huangqi Jianzhong Tang against chronic atrophic gastritis35
Editorial Board34
Smart sampling and probing33
Approaches to reducing rotational ambiguity in receptor modeling of ambient particulate matter31
Editorial Board30
Improved Kernel Entropy Composition Analysis method for transgenic cotton seeds recognition based on Terahertz Spectroscopy29
Inter-Relational Mahalanobis SAE with semi-supervised strategy for fault classification in chemical processes28
Two-stage iteratively reweighted smoothing splines for baseline correction28
Smartphone-based colorimetric method for decentralized wastewater treatment monitoring by inexperienced users27
Multivariate calibration strategies for the simultaneous quantification of aluminium and vanadium in Ti6Al4V alloys27
Estimation of feeding composition content based on novel variable sliding window method and layered data reconciliation with multiple modes27
New resolution independent approach to noise estimation in Minimum Noise Fraction denoising of tissues measured with Infrared Imaging26
PARAFACM: A second-order calibration algorithm for handling data with missing values26
Editorial Board25
Fused LassoNet: Sequential feature selection for spectral data with neural networks23
Efficacy of Transfer Learning-based ResNet models in Chest X-ray image classification for detecting COVID-19 Pneumonia22
Structural attributes driving λmax towards NIR region: A QSPR approach22
A tutorial on automatic hyperparameter tuning of deep spectral modelling for regression and classification tasks22
Intelligent non-destructive measurement of coal moisture via microwave spectroscopy and chemometrics21
γ-polyglutamic acid fermentation monitoring with ATR-FTIR spectroscopy based on a shallow convolutional neural network combined with data augmentation and attention module21
Dimensionality reduction based multi-kernel framework for drug-target interaction prediction21
Quantitative NIR spectroscopy for determination of degree of polymerisation of historical paper20
Partial Least Squares - Diffusion Tensor Imaging (PLS-DTI): A novel approach for biomarker imaging in breast cancer20
Authentication of soothing herbs by UV–vis spectroscopic and chromatographic data fusion strategy19
Complexation of cress seed mucilage and β-lactoglobulin; optimization through response surface methodology and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS)19
Evaluation of a novel computer dye recipe prediction method based on the PSO-LSSVM models and single reactive dye database19
Selecting relevant wavelength intervals for PLS calibration based on absorbance interquartile ranges19
Machine learning based modeling for estimation of drug solubility in supercritical fluid by adjusting important parameters18
G-CovSel: Covariance oriented variable clustering18
Classification of cow diet based on milk Mid Infrared Spectra: A data analysis competition at the “International Workshop on Spectroscopy and Chemometrics 2022”18
Layer-wise-residual-driven approach for soft sensing in composite dynamic system based on slow and fast time-varying latent variables18
Distribution-free prediction regions of multivariate response PLS models with applications to NIR datasets18
An intelligent biosensing procedure based on three-way calibrations and generation of second-order hydrodynamic square wave voltammetric data for detection of DNA damage and simultaneous biosensing of17
Characterization of uncertainties and model generalizability for convolutional neural network predictions of uranium ore concentrate morphology17
Instance transfer partial least squares for semi-supervised adaptive soft sensor17
Homogeneity tests for functional data based on depth-depth plots with chemical applications17
Estimation of human bloodstains time since deposition using ATR-FTIR spectroscopy and chemometrics in simulated crime conditions16
Editorial Board16
RADIC:A tool for diagnosing COVID-19 from chest CT and X-ray scans using deep learning and quad-radiomics16
Engagement of computerized and electrochemical methods to develop a novel and intelligent electronic device for detection of heroin abuse16
Lipid Quant 2.1: Open-source software for identification and quantification of lipids measured by lipid class separation QTOF high-resolution mass spectrometry methods16
Combining class-modelling and discriminant methods for improvement of products authentication15
How noise affects the band boundaries in multivariate curve resolution15
Correcting replicate variation in spectroscopic data by machine learning and model-based pre-processing15
An adaptive strategy to improve the partial least squares model via minimum covariance determinant15
Variable selection and inference strategies for multiple compositional regression14
Identifying the antioxidant activity of tripeptides based on sequence information and machine learning14
Peak deconvolution with significant noise suppression and stability using a facile numerical approach in Fourier space14
An alternative for the robust assessment of the repeatability and reproducibility of analytical measurements using bivariate dispersion14
The detonation heat prediction of nitrogen-containing compounds based on quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) combined with random forest (RF)14
Capturing connectivity information from process flow diagrams by sequential-orthogonalized PLS to improve soft-sensor performance14
Response oriented covariates selection (ROCS) for fast block order- and scale-independent variable selection in multi-block scenarios14
Adaptive Artificial Neural Network in near infrared spectroscopy for standard-free calibration transfer14
Probing impact of molecular structure on bulk modulus and impact sensitivity of energetic materials by machine learning methods14
Deep reinforced neural network model for cyto-spectroscopic analysis of epigenetic markers for automated oral cancer risk prediction13
SelectWave: A graphical user interface for wavelength selection and spectral data analysis13
A hybrid ensemble-filter wrapper feature selection approach for medical data classification13
Smart chemometrics spectrophotometry for rapid simultaneous quantitative determination of paracetamol, diphenhydramine, and phenylephrine in commercial tablet compared to high-performance liquid chrom13
Robust probabilistic principal component regression with switching mixture Gaussian noise for soft sensing13
Evaluation of a robust regression method (RoBoost-PLSR) to predict biochemical variables for agronomic applications: Case study of grape berry maturity monitoring13
A novel non-integer order Savitzky–Golay derivative function of visible and near-infrared spectra for improving prediction accuracy of phosphorus in pig manure13
iEnhancer-RF: Identifying enhancers and their strength by enhanced feature representation using random forest13
Machine learning regression algorithms for generating chemical element maps from X-ray fluorescence data of paintings13
Enhancing quantitative 1H NMR model generalizability on honey from different years through partial least squares subspace and optimal transport based unsupervised domain adaptation12
Novel space projection interpolation based virtual sample generation for solving the small data problem in developing soft sensor12
HEnsem_DTIs: A heterogeneous ensemble learning model for drug-target interactions prediction12
Applicability domain of a calibration model based on neural networks and infrared spectroscopy12
Intelligent and robust computational prediction model for DNA N4-methylcytosine sites via natural language processing12
Dynamic Bayesian networks for temporal prediction of chemical radioisotope levels in nuclear power plant reactors12
Determination of microplastics by FTIR spectroscopy based on quaternion parallel feature fusion and support vector machine12
Correlation coefficient distribution and its application in the comparison of chemical data sets12
Fast partial quantile regression12
Mixture Gaussian process model with Gaussian mixture distribution for big data11
Geographic authentication of argentinian teas by combining one-class models and discriminant methods for modeling near infrared spectra11
The effective monitoring of eleven crucial parameters that describe the condition of cultivated Haplic Luvisol soils using fourier-transformed near-infrared spectroscopy11
Deep denoising autoencoder-assisted continuous scoring of peak quality in high-resolution LC−MS data11
Chemometric-assisted cocrystallization: supervised pattern recognition for predicting the formation of new functional cocrystals11
Defining multivariate raw material specifications via SMB-PLS11
Estimating the boundaries of the feasible profiles in the bilinear decomposition of multi-component data matrices11
Clustering method for the construction of machine learning model with high predictive ability11
Implication of phenol red in quantification of cultured cancerous cells using near-infrared spectroscopy and aquaphotomics11
RKPCA-based approach for fault detection in large scale systems using variogram method11
Development of a non-targeted approach using three handheld spectrometers combined with ensemble classifiers for authentication of bovine milk11
Joint state and process inputs estimation for state-space models with Student’s t-distribution11
Quantum chemical descriptors in quantitative structure–activity relationship models and their applications11
A note on neighborhood first Zagreb energy and its significance as a molecular descriptor11
Application of Gaussian process regression and asymmetric least squares baseline algorithm on the determination of electrochemical sensor characteristics: A case study on SARS-CoV-2 glucometer11
A novel Covid-19 and pneumonia classification method based on F-transform11
Multi-classification deep CNN model for diagnosing COVID-19 using iterative neighborhood component analysis and iterative ReliefF feature selection techniques with X-ray images11
An evaluation strategy to select and discard sampling preprocessing methods for imbalanced datasets: A focus on classification models10
DOE-based multi-criteria optimization of starch/gly/CMC films’ composition and preparation procedure by casting deposition10
In silico prediction of fragrance retention grades for monomer flavors using QSPR models10
Supervised feature selection on gene expression microarray datasets using manifold learning10
Probabilistic machine learning based soft-sensors for product quality prediction in batch processes10
ATR-FTIR spectroscopy for the routine quality control of exosome isolations10
An unsupervised gene selection method based on multivariate normalized mutual information of genes10
Quantitative predictions from chemical read-across and their confidence measures10
An advanced variable selection method based on information gain and Fisher criterion reselection iteration for multivariate calibration10
ENDBOSS: Industrial endpoint detection using batch-specific control spaces of spectroscopic data10
Investigation of process history and underlying phenomena associated with the synthesis of plutonium oxides using Vector Quantizing Variational Autoencoder10
A geometric deep learning model for display and prediction of potential drug-virus interactions against SARS-CoV-210
I-divergence based statistical inference for heteroscedasticity and compounds of arsenic contamination in Chile9
Regression analysis with spatially-varying coefficients using generalized additive models (GAMs)9
Estimation of soil organic carbon content using visible and near-infrared spectroscopy in the Red River Delta, Vietnam9
Rock lithological instance classification by hyperspectral images using dimensionality reduction and deep learning9
A temporal clustering method fusing deep convolutional autoencoders and dimensionality reduction methods and its application in air quality visualization9
Extended Gaussian mixture regression for forward and inverse analysis9
NMVI: A data-splitting based imputation technique for distinct types of missing data9
Simultaneous fault detection and isolation based on multi-task long short-term memory neural networks9
GATNM: Graph with Attention Neural Network Model for Mycobacterial Cell Wall Permeability of Drugs and Drug-like Compounds9
Optimal designs for a non-linear model for the pharmacokinetics of ethanol elimination in the human body9
Improving the sensitivity of statistical process monitoring of manifolds embedded in high-dimensional spaces: The truncated-Q statistic9
Detection of insect damaged rice grains using visible and near infrared hyperspectral imaging technique9
Dynamic Non-Gaussian hybrid serial modeling for industrial process monitoring9
Adversarial nets for baseline correction in spectra processing9
Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy combined with chemometrics for quantitative analysis and carcinogenic risk estimation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water with complex matrix9
Enhanced CO2 leak detection in soil: High-fidelity digital colorimetry with machine learning and ACES AP09
Prediction of potential antitumor components in Ganoderma lucidum: A combined approach using machine learning and molecular docking9
Solving the missing value problem in PCA by Orthogonalized-Alternating Least Squares (O-ALS)9
A quasi-qualitative strategy for FT-NIR discriminant prediction: Case study on rapid detection of soil organic matter9
Mid infrared spectroscopy and milk quality traits: A data analysis competition at the “International Workshop on Spectroscopy and Chemometrics 2021”9
Comparing CalReg performance with other multivariate methods for estimating selected soil properties from Moroccan agricultural regions using NIR spectroscopy9
Prediction model for multiblock data with or without intermediate blocks. Estimation by PLS Path Modeling8
Optimization of an analytical method based on SPME-Arrow and chemometrics for the characterization of the aroma profile of commercial bread8
Enhancing standardization through score-augmented projection-based calibration transfer8
Comparison of chemometrics strategies for the spectroscopic monitoring of active pharmaceutical ingredients in chemical reactions8
Modifying genetic algorithm by dynamic memory and solution reconstructing mechanism for selectivity control of chemical sensors8
Spatio-temporal bidirectional redundancy removal for quality prediction of dynamic processes: A novel dynamic feature extraction strategy8
Identification and quantification of ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin and difloxacin residues in milk using excitation-emission fluorescence and second-order standard addition methods8
Gaussian–Poisson Mixture Regression model for defects prediction in steelmaking8
SEBP_HNHC: Stacking Ensemble-based Bi-level Predictor for Human Non-Histone Crotonylation combining with iterative feature representation strategy8
Editorial Board8
Constructing 2-level foldover designs with minimal aliasing8
Editorial Board8
Extracting information from sensory analysis with the multi-way PARAFAC tool – Examples and possibilities8
RadarTSR: A new algorithm for cellwise and rowwise outlier detection and missing data imputation8
PLS and kernel SVM based hybrid classifier for discriminating FTIR spectrum data with limited sample size8
Editorial Board8
A Bayesian inferential sensor for predicting the reactant concentration in an exothermic chemical process8
Comparisons of parametric and non-parametric methods for analyzing RT-PCR experiment data8
Using hierarchical information-theoretic criteria to optimize subsampling of extensive datasets7
Editorial Board7
A simple and rapid spectrophotometric method coupled with intelligent approaches for the simultaneous determination of antiepileptic drugs in pharmaceutical formulations, biological, serological, and 7
QualAnalysis, a new tool in environmental chemistry for a faster qualitative analysis7
Editorial Board7
Likelihood ratio-based probabilistic classifier7
Discrimination of the pollution grade of metal elements in atmospherically deposited particulate matter via laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy combined with machine learning method7
Impedimetric biofilm characterization with microelectrode arrays using equivalent electrical circuit features and ensemble classifiers7
A hybrid feature selection method for predicting lysine malonylation sites in proteins via machine learning7
Improving Amphetamine-type Stimulants drug classification using chaotic-based time-varying binary whale optimization algorithm7
A comparative study of MCR-based kinetic analyses for chemical reaction systems with rate constant ambiguities7
COVID-19 diagnosis utilizing wavelet-based contrastive learning with chest CT images7
PLS1-MD: A partial least squares regression algorithm for solving missing data problems7
An approach based on virtual samples for gasoline discrimination using physicochemical properties or distillation curves7
Editorial Board7
A low-cost calibration method for the infrared sensor array for quantitative analysis of natural gas7
A piecewise mirror extension local mean decomposition method for denoising of near-infrared spectra with uneven noise7
Noise effects on band boundaries in multivariate curve resolution of three-component systems7
Editorial Board7
A novel bidirectional DiPLS based LSTM algorithm and its application in industrial process time series prediction7
Two-way and three-way resolutions of fluorescence excitation-emission dataset for the co-estimation of two pharmaceuticals in a binary mixture7
Multi-modal hybrid modeling strategy based on Gaussian Mixture Variational Autoencoder and spatial–temporal attention: Application to industrial process prediction6
Chemical information obtained from multicomponent spectra by means of Score-based Quantitative Principal Component Analysis6
Chemistry-informed machine learning: Using chemical property features to improve gas classification performance6
An uncertainty sampling strategy based model updating method for soluble solid content and firmness prediction of apples from different years6
Deep learning-based protocols to enhance infrared imaging systems6
A long sequence NOx emission prediction model for rotary kilns based on transformer6
Estimation of nitrogen content in cucumber plant (Cucumis sativus L.) leaves using hyperspectral imaging data with neural network and partial least squares regressions6
Chemometrics web app's part 2: Dimensionality reduction and exploratory analysis6
Quantitative detection of azodicarbonamide in wheat flour by near-infrared spectroscopy based on two-step feature selection6
Online state and inputs identification for stochastic systems using recursive expectation-maximization algorithm6
iAFPs-EnC-GA: Identifying antifungal peptides using sequential and evolutionary descriptors based multi-information fusion and ensemble learning approach6
Rearrangement of incomplete multi-omics datasets combined with ComDim for evaluating replicate cross-platform variability and batch influence6
A combined volume correction and standard addition step to simplify environmental chemical analysis6
Editorial Board6
Investigation on the combined model of sensor drift compensation and open-set gas recognition based on electronic nose datasets6
Editorial Board6
Fabrication of a novel molecularly imprinted biosensor assisted by multi-way calibration for simultaneous determination of cholesterol and cholestanol in serum samples6
A new sub-class linear discriminant for miniature spectrometer based food analysis6
Estimation and variable selection in joint mean and dispersion models applied to mixture experiments6
Efficient lipophilicity prediction of molecules employing deep-learning models6
Analytical chemistry meets art: The transformative role of chemometrics in cultural heritage preservation6
Mitigation of oil spills from synthetic seawater using human hair – Experimentation, modeling and optimization6
MaskDNA-PGD: An innovative deep learning model for detecting DNA methylation by integrating mask sequences and adversarial PGD training as a data augmentation method6
Incipient fault detection for dynamic processes with canonical variate residual statistics analysis6
Editorial Board6
Maximum likelihood factor analysis for resolution of noisy smartphone based diffuse reflectance data from CdS pigments6
A new methodology to robustify an experimental design: Application to the Baranyi model6
Improved prediction of soil properties with multi-target stacked generalisation on EDXRF spectra6
Peak-aware guided filtering for spectrum signal denoising6
Modeling in the observable or latent space? A comparison of dynamic latent variable based monitoring methods for sensor fault detection6
Mid-infrared spectroscopy with an effective variable selection method based on MPA for glucose detection6
EasyCID: Make component identification easy in Raman spectroscopy6
New breast cancer biomarkers from diffusion magnetic resonance imaging based on the Diffusion Tensor using multivariate curve resolution (MCR) models6
Spider diagram and Analytical GREEnness metric approach for assessing the greenness of quantitative 1H-NMR determination of lamotrigine: Taguchi method based optimization6
Authentication of edible oils using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and pattern recognition methods6
Comparison of a novel PLS1-DA, traditional PLS2-DA and assigned PLS1-DA for classification by molecular spectroscopy6
Robust bootstrapped Mandel's h and k statistics for outlier detection in interlaboratory studies6
The scope of applicability of the selected class-modelling methods6
Fusing information entropy and similarity: A novel active learning strategy for chemical process fault classifications5
Multi-objective feature selection algorithm using Beluga Whale Optimization5
BGA-YOLOX-s: Real-time fine-grained detection of silkworm cocoon defects with a ghost convolution module and a joint multiscale fusion attention mechanism5
Chemometrics and electrochemistry joined hands to develop a novel and intelligent electronic device for simultaneous determination of malathion and diazinon in fruit juices: A progress in multidiscipl5
Improved understanding and prediction of pear fruit firmness with variation partitioning and sequential multi-block modelling5
Enhanced satellite image resolution with a residual network and correlation filter5
A multi-task learning approach for chemical process abnormity locations and fault classifications5
GA-XGBoost, an explainable AI technique, for analysis of thrombin inhibitory activity of diverse pool of molecules and supported by X-ray5
Soft variable selection combining partial least squares and attention mechanism for multivariable calibration5
Toward automated machine learning in vibrational spectroscopy: Use and settings of genetic algorithms for pre-processing and regression optimization5
A new class of unit models with a quantile regression approach applied to contamination data5
Combining algorithm techniques with mechanical and acoustic profiles for the prediction of apples sensory attributes5
Model development using hybrid method for prediction of drug release from biomaterial matrix5
Spectra data calibration based on deep residual modeling of independent component regression5
Integrative and sparse singular value decomposition method for biclustering analysis in multi-sources dataset5
Temperature correction of near-infrared spectra of raw milk5
MFRAG: Multi-Fitness RankAggreg Genetic Algorithm for biomarker selection from microarray data5
Domain adaptation graph convolution network for quality inferring of batch processes5
User-independent nonlinear modeling using adjusted spline-interpolated knots (UNMASK) and indirect hard modeling for deriving compositions from spectra with background signals5
An upgrade of MVC2, a MATLAB graphical user interface for second-order multivariate calibration: Beyond trilinear models5
Self-validated ensemble models for design of experiments5
Stacking ensemble learning algorithm based rapid inverse modelling of copper grade using imaging spectral data5
Corrigendum to “Random projection ensemble conformal prediction for high-dimensional classification” [Chemometr. Intell. Lab. Syst. 253 (2024) 1–10, 105225]5
Editorial Board5
BO-densenet: A bilinear one-dimensional densenet network based on multi-scale feature fusion for wood NIR classification5
Editorial Board5
QSAR study of unsymmetrical aromatic disulfides as potent avian SARS-CoV main protease inhibitors using quantum chemical descriptors and statistical methods5
J-Score: A new joint parameter for PLSR model performance evaluation of spectroscopic data5
Interpretation of high dimensional definitive screening designs assisted by bootstrapped partial least squares regression5
CT-GUI: A graphical user interface to perform calibration transfer for multivariate calibrations5