Fluid Dynamics Research

(The median citation count of Fluid Dynamics Research is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Initiation of motion for an isolated finite size particle in a rotating tank flow31
Hydrodynamic behavior of Janus particles in a finite inertial flow22
Numerical comprehensive evaluation of the flow control effect on a circular cylinder with a control rod16
Bioconvection in an anisotropic scattering suspension of phototactic algae exposed to diffused sunlight13
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of breaking waves11
A unified model of suspension concentration distribution in sediment mixed turbulent flows using generalized fractional advection-diffusion equation11
Motion of unstable two interfaces in a three-layer fluid with a non-zero uniform current10
New single vortex generation method for flame/vortex interaction using flow behind a rotating cylinder9
Losing the shock wave front profile due to interaction with turbulence9
Inertial instability of the Kolmogorov flow in a rotating stratified fluid7
The linear and non-linear study of effect of rotation and internal heat source/sink on Bénard convection7
Wave propagation over a rectangular trench in the presence of a partially immersed barrier7
Roles of chain stretch and concentration gradients in capillary thinning of polymer solutions7
Three-dimensional simulations of fluid flows in oscillating lid-driven cavities using lattice Boltzmann method7
Effect of odd viscosity on the stability of a falling thin film in presence of electromagnetic field6
Experimental and numerical study on unsteady entrainment behaviour of ventilated air mass in underwater vehicles6
The effects of surface roughness on the flow in multiple connected fractures6
DNS of the spatiotemporal evolution of the vorticity in (pure) mode B of a circular cylinder’s wake6
Interfacial characterization of spinning water film along a concave wall6
The 16th FDR prize6
Flow structure around a microswimmer at fluid–fluid interface5
Sedimentation of a spherical squirmer in a square tube under gravity5
A PIV investigation of laminar and turbulent viscoplastic fluid flow on axisymmetric abrupt contraction5
Large Eddy simulation of tracer gas dispersion in a cavity4
Influence of interface on nondeformable micropolar drop migration4
The effect of elevated initial vortex shapes on its evolution4
Continuous motion of an electrically actuated water droplet over a PDMS-coated surface4
Analytical simulation of Darcy–Forchheimer nanofluid flow over a curved expanding permeable surface4
Particle migration due to non-uniform laminar flow4
Active control for the flow around various geometries through deep reinforcement learning4
Analysis of variable fluidic properties with varying magnetic influence on an unsteady radiated nanofluid flow on the stagnant point region of a spinning sphere: a numerical exploration4
Construction of a numerical model for cigarette smoking and combustion and simulation of combustion cone shape4
Effect of dimensionality and symmetry on scale-dependent dynamics of Rayleigh–Taylor instability4
The dynamic behavior of a droplet flows through a constricted splitting channel: a lattice Boltzmann study3
Spherical seepage model of Bingham fluid in rough and low-permeability porous media3
Message regarding the Russian military action in Ukraine3
Algebraic stability modes in rotational shear flow3
Erratum: New perspectives on mass conservation law and waves in fluid mechanics (Fluid Dyn. Res. 3 031401)3
Computational analysis in underexpanded jets simulations3
Numerical study of vortex-induced autorotation of an elliptic blade in lid-driven cavity flow3
The 17th FDR prize3
Rheology, rheometers, and matching models to experiments3
Minimal model of quasi-cyclic behaviour in turbulence driven by Taylor–Green forcing3
Energy-conserving model of hexagonal pattern in Rayleigh-Bénard convection3
Effects of finite depth and surface tension on the linear and weakly non-linear stability of Faraday waves in Hele-Shaw cell2
Propulsive performance of a heaving and pitching foil with large amplitudes in unsteady ground effect2
Linear control of lift in dragonfly vertical flight2
Drag on circular cylinders with porous outer layers in turbulent cross-flow2
The fall of an ellipse in a stratified fluid2
Energy stability of thermally modulated inclined fluid layer2
The deformation and breakup of a droplet under the combined influence of electric field and shear flow2
Effect of object shape on the flow past microstructures in small channel2
Investigation of Mach number effects on flow over a flat plate at Reynolds number of 1.0 × 104 by schlieren visualization2
Friction factor analysis for a nanofluid circulating in a microchannel filled with a homogeneous porous medium2
Recent advancements towards large-scale flow diagnostics by robotic PIV2
Entropy generation in electroosmotically aided peristaltic pumping of MoS2 Rabinowitsch nanofluid2
Spanwise phase transition between pure modes A and B in a circular cylinder’s wake. Part II: spatiotemporal evolution of vorticity2
Impinging hollow droplet of glycerin in spray coating influence of mutable obstacle and dynamic contact angle1
Three-dimensional numerical study of acoustic streaming phenomenon in rectangular resonator1
Simultaneous influence of contact angle, capillary number, and contraction ratio on droplet dynamics in hydrophobic microchannel1
Predictive model and optimization of micromixers geometry using Gaussian process with uncertainty quantification and genetic algorithm1
Self-organizing effect of drift term against diffusion term in point vortex system evidenced by numerical simulations on PEZY-SC1
Transient rotation of a spherical particle in a concentric cavity with slip surfaces1
Influence of concentration on thermophoresis of spherical aerosol particles within a Brinkman medium1
Submerged wall jets on corrugated beds1
The influence of reduced velocity on the control of two-degree-of-freedom vortex induced vibrations of a circular cylinder via synthetic jets1
Implementation of spectral methods on Ising machines: toward flow simulations on quantum annealers1
Experimental investigation of ventilation bubble dynamics around a vertically moving cylinder under reduced ambient pressure1
Large eddy simulation of thermal stratification effects on tracer gas dispersion in a cavity1
Using spectral geometry to predict pressure losses in curved pipes at high Reynolds numbers1
Numerical investigation of the onset of three-dimensional characteristics in flow past a pair of square cylinders at various arrangements1
Influence of wettability and initial size on the merging dynamics of droplet within a Y-shaped bifurcating channel1
Experiments for a power law of near-surface mean velocity profiles in stratified boundary layers1
Linear instability of a perturbed Lamb–Oseen vortex1
Elastic film modelling and experimental research of the first-order vibration frequencies of sessile micro-droplets1
Decay of Taylor–Green flow type initial conditions in a two-dimensional domain1
Sampling of plasma plume from atmosphere into vacuum for reliable Langmuir probe diagnostics1
On the Lundgren hierarchy of helically symmetric turbulence1
Impact of Maxwell–Cattaneo effect on thermal convection instability in vertical porous layer saturated with an Oldroyd-B fluid1
The Okubo–Weiss criterion in hydrodynamic flows: geometric aspects and further extension1
Margination of platelet-sized particles in red blood cell suspensions flowing through a Y-shaped confluence microchannel1
An analytic solution of Navier–Stokes flow past a sphere in the region of intermediate Reynolds number1
Initially generated pure mode A in the three-dimensional wake transition of a circular cylinder1
Sedimentation of particles with various shapes and orientations in a closed channel using smoothed particle hydrodynamics1
Shock formation in magnetized plasma under the influence of polarization force and nonadiabaticity of dust charge variation1
Numerical hybrid thermal MRT-LBM for condensation and boiling phenomena on horizontal walls of different wettability1
Computationally effective estimation of supersonic flow field around airfoils using sparse convolutional neural network1
Simulation of flow past a squirmer confined in a channel at low Reynolds numbers1
Surface acoustic waves as control actuator for drop removal from solid surface1
Optimizing electrode arrangement in plasma actuators: a study on induced velocity and efficiency1
A full-Eulerian approach for simulation of a system of fluid–rigid–elastic structure interaction based on the vorticity-stream function formulation0
Continuous data assimilation of large eddy simulation by lattice Boltzmann method and local ensemble transform Kalman filter (LBM-LETKF)0
Interfacial dynamics of two immiscible second-grade and couple stress fluids in rotating and counter-rotating scenarios0
Effect of lubrication in the non-Reynolds regime due to the non-negligible gap on the fluid permeation through a membrane0
Hydrodynamic force and wave run-up due to diffraction of ocean water waves by a surface-piercing bottom-mounted compound partial-porous cylinder0
Exploration of rheological behavior of an Ellis fluid on the onset of thermosolutal porous convection0
3D numerical simulation of flap geometry optimization around the cylinder to collection of split up droplet0
Thermal instability in an inclined fluid layer subjected to Couette–Poiseuille flow0
Wall effects on a falling solid particle in an infinite channel0
Predictability and benefits of coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian approach over Eulerian characterization of droplet annular flow0
Influence of internal heating and natural convection on airborne transmission of viral diseases0
Study on the propulsion of the rigid-flexible composite plate driven on two points0
Effects of oscillated wall on the turbulent structure and heat transfer of three-dimensional wall jet0
A Darcy-Forchheimer Fluid Model with Fuzzy Norms in Variable Exponent Sequence Spaces0
Motion characteristics of squirmers in linear shear flow0
Theoretical drag analyses of laminar channel and pipe flows with wall roughness0
Contact line dynamics of gravity driven spreading of liquids0
Numerical investigation of water entry of hydrophobic spheres0
Calculation of electro-osmotic flow development length in a rotating three-dimensional microchannel0
External acoustic control of the laminar vortex shedding past a bluff body0
Numerical study of transition in lid-driven flow in cavities with a semicircular round bottom0
Phase transition between pure modes A and B in a circular cylinder’s wake. Part I: analysis of fluid forces0
An integrated stairwise adaptive finite point scheme for the two-dimensional coupled Burgers’ equation0
Stall characteristics of wavy leading-edge airfoil in subsonic and transonic airflows0
A wall function approach in lattice Boltzmann method: algorithm and validation using turbulent channel flow0
Vorticity and circulation decay in the viscous Lamb dipole0
Spectral link and wave breaking enhanced dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy0
Aeroacoustic source prediction using material surfaces bounding the flow0
On the BEM solution of convection–diffusion type equations involving variable convective coefficients0
Insight into the Eyring–Powell fluid flow model using degenerate operator: geometric perturbation0
Numerical investigation of double sided plasma vortex generator in separation control0
Study on the self-propulsion of the rigid-flexible composite plate0
Particle spacing and stability of initially staggered deformable particle trains migrating in a channel0
Transient slow motion of a porous sphere0
Analytic investigation of the compatibility condition and the initial evolution of a smooth velocity field for the Navier–Stokes equation in a channel configuration0
Direct numerical simulations on oscillating flow past surface-mounted finite-height circular cylinder0
Slow axisymmetric rotation of a sphere in a circular tube with slip surfaces0
Small amplitude dust acoustic solitary waves in a magnetized dusty plasma with nonthermal distribution for both electrons and ions0
Estimating the pressure force around swimming plankton using micro particle image velocimetry0
Control of linear instabilities in two-dimensional airfoil boundary layers0
Mode analysis for multiple parameter conditions of nozzle internal unsteady flow using Parametric Global Proper Orthogonal Decomposition0
Analysis and validation of mathematical models of secondary velocities along vertical and transverse directions in wide open-channel turbulent flows0
Viscous flow through macroscopic spherical cavities in an arbitrary configuration in a granular material0
Dispersion of solute in a packed cylindrical tube with wall reaction0
Onset of nonlinearity in a two-dimensional thin shear layer0
Numerical analysis on motion of microparticles passing through straight and tortuous fibrous layers0
Effects of feeding pressures on the flowfield structures of three-dimensional film cooling0
Numerical analysis of shock characteristics control based on bump0
Large eddy simulation of the variable density mixing layer0
Area waves on a slender vortex revisited0
Effect of axis ratio on unsteady wake of surface mounted elliptic cylinder immersed in shear flow0
Rotational vector-based analysis of turbulent structures in channel flow using large eddy simulation simulation0
A computational study of a new design configuration for a turbulence tunnel0
Effect of permeability on the interaction between two spheres translating through a couple stress fluid0
Numerical analysis of tulip flame by dynamic mode decomposition0
The wake of a rectangular flat plate0
The 15th FDR prize0
Application of singular spectrum analysis to nonstationary time series in flow-induced vibrations of a circular cylinder0
Theory of dynamical cavitation threshold for diesel fuel atomization0
Three-dimensional numerical investigation of vortex-induced vibration of a circular cylinder at low Reynolds number0
Magnetic convection in a nonuniformly rotating electrically conductive medium in an external spiral magnetic field0
Mass transport in oscillatory electroosmotic viscoelectric flow in a hydrophobic microchannel with steric effect0
Electrohydrodynamics natural convection flow of nanofluids in a rectangular cavity enclosed by a corrugated bottom surface0
New numerical methods for calculating statistical equilibria of two-dimensional turbulent flows, strictly based on the Miller–Robert–Sommeria theory0
Stability examination of non-linear convection flow with partial slip phenomenon in a Riga plate channel0
Inertial instability of the time-periodic Kolmogorov flow in a rotating fluid with the full account of the Coriolis force0
Towards understanding the algorithms for solving the Navier–Stokes equations0
Determination of hydraulic resistance of channels using spectral geometry methods0
Analysis of blade noise with different root boundary conditions considering fluid-structure interaction effect0
New insights into the extended and generalised PTT constitutive differential equations: weak flows0
Optimal perturbations in viscous channel flow with crossflow0
Mean streaming in reciprocating flow in a double bifurcation0
Bayesian parameter estimation and evaluation of the K-ω shear stress transport model for plane impinging jets0
Surface film deformation by melt moving in an alternating magnetic field and the integral criterion of such film stability0
The 14th FDR prize0
Wind tunnel tests of aerodynamic interference effects on two iced vertical circular cylinders in a tandem arrangement0
Effects of pivot point and spacing on the aerodynamic characteristics of tilting biplane airfoils0
Singularities in weakly compressible flow through a porous medium0
Effect of depth ratio on Faraday instability in a binary liquid system0
Side plasma flow and stagnation of a conical blunt body vehicle under an axial dipole magnetic field0
Finite amplitude electro-thermo convection in a cubic box0
Slow rotation of a sphere about its diameter normal to two planes with slip surfaces0
Statistical equilibria of two-dimensional turbulent flows for generic initial vorticity fields on a sphere, calculated on the basis of the original Miller–Robert–Sommeria theory0
Numerical simulation of vortex shedding from rectangular cylinders with different elongation ratios0
Qualitative assessment of the complexity of the Karman vortex in the flow past double cylinders based on Shannon entropy0
Numerical simulation of flow past an 8:1 oscillating rectangular cylinder at Re = 22 0000
Dissimilar heat transfer enhancement by introduction of a vortex tube in plane Couette flow0
Shape and scaling of the mean-velocity profile in thermally-stratified plane-Couette flows0
Steady flow in a rapidly rotating spheroid with weak precession: Part 20
The effect of asymmetry on the absolute instability of confined jets and wakes0
Numerical investigation of the information complexity in Lorenz system based on Shannon entropy0
Turbulent/non-turbulent interface of the turbulent boundary-layer over a spanwise-heterogeneous converging/diverging riblets rough wall0
Effects of a spherical slip cavity filled with micropolar fluid on a spherical micropolar droplet0
On the derivation of the Landau–Lifshitz frame in relativistic kinetic theory0
Large-scale vortex formation in three-dimensional rotating Rayleigh-Bénard convection0