Agricultural Economics

(The median citation count of Agricultural Economics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Impacts of COVID‐19 on global poverty, food security, and diets: Insights from global model scenario analysis179
“Pivoting” by food industry firms to cope with COVID‐19 in developing regions: E‐commerce and “copivoting” delivery intermediaries65
COVID‐19 and impacts on global food systems and household welfare: Introduction to a special issue56
Food prices and marketing margins during the COVID‐19 pandemic: Evidence from vegetable value chains in Ethiopia48
Impacts of COVID‐19 and Price Transmission in U.S. Meat Markets46
Resilience of global and local value chains to the Covid‐19 pandemic: Survey evidence from vegetable value chains in Senegal44
Short‐term impacts of COVID‐19 on food security and nutrition in rural Guatemala: Phone‐based farm household survey evidence41
Floods, food security, and coping strategies: Evidence from Afghanistan31
Crop prices, farm incomes, and food security during the COVID‐19 pandemic in India: Phone‐based producer survey evidence from Haryana State30
Mechanization in land preparation and agricultural intensification: The case of rice farming in the Cote d'Ivoire27
Economic effects of climate change on agricultural production and productivity in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)25
Preferences, personality, aspirations, and farmer behavior25
Linking risk preferences and risk perceptions of climate change: A prospect theory approach25
COVID‐19 in rural Africa: Food access disruptions, food insecurity and coping strategies in Kenya, Namibia, and Tanzania25
Digital transformation for a sustainable agriculture in the United States: Opportunities and challenges25
New evidence regarding the effects of contract farming on agricultural labor use25
Agricultural diversification, productivity, and food security across time and space24
Impacts of COVID‐19 induced income and rice price shocks on household welfare in Papua New Guinea: Household model estimates24
Measuring the impact of climate change on agriculture in Vietnam: A panel Ricardian analysis23
Oil palm and structural transformation of agriculture in Indonesia22
A dynamic stochastic frontier approach with persistent and transient inefficiency and unobserved heterogeneity22
Addressing food safety challenges in rapidly developing food systems21
Health, economic, and social implications of COVID‐19 for China's rural population21
An in‐depth examination of maize yield response to fertilizer in Central Malawi reveals low profits and too many weeds21
Adoption patterns and productivity impacts of agricultural mechanization services19
From unfair prices to unfair trading practices: Political economy, value chains and 21st century agri‐food policy18
Urban proximity, access to value chains, and dairy productivity in Ethiopia18
Immediate impacts of COVID‐19 on female and male farmers in central Myanmar: Phone‐based household survey evidence18
Plot‐level technical efficiency accounting for farm‐level effects: Evidence from Chilean wine grape producers17
Consumption of processed food & food away from home in big cities, small towns, and rural areas of Tanzania17
Trade and food security in a climate change‐impacted world16
Land certification, rental market participation, and household welfare in rural China16
Productivity impact of drought tolerant maize varieties under rainfall stress in Malawi: A continuous treatment approach16
How weather affects the decomposition of total factor productivity in U.S. agriculture16
Drivers of farm commercialization in Nigeria and Tanzania15
The impact of index‐insured loans on credit market participation and risk‐taking15
The effect of women's nutrition knowledge and empowerment on child nutrition outcomes in rural Ethiopia15
The impact of mobile phone voice message reminders on agricultural outcomes in Mali14
Leading the way – foreign direct investment and dairy value chain upgrading in Uganda14
Does integrated soil fertility management increase returns to land and labor?14
When my neighbors matter: Spillover effects in the adoption of large‐scale pesticide‐free wheat production13
From bad to worse: Poverty impacts of food availability responses to weather shocks13
The urban–rural gap in the demand for food safety in China: The role of food label knowledge13
Willingness to pay for a new farm technology given risk preferences: Evidence from an experimental auction in Kenya13
Relationship between cognitive and affective processes, and willingness to pay for pesticide‐free and GMO‐free labeling13
EU milk quota abolition, dairy expansion, and greenhouse gas emissions13
Impacts of agricultural price support policy on price variability and welfare: Evidence from China's soybean market13
Measuring price discovery between nearby and deferred contracts in storable and nonstorable commodity futures markets13
Marketing contract choices in agriculture: The role of price expectation and price risk management12
Modeling heterogeneous technologies in the presence of sample selection: The case of dairy farms and the adoption of agri‐environmental schemes in France12
Variability in agricultural productivity and rural household consumption inequality: Evidence from Nigeria and Uganda11
Impact of climate change on global agricultural markets under different shared socioeconomic pathways11
Demand for animal‐derived food in selected Asian countries: A system‐wide analysis11
Does organic certification make economic sense for dairy farmers in Europe?–A latent class counterfactual analysis10
Household livelihood diversification in rural Africa10
Agricultural value chain development in Nepal: Understanding mechanisms for poverty reduction10
The dynamic effects of price support policy on price volatility: The case of the rice market in China10
Managing irrigation under increasing water scarcity10
Mismatch between soil nutrient deficiencies and fertilizer applications: Implications for yield responses in Ethiopia10
Food systems transformation in Asia – A brief economic history9
Modern agricultural value chains and the future of smallholder farming systems9
Does neighborhood matter? Spatial proximity and farmers’ technical efficiency9
The impact of COVID‐19 and associated policy responses on global food security9
The effects of values and information on the willingness to pay for sustainability credence attributes for coffee8
Do producer organizations improve trading practices and negotiation power for dairy farms? Evidence from selected EU countries8
Agricultural R&D investment intensity: A misleading conventional measure and a new intensity index8
Price formation within Egypt's wheat tender market: Implications for Black Sea exporters8
Full‐cost accounting and redefining the cost of food: Implications for agricultural economics research8
Weather shocks, livelihood diversification, and household food security: Empirical evidence from rural Bangladesh8
The role of large traders in driving sustainable agricultural intensification in smallholder farms: Evidence from Kenya8
Gender and the dynamics of technology adoption: Empirical evidence from a household‐level panel data8
Facilitating inclusive ICT application and e‐Commerce development in rural China8
Inattention, availability bias, and attribute premium estimation for a biobased product8
Preferences for tree fruit market attributes among smallholder farmers in Eastern Rwanda7
Structural transformation away from agriculture in growing open economies7
Impact of aquaculture training on farmers’ income: Cluster randomized controlled trial evidence in Ghana7
Drivers of food price in China: A heterogeneous panel SVAR approach7
Modeling and optimizing the beef supply chain in the Northeastern U.S.7
Intrahousehold distribution of sales revenue and household nutritional outcomes: What if the wives controlled the farm revenue?7
Agriculture in a more uncertain global trade environment7
Can information drive demand for safer food? Impact of brand‐specific recommendations and test results on product choice7
Does short food supply chain participation improve farm economic performance? A meta‐analysis7
Rural Bangladeshi consumers’ (un)willingness to pay for low‐milled rice: Implications for zinc biofortification7
Welfare impacts of increasing teff prices on Ethiopian consumers6
Sustainable agricultural intensification practices and cost efficiency in smallholder maize farms: Evidence from Ethiopia6
A model of the U.S. food system: What are the determinants of the state vulnerabilities to production shocks and supply chain disruptions?6
Consumption of healthy and unhealthy foods by the African poor: Evidence from Nigeria, Tanzania, and Uganda6
Can digitally‐enabled financial instruments secure an inclusive agricultural transformation?6
To batch or not to batch? The release of USDA crop reports6
Carbon sequestration in French agricultural soils: A spatial economic evaluation5
But it came from a food pantry: Product stigma and quality perceptions of food pantry offerings5
Solar‐powered cold‐storage and agrifood market modernization in Nigeria5
The new normal? Cluster farming and smallholder commercialization in Ethiopia5
Precision livestock agriculture and productive efficiency: The case of milk recording in Ireland5
Delayed monsoon, irrigation and crop yields5
Gene‐edited or genetically modified food? The impacts of risk and ambiguity on Chinese consumers' willingness to pay5
Is it more convenient to waste? Trade‐offs between grocery shopping and waste behaviors5
Extreme weather events and high Colombian food prices: A non‐stationary extreme value approach15
The potential for moral hazard behavior in irrigation decisions under crop insurance4
Aspirations and investments in livestock: Evidence of aspiration failure in Kenya4
Social interaction and geographic diffusion of iron‐biofortified beans in Rwanda4
Drought shocks and price adjustments in local food markets in Chile: Do product quality and marketing channel matter?4
Estimating demand elasticities for rice in Benin4
Subnational public expenditures, short‐term household‐level welfare, and economic flexibility: Evidence from Nigeria4
Cow's milk still leads in the United States: The case of cow's, almond, and soy milk4
The effect of cognitive function on the poor's economic performance: Evidence from Cambodian smallholder farmers4
Socio‐economic impacts of zero and reduced tillage in wheat fields of the Moroccan drylands4
Plot size and sustainable input intensification in smallholder irrigated agriculture: Evidence from Egypt4
Experience of shocks, household wealth and expectation formation: Evidence from smallholder farmers in Kenya4
Are religious farmers more risk taking? Empirical evidence from Ethiopia4
A local general‐equilibrium emergency response modeling approach for sub‐Saharan Africa4
Nitrate leaching and efficiency measurement in intensive farming systems: A parametric by‐production technology approach4
Choosing quantities impacts individuals choice, rationality, and willingness to pay estimates4
Distributional heterogeneity in climate change impacts and adaptation: Evidence from Indian agriculture4
Risk and ambiguity aversion: Incentives or disincentives for adoption of improved agricultural land management practices?3
How convergent are rice export prices in the international market?3
Destabilizing role of futures markets on North American hard red spring wheat spot prices3
Should farmers farm more? Comparing marginal products within Malawian households3
Will climate change jeopardize the Vietnamese target of maintaining farmland for food security? A fractional multinomial logit analysis of land use choice3
Does research performance explain the “leaky pipeline” in Indian academia? A study of agricultural and applied economics3
Europe's ambitious pesticide policy and its impact on agriculture and food systems3
Pricing efficiency in livestock auction markets: A two‐tier frontier approach3
Occupational sex segregation in agriculture: Evidence on gender norms and socio‐emotional skills in Nigeria3
Markups, organic agriculture and downstream concentration at the example of European dairy farmers3
The impact of Brazil on global grain dynamics: A study on cross‐market volatility spillovers3
Quality response to real exchange rate shocks: A panel SVAR analysis on China's agricultural exports3
Impacts of agricultural taxation in Sub‐Saharan Africa: Insights from agricultural produce cess in Tanzania3
How does climate change affect the evidence we need for agricultural development?3
Reducing pesticide use through optimal reallocation at different spatial scales: The case of French arable farming3
The effects of feed and energy costs on broiler farm decisions: A dynamic programming approach3
Understanding constraints on private irrigation adoption decisions under uncertainty in data constrained settings: A novel empirical approach tested on Ecuadorian Cocoa cultivations3
The roles of risk preferences, selection, and uncertain returns on land contracts2
Machinery structure, machinery subsidies, and agricultural productivity: Evidence from China2
Free power, irrigation, and groundwater depletion: Impact of farm electricity policy of Punjab, India2
Long‐run impacts of trade shocks and export competitiveness: Evidence from the U.S. BSE event2
Trade, value chains, and rent distribution with foreign exchange controls: Coffee exports in Ethiopia2
ICTs to address information inefficiencies in food supply chains2
Impacts of climate and weather on irrigation technology adoption and agricultural water use in the U.S. pacific northwest2
Gender pay gaps in economics: A deeper look at institutional factors2
The trade and welfare impacts of the U.S. retaliatory tariff on EU olive oil2
Microdata analysis of Japanese farmers’ productivity: Estimating farm heterogeneity and elasticity of substitution among varieties2
Does private sector involvement improve the distribution efficiency of subsidized fertilizer? A natural experiment from Nepal2
How do price (risk) changes influence farmers’ preferences to reduce fertilizer application?2
When switching costs cause market power: Rubber processing in Indonesia2
On the willingness to pay for food sustainability labelling: A meta‐analysis2
Labor elasticities, market failures, and misallocation: Evidence from Indian agriculture2
Group‐based and citizen science on‐farm variety selection approaches for bean growers in Central America2
Armed conflicts and household food insecurity: Effects and mechanisms2
Political and economic determinants of export restrictions in the agricultural and food sector2
Convergence theory and conditional income convergence among sub‐Saharan African countries2
Can rainfall shocks enhance access to rented land? Evidence from Malawi2
The impact of sweet food tax on producers and household spending—Evidence from Hungary2
Gender gaps in land rights: Explaining different measures and why households differ in Myanmar2