Agricultural Economics

(The H4-Index of Agricultural Economics is 21. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Impacts of COVID‐19 on global poverty, food security, and diets: Insights from global model scenario analysis179
“Pivoting” by food industry firms to cope with COVID‐19 in developing regions: E‐commerce and “copivoting” delivery intermediaries65
COVID‐19 and impacts on global food systems and household welfare: Introduction to a special issue56
Food prices and marketing margins during the COVID‐19 pandemic: Evidence from vegetable value chains in Ethiopia48
Impacts of COVID‐19 and Price Transmission in U.S. Meat Markets46
Resilience of global and local value chains to the Covid‐19 pandemic: Survey evidence from vegetable value chains in Senegal44
Short‐term impacts of COVID‐19 on food security and nutrition in rural Guatemala: Phone‐based farm household survey evidence41
Floods, food security, and coping strategies: Evidence from Afghanistan31
Crop prices, farm incomes, and food security during the COVID‐19 pandemic in India: Phone‐based producer survey evidence from Haryana State30
Mechanization in land preparation and agricultural intensification: The case of rice farming in the Cote d'Ivoire27
Digital transformation for a sustainable agriculture in the United States: Opportunities and challenges25
New evidence regarding the effects of contract farming on agricultural labor use25
Economic effects of climate change on agricultural production and productivity in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)25
Preferences, personality, aspirations, and farmer behavior25
Linking risk preferences and risk perceptions of climate change: A prospect theory approach25
COVID‐19 in rural Africa: Food access disruptions, food insecurity and coping strategies in Kenya, Namibia, and Tanzania25
Impacts of COVID‐19 induced income and rice price shocks on household welfare in Papua New Guinea: Household model estimates24
Agricultural diversification, productivity, and food security across time and space24
Measuring the impact of climate change on agriculture in Vietnam: A panel Ricardian analysis23
A dynamic stochastic frontier approach with persistent and transient inefficiency and unobserved heterogeneity22
Oil palm and structural transformation of agriculture in Indonesia22
An in‐depth examination of maize yield response to fertilizer in Central Malawi reveals low profits and too many weeds21
Addressing food safety challenges in rapidly developing food systems21
Health, economic, and social implications of COVID‐19 for China's rural population21