Transport in Porous Media

(The H4-Index of Transport in Porous Media is 22. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Fluid Displacement in a 2D DFN Fracture: Time Integration of the Interface Position52
Optimal Time Step Length for Lagrangian Interacting-Particle Simulations of Diffusive Mixing49
A Method to Correct Steady-State Relative Permeability Measurements for Inhomogeneous Saturation Profiles in One-Dimensional Flow49
Permeability and the Ergun Equation as a Basis for Permeability Measurements of Metallic Foams and Wire Meshes47
Methods for Laser-Induced Fluorescence Imaging of Solute Plumes at the Darcy Scale in Quasi-Two-Dimensional, Refractive Index-Matched Porous Media43
Quantitative Evaluation of the Pore Characteristics in Platelet Particle Beds by Pore Network Modeling40
Spontaneous Imbibition and Drainage of Water in a Thin Porous Layer: Experiments and Modeling40
Quantitative Investigation of Colloidal Flow and Clogging Kinetics in Porous Medium Using Laser-Induced Fluorescence39
Universal Frequency-Dependent Permeability of Heterogeneous Porous Media: Effective–Medium Approximation and Critical-Path Analysis31
Modeling of Two Phase Flow in a Hydrophobic Porous Medium Interacting with a Hydrophilic Structure28
Acknowledgement of Reviewers for 202028
Electrical Tortuosity in Nanostructured Mesoporous Silica Powder and Nanocomposite Membranes28
Changes in the Onset of Double-Diffusive Local Thermal Nonequilibrium Porous Convection Due to the Introduction of a Third Component27
Stability Analysis of Miscible Viscous Fingering in Bingham and Carreau Fluids26
Influence of Boundary Layer on Oil Migration into Tight Reservoirs26
Note on a Novel Model for Capillary Pressure in Porous Media25
Revisiting Salvucci’s Semi-analytical Solution for Bare Soil Evaporation with New Consideration of Vapour Diffusion and Film Flow25
Thermally Induced Pressure Fluctuations in Single-Phase Fluid-Saturated Porous Media Described by the Fluctuation Dissipation Theorem25
Convective Plume Spreading in Model Transparent Porous Media24
Microscopic Validation of a Pore Network Model for Hygric Properties of Porous Materials24
Effects of Hyporheic Exchange and Settlement on the Particle Size Distribution of Colloids22
Effect of X-ray $$\mu$$CT Resolution on the Computation of Permeability and Dispersion Coefficient for Granular Soils22
Semi-analytical Model to Predict Dynamic Capillary Pressure–Saturation Relationship for Flows in Heterogeneous Porous Media22