Biology & Philosophy

(The median citation count of Biology & Philosophy is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
What is an animal personality?53
Unlimited Associative Learning and the origins of consciousness: a primer and some predictions53
The math is not the territory: navigating the free energy principle47
Is co-management a double-edged sword in the protected areas of Sundarbans mangrove?26
Toolmaking and the evolution of normative cognition25
Unknotting reciprocal causation between organism and environment23
Assessing measures of animal welfare22
Non-equilibrium thermodynamics and the free energy principle in biology22
Immunoceptive inference: why are psychiatric disorders and immune responses intertwined?18
A pluralistic framework for the psychology of norms18
When imprecision is a good thing, or how imprecise concepts facilitate integration in biology18
Defining the niche for niche construction: evolutionary and ecological niches18
Out of our skull, in our skin: the Microbiota-Gut-Brain axis and the Extended Cognition Thesis15
Is free-energy minimisation the mark of the cognitive?14
How to do things with nonwords: pragmatics, biosemantics, and origins of language in animal communication13
Hutchinson’s ecological niche for individuals13
Limiting the explanatory scope of extended active inference: the implications of a causal pattern analysis of selective niche construction, developmental niche construction, and organism-niche coordin12
Broadening the problem agenda of biological individuality: individual differences, uniqueness and temporality12
What are the major transitions?12
The living fossil concept: reply to Turner11
The free energy principle: it’s not about what it takes, it’s about what took you there11
Mechanism, autonomy and biological explanation11
Free energy: a user’s guide9
The arithmetic mean of what? A Cautionary Tale about the Use of the Geometric Mean as a Measure of Fitness9
The value of and in novel ecosystem(s)8
Complex vocal learning and three-dimensional mating environments8
The learning-consciousness connection8
A continuum of intentionality: linking the biogenic and anthropogenic approaches to cognition8
Niche construction and teleology: organisms as agents and contributors in ecology, development, and evolution8
The evolution of episodic-like memory: the importance of biological and ecological constraints7
Towards ending the animal cognition war: a three-dimensional model of causal cognition7
Retiring the “Cinderella view”: the spinal cord as an intrabodily cognitive extension6
Understanding immunity: an alternative framework beyond defense and strength6
Positive Wild Animal Welfare6
Philosophy of science in practice in ecological model building6
Adaptive immunity or evolutionary adaptation? Transgenerational immune systems at the crossroads6
Learning and the biology of consciousness: a commentary on Birch, Ginsburg, and Jablonka6
When can cultural selection explain adaptation?6
Do transposable elements have functions of their very own?5
On geometric mean fitness: a reply to Takacs and Bourrat5
Is cancer a matter of luck?5
A coarse-graining account of individuality: how the emergence of individuals represents a summary of lower-level evolutionary processes5
Evolutionary biology meets consciousness: essay review of Simona Ginsburg and Eva Jablonka’s The Evolution of the Sensitive Soul5
Caring animals and care ethics5
Causes with material continuity4
Against the generalised theory of function4
The proximate-ultimate distinction and the active role of the organism in evolution4
Natural information, factivity and nomicity4
Not functional yet a difference maker: junk DNA as a case study4
Homology thinking reconciles the conceptual conflict between typological and population thinking4
Biolinguistics and biological systems: a complex systems analysis of language4
What are ecological mechanisms? Suggestions for a fine-grained description of causal mechanisms in invasion ecology4
Uniqueness in the life sciences: how did the elephant get its trunk?4
Teleosemantics and the free energy principle4
An enactive-developmental systems framing of cognizing systems4
Social norms and superorganisms4
Science and values in the biodiversity-ecosystem function debate4
Bacterial communication3
Remembering emotions3
What is cognitive about ‘plant cognition’?3
The extra ingredient3
A universal ethology challenge to the free energy principle: species of inference and good regulators3
Affordances and organizational functions3
Two kinds of historical explanation in Evolutionary Biology3
The gay gene(s)? Rethinking the concept of sexual orientation in the context of science3
The ‘niche’ in niche-based theorizing: much ado about nothing3
A relic of design: against proper functions in biology3
Putting races on the ontological map: a close look at Spencer’s ‘new biologism’ of race3
Perceptual awareness or phenomenal consciousness?A dilemma3
Epistemology and anomaly detection in astrobiology3
What could cognition be, if not human cognition?: Individuating cognitive abilities in the light of evolution3
What is foraging?3
Dosis sola facit venenum: reconceptualising biological realism3
Reciprocal causation and biological practice3
Animal sentience and the Capabilities Approach to justice3
Darwin’s empirical claim and the janiform character of fitness proxies3
Assessing unlimited associative learning as a transition marker2
Emotionshaping: a situated perspective on emotionreading2
Cognitive science meets the mark of the cognitive: putting the horse before the cart2
Sex by design: a new account of the animal sexes2
Roles of mitonuclear ecology and sex in conceptualizing evolutionary fitness2
Caring animals and the ways we wrong them2
Causal-role myopia and the functional investigation of junk DNA2
Natural artificiality, niche construction, and the content-open mediation of human behavior2
An oak is an oak, or not? Understanding and dealing with confusion and disagreement in biological classification2
Computational indeterminacy and explanations in cognitive science2
Introduction to niches and mechanisms in ecology and evolution2
The coordination dilemma for epidemiological modelers2
Unlimited associative learning and consciousness: further support and some caveats about a link to stress2
Scaffolds and scaffolding: an explanatory strategy in evolutionary biology2
Has social constructionism about race outlived its usefulness? Perspectives from a race skeptic2
The selectionist rationale for evolutionary progress2
Great ape enculturation studies: a neglected resource in cognitive development research2
All about levels: transposable elements as selfish DNAs and drivers of evolution2
Carving the mind at its homologous joints2
Unlimited associative learning and the origins of consciousness: the missing point of view2
Attention explains the transition to unlimited associative learning better than consciousness2
The evolution of complex multicellularity in animals1
Not by demography alone: Neanderthal extinction and null hypotheses in paleoanthropological explanation1
Cognitive functions are not reducible to biological ones: the case of minimal visual perception1
An argument for global realism about the units of selection1
Unlimited plasticity of embodied, cognitive subjects: a new playground for the UAL framework1
The struggle for life and adaptation by natural selection1
Development and microbiology1
On plants and principles1
Cleaning, sculpting or preparing? Scientific knowledge in Caitlin Wylie’s preparing dinosaurs1
(Cat)egory mistake: the invalidity of animal shelter behavior assessments1
Tools of the trade: the bio-cultural evolution of the human propensity to trade1
Minimal residual disease: premises before promises1
Skepticism, the critical standpoint, and the origin of birds: a partial critique of Havstad and Smith (2019)1
What basic emotions really are: modularity, motivation, and behavioral variability1
Pandemic and infodemic: the spread of misinformation about COVID-19 from a cultural evolutionary perspective1
Better models of the evolution of cooperation through situated cognition1
In praise of animals1
Emergentism in the biological framework: the case of fitness1
An account of conserved functions and how biologists use them to integrate cell and evolutionary biology1
Cooperation, correlation and the evolutionary dominance of tag-based strategies1
Does the study of facilitation require a revision of the Hutchinsonian niche concept?1
Standard aberration: cancer biology and the modeling account of normal function1
Neutral and niche theory in community ecology: a framework for comparing model realism1
Hypothesis-driven science in large-scale studies: the case of GWAS1
Gradualism, natural selection, and the randomness of mutation–fisher, Kimura, and Orr, connecting the dots1
DNA barcoding and the changing ontological commitments of taxonomy1
Higher level constructive neutral evolution1
Demographic explanations of neanderthal extinction: a reply to Currie and Meneganzin1
Bargaining and descriptive content: prospects for a teleosemantic ethics1
The evolution of multispecies populations: a multilevel selection perspective1
A critical review of plant sentience: moving beyond traditional approaches1
Darwin and the golden rule: how to distinguish differences of degree from differences of kind using mechanisms1
Everything in moderation or moderating everything? Nutrient balancing in the context of evolution and cancer metabolism1
The integrative approach to inferring homology: morphology and development combined1