Fundamenta Informaticae

(The median citation count of Fundamenta Informaticae is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Self-stabilisation of Cellular Automata on Tilings8
Structural Liveness of Immediate Observation Petri Nets6
Decision Problems on Copying and Shuffling6
The 1966 International Congress of Mathematicians: A Micro-memoir6
A Multi-level Refinement Approach for Structural Synthesis of Optimal Probabilistic Models6
Complexity and Equivalency of Multiset Dimension and ID-colorings6
A Complete Taxonomy of Restarting Automata without Auxiliary Symbols*5
Piecewise Affine Dynamical Models of Petri Nets – Application to Emergency Call Centers*5
Two-Sided Strictly Locally Testable Languages5
On the Length of Shortest Strings Accepted by Two-way Finite Automata4
Reversible Regular Languages: Logical and Algebraic Characterisations4
Computing Singular Elements Modulo Squares4
Exact Wirelength of Embedding 3-Ary n-Cubes into Certain Cylinders and Trees4
Mining Clinical Process from Hospital Information System: A Granular Computing Approach4
A Polynomial-Time Construction of a Hitting Set for Read-Once Branching Programs of Width 34
Physical Computational Complexity and First-order Logic3
Circular Interval-valued Computers and Simulation of (Red-green) Turing Machines3
A Dynamical System Approach to Polyominoes Generation*3
Universal Address Sequence Generator for Memory Built-in Self-test*3
Order-theoretic Trees: Monadic Second-order Descriptions and Regularity3
A Note of Generalization of Fractional ID-factor-critical Graphs3
Acyclic and Cyclic Reversing Computations in Petri Nets3
A Generalization of Falsity in Finitely-many Valued Logics3
On Completeness of Cost Metrics and Meta-Search Algorithms in $-Calculus3
Perpetual Free-choice Petri Nets are Lucent Proof of a Theorem of van der Aalst Using CP-exhaustions3
Boris (Boaz) Trakhtenbrot — The Beginning3
Cost Automata, Safe Schemes, and Downward Closures2
Structure and Power: an Emerging Landscape2
A Congruence-Based Perspective on Finite Tree Automata2
Commuting Upper Triangular Binary Morphisms2
Characteristics of de Bruijn’s early proof checker Automath2
Right Buchberger Algorithm over Bijective Skew PBW Extensions2
Correctness Notions for Petri Nets with Identifiers2
String Covering: A Survey2
Relation-Algebraic Verification of Disjoint-Set Forests2
Taking Complete Finite Prefixes To High Level, Symbolically*2
On Random Number Generation for Kernel Applications2
Descriptional Complexity of Finite Automata – Selected Highlights2
On the 2-domination Number of Cylinders with Small Cycles2
Getting There and Back Again2
On the Complexity of Techniques That Make Transition Systems Implementable by Boolean Nets2
Clustering Geometrically-Modeled Points in the Aggregated Uncertainty Model1
Coxeter Invariants for Non-negative Unit Forms of Dynkin Type ????r1
Some Basic Techniques Allowing Petri Net Synthesis: Complexity and Algorithmic Issues1
Articulations and Products of Transition Systems and their Applications to Petri Net Synthesis1
Coinductive Algorithms for Büchi Automata1
The Complexity of Synthesis of b-Bounded Petri Nets1
Complexity Assessments for Decidable Fragments of Set Theory. I: A Taxonomy for the Boolean Case*1
Link Residual Closeness of Harary Graphs1
On Minimization and Learning of Deterministic ω-Automata in the Presence of Don’t Care Words1
Declarative Parameterized Verification of Distributed Protocols via the Cubicle Model Checker1
Towards Syntactic Epistemic Logic1
Resource Bisimilarity in Petri Nets is Decidable1
Adaptive Merging on Phase Change Memory1
Static Scheduling with Load Balancing for Solving Triangular Band Linear Systems on Multicore Processors1
Computational and Descriptional Power of Nondeterministic Iterated Uniform Finite-State Transducers*1
Checking Sets of Pure Evolving Association Rules1
Absent Subsequences in Words1
Number Conservation via Particle Flow in One-dimensional Cellular Automata1
Improved Descriptional Complexity Results for Simple Semi-Conditional Grammars1
Error Correction for Discrete Tomography1
Theory of Constructive Semigroups with Apartness – Foundations, Development and Practice1
Persistent Stochastic Non-Interference1
Spanning Structures in Walker–Breaker Games1
A Strong Gram Classification of Non-negative Unit Forms of Dynkin Type ????r1
Query-Points Visibility Constraint Minimum Link Paths in Simple Polygons1
Introduction to Probabilistic Concurrent Systems1
Inferring Unobserved Events in Systems with Shared Resources and Queues1
Discovering Process Models with Long-Term Dependencies while Providing Guarantees and Filtering Infrequent Behavior Patterns1
Gathering over Meeting Nodes in Infinite Grid*1
Compression on the Twisted Jacobi Intersection1
Relations between Control Mechanisms for Sequential Grammars11
Closeness and Vertex Residual Closeness of Harary Graphs0
On Local Antimagic Vertex Coloring for Complete Full t-ary Trees0
The Inverse of Ackermann Function is Computable in Linear Time0
Time-free Solution to Independent Set Problem using P Systems with Active Membranes0
Waiting Nets: State Classes and Taxonomy0
High-degree Compression Functions on Alternative Models of Elliptic Curves and their Applications0
Testing Boolean Functions Properties0
Unfoldings and Coverings of Weighted Graphs0
Methods for Efficient Unfolding of Colored Petri Nets0
On Rotation Distance of Rank Bounded Trees*0
A Non-Deterministic Multiset Query Language0
Nonatomic Non-Cooperative Neighbourhood Balancing Games0
On Three Domination-based Identification Problems in Block Graphs0
Continuous Domains in Formal Concept Analysis*0
An Improved Set-based Reasoner for the Description Logic ????ℒD4,׆0
Using Hoare Logic in a Process Algebra Setting0
A Polyhedral Abstraction for Petri Nets and its Application to SMT-Based Model Checking0
Automated Repair of Process Models with Non-local Constraints Using State-Based Region Theory0
On Insecure Uses of BGN for Privacy Preserving Data Aggregation Protocols0
Free-choice Nets with Home Clusters are Lucent0
Affine Completeness of Some Free Binary Algebras0
Scattered Context Grammars with One Non-Context-Free Production are Computationally Complete0
Parametric Analyses of Attack-fault Trees*0
Edge Forcing in Butterfly Networks0
Skeleton Abstraction for Universal Temporal Properties0
Two Sufficient Conditions for Graphs to Admit Path Factors0
On Taxicab Distance Mean Functions and their Geometric Applications: Methods, Implementations and Examples0
Formal Concepts and Residuation on Multilattices0
Network Capacity Bound for Personalized PageRank in Multimodal Networks0
On the Complexity of Proving Polyhedral Reductions0
Generative Capacity of Contextual Grammars with Subregular Selection Languages*0
Solving Infinite Games in the Baire Space0
Adding Metalogic Features to Knowledge Representation Languages*0
Automated Comparative Study of Some Generalized Rough Approximations0
A Graph Theoretical Framework for the Strong Gram Classification of Non-negative Unit Forms of Dynkin Type ????n0
Computing Square Roots in Quaternion Algebras0
Coverability, Termination, and Finiteness in Recursive Petri Nets0
Perfect Domination, Roman Domination and Perfect Roman Domination in Lexicographic Product Graphs0
Minimal Size of Counters for (Real-Time) Multicounter Automata0
A New Description of Transversal Matroids Through Rough Set Approach0
Efficient Algorithms for Maximum Induced Matching Problem in Permutation and Trapezoid Graphs0
Polynomial-time Classification of Skew-symmetrizable Matrices with a Positive Definite Quasi-Cartan Companion0
Recognizing Visibility Graphs of Triangulated Irregular Networks0
Maximal and Minimal Dynamic Petri Net Slicing0
Global Types and Event Structure Semantics for Asynchronous Multiparty Sessions0
A Detailed Study of the Distributed Rough Set Based Locality Sensitive Hashing Feature Selection Technique0
On the Expressive Power of Non-deterministic and Unambiguous Petri Nets over Infinite Words0
On the Hardness of Energy Minimisation for Crystal Structure Prediction*0
Elimination Distance to Bounded Degree on Planar Graphs Preprint0
On Iiro Honkala’s Contributions to Identifying Codes0
Finding Codes on Infinite Grids Automatically0
Exact and Approximate Algorithms for Computing Betweenness Centrality in Directed Graphs0
On Complexity Bounds and Confluence of Parallel Term Rewriting*0
Self-Verifying Pushdown and Queue Automata0
Investigating Reversibility of Steps in Petri Nets0
Parametric Schedulability Analysis of a Launcher Flight Control System under Reactivity Constraints*0
Myhill-Nerode Theorem for Higher-Dimensional Automata0
Daniel Simson Obituary0
Diameter of General Knödel Graphs0
Decidability Questions for Insertion Systems and Related Models0
Soundness Verification of Data-Aware Process Models with Variable-to-Variable Conditions0
A Unified Method to Decentralized State Detection and Fault Diagnosis/prediction of Discrete-event Systems0
Reasoning on the Efficiency of Distributed Complex Event Processing0
Freeness Problem for Matrix Semigroups of Parikh Matrices0
Computing Parameterized Invariants of Parameterized Petri Nets0
Residuated Algebraic Structures in the Vicinity of Pre-rough Algebra and Decidability0
A Rewriting-logic-with-SMT-based Formal Analysis and Parameter Synthesis Framework for Parametric Time Petri Nets0
Non-Self-Embedding Grammars and Descriptional Complexity0
KNN Loss and Deep KNN0
Languages Accepted by Weighted Restarting Automata*0
Computing the Length of Sum of Squares and Pythagoras Element in a Global Field0
Perturbation Results for Distance-edge-monitoring Numbers*0
Synthesis of Pure and Impure Petri Nets with Restricted Place-environments: Complexity Issues0
Nominal Unification and Matching of Higher Order Expressions with Recursive Let0
Causal Semantics for BPP Nets with Silent Moves0
Tomography and Applications0
Decidability of Definability Issues in the Theory of Real Addition0
Optimal Local Identifying and Local Locating-dominating Codes0
A Linear Bound on the k-rendezvous Time for Primitive Sets of NZ Matrices0
A Local Diagnosis Algorithm for Hypercube-like Networks under the BGM Diagnosis Model0
On the Tutte and Matching Polynomials for Complete Graphs0
On Boolean Automata Networks (de)Composition10
On Rough Approximations of Languages under Infinite Index Indiscernibility Relations0
Strong Regulatory Graphs0
Reachability in Simple Neural Networks0
Reconstruction of Convex Sets from One or Two X-rays0
Diffuse and Localized Functional Dysconnectivity in Schizophrenia: a Bootstrapped Top-Down Approach0
Digital Jordan Curves and Surfaces with Respect to a Closure Operator0
Preface: Information Granulation in Data Science and Scalable Computing0
Quantitative Verification of Stochastic Regular Expressions0
A Novel Ensemble Model - The Random Granular Reflections0
On Variable Precision Generalized Rough Sets and Incomplete Decision Tables0
On Morphisms Preserving Palindromic Richness0
Encoding Threshold Boolean Networks into Reaction Systems for the Analysis of Gene Regulatory Networks0
Extensions of Elementary Cause-Effect Structures0
Place the Vertices Anywhere on the Curve and Simplify0
A Note on Calculi for Non-deterministic Many-valued Logics0
Symbolic and Structural Model-Checking0
Cost Problems for Parametric Time Petri Nets*0
Separating the Words of a Language by Counting Factors0
On Finding Hamiltonian Cycles in Barnette Graphs0
Proving Confluence in the Confluence Framework with CONFident0
Morphisms and Minimisation of Weighted Automata0