Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine

(The H4-Index of Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine is 58. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
CoroNet: A deep neural network for detection and diagnosis of COVID-19 from chest x-ray images916
Explainable Deep Learning for Pulmonary Disease and Coronavirus COVID-19 Detection from X-rays458
TorchIO: A Python library for efficient loading, preprocessing, augmentation and patch-based sampling of medical images in deep learning310
Application of explainable artificial intelligence for healthcare: A systematic review of the last decade (2011–2022)273
Explanation of machine learning models using shapley additive explanation and application for real data in hospital187
Evaluation of deep learning detection and classification towards computer-aided diagnosis of breast lesions in digital X-ray mammograms167
Application of artificial intelligence in wearable devices: Opportunities and challenges142
Convolutional and recurrent neural networks for the detection of valvular heart diseases in phonocardiogram recordings120
A stochastic numerical analysis based on hybrid NAR-RBFs networks nonlinear SITR model for novel COVID-19 dynamics118
The openCARP simulation environment for cardiac electrophysiology117
Classification of heart sound signals using a novel deep WaveNet model117
Medical deep learning—A systematic meta-review114
YOLO Based Breast Masses Detection and Classification in Full-Field Digital Mammograms110
EEG based Major Depressive disorder and Bipolar disorder detection using Neural Networks:A review109
Determination of an optimal control strategy for vaccine administration in COVID-19 pandemic treatment107
Computer-aided diagnosis for breast cancer classification using deep neural networks and transfer learning101
The importance of being external. methodological insights for the external validation of machine learning models in medicine100
Lung Nodule Detection based on Faster R-CNN Framework98
Arrhythmia Classification with ECG signals based on the Optimization-Enabled Deep Convolutional Neural Network97
SAR-U-Net: Squeeze-and-excitation block and atrous spatial pyramid pooling based residual U-Net for automatic liver segmentation in Computed Tomography89
Diagnose ADHD disorder in children using convolutional neural network based on continuous mental task EEG87
Coronary angiography image segmentation based on PSPNet86
Automated ECG classification using a non-local convolutional block attention module85
The value of WeChat application in chronic diseases management in China85
Accurate deep neural network model to detect cardiac arrhythmia on more than 10,000 individual subject ECG records84
Semi-supervised GAN-based Radiomics Model for Data Augmentation in Breast Ultrasound Mass Classification82
Automated emotion recognition: Current trends and future perspectives82
Introduction of digital therapeutics81
Diabetes mellitus prediction and diagnosis from a data preprocessing and machine learning perspective81
Helping doctors hasten COVID-19 treatment: Towards a rescue framework for the transfusion of best convalescent plasma to the most critical patients based on biological requirements via ml and novel MC80
Automated detection of conduct disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder using decomposition and nonlinear techniques with EEG signals80
Automatic Sleep Stage Classification Using Temporal Convolutional Neural Network and New Data Augmentation Technique from Raw Single-Channel EEG79
A deep learning model (ALNet) for the diagnosis of acute leukaemia lineage using peripheral blood cell images78
VSSC Net: Vessel Specific Skip chain Convolutional Network for blood vessel segmentation78
Cervical cell classification with graph convolutional network76
The Role of the Internet of Things in Healthcare: Future Trends and Challenges76
Classification of PPMI MRI scans with voxel-based morphometry and machine learning to assist in the diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease76
The applications of machine learning techniques in medical data processing based on distributed computing and the Internet of Things74
Alzheimer's disease detection using depthwise separable convolutional neural networks73
Medical image recognition and segmentation of pathological slices of gastric cancer based on Deeplab v3+ neural network72
The effects of skin lesion segmentation on the performance of dermatoscopic image classification71
Facial expression recognition based on deep learning71
Medical image segmentation and reconstruction of prostate tumor based on 3D AlexNet71
Ensemble of heterogeneous classifiers for diagnosis and prediction of coronary artery disease with reduced feature subset69
An ensemble of deep neural networks for kidney ultrasound image classification69
Effects of dataset size and interactions on the prediction performance of logistic regression and deep learning models69
Multi-input convolutional neural network for breast cancer detection using thermal images and clinical data67
CMC: A consensus multi-view clustering model for predicting Alzheimer’s disease progression67
Super-resolution and denoising of 4D-Flow MRI using physics-Informed deep neural nets66
A fuzzy distance-based ensemble of deep models for cervical cancer detection63
Neuroimaging and deep learning for brain stroke detection - A review of recent advancements and future prospects63
A new deep learning method for blood vessel segmentation in retinal images based on convolutional kernels and modified U-Net model62
Breast ultrasound tumor image classification using image decomposition and fusion based on adaptive multi-model spatial feature fusion60
Automatic diagnosis of multiple cardiac diseases from PCG signals using convolutional neural network58
OctNET: A Lightweight CNN for Retinal Disease Classification from Optical Coherence Tomography Images58
Fast level set method for glioma brain tumor segmentation based on Superpixel fuzzy clustering and lattice Boltzmann method58
Computational fluid dynamics modelling of human upper airway: A review58
Integrating segmentation information into CNN for breast cancer diagnosis of mammographic masses58
An efficient retinal blood vessel segmentation in eye fundus images by using optimized top-hat and homomorphic filtering58