Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-Accelerato

(The TQCC of Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-Accelerato is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Investigation on thermal model updating of Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer in orbit based on Kriging meta-modeling52
Design and testing of LGAD sensor with shallow carbon implantation51
Results from the EPICAL-2 ultra-high granularity electromagnetic calorimeter prototype47
Quality assurance for the LHCb RICH upgrade Photon-Detection chain43
Construction and test of the SM1 type Micromegas chambers for the upgrade of the ATLAS forward muon spectrometer43
Magnetic characterization of Mumetal® for passive shielding of stray fields down to the nano-Tesla level38
Test beam results of the fiber-sampling dual-readout calorimeter38
Beam halo studies of double-periodic focusing structures at the low-energy end of superconducting linac30
Multi-track event reconstruction to constrain the p28
Alpha Contamination Monitoring System28
Performance and test of the new CMS ECAL barrel front-end electronics for HL-LHC27
Construction and performance of the precision tracking chambers for the ATLAS muon spectrometer upgrade for high-luminosity LHC27
ALICE silicon tracker upgrades for LHC Run 4 and beyond27
Tests and characterization of a mixed-signal read out ASIC for silicon micro-strip detectors26
Timing resolution of a LAPPD prototype measured with CERN PS test beams26
Charge monitoring of test masses in gravitational waves interferometers24
The SHADOWS calorimeter — A pointing calorimeter for future beam dump experiments23
Timepix4 characterization with monochromatic X-rays at the Elettra synchrotron facility23
High granularity resistive micromegas for future detectors22
Gain stability of Hamamatsu R5912-MOD photomultipliers at low temperature22
Irradiation system for biological experiments on BL14B1 at SPring-821
An Imaging Calorimeter prototype with WLS fibers and LYSO crystal21
Distillation and gas stripping purification plants for the JUNO liquid scintillator20
Scintillator-SiPM detector for tracking and energy deposition measurements20
Evaluation of new Li2CaSiO4:Eu/ scintillation plastic phoswich for combined alpha-beta and gamma-neutron detectors20
Development of electron detectors for the BRAND experiment20
Study of gas ageing effect on detector performance for the development of a new gas system for ACTAR-TPC at GANIL20
High Voltage Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors for the MOLLER experiment20
Experimental results using large area picosecond photo-detectors20
New RPC gas mixtures for sustainable operation in the CMS experiment20
Development of α/19
Development of a charged particle-γ coincidence system for nuclear s19
LArRI — A new setup for Liquid Argon Refractive index measurement19
Measurements and TCAD simulations of guard-ring structures of thin silicon sensors before and after irradiation19
The Mu2e crystal and SiPM calorimeter18
The AMS-100 experiment: The next generation magnetic spectrometer in space18
Impact of random geometric errors in an elliptical superconducting magnet with application to a compact heavy-ion synchrotron18
Microjet printing of metal salt or oxide targets for nuclear reaction studies on radionuclides18
Unveiling short-range magnetic correlations: The development of magnetic pair distribution function method at CSNS18
neuSIM4: A comprehensive GEANT4 based neutron simulation code17
Development of an ultrahigh resolution 1 mm Si-PM array based GGAG alpha particle imaging detector with gamma or X-ray separation capability17
Measurement of neutron active interrogation contraband signatures using organic scintillators17
High performance cross strip imaging readout Planacon sealed tubes17
Electrospraying deposition and characterization of potassium chloride targets for nuclear science measurements16
Spectroscopic autoradiography of alpha particles using a parallel ionization multiplier gaseous detector16
Optical purification pilot plant for JUNO liquid scintillator16
Electron non-linear light yield of LaBr316
A reconfigurable detector for measuring the spatial distribution of radiation dose for applications in the preparation of individual patient treatment plans16
Ground electron calibration of Charged Particle Detectors onboard GECAM satellite15
TCAD modeling of bulk radiation damage effects in silicon devices with the Perugia radiation damage model15
Track formation in nuclear emulsion plates for cosmic-ray imaging with stabilized Ag nanoparticles15
Extracting low energy signals from raw LArTPC waveforms using deep learning techniques — A proof of concept15
Neutron image denoising method based on adaptive new wavelet threshold function15
Measurements of secondary-particle emissions from copper target bombarded with 24-GeV/c protons14
Atomic scale Monte-Carlo simulations of neutron diffraction experiments on stoichiometric uranium dioxide up to 1664 K14
Testing of an organic metal halide perovskite for fast neutron detection14
Multi-voltage threshold digitizer using a time-varied threshold for photon-counting X-ray security inspection imaging14
Research on the layout of primary control network and new measurement method for the HIAF survey and alignment14
Separation of dual-tracer PET signals using a deep stacking network14
Spent fuel nondestructive assay integrated characterization from active neutron, passive neutron, and passive gamma14
Evaluation of a PET detector based on SiPMs and FPGA-only MVT digitizers14
CMS iRPC FEB development and validation14
Radiation-tolerant dose sensor based on undoped amorphous silicon14
A compact direction-sensitive fast neutron spectrometer14
Editorial Board14
Test beam results of irradiated modules for the CMS Phase-2 upgrade equipped with HPK planar pixel sensors and RD53B-CMS readout chips14
Dual particle imaging: Applications in security and environmental imaging13
COeCO: A new β-delayed conversion-electron spectroscopy setup for lo13
Strong–strong beam–beam simulations with lattices of circular e+e- colliders13
Regulation of particle generation processes in a pyroelectric accelerator using geometry13
Optimization and experimental validation of deuterium-tritium neutron monoenergetics for diamond detector testing13
Development of a compact fast-neutron spectrometer for nuclear emergency response applications13
A high resolution miniature electron energy spectrometer13
Neutron detection in mixed short-pulsed fields with intense photon flashes for LINAC-based active interrogation applications13
Millisecond burst extractions from synchrotrons using RF phase displacement acceleration13
Readout studies for the HIKE main electromagnetic calorimeter13
Machine learning method for 12C event classification and reconstruction in the active target time-projection chamber13
Development of the X-ray polarimeter using CMOS imager: Polarization sensitivity of a 13
The fabrication and characterization of direct conversion flat panel X-ray imager with TlBr film13
Quad-module characterization with the MALTA monolithic pixel chip13
Characterisation and simulation of stitched CMOS strip sensors13
Data pre-processing with high-level-synthesis and dataflow programming using HLS C++ dataflow template library13
Operational experience and performance of the Belle II silicon vertex detector after the first SuperKEKB long shutdown13
Design and perspectives of the CMS Level-1 trigger Data Scouting system13
Characterization of electroless nickel-phosphorus plating for ultracold-neutron storage13
Conceptual design and initial evaluation of a neutron flux gradient detector12
Development of a plastic scintillator based and SiPM readout detector for high-precision fast-timing measurements at rosphere array12
Large size shielded metal-ceramic cathodes12
Performance of resistive foils for a fast timing micro-pattern gaseous detector (FTM)12
Environmentally resilient data collecting system optimized for measuring low density neutron flux12
Aging effects in the COMPASS hybrid GEM-Micromegas pixelized detectors12
Editorial Board12
Research on particle accelerator control network deformation prediction algorithm with machine learning12
Electron density estimation using MPPC-based photon-counting CT for radiation therapy planning12
Neutron-based calibration of a Recoil Proton Telescope for fast neutrons spectroscopy11
Incident beamline design for a modern cold triple axis spectrometer at the High Flux Isotope Reactor11
A pulsed high-voltage decelerator system to deliver low-energy antiprotons11
Matrix effect correction in active neutron interrogation for residual fissile mass assessment in radioactive waste drums11
Fabrication, conditioning and installation of the 1st high gradient S-band accelerating module for the energy upgrade of the FERMI free electron laser linac11
Conceptual design and theoretical analysis of a system: The reference network of alignment11
Implementation of a machine learning technique for estimating gamma direction using a coaxial High Purity Germanium detector11
Achieving a realistic design for a superconducting gantry with large momentum acceptance for proton therapy11
Progress and perspectives of FARICH R&D for the Super Charm-Tau Factory project11
Simulation of the response of SiPMs; Part I: Without saturation effects11
Dimensionality reduction and sensitivity improvement for TACTIC Cherenkov data using t-SNE machine learning algorithm11
X-ray imaging camera using INTPIX4NA SOIPIX detector with SiTCP-XG 10GbE based high-speed readout system11
The Analytical Method algorithm for trigger primitives generation at the LHC Drift Tubes detector11
Fast models for the evaluation of self-induced field effects in linear accelerators11
Performance of improved RPCs demonstrator for the CMS at the HL-LHC11
Light output quenching in response to deuterium-ions and alpha particles and pulse shape discrimination in deuterated trans-stilbene11
Six-dimensional matching of intense beam with linear accelerating structure11
Temporal and spatial variance in pixelated counting detectors with dead time and retrigger capability11
A sealed ceramic GEM-based neutron detector11
Comparison of the time resolution of unirradiated and irradiated LGADs and 3D sensors11
Multistrip multilayer mirrors for sources based on inverse Compton scattering11
Simulations of absolute porosity measurements by compensated neutron logging tools mounted with stilbene or CLYC scintillators11
Nonlinear optics from hybrid dispersive orbits11
Eco-friendly Resistive Plate Chambers for detectors in future HEP applications11
Design of a neutron polarizing bender for a cold triple-axis spectrometer11
Neutron polarimetry using a polarized 3He cell for the aCORN experiment11
Improvement of the performance of a cryo-cooled monochromator at SSRF. Part II: Angular stability of the exit beam10
Research of the readout electronics for X-ray beam-position feedback system of SAPS10
Calculation of RF pulse evolution due to dispersion in travelling wave linacs using Fourier methods10
R & D of prototype iTOF-MRPC at CEE10
Preface for the NIMA Channeling 2023 issue10
The DMAPS upgrade of the Belle II vertex detector10
Assessment of single crystal diamond detector radiation hardness to 14 MeV neutrons10
The spatial resolution measurements on the small prototype of the Super Charm-Tau Factory drift chamber10
Backscatter radiography for crosstie inspection and evaluation of scanning through tie plates10
The sparse readout RIGEL Application Specific Integrated Circuit for Pixel Silicon Drift Detectors in soft X-ray imaging space applications10
Study on the anti-correlated painting injection scheme for the Rapid Cycling Synchrotron of the China Spallation Neutron Source10
Large area tiles of position-sensitive silicon photomultipliers10
Development of a Sealed Li target as an accelerator-driven neutron source for Boron neutron capture therapy at Nagoya University10
Characterization and simulation of radiation effects on active edges n-on-p technology planar pixel sensors10
Application of adaptive filtering algorithm to the stability problem for double crystal monochromator. Part II: Hybrid algorithms10
Detailed simulation for the ClearMind prototype detection module and event reconstruction using artificial intelligence10
Operation and performance of the CMS silicon detectors10
A beam-driven proton irradiation setup for precision radiation damage tests of silicon detectors10
Low emittance optics design for CEPC booster10
Investigating neutron scattering in a Spherical Proportional Counter: A tabletop experiment10
Copper electroplating for background suppression in the NEWS-G experiment10
Development of a compact X-band variable-ratio RF power splitter9
Design and evaluation of UKRI-MPW0: An HV-CMOS prototype for high radiation tolerance9
Wafer-level testing of the readout chip of the CMS Inner Tracker for HL-LHC9
Development of back-illuminated thin silicon diode applied to fast neutron sensor in active personal dosimeter9
Extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) measurement of Cu metal foil using thermal wave detector: A comparative study9
Production of the DarkSide-20k photo-detectors9
Signal integrality analysis of sealed MRPC for muography9
Construction of gas electron multiplier tracker for the J-PARC E16 experiment9
Developing and validating measurement methods combining 6LiF sintered capsule and Mg2SiO4: Tb (TLD-MSO-S) for -ray dose evaluation at accelerator-based BNCT system9
Verification of the McStas code using two double axis neutron diffractometers9
Prototype study of 0.1%9
A novel energy resolved neutron imaging detector based on a time stamping optical camera for the CSNS9
Development of high-resolution time pick-off detector based on Micro-Channel Plate9
SANDD: A directional antineutrino detector with segmented 9
A multi-parameter discrimination digital positron annihilation lifetime spectrometer using a fast digital oscilloscope9
The CMS Precision Proton Spectrometer: Precision timing with scCVD diamond crystals9
Research on the optimization methods of common points layout for survey and alignment of particle accelerators9
Simulation study on position resolution of plastic scintillator strips for cosmic muon imaging9
High Elevation Radiation Array (HERA) detectors for airborne thunderstorm investigations9
3D silicon pixel sensors for the CMS experiment tracker upgrade9
First results on the final readout chip for the High-Luminosity LHC upgrade of the CMS Inner Tracker9
Bulk irradiation of ammonia for polarized target experiments9
High time resolution, two-dimensional position sensitive MSMGRPC for high energy physics experiments9
A Bayesian method for the evaluation of segmented gamma scanning measurements – Description of the principle9
Spatial extension of the transient gain drop in a microchannel plate for a single-pulse irradiation9
Improving the accuracy of PEPT algorithms through dynamic parameter optimisation9
Automated and rapid target position alignment in laser–plasma experiments using deep learning algorithms9
Characteristics of the prototype LAMPS TPC for low-energy nuclear collisions at RAON9
Neutron irradiation of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon p-i-n diodes and charge selective contacts detectors9
Results from Cryo-PoF: Power over fiber for fundamental and applied physics at cryogenic temperature9
Development and operation of the CGEM Inner Tracker for the BESIII experiment9
Total Ionizing Dose effects on CMOS image sensor for the ULTRASAT space mission9
Muon tomography of large structures with 2D projections9
Aging suppression, high time resolution and 2D-position sensitive Multi-Strip Multi-Gap Resistive Plate Counter for high rate experiments9
Upgrade of the BioMUR beamline at the Kurchatov synchrotron radiation source for serial small-angle X-ray scattering experiments in solutions9
Positronium lifetime measurement using a clinical PET system for tumor hypoxia identification9
LANTERN: A multichannel light calibration system for cryogenic detectors9
Mode matching with a phase camera for gravitational-wave detectors9
SHarD: A beam dynamics simulation code for dielectric laser accelerators based on spatial harmonic field expansion9
Operational experience and performance with the ATLAS Pixel detector at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN9
Properties of straw tubes for the tracking detector of the COMET experiment9
Design and performance of a low-emittance electron gun for electron beam probe9
Testing silicon photonic Mach–Zehnder modulators versus total ionizing dose9
Low Gain Avalanche Detector development for the LHC’s High-Luminosity upgrade at Teledyne e2v9
The DarkSide-20k neutron veto and it light detector8
Study of scintillation properties and performance of CsI(Tl) detectors over time8
Diagnostics for ultrashort X-ray pulses using silicon trackers8
Pulse area compensation approach for ballistic deficits correction in perovskite CsPbBr3 semiconductor detector8
Instability and halo for double-periodic focusing structure8
Optimization study of the electrode design of a 5 mm thick orthogonal-strip CdZnTe detector system8
Charged particle identification with the liquid xenon calorimeter of the CMD-3 detector8
Description and performance results of the trigger logic of TUS and Mini-EUSO to search for Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays from space8
Detection of collinear high energetic di-photon signatures with Micromegas Detectors8
AugerPrime: The Pierre Auger Observatory upgrade8
Dual-mode cavity design for advanced continuous-wave electron injector8
On polarization of Smith-Purcell radiation from a photonic crystal slab8
Optimization strategies for the greenhouse gas consumption of the resistive plate chamber detectors at the CERN LHC experiments8
Depth dose measurements in water for 11C and 10C beams with therapy relevant energies8
A commentary on two NIM A papers by P. Gasik et al. and D. Attié et al. on R&D on, and applications of, micro pattern gas detectors8
The ASTRI Mini-Array8
ATHENA: An active target detector for the measurement of total cross sections8
Unfolding-synthesis technique for digital pulse processing, Part 2: Synthesis8
X-ray timing detectors with HfO2 nanoparticle-loaded plastic scintillator and silicon avalanche photodiode8
High level performance of the NA62 RICH detector8
Vertical measurement and on-line correction of the magnetic field for a 1.5-m-long superconducting undulator8
Performance of the new hadron blind HADES RICH in heavy ion collisions8
Highly granular scintillator-strip electromagnetic calorimeter for future Higgs factories8
First light of MC28
Reduction of ion backflow using a quadruple GEM detector with various gas mixtures8
New developments from the TORCH R&D project8
Study of a dielectric internal laser accelerating structure8
Development of a rapid-transit system for precision nuclear physics measurements8
Determination of trace uranium in waste using a gamma-ray measurement system8
New method for level-lifetime measurements with thick scintillators8
Large-scale, precision xenon doping of liquid argon8
Status of the development of the RICH detector for CBM including a mRICH prototype in mCBM8
Precision Møller polarimetry for PREX-2 and CREX8
First neutron tomography with the novel ANET Compact Neutron Collimator8
Absolute 3He po8
Silicon photomultipliers for the SST camera of the Cherenkov Telescope Array8
Survivability of microstructure semiconductor neutron detectors (MSND) in a thermal neutron radiation environment8
Comparison of new SiPM devices for applications in High-Energy physics8
Development of a large-area alpha imaging detector for hand and foot monitors8
Characterization of large diameter dual-mode cerium-doped Tl2LiYCl6 advanced scintillator8
Characterization of homogeneous nucleation of superheated liquid droplets by nonlinear analysis8
Mass spectrometric investigations into 3D printed parts to assess radiopurity as ultralow background materials for rare event physics detectors8
Analysis of a gamma-ray spectrum by fitting the second derivative of the spectrum in its entirety8
A novel measurement approach for near-edge x-ray absorption fine structure: Continuous 2π8
The Upgrade of LHCb VELO8
Development of a CCD based thermal neutron imaging detector for the Israeli Research Reactor IRR-1 at Soreq NRC8
Measurements of the 252Cf half-life8
Editorial Board8
Tracking studies of top-up injection for a safe operation of the ESRF-EBS7
The seismic isolation system of Advanced Virgo Plus, Phase II7
Measurement and application of electron stripping of ultrarelativistic 7
Overview of the JUNO-TAO detector7
Study on spectral gap in FELiChEM infrared free-electron laser7
Methods to maximize detector count rates on small-angle neutron scattering diffractometers at reactor sources: I. Optimizing wavelength selection7
A very low energy ion beam extraction system design of the GTS ECR ion source at GANIL7
The full-energy peak efficiency of gamma-ray spectrometry by numerical calculation method7
Novel X-ray scanning technique for in-situ alignment of photo-detectors in the MEGII calorimeter7
Application feasibility of median modified Wiener filter (MMWF) algorithm for customized breast ACR phantom images using 3D printing technology in mammography7
Editorial Board7
Hog (HDL on Git): An easy system to handle HDL on a git-based repository7
Cable loop calibration system for Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory7
Improved evaluation of safeguards parameters from spent fuel measurements with the Differential Die-Away (DDA) instrument7
Study of nanodiamond photocathodes for MPGD-based detectors of single photons7
Improving the robustness of Micromegas detector with resistive DLC anode for the upgrade of the TPC readout chambers of the MPD experiment at the NICA collider7