Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Inter

(The TQCC of Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Inter is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Activation cross section measurement of alpha-particle induced nuclear reactions on tantalum90
Quantitative elemental analysis of rat bone using micro-PIXE analysis54
Effect of inelastic ion collisions on low-gain avalanche detectors explained by an ASi-Si -defect mode53
Neural network-based nuclear charge Z identification from ionization chamber waveforms of low-energy heavy ions22
First demonstration of a triton beam using target normal sheath acceleration21
Alpha induced gamma emission spectroscopy for the determination of nitrogen in materials20
Routine procedures of organic carbon preparation for 14C measurements at the Ocean University of China19
Detection of recurrent fluorescence from anthracene using an electrostatic ion beam trap19
Characterization of particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10) in an urban area in Amman by PIXE, PESA, optical and gravimetric measurements19
Preliminary progress report on 10Be and 26Al sample preparation at the IHEG, CAGS AMS laboratory19
Improved production and purification of 240Am by deuteron-induced activation of 240Pu target18
Morphological and microstructural evolutions of chemical vapor reaction-fabricated SiC under argon ion irradiation17
A study on the gamma and swift heavy ion irradiation-induced effects on the electrical properties of TaO -based MOS capacitors16
236U analyses with the ETH Zurich MILEA prototype system15
Influence of high-current pulsed electron beam irradiation on elemental diffusion and mechanical properties of copper/316L stainless-steel bonded joints15
Nanostructuring, fractal characterization and wettability of ion irradiated Au thin films and their thickness effect15
On the energy-loss straggling of protons in elemental solids: The importance of electron bunching14
Charge state distributions of Xenon ions with keV kinetic energies transmitted through graphene and carbon self-supporting foils13
Average charges of superheavy Fl (Z=114), Mc (Z13
Significant enhancement in sensitivity of graphene gas detectors induced by highly charged ion irradiation13
Determination of upper limit of Guinier approximation on dilute polydisperse system in SAXS12
Analysis of radiation defects in gallium nitride using deep level transient spectra and first principles methods12
Response of commercial Si-IGBT to neutrons and direction dependency12
Study on displacement damage effect of highly charged ions in carbon nanotube field-effect transistor12
A machine learning approach to self-consistent RBS data analysis and combined uncertainty evaluation11
Increasing the rate capability for the cryogenic stopping cell of the FRS Ion Catcher11
A universal gain theory of the multiplying layer in EBCMOS based on elastic and inelastic scattering11
Photonuclear production of the medical isotope 67Cu11
Bremsstrahlung X-rays as a non-invasive tool for ion beam monitoring10
Investigating radioactive negative ion production via double electron capture10
The specificity intrinsic luminescence of a CsI crystal under the influence of low-temperature elastic deformation10
The comparison of bulk and in-situ irradiation damage on cubic-Lu2TiO5 and orthorhombic-La2TiO510
Editorial Board9
Low energy radioactive ion beams at SPES for nuclear physics and medical applications9
Scanning conversion electronic Mössbauer spectroscopy of local surface layers of materials9
Decay-correlated mass measurement technique via multi-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrograph with the 9
Mass tagging: Verification and calibration of particle identification by high-resolution mass measurements9
Secondary particle intensity for experimental range verification in carbon ion therapy9
Coping with the stochasticity of collision cascades in Molecular Dynamics simulations9
Progress towards the FRIB-EDM39
14th European conference on accelerators in applied research and technology8
Large-acceptance isotope identification array FAZIA: Status and R&D activities for upgrade8
RAPTOR: A new collinear laser ionization spectroscopy and laser-radiofrequency double-resonance experiment at the IGISOL facility8
Differential cross–section measurements for the proton-induced alpha and deuteron reactions and elastic scattering on 9Be, suitable for Ion beam analysis applications8
Coulomb explosion of BeO− molecular ions – Revisited8
Fine structure of the tracks of several-tens-MeV Au ions in YBa2Cu3O7-x studied by cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy8
New fast-timing γ-ray detection system in Korea: KHALA8
Gas stopping and reacceleration techniques at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB)8
Nanostructure distribution in multilayered Al alloy sheets analyzed by quantitative small-angle X-ray scattering tomography8
Research on the surface damage of Si+ and H+ co-implanted 6H-SiC before and after annealing8
Application of spectrum smoothing to improve the accuracy of atomic inner-shell ionization cross sections impacted by electron near the threshold energy8
‘Searching for a needle in a haystack;’ A Ba-tagging approach for an upgraded nEXO experiment8
Reconditioning of the Leuven Isotope Separator as a test bench for radioactive ion beam development8
Comparison of PMMA shrinkage in ion beam lithography: PMMA on glass substrate vs free-standing PMMA film8
Reappraisal of lagoon specific local marine reservoir effects in Tongatapu, the Kingdom of Tonga, over the last 3000 years8
Offline commissioning of a new gas cell for the MARA Low-Energy Branch8
Alpha particle induced reactions on 151Eu: Possibility of production of 152Tb radioisotope for PET imaging7
Detection limit for secondary ions of organic molecules under MeV ion bombardment7
Ion-trapping properties of SCRIT: Time evolutions of 138Ba charge state distributions7
Developments at TRIUMF’s laser resonance ionization ion source & multi-element operation7
Monte Carlo analysis of the contributions of long-lived positronium to the spectra of positron-impact-induced secondary electrons measured using an annihilation-gamma-triggered time-of-flight spectrom7
The features of the structural state and phase composition of the surface layer of aluminum alloy Al-Mg-Cu-Zn-Zr irradiated by the high current electron beam7
Crystal rainbow channeling potential for 〈1 0 0〉 and 〈1 1 1〉 cubic crystallographic crystals7
Mg K-shell x-ray emission induced by various ions7
Transfer reaction measurements using SNACK at KoBRA7
Multi-purpose low energy beam transport system for light heavy-ion beam accelerator7
Silicon tracker for cluster-knockout reactions at intermediate energies7
Charge-state dynamics of heavy-ion beams penetrating a hydrogen plasma7
Time-of-flight apparatus for the measurement of slow positronium emitted by nanochannel converters at cryogenic temperatures7
Deep levels in ion implanted n-type homoepitaxial GaN: Ion mass, tilt angle and dose dependence7
Editorial Board7
Investigating changes in the diffuse reflectance spectra of BaSO4 powders modified with SiO2 nanoparticles exposed to proton irradiation7
Developments at the CERN-ISOLDE Offline 2 mass separator7
Commissioning results of single bunch selection system for the RAON heavy-ion accelerator facility7
Calculation study of selective ion extraction from ion source with Paul-trap-type laser cooling device7
The relative yields of trace-element-carbide anions from a Cs+-sputtered graphite target and their use for evaluating the long-term ion source memory in AMS7
A reassessment of the quasi-simultaneous arrival effect in secondary ion mass spectrometry7
Pulsed operation of a SNICS ion source – ionization efficiency and ion current output6
Simulation of large angle backscattering spectra of channeled protons in Geant46
A direct-AMS assessment of Re-Os in a Cigar Lake uranium ore specimen6
Low-energy protons shallow spread-out Bragg peak imaging with a lithium fluoride crystal6
Effect of crystal parameters and orientation on the angular distribution of diffracted transition radiation from relativistic electrons6
The effect of continuous electron beam scanning process on the microstructure and geometry of U-5.5 wt%Nb alloy6
Radiation suppression and its oscillatory dependence on target thickness at passing of fast charged particles through an ultrathin crystal6
Differential cross sections for 7Li(3He,p0~4)9Be, 7Li(3He,d0)8Be and 6Li(3He6
An in situ cosmogenic 14C extraction system at the Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo6
Effect of high temperature annealing and SHI irradiation on the migration behaviour of Xe implanted into glassy carbon6
Editorial Board6
Editorial Board6
Molecular dynamics simulations of displacement cascade near precipitate in zirconium alloys6
DNA irradiating system with 35-keV electron beam6
First-principles study of the electronic stopping power of Zn for protons6
Differential cross-section measurements of the 6Li(d,nʹγ)7Be, 6Li(d,pʹγ)7Li, 7Li(d,dʹγ)7Li and 19F(d,pʹγ)20F reactions suitable for PIGE applications6
Comparison Of Alpha and X-ray Irradiation Effects in nMAG Polymer Gels Used for Dosimetry Applications6
Influence of beam power on the surface architecture and corrosion behavior of electron-beam treated Co-Cr-Mo alloys6
Characteristic features of relief formation on the surface of Ni3Al and Ni3Al-TiC composites as a result of low-energy high-current electron beam irradiation6
Photocurrent improvement from magnetron DC sputtered and thermally treated ruthenium-based catalyst decoration onto BiVO4 photoanodes6
Machine learning predictions for cross-sections of 43,44Sc radioisotope production by alpha-induced reactions on Ca target6
Measurement of the natDy(p,x) nuclear reactions cross-sections6
Age offsets between radiocarbon samples and changes in Holocene depositional ocean environments captured in sediment cores near Ube City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan6
Changes in molecular conformation and electronic structure of DNA under 12C ions based on first-principles calculations6
X-ray detected ferromagnetic resonance techniques for the study of magnetization dynamics6
Corrigendum to “Contribution of molecular orbital promotion to the electronic stopping cross section at slow atom solid collisions”. [Nucl. Inst. Methods Phys. Res. B (2024) 165217]6
Editorial Board6
Study of different degradation effects in UV-sensitive polymers using xenon lamp and deuterium lamp to simulate UV irradiation in space environment6
Editorial Board6
High demagnification probe-forming systems with spherical aberration correction for a nuclear microprobe6
Thermoluminescence characteristics of unannealed and a high temperature annealed green beryl6
Electron and positron impact single ionization TDCS of argon atoms in the second Born approximation6
Editorial Board5
14C AMS measurement of gas diluted reactor graphite using a Gas Injection System5
Effect of neutron–photon converter materials (Cd, Gd, and Sm) on the positron production in a reactor-based slow positron beamline5
Spatial variations of 10Be in surface snow along the inland traverse route of Japanese Antarctic Research Expeditions5
Radiation from a charge drifting along a cylindrical channel5
Te L-shell X-ray production cross section induced by lower energy H+ and He2+ ions5
Initial tests of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry with the Argonne Gas-Filled Analyzer and the commissioning of the MONICA detector5
Surface characterization of CaF2 crystals irradiated with MeV ions below charge state equilibrium5
Research on charged particle identification of telescope in heavy-ion collisions at low and intermediate energies based on optimization algorithms5
Cyclotron-produced neutrons measurements using chlorine activation5
Bremsstrahlung on noble gases at low energies5
Production of medical radioisotope 167Tm by photonuclear reactions on natural ytterbium5
Measurement and calculation of isomeric cross section ratios for the natW(3He, x)184m,gRe reactions5
Editorial Board5
Measurement of thick target neutron yield from 80.5 MeV/u 12C incidence on Be, C, W, and Pb targets5
AMS measurements of 14C, 36Cl, and 239/240Pu samples taken in a ‘small facility’5
Editorial Board5
Probing the spatial dimensions of nanoscale patterns with Rutherford backscattering spectrometry5
First “Skin Depth” estimations using GEANT4 and FLUKA based simulations for CERN secondary beamlines5
Sequential quartz purification of 125–63 µm material for in-situ cosmogenic nuclide analysis5
Inner-shell ionisation of Xeq+5
Editorial Board5
Proton beam induced degradation of Pioloform® (polyvinyl butyral (PVB)) support films used for analysis of biomedical tissue sections5
Characterization of hourly-collected airborne particulate matters from an automated sampling unit of the atmospheric environmental regional observation system by in-air micro-PIXE analysis5
Dose measurements of simulated tumour movement during respiration using a polymer gel dosimeter5
Characterising the pigment on a Mesolithic cranium from Corsica using ion beam analysis5
Monte Carlo simulations of electron interactions with the DNA molecule: A complete set of physics models for Geant4-DNA simulation toolkit5
Monte Carlo simulation of the effective Sherman function for electron polarimetry in the few-MeV energy range5
McChasy2: New Monte Carlo RBS/C simulation code designed for use with large crystalline structures5
Creation of gold nanoparticles in langasite5
Simulation and experimental studies on the formation of high-power titanium ion beams for the synergy of ion implantation and energy impact on the surface5
The study of channeling parameters of protons along axial and planar directions of Si5
Current status of In-flight fragment separator for RAON5
Molecular dynamics simulations on the interactions between basal edge dislocation and point defects in magnesium at low temperature5
Editorial Board5
Comparative study on the radiation resistance of pure and He-doped Gd2Zr2O7 pyrochlore by DFT + U calculation5
Status report: A decade of traditional radiocarbon dating applications by DirectAMS5
Solubility enhancement and Au-Ni bimetallic alloy formation in immiscible Au/Ni multilayers by ion irradiation5
Release behavior of an interstitial helium atom from 3C-SiC(100) subsurface: A first-principles study5
AMS 14C dating of bioapatite: Advantage and disadvantage5
Visualization and characterization of ion latent tracks in semicrystalline polymers by FESEM5
Study of atomic excitation in sputtering in collisions of highly charged Xeq+ ions with Al surface5
A new AMS facility MILEA at the Nuclear Physics Institute in Řež, Czech Republic5
Transuranium isotopes at ISAC/TRIUMF5
Isobar separation of 32Si from 32S in AMS using a passive absorber5
Status of the target development for the RAON ISOL system4
On the interactions between alloying element niobium and interstitial/vacancy in Zr-Nb alloy: A first-principles study4
Beam testing of crystal focusing device with large angular acceptance4
Study of 3089 keV gamma-ray emission from the reaction of 12C(d, pγ1-0)13C for analytical applications4
The complex systems and biomedical sciences group at the ESRF: Current status and new opportunities after extremely brilliant source upgrade4
Ion beam analysis of Li-Sn alloys for fusion applications4
Simulation study on uniaxial tensile mechanical and thermal properties of rhenium tungsten alloys4
Editorial Board4
Ion fluence-dependent luminescence of the Yb2+ centre in an undoped YAG single crystal4
Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research section B: Beam interactions with materials and atoms4
First-principles study of Re in BCC-Mo: Diffusion behavior and interaction with point defects4
The irradiation resistance and mechanical properties of the high-entropy zirconate pyrochlore (La0.2Nd0.2Sm0.2Eu0.2Gd0.2)2Zr2O74
Assessment of metallic nanoparticles as radioenhancers in gastric cancer therapy by Geant4 simulation and local effect model4
ESR spectroscopic analysis of fructose as a dosimeter for gamma radiation4
Ion transmission spectroscopy of pores filled with Au nanoparticles4
On the possibility of quantitative W-Cr-Y analysis by grazing ion-surface scattering spectroscopy4
Effect of applied strain on radiation damage in CoCrFeNi concentrated solid solution alloys: Insights from molecular dynamics simulations4
A study on radiation interactions, dose enhancement, and hydrolysis with metallic nanoparticles irradiated by 6 megavoltage X-rays: Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation4
The JANNuS-Saclay platform: New developments for the understanding of evolutions under irradiation in materials4
Editorial Board4
Effects of H vacancies on photochromic properties of oxygen-containing yttrium hydride4
Study on fragmentation dynamics of NH32+ induced by electron impact4
Oxygen ion irradiation: Insights into the structural modifications of CVD-grown graphene4
Atmospheric deposition of 10Be in Altzomoni rainfall4
Disorder induced in GaN thin films by 200 MeV silver ions4
Adsorption mechanism of Eu onto newly synthesized fluorous-compound-impregnating adsorbent4
Phase and composition analysis of erbium deuteride thin films prepared by magnetron reactive sputtering for proton source target4
Surface modification of NiTi alloy by ion and gas cluster ion irradiation. The role of chemical segregation4
Electronic states of fluorinated DNA components revealed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy4
Editorial Board4
Measurement of flux-weighted average cross-section in the photo-neutron reactions of Nb at the bremsstrahlung end-point energies of 20 MeV and 67 MeV4
Analysis of location and LET dependence of single event transient in 14 nm SOI FinFET4
Modelling the strain build-up in nitrogen implanted tungsten films on silicon substrates4
Characterization of microstructures and mechanical property of Fe-ion-irradiated China A508-3 steel4
Radiocarbon analysis as a method for verifying atmospheric CO2 uptake during carbon mineralization4
Corrigendum to “Charcoals as indicators of historical mortar age of medieval Czech castle Pyšolec” [Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. B: Beam Interact. Mater. Atoms 528 (2022), 8–14]4
Study on surface alloying of 38CrMoAl steel by electron beam4
Effect of γ-rays irradiation on optical and structural properties of the perovskite 128° Y-cut LiNbO3 single crystal4
Measurement of the 10B(d,α0)8Be, 10B(d,α1)8Be*, 10B(d,p2)9Be*, 11B(d,α0)9Be, and 11B(d,α2)9Be* reactions cross-sections at the deuteron energies up to 2.2 MeV4
The energy transfer of electronic excitations to impurities in dosimetric phosphors BaSO44
Measurements of displacement cross sections of metals for 120-GeV proton beam irradiation4
Chlorine-36 deposition at Tsukuba, Japan, after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident4
BaTiO3-B2O3-MgO-Na2O-CaO glass series: Radiation shielding, thermal, and mechanical properties4
Phenomenological theory of nanoscale pattern formation on ion-irradiated (001) crystal surfaces4
Preparation of antistatic AZO/Al2O3-ZnO-Y2O3 composite thermal control coating and its study on electron-resistance radiation performance4
Secondary electron emission yield measurements of dielectrics based on a novel collector-only method4
Behavior of Cu-Y2O3 and CuCrZr-Y2O3 composites before and after irradiation4
Effects of He-ion irradiation on microstructures of low activation Ti-Ta-V alloy from atomic simulations and irradiation experiments4
Ultra small mass AMS 14C sample preparation and analyses at NIES-TERRA AMS facility4
Contribution of molecular orbital promotion to the electronic stopping cross section at slow atom solid collisions4
Corrigendum to “Effects of He-ion irradiation on microstructures of low activation Ti-Ta-V alloy from atomic simulations and irradiation experiments” [Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., B. 543 (2023) 4
Simulations of 1-MeV proton transmission through an insulating conical macrocapillary: Further insight into transmission mechanisms4
Effect of titanium doping on deuterium behaviour in tungsten under low-energy deuterium plasma irradiation4
Corrigendum to “Ion beam analysis for recession determination and composition estimate of aerospace thermal protection system materials” [Nucl. Inst. Methods Phys. Res. B 467 (2020) 53–57]4
Determination of the interaction potential for H-Au from backscattering and transmission experiments4
Influence of implanted 150 keV Fe ion and 100 keV Mg ions on hydrogen absorption by Pd/Ti/V/Pd/Ti multilayer films on Ti substrate4
Editorial Board3
Measurement of isomeric yield ratios for 104m,gAg and 106m,gAg isotopes using bremsstrahlung end-point energies of 45–75 MeV3
Facilitating focussed proton radiation of single cells by automated cell targeting and novel design of live cell chamber3
Spectroscopic and electrical changes in Lr-115 type II nuclear track detector before and after gamma radiation3
Scintillation properties of In-doped NaI transparent ceramics3
Multiscale insights into the radiation effect of semiconductor materials3
Real-time monitoring of the orthohydrogen fraction in a liquid hydrogen moderator3
Optical and radiation response properties of Nd-doped BaTi4O9 crystals emitting near-infrared photons3
Dissolution of Nb-doped hydroxyapatite prepared via low-temperature mechanochemical method: Spectroscopy studies3
Parameters of cascade mixing for FeCr alloy: Results of atomistic simulation3
Excitation functions of natNi(p, x) reactions in the energy range of 75–100 MeV3
CATLIFE (Complementary Arm for Target LIke FragmEnts): Spectrometer for Target like fragments at VAMOS++3
Energy landscape of hydrogen in the vicinity of monovacancy in beryllium3
2MeV He ion irradiation of zirconium carbide coatings: Effects of substrate type3
Editorial Board3
Design and assessment of novel CeO2/Gd2O3-PVDC nanocomposite for diagnostic X-ray shielding applications: A Monte Carlo study3
Development of an in situ ion irradiation scanning electron microscope3
RFID chip card modules from employee identity cards as OSL based retrospective dosimeters3
Development of an optical method for temperature measurements of the ISAC targets at TRIUMF3
Oscillator model applied to 2D materials: Energy loss of relativistic charged particles3
Investigate structural, morphological, electrical, dielectric and magnetic properties of dysprosium doped Cobalt-Nickel ferrites and their response to gamma irradiation3
Improvements in the PIXE system of the CENTA laboratory with application in the contamination studies of tree rings in Slovakia3
Commissioning of the ERDA-TOF beamline at the ion beam laboratory in Madrid3
Editorial Board3
120 MeV Ag9+3
Radiation hardness study of BC408 plastic scintillator under 80 MeV proton beam irradiations3
Emulation of the curiosity rover alpha particle X-ray spectrometer with accelerator-based PIXE: II3
Extending defect models for Si processing: The role of energy barriers for defect transformation, entropy and coalescence mechanism3
Influence of magnetic field of a radial focusing external magnetically insulated diode on emission behavior of intense pulsed ion beam3
Trace metal analysis of United States silver coins using ICP-MS and XRF3
Study on the production of hydrogen atomic beams by stripping negative hydrogen ions in a gas target3
Angular momentum of radiation from a charge drifting along a cylindrical channel in a magnetic field3
An examination on the porosity of ErF<3
iBAT: A new ion beam batch analysis tool for thin samples3
Study on the ablative characteristics of steel target irradiated by nanosecond pulsed pseudo spark electron beams: Experiment and molecular dynamics simulation3
Super-SIMS at DREAMS: Status of a unique and complex endeavour3
Electrostatic focusing lens system for low MeV-ion microprobe: A simulation and optimization study3
Preliminary results on neutrons TOF experiment using the Neutron Array3
PHELIX – A new soft X-ray spectroscopy beamline at SOLARIS synchrotron3
Low-energy heavy-ion-beam-induced mutation of novel high-yielding drought-tolerant Thai Jasmine rice3