Neuroscience Research

(The TQCC of Neuroscience Research is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Fully automatic REM sleep stage-specific intervention systems using single EEG in mice103
Distinct subdivisions of subcortical U-fiber regions in the gyrencephalic ferret brain54
Targeted upregulation of dMyc restricts JNK-mediated degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the paraquat-induced Parkinson’s disease model of Drosophila44
Molecular mechanisms underlying activity-dependent ischemic tolerance in the brain37
Time course of functional recovery after 1 cm sciatic nerve resection in rats with or without surgical intervention - measured by grip strength and locomotor activity36
Cellular bases for reward-related dopamine actions35
Neurochemical phenotypes of huntingtin-associated protein 1 in reference to secretomotor and vasodilator neurons in the submucosal plexuses of rodent small intestine34
Ultrasound-driven exercise training ameliorates degeneration of ultrasonic responses in Caenorhabditis elegans33
Song-related brain auditory activity in Bengalese finches as examined by immediate early gene expressions: Comparison of arousal states and the correlational analyses between brain regions31
Sleep sharp wave ripple and its functions in memory and synaptic plasticity29
Flexible information representation to stabilize sensory perception despite minor external input variations27
Learning from illusions: From perception studies to perspective-taking interventions26
Neuroprotective role of calreticulin after spinal cord injury in mice24
Dynamic neuronal instability generates synaptic plasticity and behavior: Insights from Drosophila sleep22
Biological interactions and attenuation of MPTP-induced toxicity in Drosophila melanogaster by Trans-astaxanthin22
SUMOylation effects on neural stem cells self-renewal, differentiation, and survival21
Emerging computational motifs: Lessons from the retina21
Phldb2 is essential for regulating hippocampal dendritic spine morphology through drebrin in an adult-type isoform-specific manner19
Gaining insights into the internal states of the rodent brain through vocal communications19
Acidic oligosaccharide sugar chain combined with hyperbaric oxygen delays D-galactose-induced brain senescence in mice via attenuating oxidative stress and neuroinflammation19
Astrocytes regulate neuronal network activity by mediating synapse remodeling19
Somatosensory evoked magnetic fields induced by electrical palate stimulation in patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate after palatoplasty19
Constructive understanding of multi-scale dynamism of psychiatric disorders18
Antidepressant-like effect of male mating behavior through oxytocin-induced CREB signaling18
Temporally multiplexed dual-plane imaging of neural activity with four-dimensional precision17
Dextran sulphate inhibits an association of prions with plasma membrane at the early phase of infection17
Novel characterization of subjective visual vertical in patients with unilateral spatial neglect17
Differential early effects of traumatic brain injury on spike-wave discharges in Sprague-Dawley rats16
Proteomic analysis involved with synaptic plasticity improvement by GABAA receptor blockade in hippocampus of a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease16
Isoflurane effects on the N1 and other long-latency auditory evoked potentials in Wistar rats16
Natural and forced neurogenesis in the adult brain: Mechanisms and their possible application to treat neurological disorders16
Immediate and cumulative effects of high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on cognition and neuronal excitability in mice16
Cerebellar outputs contribute to spontaneous and movement-related activity in the motor cortex of monkeys16
Neuroinflammation: Breaking barriers and bridging gaps15
The diffuse distribution of Nav1.2 on mid-axonal regions is a marker for unmyelinated fibers in the central nervous system15
Time- and area-dependent macrophage/microglial responses after focal infarction of the macaque internal capsule14
Slow progression of sciatic nerve degeneration and regeneration after loose ligation through microglial activation and decreased KCC2 levels in the mouse spinal cord ventral horn14
Projections from the lowest thoracic and upper lumbar segments to the cerebellar cortex in the rat: An anterograde tracing study14
Editorial Board14
Autoradiographic labelling of 5-HT3 receptors in the hemi-parkinsonian rat brain14
Shank3a/b isoforms regulate the susceptibility to seizures and thalamocortical development in the early postnatal period of mice14
Glial roles in sterile inflammation after ischemic stroke13
Hydrogen sulfide induces Ca2+ release from intracellular Ca2+ stores and stimulates lactate production in spinal cord astrocytes13
Astaxanthin suppresses endoplasmic reticulum stress and protects against neuron damage in Parkinson's disease by regulating miR-7/SNCA axis13
Hippocampal volume reduction is associated with direct measure of insulin resistance in adults13
Ventral tegmental area amylin / calcitonin receptor signaling suppresses feeding and weight gain in female rats12
Recovery of node of ranvier structure in optic nerve under visual deprivation12
TDP-43 is essential for Eph receptor-class-specific spinal motor axon trajectory into the limb12
Microglia modulate sleep/wakefulness under baseline conditions and under acute social defeat stress in adult mice12
Effects of eEF1A2 knockdown on autophagy in an MPP+-induced cellular model of Parkinson’s disease12
Test-retest reliability of prepulse inhibition paradigm using auditory evoked potentials12
Bidirectional relationship between sleep and depression12
Frequency-dependent effects of EEG phase resetting on reaction time12
Protein kinases A and C regulate amyloid-β degradation by modulating protein levels of neprilysin and insulin-degrading enzyme in astrocytes11
Corpus callosum morphology across the lifespan in baboons (Papio anubis): A cross-sectional study of relative mid-sagittal surface area and thickness11
Concordant pattern of the HPA axis response to visceral stimulation and CRH administration11
Future projections for mammalian whole-brain simulations based on technological trends in related fields11
Large-scale foundation models and generative AI for BigData neuroscience11
Myelin plasticity modulates neural circuitry required for learning and behavior11
Editorial Board11
Different modes of stimuli delivery elicit changes in glutamate driven, experience-dependent interneuron response in C. elegans10
CREB-mediated generation and neuronal growth regulates the behavioral improvement of geniposide in diabetes-associated depression mouse model10
The Medaka approach to evolutionary social neuroscience10
Neuronal structures controlling locomotor behavior during active and inactive motor states10
Neurexin1 level in Huntington’s Disease and decreased Neurexin1 in disease progression10
Dual activation of Shh and Notch signaling induces dramatic enlargement of neocortical surface area10
Combinatrial treatment of anti-High Mobility Group Box-1 monoclonal antibody and epothilone B improves functional recovery after spinal cord contusion injury10
Hemiplegic migraine type 2 with new mutation of the ATP1A2 gene in Japanese cases9
Astrocytes and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)9
Individual electric field predicts functional connectivity changes after anodal transcranial direct-current stimulation in chronic stroke9
5,6,7 trihydroxy flavone armoured neurodegeneration caused by Quinolinic acid induced huntington’s like disease in rat striatum - reinstating the level of brain neurotrophins with special reference to9
Correlations of brain structure with the social behavior of 15q11-13 duplication mice, an animal model of autism9
Volume electron microscopy for genetically and molecularly defined neural circuits9
Determination of affected brain regions at various stages of Alzheimer's disease9
Monosynaptic rabies virus tracing from projection-targeted single neurons9
Changes in efficiencies and interactions of attentional networks in Parkinson’s disease with sleep disturbance9
Early life stress and altered social behaviors: A perspective across species9
Delayed gramicidin delivery through an intra-pipette capillary facilitates perforated patch recordings9
Metformin reduces neuroinflammation and improves cognitive functions after traumatic brain injury9
Relationship between infantile mother preference and neural regions activated by maternal contact in C57BL/6 mice9
Modulation of oxygen tension, acidosis, and cell density is crucial for neural differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem cells9
Nicotine promotes angiogenesis in mouse brain after intracerebral hemorrhage9
Analysis of differential gene expression and transcript usage in hippocampus of Apoe null mutant mice: Implications for Alzheimer’s disease8
Deciphering the spectrum of astrocyte diversity: Insights into molecular, morphological, and functional dimensions in health and neurodegenerative diseases8
Loss of neuronal activity facilitates surface accumulation of p75NTR and cell death in avian cochlear nucleus8
Spatiotemporal regulation of developmental neurite pruning: Molecular and cellular insights from Drosophila models8
Contribution of the retrosplenial cortex to route selection in a complex maze8
Biopsychosocial determinants of visuospatial memory performance according to different spaces8
Perivascular Hedgehog responsive cells play a critical role in peripheral nerve regeneration via controlling angiogenesis8
Positive allosteric modulator of GLT-1 reduces methamphetamine hyperlocomotion, sensitization and conditioned place preference in mice8
Conversion of silent synapses to AMPA receptor-mediated functional synapses in human cortical organoids8
Regulation of adult-born and mature neurons in stress response and antidepressant action in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus8
Chitotriosidase attenuates brain inflammation via HDAC3/NF-κB pathway in D-galactose and aluminum-induced rat model with cognitive impairments8
Computational models of Idling brain activity for memory processing8
Microbiota-gut-brain axis in the Alzheimer's disease pathology - an overview8
Potential mechanism of GABA secretion in response to the activation of GluK1-containing kainate receptors8
Human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived dopaminergic neurons release alpha-synuclein through neuronal activity8
New ways of studying subjective experience8
Pim1 kinase provides protection against high glucose-induced stress and apoptosis in cultured dorsal root ganglion neurons8
Zinc finger protein 501 maintains glioblastoma cell growth through enhancing Frizzled-6 expression8
Developmental and postdevelopmental roles of septins in the brain8
Destroy the old to build the new: Activity-dependent lysosomal exocytosis in neurons8
Endogenous human retrovirus-K is not increased in the affected tissues of Japanese ALS patients7
Large scale similarity search across digital reconstructions of neural morphology7
High expression of miR-374a-5p inhibits the proliferation and promotes differentiation of Rencell VM cells by targeting Hes17
Fluoxetine, but not paroxetine, alters the jaw-closing muscle activity during non-rapid eye movement sleep in mice7
Probing neuronal activity with genetically encoded calcium and voltage fluorescent indicators7
Ginsenoside Rb1, a principal effective ingredient of Panax notoginseng, produces pain antihypersensitivity by spinal microglial dynorphin A expression7
Cortical nicotinic enhancement of tone-evoked heightened activities and subcortical nicotinic enlargement of activated areas in mouse auditory cortex7
Primary and secondary olfactory centres in human ontogeny7
Homeostatic disturbance of thermoregulatory functions in rats with chronic fatigue7
Behavioral and histochemical characterization of sexually dimorphic responses to acute social isolation and reunion in mice7
Functional roles of REM sleep7
Elevated plasma zonulin and CAF22 are correlated with sarcopenia and functional dependency at various stages of Alzheimer’s diseases7
Breaking trade-offs: Development of fast, high-resolution, wide-field two-photon microscopes to reveal the computational principles of the brain7
The blues and rhythm7
Kolaviron stimulates glucose uptake with concomitant modulation of metabolic activities implicated in neurodegeneration in isolated rat brain, without perturbation of tissue ultrastructural morphology7
Glial activation precedes alpha-synuclein pathology in a mouse model of Parkinson’s disease7
MicroRNA-33 regulates the synaptic plasticity-related gene ARC in temporal lobe epilepsy7
Neural circuit mechanisms of sex and fighting in male mice7
Spatial and temporal diversity of DCLK1 isoforms in developing mouse brain6
Functional reorganization of locomotor kinematic synergies reflects the neuropathology in a mouse model of spinal cord injury6
Kv3.1 channels regulate the rate of critical period plasticity6
Prediction error in dopamine neurons during associative learning6
Cytoskeletal protein breakdown and serum albumin extravasation in MRI DWI-T2WI mismatch area in acute murine cerebral ischemia6
Transcranial direct current stimulation of the LTPJ shifts the agent’s behaviors in repeated hold-up game6
Deciphering Ca2+-controlled biochemical computation governing neural circuit dynamics via multiplex imaging6
Deeper neural network models better reflect how humans cope with contrast variation in object recognition6
Whole-brain afferent input mapping to functionally distinct brainstem noradrenaline cell types6
New granule cells in the olfactory bulb are associated with high respiratory input in an enriched odor environment6
Atypical cortical activation during fine motor tasks in autism spectrum disorder6
Nerve terminals in the tumor microenvironment as targets for local infiltration analgesia6
An open-source application to identify the three-dimensional locations of electrodes implanted into the rat brain from computed tomography images6