Annals of Pure and Applied Logic

(The TQCC of Annals of Pure and Applied Logic is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Infinitesimal analysis without the Axiom of Choice10
Superstability, noetherian rings and pure-semisimple rings10
Profiniteness, monadicity and universal models in modal logic8
Editorial Board8
Complexity in the interdefinability of timelike, lightlike and spacelike relatedness of Minkowski spacetime8
Propositional union closed team logics7
Editorial Board7
Generating ideals by additive subgroups of rings7
Intuitionistic fixed point logic6
Editorial Board6
Different cofinalities of tree ideals6
A coinductive approach to proof search through typed lambda-calculi6
Continuous extension of maps between sequential cascades6
Cardinality of wellordered disjoint unions of quotients of smooth equivalence relations5
Model theory of adeles I5
B-frame duality5
Quantifier elimination on some pseudo-algebraically closed valued fields5
On minimal flows and definable amenability in some distal NIP theories5
A large pairwise far family of Aronszajn trees5
Regular projections in o-minimal structures5
Expansions of the group of integers by Beatty sequences4
Editorial Board4
First-order rigidity of rings satisfying polynomial identities4
Reinhardt cardinals and iterates of V4
Quantifier elimination for o-minimal structures expanded by a valuational cut4
On duality and model theory for polyadic spaces4
Extending Hrushovski's groupoid-cover correspondence using simplicial groupoids4
A parametrised functional interpretation of Heyting arithmetic4
Indestructibility of ideals and MAD families4
Finite undecidability in PAC and PRC fields4
Halfway new cardinal characteristics4
Editorial Board4
A characterization of Σ14
A logico-geometric comparison of coherence for non-additive uncertainty measures4
The definability of E in self-iterable mice3
When P(λ) (vaguely) resembles κ3
Sets in Prikry and Magidor generic extensions3
The number of axioms3
Some simple theories from a Boolean algebra point of view3
Taming Koepke's Zoo II: Register machines3
Editorial Board3
Enumerating teams in first-order team logics3
Universal proof theory: Semi-analytic rules and Craig interpolation3
Abelian group actions and hypersmooth equivalence relations3
Strong minimal pairs in the enumeration degrees3
Constructing the constructible universe constructively3
The comparison lemma3
Long games and σ-projective sets3
A characterisation of elementary fibrations3
μ-clubs of P(λ): Paradise in heaven3
Sharp Vaught's conjecture for some classes of partial orders3
First-order model theory of free projective planes3
Infinitary action logic with exponentiation3
Counterfactual and seeing-to-it responsibilities in strategic games2
Tractability frontiers in probabilistic team semantics and existential second-order logic over the reals2
On bi-embeddable categoricity of algebraic structures2
Editorial Board2
Criteria for exact saturation and singular compactness2
Cohen preservation and independence2
Coherence in inquisitive first-order logic2
End extending models of set theory via power admissible covers2
Reasoning with belief functions over Belnap–Dunn logic2
Bilinear spaces over a fixed field are simple unstable2
Two-cardinal ideal operators and indescribability2
Reflection algebras and conservation results for theories of iterated truth2
Elementary analytic functions in VT2
Topological fields with a generic derivation2
An approach to stochastic processes via non-classical logic2
Preservation theorems for Namba forcing2
Separation logic and logics with team semantics2
Projective well orders and coanalytic witnesses2
Capturing sets of ordinals by normal ultrapowers2
Elimination of quantifiers for a theory of real closed rings2
Universal proof theory: Feasible admissibility in intuitionistic modal logics2
Editorial Board2
An undecidability result for the asymptotic theory of p-adic fields2
The canonical pairs of bounded depth Frege systems2
Quantum set theory: Transfer Principle and De Morgan's Laws2
On the number of independent orders2
Editorial Board2
A Lindström theorem for intuitionistic first-order logic2
Model-completeness and decidability of the additive structure of integers expanded with a function for a Beatty sequence2
The structure of random automorphisms of the random graph2
The spectrum of independence, II2
Computational complexity of hybrid interval temporal logics2
Corrigendum to “On stably pointed varieties and generically stable groups in ACVF” [Ann. Pure Appl. Log. 170(2) (2019) 180–217]2
The computational complexity of module socles2
Determinacy from strong compactness of ω11
The Borel complexity of von Neumann equivalence1
Lipschitz and Wadge binary games in second order arithmetic1
Unbounded towers and products1
Editorial Board1
The fixed-point property for represented spaces1
Editorial Board1
Constructive strong regularity and the extension property of a compactification1
Small models, large cardinals, and induced ideals1
Fundamental sequences and fast-growing hierarchies for the Bachmann-Howard ordinal1
A short note on groups in separably closed valued fields1
Pure Σ2-elementarity beyond the core1
Forcing with copies of the Rado and Henson graphs1
Forcing the Π31
Arboreal categories and equi-resource homomorphism preservation theorems1
Metric spaces are universal for bi-interpretation with metric structures1
On middle box products and paracompact cardinals1
Choice and independence of premise rules in intuitionistic set theory1
Zero-dimensional σ-homogeneous spaces1
Bi-intermediate logics of trees and co-trees1
The isomorphism relation of theories with S-DOP in the generalised Baire spaces1
Editorial Board1
Admissible extensions of subtheories of second order arithmetic1
Games and Scott sentences for positive distances between metric structures1
Editorial Board1
Companionability characterization for the expansion of an o-minimal theory by a dense subgroup1
Easton's theorem for the tree property below ℵ1
Finitary unification in locally tabular modal logics characterized1
Quantifier-free epistemic term-modal logic with assignment operator1
Measurable cardinals and choiceless axioms1
Indestructibility properties of Ramsey and Ramsey-like cardinals1
Completion of choice1
Simple-like independence relations in abstract elementary classes1
On Farkas' lemma and related propositions in BISH1
The formal verification of the ctm approach to forcing1
Big Ramsey degrees in ultraproducts of finite structures1
Logics of intuitionistic Kripke-Platek set theory1
Equiconsistency of the Minimalist Foundation with its classical version1
Continuous L-domains in logical form1
Definably topological dynamics of p-adic algebraic groups1
Small cardinals and small Efimov spaces1
Fresh function spectra1
Almost o-minimal structures and X-structures1
Editorial Board1
On the geometric equivalence of algebras1
Club stationary reflection and other combinatorial principles at ℵ+21
Non-forking and preservation of NIP and dp-rank1
Derivatives of normal functions in reverse mathematics1
On the logical and computational properties of the Vitali covering theorem1
Computable Scott sentences and the weak Whitehead problem for finitely presented groups1
On Guaspari's problem about partially conservative sentences1
An Efimov space with character less than s1
Indifference to symmetry in Hrushovski's ab initio construction1
Editorial Board1
Editorial Board1
Foundations of iterated star maps and their use in combinatorics1
The Hart-Shelah example, in stronger logics1
Positive modal logic beyond distributivity1
Editorial Board1
Denseness results in the theory of algebraic fields1
A consistency result on long cardinal sequences1
Punctual definability on structures1
Adequate predimension inequalities in differential fields1
Arithmetical completeness theorems for monotonic modal logics1
Can you take Komjath's inaccessible away?1
Local collection and end-extensions of models of compositional truth1
Dp-finite fields I(B): Positive characteristic1
First-order reasoning and efficient semi-algebraic proofs1
Towards a finer classification of strongly minimal sets1
A characterization of generalized existential completions1
On existential definitions of c.e. subsets of rings of functions of characteristic 01
On the relationship between mutual and tight stationarity1
Editorial Board1
Extreme types and extremal models1