International Journal of Psychophysiology

(The TQCC of International Journal of Psychophysiology is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
N1 facilitation at short Inter-Stimulus-Interval (ISI) occurs under 400 ms and is dependent on ISI from previous sounds: Evidence using an unpredictable auditory stimulation sequence61
Parasympathetic cardiac control during attentional focus and worry in major depressive disorder50
Investigating the impact of offer frame manipulations on responders playing the ultimatum game49
Extreme sleep state misperception: From psychopathology to objective-subjective sleep measures47
Craving and substance use: Examining psychophysiological and behavioral moderators44
Symposium Title: The Very Young Brain and the Auditory World39
Symposium Title: Electrophysiological Alterations in Neuropsychiatric Disorders: Highlights39
Facilitated extinction but impaired extinction recall by eye movement manipulation in humans – Indications for action mechanisms and the applicability of eye movement desensitization36
Editorial Board35
The lateralization and reliability of spatial mismatch negativity elicited by auditory deviants with virtual spatial location34
Quantitative EEG measures in profoundly deaf and normal hearing individuals while performing a vibrotactile temporal discrimination task33
International Organization of Psychophysiology33
Task-synchronized eye blink modulation neither requires visual stimulation nor active motor response and is modulated by task predictability33
Editorial Board32
International Organization of Psychophysiology31
Individual variation in diurnal cortisol in patients with knee osteoarthritis: Clinical correlates29
International Organization of Psychophysiology27
Neuropsychological variables across the menstrual cycle in eumenorrheic healthy women: Systematic review27
Psychophysiology of interoception: New methodological approaches25
Detection of emotional visual stimuli before 50 milliseconds25
The relationship of the heartbeat-evoked potential (HEP) with interoception and emotion in adolescents25
Revealing the dynamics of prospective memory processes in children with eye movements24
Understanding the capture of exogenous attention by disgusting and fearful stimuli: The role of interoceptive accuracy23
Effects of adaptive and non-adaptive three-week executive control training on interference control: Evidence from the N2, CRN, and ERN22
Self- And Other-Referential Processing: fMRI Functional Connectivity Study21
Negative emotions influence EEG correlates of inference formation during analogical reasoning21
Multimodal neurophysiological response in an auditory pattern-based stimulation paradigm20
Faster neural adaptation to neutral than to emotional prosodic sounds19
Paying attention to attentional bias: comparing EEG, fNIRS, eye-tracking and behavioral measures of attentional bias - a pilot study19
Editorial Board19
Real-Time fMRI Neurofeedback Solutions for Symptom-Specific Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders18
Research on the Listening Module in Film Music by Electroencephalography (EEG)16
Heart rate and heart rate variability: Unaffected by caffeine consumption16
Mothers' daily perception of stress influences their children's mental health during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic - an online survey15
Neural Dynamics of the Primate Attention Network15
Non-Linear Relationships Between Cognitive and Brain Reserve15
EEG-Based Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Older Adults and Its Link to Motor Performance15
Endogenous Cell Activity in Evolution14
Neurovegetative Uncoupling in the Visceral-Brain Axis and Psychological Vulnerability in Somatoform Disorders: Interest of Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback14
The Mechanisms of Learning and Memory at the Neuronal Receptors Level in Terrestrial Snail14
Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis dysfunction in women with premenstrual syndrome: a meta-analysis14
Gut-brain phase-amplitude recovery pattern after a cognitive overloading task differs in irritable bowel syndrom compared with that of healthy controls13
Top-Down’ Contextualized Processing of Stimuli Modulates Auditory Mismatch Responses in the Rat13
Friends and families: the effect of network support on nocturnal blood pressure dipping13
Within- and Between-Subject Consistency of Perceptual Segmentation in Periodic Noise13
A Research on the Mechanism of Excellent Social Belief of Learning Records, Affection, Driving out Laziness and Maintaining12
Electrocortical correlates of situational empathy pain12
Utopian Romantic Social Belief Recognition, Recognition, and Practice Self-Generation Mechanism12
Symposium Title: Computational Psychophysiology11
Understanding the Effects of Music on Pain and Anxiety11
Mind Control: Why, What and How11
Event-related potential correlates of social anxiety on working memory performance-an investigation of individual differences11
The Autistic Brain Can Process Local but Not Global Emotional Information in Faces and Music11
Alpha Oscillatory Activity Causally Linked to Working Memory Retention: Insights From Online Phase-Locking Closed-Loop Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation11
Does looking at a 360° video elicit stress-related psycho-physiological activation? A case in emergency professions11
Psychobiological correlates of gender and sexual minority stress – Findings from the Swiss LGBTIQ+ panel11
Relationship between sensory processing sensitivity (SPS) and empathic reaction for pain from psychophysiological perspective11
Deep Brain Stimulation as a Network Modulation Tool in Neurology and Psychiatry11
Impact of trait impulsivity on frontal asymmetry during motivational conflict11
An experimental study of mental chronometry among healthy medical students, using a virtual model for assessing the decision-making process11
Biophysical Modelling of Frequency Dependent Neural Entrainment and Its Persistence11
Music performance anxiety and audience presence: their influence on the music students’ neuroendocrine response across time during a music performance11
Towards Machine Learning-Driven EEG Biomarkers for Precision Mental Health11
BigBrain-HCP Compatible Multi-Modal Pipeline11
Development of speech-sound encoding in bilingual infants and children11
ERP Waveforms and Time-Varying Networks Analysis of a Novel Audiovisual P300-Speller Paradigm11
Individual differences in antisocial personality traits are associated with distinct patterns of emotional somatosensation and natural body posture10
Initial neural responses to emotional and neutral stimuli presenting different visual textures10
Gray matter volume atrophy related to glucose disturbances in schizophrenia with comorbidity of metabolic syndrome affected psychosis and therapeutic outcome: A Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Study10
Calm the waves – Emotion regulation using wearable sensor technology10
Segregation, Integration and Balance of Large-Scale Resting Brain Networks Configure Different Cognitive Abilities Across Individuals10
Resting-State EEG Microstates in Psychotic Disorders10
Individual differences in physiological responses to effortful listening10
Bilateral electrodermal asymmetry in competitive tasks10
Symposium Title: Music and Language: Two Domains in One Brain9
The effect of metronome beat of various rates on the complexity of the brain electrical activity9
Inhibitory control as a biobehavioral construct: Integrating perspectives across measurement modalities9
Editorial Board9
The influence of occipito-parietal alpha phase on visual processing and motor preparation9
Investigations of Brain Function During Sleep and Application to Insomnia Disorder Based on EEG-fMRI9
SleepTrip as a Tool to Create Analysis Pipelines for Investigations of Polysomnography in Clinical Populations9
Ovarian hormones shape associations between neural indices of cognitive control and anxiety9
Recent advances in the psychophysiology of effort I: Compensatory processes and self-control9
Assessment of the emotional sphere of children with atypical development using the CEDM9
Direct subthalamic nucleus stimulation influences speech and voice quality in Parkinson’s disease patients9
International Organization of Psychophysiology9
Influences of in vivo and ex vivo forces on cognitive control functions9
Fatigue and self-control: An emerging analysis of behavioral restraint intensity9
Pink Noise, White Noise and Noise-Corrected Traditional Band Activity in Major Depressive Disorder: Associations with Psychopathology8
Incongruence of ERP Components Parameters Reflecting Synaptic Cortical Pruning Disturbances in Paranoid Schizophrenia8
Unsupportive romantic partner behaviors increase neural reactivity to mistakes8
Sensing or feeling the body: The paradox of psychosomatic processing by chronic ruminators8
Is implicit cognitive conflict really effortful? Insights from studies on effort-related cardiac response8
International Organization of Psychophysiology8
Developmental changes in external and internal performance monitoring across middle childhood: An ERP study8
Exploring power in response inhibition tasks using the bootstrap: The impact of number of participants, number of trials, effect magnitude, and study design8
Evaluation of viewer’s interest in video clips using eye-fixation-related brain potentials8
Dissociable effects of cognitive control and motivation during reinforcement learning in depression8
Frequency principal components analysis (fPCA) of resting EEG: clinical applications8
HRV patterns associated with different affect regulation systems: Sex differences in adolescents8
Development of emotion processing and regulation: Insights from event-related potentials and implications for internalizing disorders8
Editorial Board8
Advances in the psychophysiology of affective learning and decision-making8
Brain Network Analysis via Graph-Theory on E.E.G. Recordings in Physiological and Pathological Brain Aging8
Event-related potentials to acoustic startle probes during unpredictable threat are associated with individual differences in intolerance of uncertainty7
Editorial Board7
Retroactive memory interference reduces false positive outcomes of informed innocents in the P300-based concealed information test7
Primary Research of Audio-Visual Working Memory Based on Event-Related Spectral Perturbation7
Parasympathetic Activity and Mental Health in Chinese Adolescents: The Role of Parental Migration7
Clinical Dissociated States and Hypnosis: An Electrophysiological Investigation7
Neurotherapeutic treatment approaches for adults and adolescents with antisocial characteristics7
Examining the role of future time perspective and age-related differences in the neural time course of emotional processing and memory7
International Organization of Psychophysiology7
The Correlation Between Gray Matter Volume and Verbal Episodic Memory Encoding7
International Organization of Psychophysiology7
Detection of Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy Based on Deep Transferred CNN and Structural Connectivity Maps7
Global Brain Consortium Open Science Platform7
Using the scalp tension EMG control for the increasing Neurofeedback efficiency in ADHD children7
A randomized controlled trial examined the effectiveness and feasibility of a game intervention for reducing geriatric anxiety7
Transferal From EEG to MEG7
Single-Shot Word Learning in the Developing Brain: ERP Evidence7
Experiential, expressive, and physiological effects of positive and negative emotion regulation goals while reappraising amusing stimuli7
Effect of B-Vitamin Therapy on Painful Muscle Cramps in Preclinical Carriers of Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 27
Temporal dynamics of explicit and implicit moral evaluations7
Sensory Feedback Processing in Auditory Verbal Hallucinations7
Speech perception requires higher-level attentional skills7
Vision and hearing share a common representation in superior temporal cortex despite the lack of multisensory experience7
Neuroimaging and Cognitive Outcome in At-Risk Infants7
Feedback, Biofeedback and Neurofeedback for motor control training7
Intense positive affect without arousal is possible: Subjective and physiological reactivity during a partnered sexual meditative experience6
Frequent media multitasking modulates the temporal dynamics of resting-state electroencephalography networks6
Inhibitory control associated with the neural mechanism of joint attention in preschoolers: An fNIRS evidence6
The N400 in readers with dyslexia: A systematic review and meta-analysis6
International Organization of Psychophysiology6
Interaction Effects of Action Video Game Experience and Trait Anxiety on Brain Functions Measured via EEG Rhythm6
Unraveling the Effects of Self-Generation and Predictability on Sensory Processing and Memory Encoding of Sounds6
Neurophysiology of Grasping Habits: Evidence From Movement-Related Cortical Potentials6
Sensory modality affects the spatiotemporal dynamics of alpha and theta oscillations associated with prospective memory6
Event Related Theta Oscillations During Sustained Attention6
Morphophysiological Basis of Anxiety (by Spielberger)6
Functional Connectivity Analysis in NCL of Pigeons at Various Levels of Anesthesia6
Differential Neural Tracking of Hierarchical Linguistic Structures Under Visual Modality6
Expressive suppression versus cognitive reappraisal: Effects on self-report and peripheral psychophysiology6
Frequency-Specific Association of the Brain Oscillation Power With the Functional Connectivity Pattern in Epilepsy Brain6
Treatment of Chemical Corneal Injury in Mice by Electrical Stimulation6
Editorial Board6
The EEG Study of First-Episode Schizophrenia During the Processing of the Cool Executive Task6
The Neural Correlates of Life Satisfaction: A Systematic Review of Magnetic Resonance Imaging6
Electrophysiological Markers of the Sense of Agency: Contributions of Temporal Proximity, Temporal Order and Action-Effect Congruency6
A Study of Using Expected Effect to Improve the Covert Attention ERP-BCI6
Intolerance of uncertainty and functional connectivity of the anterior insula during anticipation of unpredictable reward6
Grounding Novel Words Into Emotion: ERP Investigation6
A PWM-Based Method for Applying Ultrasound Neuro-Modulation6
Individuals Difference on Perceived Loneliness Based on Attention Bias: A Cluster-Based Permutation Test Method Study5
Relation Between the Phase-Lag Index and Lagged Coherence for Assessing Interactions in EEG and MEG Data5
Improved attention and performance monitoring in high procrastinating students after positive relative to negative norm-referenced feedback5
Editorial Board5
Emotion regulation tendencies and cardiovascular responses to repeated acute psychological stress5
Electroencephalographic hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease5
The effect of 24-hour sleep deprivation on subjective time perception5
Editorial Board5
The Processing of Verbs and Nouns Primed by Music Tempos5
Increased error rate and delayed response to negative emotional stimuli in antisaccade task in obsessive-compulsive disorder5
Ocular Parameters of Informational and Cognitive Load5
An EEG Study of the Brain Workload Under Virtual Reality and Real Environment5
Auditory event-related potentials in separating patients with depressive disorders and non-depressed controls: A narrative review5
Peak Frequency Decomposition: A Multivariate Method to Find Neural Sources of Peak Frequency Changes5
Influence of acute stress on attentional bias toward threat: How a previous trauma exposure disrupts threat apprehension5
International Organization of Psychophysiology5
Confidence in Equipment and Psychophysiology Cost of the Work5
The Effects of 40-Hz Binaural Beat on Working Memory5
Spontaneity matters! Network alterations before and after spontaneous and active facial self-touches: An EEG functional connectivity study5
The Effect of Transcranial Electrical Stimulation on the Brain Connectivity of Motor Imagery5
The Coordination Between Pedal and Finger Forces During Piano Playing in Classical Passage With Respect to the Quality of Sound5
Publisher’s note5
Vocalizing and singing reveal complex patterns of corollary discharge function in schizophrenia5
Resting heart rate variability and emotion regulation difficulties: Comparing Asian Americans and European Americans5
Cathodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Anterior Temporal Lobe Interferes the Topological Perception5
The Advantage of the Methodology for Direct Evaluation of Facial Expressions5
Fiber-Specific White Matter Reductions in Mild Cognitive Impairment5
Neural Correlates of Depression and Anxiety in Cerebral Bioelectrical Activity of Stroke Patients4
Editorial Board4
Language Decoding From Visual Neural Activity Evoked by Natural Images4
Neural mechanisms of Chinese character recognition, updating, and maintenance in the N-back task4
Altered EEG Microstates During Motor Preparation for Resting-State, Voluntary and Instructed Conditions4
HCN1 Ion Channel in the Hippocampal CA1 Region Was Involved in Ketamine-Induced Antidepressant Action and Increased BDNF Levels in Mice4
The Brain Information Processing Networks of the Influence of Absolute Music on Moral Judgment4
Enhanced Processing of Emotionally Valenced Eye Regions During the Attentional Blink4
Gender-Based Eye Movement Differences in the Ilab-X Platform Using: An Eye-Tracking Study4
Neural responses to social partners' facial expressions are modulated by their social status in an interactive situation4
Moral Violation With and Without Physical Impurity Modulates Fairness Consideration: Evidence From EEG and ERP4
Need for cognition is associated with the interaction of reward and task-load on effort: A verification and extension study4
International Organization of Psychophysiology4
Dynamic Functional Network Switching Rate in Autism Disorder4
The Assessments of Psychological Dynamics in Daily Life of Individual With Severe Motor and Intellectual Disabilities (SMID): Relationship Between the Inter-Stimulus Interval on Communications and the4
International Organization of Psychophysiology4
The Effect of High Nameable Features on Category Learning: An Eye-Tracking Study4
Functional Connectivity and Gradient Difference Between Elderly Musicians and Nonmusicians: Evidence From Resting State fMRI4
Effect of Intermittent Theta Burst Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on Hippocampal-Prefrontal Interactions During Working Memory4
Electroencephalographic evidence of unconscious and conscious attentional bias in people with functional gastrointestinal disorders: A pilot study4
Psychological Status in the First-Line Medical Staff Fighting Against COVID-19 in Sichuan (Low-Risk Regions): A Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study4
Alterations in Functional Connectivity in the Locus Coeruleus-Norepinephrine System in Chronic Insomnia Disorder4
Pilot Study of the Correlations Between Interoceptive Improvement, Mood, and Somatic Symptoms in Older Adults4
Frequency-Specific Characteristics of Functional Corticomuscular Coupling After Stroke4
Intolerance of uncertainty affects electrodermal responses during fear acquisition: Evidence from electrodermal responses to unconditional stimulus omission4
The cardiac correlates of feeling safe in everyday life: A Bayesian replication study4
Morality or competence is more important? The effect of evaluation dimensions on ERP responses to neutral faces depends on contextual valence and self-relevance4
Bayesian Based Granger Causality Analysis for Positive Emotional EEGs4
Dark Triad Personality Traits, Second-To-Forth Digit Ratio (2D:4D) and Circulating Testosterone Levels4
Phonetic Feature Requirement for the Small Assistant Robot4
The Using of Stabilometry to Estimation Visual-Vestibular Conflict Severity in Virtual Reality4
The Prediction Error Responses of Unexpected Emotion and Neutral Body Postures: a vMMN Study4
The Study on Brain Regions in Patients With Depression Based on Co-Activation Patterns and fMRI4
International Organization of Psychophysiology4
(2R,6R)-Hydroxynorketamine via GluA1-Mediated Synaptic Plasticity Alleviate the PTSD-Like Effects to Rat Models of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in the Prefrontal Cortex4
EEG Characteristics Research of Different Level Video Game Players4
Traditional Buddhist meditations reduce mismatch negativity in experienced monk- practitioners4
When Sources Are Networks: PSIICOS Framework for Lag Independent Functional Coupling Detection4
Editorial Board3
Cardiovascular mechanisms of interoceptive awareness: Effects of resonance breathing3
Global alpha power fluctuations in a self-caught mind-wandering paradigm are independent of arousal3
Weakening of working memory capacity by using a long and effortful task as the depleting task and its effect on cardiac reactivity3
Hearing fearful prosody impairs visual working memory maintenance3
Inhibitory control of emotional processing: Theoretical and empirical considerations3
The relationship of resting-state EEG oscillations to executive functions in middle childhood3
Systemic inflammation mediates the negative relationship between visceral adiposity and cognitive control3
The neural correlates of emotion processing and reappraisal as reflected in EEG3
Corrigendum to “Spontaneous suppression in dating couples: Social and physiological correlates of suppressing negative and positive emotions during negative and positive conversations” [Int. J. Psycho3
The role of intolerance of uncertainty in classical threat conditioning: Recent developments and directions for future research3
Neural responding during uncertain threat anticipation in pediatric anxiety3
Age-Related Differences in Emotional Conflict Control Between Adolescents and Adults: A Behavioral and ERP Study3
Central nervous activity during an emotional Stroop task in fibromyalgia syndrome3
The effects of music and auditory stimulation on autonomic arousal, cognition and attention: A systematic review3
Electrodermal and central measures of the tonic orienting reflex (OR)3
Event-related brain oscillations in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): A systematic review and meta-analysis3
Two inconsistent rounds of feedback enhance the framing effect: Coding two consecutive outcome evaluations3
Transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation via tragus or cymba conchae: Are its psychophysiological effects dependent on the stimulation area?3
Conditioned fear selectively increases the perception and neural processing of respiratory stimuli relative to somatosensory stimuli3
Psychophysiological mechanisms underlying the effects of outdoor green and virtual green exercise during self-paced walking3
Listen to the beat: Behavioral and neurophysiological correlates of slow and fast heartbeat sounds3
Ocular measures during associative learning predict recall accuracy3
Neural and self-report indices of cognitive reappraisal moderate the association between sensitivity to uncertain threat and problem alcohol use3
Impact of screen size on cognitive training task performance: An HMD study3
Open science in psychophysiology: An overview of challenges and emerging solutions3
Reward positivity moderates the association between pubertal status and social anxiety symptoms in nine-to-12-year-old youths3
Acute aerobic exercise enhances cortical connectivity between structures involved in shaping mood and improves self-reported mood: An EEG effective-connectivity study in young male adults3
Error-related brain activity shapes the association between trait neuroticism and internalizing symptomatology in two tasks3
Blunted neural response to real-life social reward anticipation in internet gaming disorder: An event-related potential study3
Effects of total sleep deprivation on functional connectivity of the anterior cingulate cortex: Insights from resting-state fMRI in healthy adult males3