Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics

(The median citation count of Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Fracture mechanics analysis of bimaterial interface cracks using an enriched method of fundamental solutions: Theory and MATLAB code100
Effects of water on mechanical behavior and acoustic emission characteristics of coal in Brazilian tests95
Statistical modelling of fracture using cellular atomata finite element85
An assessment of the fracture parameters of ultra-high-performance fiber-reinforced geopolymer concrete (UHPFRGC): The application of work of fracture and size effect methods78
A customized shear traction separation law for cohesive zone modelling of creep loaded ENF adhesive joints74
Further investigation of J-CTOD relationship for clamped SET specimens based on finite element analyses – Part I: Homogeneous materials68
Applying the new experimental midpoint concept on strain energy density for fracture assessment of composite materials68
Solutions of crack constraint parameter in 3D models − I: Through curve shape similarity62
Fracture evolution and failure behavior around an opening in brittle jointed rocks subjected to uniaxial compression59
A remaining multiaxial ductility-based fracture toughness prediction model for metallic alloys58
Isogeometric boundary element method for isotropic damage elastic mechanical problems56
Experimental and numerical research of the behavior of 3D internal cracks under uniaxial compression using 3D-ILC technology53
A hybrid PSO and Grey Wolf Optimization algorithm for static and dynamic crack identification52
Crack initiation and slow growth in soda-lime glass from a self-healed crack52
Several cracks in an orthotropic hollow cylinder coated by an MEE layer under torsion52
Peridynamic modeling of delaminations in laminated composite beams using refined zigzag theory51
Experimental investigation on the mixed-mode fracture behavior of rock-like material with bedding plane50
An investigation on the crack growth in aluminum alloy 7075-T6 under cyclic mechanical and thermal loads49
Experimental study on instability failure of rock mass with rough joints under one-side constraint compression49
A mixed-mode dependent interface and phase-field damage model for solids with inhomogeneities48
Simulation of mixed mode I-II crack propagation in concrete using toughness-based crack initiation-propagation criterion with modified fracture energy44
Stress intensity factor by combined perturbation method and universal weight functions42
A novel very-high-cycle-fatigue life prediction model with interior microstructure induced cracking behavior of Inconel-713C superalloy at 25 °C, 750 °C and 1000 °C42
T-stress for the double-edge cracked Brazilian disc under compression42
The investigation of reasonable range of initial load of low-cycle fatigue cropping for notched bars40
Residual stress estimation in defect assessment procedures at weld toe and away locations on girth welds: Review of key parameters40
Effects of temperature on tensile and fracture performance of Ti6Al4V alloy fabricated by laser powder bed fusion39
Numerical frameworks for fretting fatigue life analysis: Modeling, validation and experimental comparison39
Explaining the competition between strength and toughness in perforated plates using computational finite fracture mechanics39
Stress intensity factors and T-stress for an edge cracked Brazilian disk specimen under diametrically distributed load38
Semi-analytical models for J-integral and load–displacement relation of surface-cracked body and their applications for J-R curves38
A novel coupling approach for determination of stress intensity factor for bi-material Reissner plates under bending or twisting38
Inversion-based correction of Double-Torsion (DT) subcritical crack growth tests for crack profile geometry38
Mode II cohesive zone law of porous sintered silver joints with nickel coated multiwall carbon nanotube additive under ENF test38
Crack detection in l-shaped aluminum plate via electromagnetic ultrasonic measurements36
Global energy release rate of small penny-shaped cracks in hyperelastic materials under general stress conditions36
Effect of strain rate on tensile fracture behavior of notched polyamide 12 processed by selective laser sintering36
Characterization of stress field evolution during 3D internal fracture propagation using additively printed models and frozen stress techniques35
Measurement of the interfacial strain energy release rate of adhesively bonded structures with metallic substrates before and after water ageing35
Extension of the peak stress method to estimate the fatigue limit of welded joints by means of the cyclic R-curve method35
Foreword – Special issue on Notch Mechanics35
Evaluation of fracture behavior of Yellow River ice based on three-point bending test and PSO-BP model35
Failure mode of parallel-fractured rock-like sample with different inclinations34
3D fracture study of cracked functionally graded biological materials by XIGA approach using Bézier extraction of NURBS34
Dislocation creep modelling of Sanicro 25 based on microstructural evolution and particle hardening mechanism33
Composition optimization of PMMA base denture reinforced with different percentages of Nano Hydroxyapatite and alumina particles to obtain highest KIc and KIIc values using hybrid IWO/PSO algorithm32
Ultra-low cycle fatigue (ULCF) in fibre-reinforced concrete beams32
Theoretical analysis of stress intensity factors and interactions of collinear flaws with unequal lengths in brittle solids under uniaxial tensile conditions32
Thermoplastic fracture characteristics of granite suffering thermal shocks32
Analysis of stop-hole effects on mode I-II fatigue crack behavior for Q420 steel using experiments, FEM and variable length RNN approaches32
Quantitative analysis of the correlation between geometric parameters of pits and stress concentration factors for a plate subject to uniaxial tensile stress32
The effect of plasma treatment on the mode II interlaminar fracture toughness of Glass/Epoxy laminates32
Dynamic behaviour of multi-layer composite against single and multiple projectile impact loading31
Hydrogen assisted crack initiation in metals under monotonic loading: A new experimental approach31
The effect of stepped notches and recesses on joint strength in adhesive bonded joints: Experimental and numerical analysis31
Dynamic mechanical response and damage constitutive model of end-jointed rock bridge with different water content states under impact load31
A new creep-fatigue interaction damage model and CDM-XFEM framework for creep-fatigue crack growth simulations30
Comparative analysis of the effects of aggregates and fibres on the fracture performance of lightweight aggregate concrete based on types I and II fracture test methods30
Mixed mode fracture of polyolefin fibre reinforced concrete30
Investigation of the fracture characteristics of granite and green sandstone under different thermal treatments30
Experimental characterization on fracture behavior of UHPMC under small-scale sample tensile testing: Acoustic emission monitoring and digital image correlation30
Characterising the stress ratio effect for fatigue crack propagation parameters of SAE 1045 steel based on magnetic flux leakage30
A new method for determining the tension-softening curve of concrete29
Experimental investigation of the coupled effects of bedding planes and flaws on fracture evolution of soft bedded rocks based on 3D printing and DIC technologies29
A comparison between FEM predictions and DIC results of crack tip displacement field in CT specimens made of titanium29
Sustainable crumb rubber modified asphalt mixtures based on low-temperature crack propagation characteristics using the response surface methodology29
Mechanisms of coupled mode I-II fracture initiation in rocks subjected to heat flow-induced fracture gas-steam pressure and heat flow stress29
Multi-scale finite element simulation of asphalt mixture anti-cracking performance29
Dynamic deformation and fracture surface investigation of rolled homogenous armor steel through Charpy impact testing29
Experimental investigations on parameter identification and failure predictions of titanium alloy by Gurson–Tvergaard–Needleman model29
A new method to determine the crack closure stress based on stress difference28
Support vector regression-assisted finite element method for mode I-II fatigue crack growth path prediction28
Fracture parameters and crack initiation Assessment Employing Mixed-mode I/II Fracture Criterion in Laminate Composites Using Digital Image Correlation Method28
A novel and simple variationally-consistent phase-field cohesive zone model for mixed-mode fracture28
Laminated FRP composite patch design for arresting joint fractures (Adhesion/cohesion) in resin-infilled centrally inclined V-notched Al-6061-T6 plate28
Assessment of crack-tip fields of thermo-mechanical elastoplastic fatigue crack growth28
In-plane stress analysis of multiple parallel cracks in an orthotropic FGM medium under time-harmonic loading27
Material point method to simulate the evolution characteristics of loading damage in fractured sandstone27
A smeared-crack-based field-enriched finite element method for simulating cracking in quasi-brittle materials27
Optimal shot peening residual stress profile for fatigue27
Experimental investigation on mechanical properties and failure mechanism of rock-like specimens containing an arc-shaped ice-filled flaw under uniaxial compression27
Isothermal and thermo-mechanical fatigue-crack-growth analysis of XH73M nickel alloy27
Investigation of T-stress and tensile strength effect on crack tip conditions and crack initiation angle in off-axis laminate composite27
On crack tip localisation in quasi-statically loaded, adhesively bonded double cantilever beam specimens by acoustic emission26
An adaptive pseudo-lower bound limit analysis for fracture structures26
Stress intensity factors and T-stresses for periodic array cracks: 3D static and dynamic26
Exploring the stress concentration factor in additively manufactured materials: A machine learning perspective on surface notches and subsurface defects26
Experimental and numerical investigations of crack arrest toughness of a shipbuilding steel with a new scaled-down specimen26
Approximation method for arbitrary-shaped stress concentration source; application of physical and mathematical approximations of arbitrary parent–child notch26
Computations of J-integral and T*-integral in elastic–plastic fracture by the quadrature element method26
A mixed phase-field fracture model for crack propagation in punctured EPDM strips26
An investigation of the validity of LEFM at the nanoscale in amorphous materials using the atomistic J-integral including entropic effect26
A dynamic damage constitutive model and three-dimensional internal crack propagation of rock-like materials in bond-based peridynamic26
Editorial Board25
Numerical solution of stress intensity factor in an infinite plate containing parallel double cracks under compression and shear25
Editorial Board25
Characteristics and implications of material mismatch on mode II creep crack tip field: Theoretical analysis and numerical investigation25
The estimation of residual stresses by the brittle thin film’s initial cracks on a ductile substrate subjected to tensile stresses25
Mixed-mode crack growth analysis using a cyclic plasticity model25
Investigation of the compression-shear fracture characteristics of flaw-filled sandstone under confining pressure25
Special Issue on Advances in understanding and modelling the micromechanisms of fracture and fatigue25
Correlating R-ratio effects on FCG behavior using ΔKd function25
Optimization scheme of the precision separation process of the notched bar based on the acoustic emission hit energy angle24
Multiple potential drop measurement – A new method for crack detection and crack length measurement24
A critical review of common models in hydraulic-fracturing simulation: A practical guide for practitioners24
The evaluation of hydrogen embrittlement threshold force using the Small punch test24
Influence of debonding and substrate plasticity on thin film multicracking24
Effects of adhesive layer thickness on the fracture properties of a concrete-epoxy resin interface24
Study of tensile crack growth in rock-like materials under punch shear test24
The incurved Brazilian disc as an alternative to the standardized Brazilian disc test24
A comprehensive investigation of the formulations of the interaction integral method for the evaluation of stress intensity factors of three-dimensional cracks in functionally graded materials24
Rotation and deflection of 3D principal stress axes induced by a prefabricated single flaw in sandstone: A numerical investigation based on DEM24
Discrete element study on mechanical response and pressure relief effect of rock containing variable hole24
On the use of mini-CT specimens to define the Master Curve of unirradiated reactor pressure vessel steels with relatively high reference temperatures23
Rock fracture with statistical determination of fictitious crack growth23
Experimental study on compression characteristics of fractured soft rock and its Mohr-Coulomb criterion23
Fatigue and fracture behaviour of Friction Stir Welded AA-2024-T351 joints23
Peridynamic model for microballistic perforation of multilayer graphene23
Mechanical and fracture properties of geopolymer concrete with basalt fiber using digital image correlation23
Revisiting mass-on-spring model to address key dynamic fracture effects23
Modification of nominal strength scaling laws to pseudo-ductility23
Time-dependent propagation and interaction behavior of adjacent cracks in rock-like material under hydro-mechanical coupling23
Calibration of Paris law constants for crack propagation analysis of damaged steel plates strengthened with prestressed CFRP23
Experimental study on crack propagation characteristics of unconventional reservoir rocks22
Mechanical characterization of intermittent weak interlayer based on DIC and acoustic emission technique22
Effect of prestress on propagation of blasting-induced main crack in specimens with empty hole22
Mechanical characteristics and damage model for rock-like specimen with two parallel grout-filled cracks22
Investigation of dynamic fracture in VASCT samples under the effect of different loading modes22
A progressive damage model for composite laminates based on non-linear continuum mechanics—Static and fatigue loadings22
Study on the initiation criterion for double symmetric radial perforations emanating from circular hole under high water pressure considering T stress22
Study on the static critical stress intensity factors of sandstone in a water environment based on semicircular bending specimens22
Exact in-plane stress field solution for isotropic plates with circular holes reinforced with cylindrically orthotropic rings22
Influence of load ratio on fatigue life assessment of AZ31B magnesium alloy under different temperatures22
Investigation on the interaction evolution and growth behavior of multiple cracks under fatigue loading22
A double compliances method for determination of the ELS mode II interlaminar fracture toughness without measuring the growing crack length22
The energy approach to fatigue crack growth of S355 steel welded specimens subjected to bending21
Numerical investigation on the fracture and mechanical behaviors of marble containing two parallel fissures under triaxial compression conditions using FDEM21
A non-linear cohesive zone model for low-cycle fatigue of quasi-brittle materials21
Experimental observations on the effect of thermal treatment on the crack speed and mode I and II fracture toughness in brittle and ductile rocks21
Reliability analysis of fatigue crack growth in shallow shell structures using the Dual Boundary Element Method21
Fracture parameters calibration and validation for the high strength steel based on the mesoscale failure index21
Ductility prediction of HPDC aluminum alloy using a probabilistic ductile fracture model21
Numerical studies on micro-cracking behavior of transversely isotropic argillaceous siltstone in Longyou Grottoes under three-point bending21
Assessing notch fatigue performance of aluminium alloy AA2024-T4 after uni-axial and equi-biaxial tensile pre-straining: Experimental observations and predictive models21
Analysis of compressive failure mechanism of concrete and grouting cubes by Peridynamics21
Experimental study on acoustic emission and surface morphology characteristics of concrete under different fracture modes21
Mode II fracture tests on asphalt concrete at different temperatures using semi-circular bend specimen loaded by various types of supports20
Orientation effects on the fracture behaviour of additively manufactured stainless steel 316L subjected to high cyclic fatigue20
Maximum principal strain criterion for fracture in orthotropic composites under combined tensile/shear loading20
Mechanical behavior and fracture mechanism of red-bed mudstone under varied dry-wet cycling and prefabricated fracture planes with different loading angles20
3D-generalized maximum tangential strain criterion for predicting mixed-mode I/II/III fracture initiation of brittle materials considering T-stress effects20
Fatigue performance and life prediction of cast aluminum under axial, torsion, and multiaxial loadings20
Effect of SCB specimen size on mode I fracture parameters of asphalt concrete at low and intermediate temperatures20
Photoelastic analysis of crack terminating at an arbitrary angle to the bimaterial interface under four point bending20
Non-constant evolution of mixed mode fracture process zone in heat-treated salt rock during the whole loading20
Experimental research on the mechanical and acoustic emission properties of layered sandstone during tensile failure20
A coupling method between phase field model and classical linear elastic theory model for static and dynamic fracture19
Mechanisms of fatigue crack growth in Ti-6Al-4V alloy subjected to single overloads19
Crack onset in stretched open hole PMMA plates considering linear and non-linear elastic behaviours19
A new approach of the interaction integral method with correction terms for cracks in three-dimensional functionally graded materials using the tetrahedral finite element19
Experimental investigation of fracture toughness of nanoclay reinforced polymer concrete composite: Effect of specimen size and crack angle19
Experimental study on mechanical behavior, AE response and energy evolution of fissure-filled sandstone from mine roadway under conventional triaxial compression19
Experimental investigation on mixed mode I-III fracture characteristics of sandstone corroded by periodic acid solution19
Dynamic brittle fracture in sharp V-notched rock specimens using digital image correlation method19
Effect of crack-tip deformation on fatigue crack growth: A comparative study under overload/underload conditions19
Effect of temperature on pure mode Ⅲ fracture behavior and fracture morphology of granite after thermal shock19
Fracture toughness of thermal aged 16MND5 bainitic forging steel under varying 3D constraint conditions: An experimental study using SENT specimens19
A theoretical model for predicting the temperature-dependent fatigue crack propagation threshold of nickel-based superalloys19
Cyclic deformation and fracture behaviour of additive manufactured maraging steel under variable-amplitude loading19
“Subvolume Splitting” DVC applied for accurate discontinuous deformation measurement and fracture parameter extraction19
The mode I fatigue fracture of fine-grained quartz-diorite under coupled static loading and dynamic disturbance19
Cyclic stress–strain behavior of additively manufactured gamma prime strengthened superalloy at elevated temperatures19
Assessment of mode I fracture of rock-type sharp V-notched samples considering the size effect19
On interchangeability and selection of size effect and boundary effect experiments for characterization and prediction of quasi-brittle fracture of concrete19
Investigation of the crack and acoustic emission behavior evolution of red sandstone subjected to water19
A fatigue life estimation approach considering the effect of geometry and stress sensitivity19
The effect of loading rate on mixed mode I/II fracture behavior of adhesively bonded joints: Experimental and numerical approach18
Mixed mode I/II interlaminar initiation fracture toughness of a secondary bonded pultrusion composite laminate18
Simulation of fracture behavior in seawater and sea-sand mixed recycled coarse aggregate concrete under three-point bending18
Pre- and post-cracking behavior of asphalt mixtures under modes I and III at low and intermediate temperatures18
Cohesive element-based chemo-thermo-mechanical multi-field coupled cracking simulation of early-age concrete18
Phase-field fracture modeling for creep crack18
Using fractal voids to understand Mode I compressive fracture in brittle materials – A two-dimensional analysis18
Mixed-mode I/II fracture properties of selectively laser sintered polyamide18
Water saturation effects on the mechanical characteristics and fracture evolution of sandstone containing pre-existing flaws18
Mode I fracture properties and energy partitioning of sandstone under coupled static-dynamic loading: Implications for rockburst18
Experimental investigation on open-hole CFRP laminate under combined loading using acoustic emission and digital image correlation18
Modeling of interfacial multi-cracks in dissimilar laminated structures using a nodal-based Lagrange multiplier/cohesive zone approach18
Ordinary state-based peridynamic shell model with arbitrary horizon domains for surface effect correction18
Modeling of the circumferential crack growth under torsional vibrations of steam turbine shafting18
Predicting sulfide stress cracking in a sour environment: A phase-field finite element study18
Assessment of location- and orientation- dependent fatigue behaviour for as-deposited LPBF Inconel 718 using miniaturized specimens18
Simulation of low-temperature brittle fracture of asphalt mixtures based on phase-field cohesive zone model17
Static and dynamic fracture behavior of rock-concrete bi-material disc with different interface crack inclinations17
Static and fatigue behavior of 3D printed smooth and notched PLA and short carbon fibers reinforced PLA17
A comprehensive experimental study on the role of matrix structure on the multiple cracking behavior of PVA-ECC17
Experimental study on the fracture characteristics of sandstone under asymmetric load by using a semi-circular bending specimen17
Failure analysis and evaluation for cracked concrete beam reinforced with CFRP17
Highly tough 3D woven composite materials: Fracture characterization and toughening mechanisms17
Asymptotic solution for interface crack between two materials governed by dipolar gradient elasticity: Amplitude factor evaluation17
An enriched improved complex variable element-free Galerkin method for efficient fracture analysis of orthotropic materials17
Effects of 2D&3D nonparallel flaws on failure characteristics of brittle rock-like samples under uniaxial compression: Insights from acoustic emission and DIC monitoring17
Numerical and experimental study of initiation of cracking of UHPFRC by means of Brazilian tests17
An improved peridynamic approach for fatigue analysis of two dimensional functionally graded materials17
A study of fatigue surface crack propagation paths of aluminum alloy butt welds using a Phased-Array Total-Focus imaging technique17
Fracture parameters analysis of compact tension specimens with deflected fatigue cracks: ZK60 magnesium alloy17
Influence of chopped basalt fibers on the fracture performance of concrete subjected to calcium leaching17
Effect of split sleeve cold expansion on fatigue and fracture of rolled AZ31B magnesium alloy17
A study on the effect of residual stresses on hydride assisted crack in Zr-2.5Nb pressure tube material using XFEM17
Fracture resistance curves of wood in the longitudinal direction using digital image correlation technique17
Acoustic emission and fracture morphology characteristics of thermal-damage granite under mixed mode I/III loading17
Relevance of displacement softening model in discrete element method to investigate structural and grain size scaling effect17
Strain localization and cracking behavior of sandstone with two gypsum-infilled parallel flaws17
Study on mechanical and fracture characteristics of inclined weak-filled rough joint rock-like specimens17
Tensile mechanical properties and fracture evolution characteristics of sandstone containing parallel pre-cracks under dynamic loading17
Structural integrity assessment of additively manufactured ABS, PLA and graphene reinforced PLA notched specimens combining Failure Assessment Diagrams and the Theory of Critical Distances17
Prediction of fatigue crack growth rate in aircraft aluminum alloys using optimized neural networks16
Fatigue behaviour of plain and reinforced concrete: A systematic review16
Experimental investigations on the failure characteristics of brittle sandstone containing various heights of rectangle cavities under biaxial loading16
The fracture toughness of Schwarz Primitive triply periodic minimal surface lattice16
Fracture characteristics and energy evolution analysis of pre-cracked granite under uniaxial compression based on a 3D-Clump model16
Multiscale analysis of microstructural effects on the fracture properties of laser repaired cracks with micro/nano composite material addition16
Effect of coupled thermal-chemical on the mixed mode I-II fracture characteristic of sandstone16
Research of the accelerated fatigue experiment method based on the particle filtering algorithm method and the theory of crack growth16
Effects of gas-pore sizes and locations on fatigue failure: A peridynamic study16
Experimental and numerical investigations of crack growth of hot-rolled steel Q420C using cohesive zone model16
Effect of environment conditioning on mode II fracture behaviour of adhesively bonded joints16
Evolution of acoustic emission activity throughout fine recycled aggregate earth concrete under compressive tests16
Mechanical behavior of anchored rock with an infilled joint under uniaxial loading revealed by AE and DIC monitoring16
Mechanistic analysis of bottom-up crack in asphalt pavement using cohesive zone model16
Numerical & experimental assessment of mixed-modes (I/II) fracture of PMMA/hydroxyapatite nanocomposite16
A unified phase-field approach for failure prediction in modulus graded adhesively bonded single-lap joints16
Thermomechanics of damage in brittle solids: A peridynamics model16
A generally variational phase field model of fracture16
Experimental investigation on the effect of preexisting orthogonal cross flaws on cracking behaviors and acoustic emission characteristics of red sandstone16
Viscoelastic peridynamic fracture analysis for concrete beam with initial crack under impact15
Fracture behavior of multi-scale nano-SiO2 and polyvinyl alcohol fiber reinforced cementitious composites under the complex environments15
Assessing fracture behavior in Composite-Metal bonded joints under opening and sliding Modes: Insights from Experiments, CZM, and FEA15
Editorial Board15
An effect of compound defects with x-shaped fissures and holes on brittleness and failure characteristics of deep rock mass15
Mechanical behavior of en-echelon joints under cyclic shear loading conditions: Roles of joint persistence and loading conditions15
A generalized Rivlin–Thomas theory for nucleation of cracks in viscoelastic materials15
Physics-informed neural networks for V-notch stress intensity factor calculation15
An analytical model based on cross-sectional geometric characteristics for calculating crack opening displacement in reinforced concrete beams15
Investigation of dynamic three–point bending fracture properties of SCB sandstone15
Freeze-thaw failure characteristics and strength loss of non-penetrating fractured rock mass with different fracture densities15
Analysis of the fracture response of anchored rock under three-point bending from experimental and numerical perspectives15
Experimental and simulation study on quasi-static and dynamic fracture toughness of 2A12-T4 aluminum alloy using CTS specimen15
Effect of the surface morphology of 3D printed titanium substrates on the mode I fracture toughness of metal-metal and metal-composite bonded joints15
The influence of SC-CO2 on the shales’ fracture behavior described by using ultra-fast time resolution method and the damage fracture constitutive model: A case study of the Cretaceous Qingshankou for15