Computer Aided Geometric Design

(The TQCC of Computer Aided Geometric Design is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
h-Refinement method for toric parameterization of planar multi-sided computational domain in isogeometric analysis22
Interactive design of discrete Voss nets and simulation of their rigid foldings17
De Casteljau's algorithm in geometric data analysis: Theory and application16
Quaternionic Bézier parameterizations of bidegree (2,1)11
Editorial Board11
Computing properties of subdivision schemes using small real Fourier indexed matrices10
On tiling spherical triangles into quadratic subpatches10
GeoHi-GNN: Geometry-aware hierarchical graph representation learning for normal estimation10
Editorial Board10
A sufficient condition for 3D typical curves9
Editorial Board9
Streaming Hermite interpolation using cubic splinelets9
Genuine multi-sided parametric surface patches – A survey9
Representing planar domains by polar parameterizations with parabolic parameter lines8
Detecting and parametrizing polynomial surfaces without base points8
Topology of the singularities of 3-RPR planar parallel robots8
Enforcing convergence of derivatives for L∞ approximation of a regular curve8
Data approximation by L1 spline fits with free knots7
Single-sized spheres on surfaces (S4)7
Conics in rational cubic Bézier form made simple7
Implicit surface reconstruction based on a new interpolation/approximation radial basis function7
A parallel algorithm for computing Voronoi diagram of a set of circles using touching disc and topology matching7
pκ-Curves: Interpolatory curves with curvature approximating a parabola6
Generalized Savitzky–Golay filter for smoothing triangular meshes6
VQ-CAD: Computer-Aided Design model generation with vector quantized diffusion6
Point-StyleGAN: Multi-scale point cloud synthesis with style modulation6
Rotational symmetry detection in 3D using reflectional symmetry candidates and quaternion-based rotation parameterization6
Asynchronous progressive iterative approximation method for least squares fitting5
Computing nodes for plane data points by constructing cubic polynomial with constraints5
Fitting and recognition of geometric primitives in segmented 3D point clouds using a localized voting procedure5
Geometric modeling of complex knitting stitches using a bicontinuous surface and its offsets5
An attention enhanced dual graph neural network for mesh denoising5
Precise Hausdorff distance computation for freeform surfaces based on computations with osculating toroidal patches5
Curve-guided 5-axis CNC flank milling of free-form surfaces using custom-shaped tools5
3D shape descriptor design based on HKS and persistent homology with stability analysis5
Sharp feature consolidation from raw 3D point clouds via displacement learning5
Algorithms and data structures for C-smooth RMB-splines of degree 2s + 15
Singularity distance computations for 3-RPR manipulators using intrinsic metrics4
Curve approximation by G1 arc splines with a limited number of types of curvature and length4
Non-uniform interpolatory subdivision schemes with improved smoothness4
Characteristic parameterizations of surfaces with a constant ratio of principal curvatures4
Generalized Bézier volumes over simple convex polyhedra4
Flipping-based iterative surface reconstruction for unoriented points4
Quasi-interpolation for analysis-suitable T-splines4
Isogeometric collocation method with intuitive derivative constraints for PDE-based analysis-suitable parameterizations4
A simple formula for the computation of branches and asymptotes of curves and some applications4
Hermite subdivision schemes for manifold-valued Hermite data4
Symmetry group detection of point clouds in 3D via a decomposition method4
Adaptive refinement for unstructured T-splines with linear complexity4
Multi-sided completion of C2 bi-3 and C1 bi-2 splines: A unifying approach3
Voronoi-based splinegon decomposition and shortest-path tree computation3
GPU-based supervoxel segmentation for 3D point clouds3
Computing symmetries of implicit algebraic surfaces3
Editorial Board3
Multi-stable design of triangulated origami structures on cones of revolution3
Planar projections of spatial Pythagorean-hodograph curves3
On discrete constant principal curvature surfaces3
Self-attention implicit function networks for 3D dental data completion3
Extending the Hough transform to recognize and approximate space curves in 3D models3
Learning geometry-aware joint latent space for simultaneous multimodal shape generation3
Tegula – exploring a galaxy of two-dimensional periodic tilings3
Classification of Dupin cyclidic cubes by their singularities3
A C1 simplex-spline basis for the Alfeld split in R3
Editorial Board3
Automatic tooth arrangement with joint features of point and mesh representations via diffusion probabilistic models3
De Casteljau's geometric approach to geometric design still alive3
Editorial Board3
A constructive approach to implicitizing rational surfaces with LCI base points by moving planes and moving quadrics3