Computer Aided Geometric Design

(The median citation count of Computer Aided Geometric Design is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
h-Refinement method for toric parameterization of planar multi-sided computational domain in isogeometric analysis22
Interactive design of discrete Voss nets and simulation of their rigid foldings17
De Casteljau's algorithm in geometric data analysis: Theory and application16
Editorial Board11
Quaternionic Bézier parameterizations of bidegree (2,1)11
Editorial Board10
Computing properties of subdivision schemes using small real Fourier indexed matrices10
On tiling spherical triangles into quadratic subpatches10
GeoHi-GNN: Geometry-aware hierarchical graph representation learning for normal estimation10
Editorial Board9
Streaming Hermite interpolation using cubic splinelets9
Genuine multi-sided parametric surface patches – A survey9
A sufficient condition for 3D typical curves9
Topology of the singularities of 3-RPR planar parallel robots8
Enforcing convergence of derivatives for L∞ approximation of a regular curve8
Representing planar domains by polar parameterizations with parabolic parameter lines8
Detecting and parametrizing polynomial surfaces without base points8
Single-sized spheres on surfaces (S4)7
Conics in rational cubic Bézier form made simple7
Implicit surface reconstruction based on a new interpolation/approximation radial basis function7
A parallel algorithm for computing Voronoi diagram of a set of circles using touching disc and topology matching7
Data approximation by L1 spline fits with free knots7
VQ-CAD: Computer-Aided Design model generation with vector quantized diffusion6
Point-StyleGAN: Multi-scale point cloud synthesis with style modulation6
Rotational symmetry detection in 3D using reflectional symmetry candidates and quaternion-based rotation parameterization6
pκ-Curves: Interpolatory curves with curvature approximating a parabola6
Generalized Savitzky–Golay filter for smoothing triangular meshes6
Precise Hausdorff distance computation for freeform surfaces based on computations with osculating toroidal patches5
Curve-guided 5-axis CNC flank milling of free-form surfaces using custom-shaped tools5
3D shape descriptor design based on HKS and persistent homology with stability analysis5
Sharp feature consolidation from raw 3D point clouds via displacement learning5
Algorithms and data structures for C-smooth RMB-splines of degree 2s + 15
Asynchronous progressive iterative approximation method for least squares fitting5
Computing nodes for plane data points by constructing cubic polynomial with constraints5
Fitting and recognition of geometric primitives in segmented 3D point clouds using a localized voting procedure5
Geometric modeling of complex knitting stitches using a bicontinuous surface and its offsets5
An attention enhanced dual graph neural network for mesh denoising5
Quasi-interpolation for analysis-suitable T-splines4
Isogeometric collocation method with intuitive derivative constraints for PDE-based analysis-suitable parameterizations4
A simple formula for the computation of branches and asymptotes of curves and some applications4
Hermite subdivision schemes for manifold-valued Hermite data4
Symmetry group detection of point clouds in 3D via a decomposition method4
Adaptive refinement for unstructured T-splines with linear complexity4
Singularity distance computations for 3-RPR manipulators using intrinsic metrics4
Curve approximation by G1 arc splines with a limited number of types of curvature and length4
Non-uniform interpolatory subdivision schemes with improved smoothness4
Characteristic parameterizations of surfaces with a constant ratio of principal curvatures4
Generalized Bézier volumes over simple convex polyhedra4
Flipping-based iterative surface reconstruction for unoriented points4
On discrete constant principal curvature surfaces3
Self-attention implicit function networks for 3D dental data completion3
Extending the Hough transform to recognize and approximate space curves in 3D models3
Learning geometry-aware joint latent space for simultaneous multimodal shape generation3
Tegula – exploring a galaxy of two-dimensional periodic tilings3
Classification of Dupin cyclidic cubes by their singularities3
A C1 simplex-spline basis for the Alfeld split in R3
Editorial Board3
Automatic tooth arrangement with joint features of point and mesh representations via diffusion probabilistic models3
De Casteljau's geometric approach to geometric design still alive3
Editorial Board3
A constructive approach to implicitizing rational surfaces with LCI base points by moving planes and moving quadrics3
Multi-sided completion of C2 bi-3 and C1 bi-2 splines: A unifying approach3
Voronoi-based splinegon decomposition and shortest-path tree computation3
GPU-based supervoxel segmentation for 3D point clouds3
Computing symmetries of implicit algebraic surfaces3
Editorial Board3
Multi-stable design of triangulated origami structures on cones of revolution3
Planar projections of spatial Pythagorean-hodograph curves3
Editorial Board2
Heterogeneous parametric trivariate fillets2
Local linear independence of bilinear (and higher degree) B-splines on hierarchical T-meshes2
Text-image conditioned diffusion for consistent text-to-3D generation2
Screw rotor manufacturing via 5-axis flank CNC machining using conical tools2
BrepMFR: Enhancing machining feature recognition in B-rep models through deep learning and domain adaptation2
Linear interpolation of shape operators for umbilical points through local parametrization2
Editorial Board2
G1 interpolation of v-asymmetric data with arc-length constraints by Pythagorean-hodograph cubic splines2
GMP2021 – 15th International Conference on Geometric Modeling and Processing2
Multiscale persistent topological descriptor for porous structure retrieval2
Computational design methods for cylindrical and axisymmetric waterbomb tessellations2
Efficient computation of moving planes for rational parametric surfaces with base points using Dixon resultants2
Exact sphere representations over Platonic solids based on rational multisided Bézier patches2
Construction of planar quintic Pythagorean-hodograph curves by control-polygon constraints2
IGA-Reuse-NET: A deep-learning-based isogeometric analysis-reuse approach with topology-consistent parameterization2
Polynomial curves with projections to PH curves2
Generated realistic noise and rotation-equivariant models for data-driven mesh denoising1
FuncScene: Function-centric indoor scene synthesis via a variational autoencoder framework1
On C0 and C1 continuity of envelopes of rotational solids and its application to 5-axis CNC machining1
G1 – Smooth biquintic approximation of Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces1
Classification of polynomial minimal surfaces1
Editorial Board1
Topological classification of the intersection curves of two quadrics using a set of discriminants1
New algebraic and geometric characterizations of planar quintic Pythagorean-hodograph curves1
Unpaired high-quality image-guided infrared and visible image fusion via generative adversarial network1
Interpolation of planar G1 data by Pythagorean-hodograph cubic biarcs with prescribed arc lengths1
1D CNNs and face-based random walks: A powerful combination to enhance mesh understanding and 3D semantic segmentation1
Planar quartic G2 Hermite interpolation for curve modeling1
A new method for researching and constructing spherical bicentric polygons based on geometric mapping1
New shape control tools for rational Bézier curve design1
Real-time volume rendering with octree-based implicit surface representation1
Constructing planar domain parameterization with HB-splines via quasi-conformal mapping1
Construction of C1 polygonal splines over quadrilateral partitions1
Editorial Board1
Editorial Board1
Penalty function-based volumetric parameterization method for isogeometric analysis1
Construction of the ellipse with maximum area inscribed in an arbitrary convex quadrilateral1
Automated placement of dental attachments based on orthodontic pathways1
Editorial Board1
Feature-preserving quadrilateral mesh Boolean operation with cross-field guided layout blending1
Editorial Board1
Detection and computation of conservative kernels of models consisting of freeform curves and surfaces, using inequality constraints1
Editorial Board1
Multi-resolution 3D CNN for learning multi-scale spatial features in CAD models1
Surface patches with rounded corners1
A phase-field approach to variational hierarchical surface segmentation1
PointeNet: A lightweight framework for effective and efficient point cloud analysis0
Partition of the space of planar quintic Pythagorean-hodograph curves0
Editorial - Special issue of the SIAM Conference on Computational Geometric Design (GD 2021)0
Determining the asymptotic family of an implicit curve0
Maximally smooth cubic spline quasi-interpolants on arbitrary triangulations0
Spatial quintic Pythagorean-hodograph interpolants to first-order Hermite data and Frenet frames0
Joint optimization of distortion and cut location for mesh parameterization using an Ambrosio-Tortorelli functional0
C Hermite interpolations with spatial Pythagorean hodograph B-splines0
G1 Hermite interpolation method for spatial PH curves with PH planar projections0
Least variation in tool orientation control for 5-axis CNC machining0
Offsets and front tire tracks to projective hedgehogs0
Morphing of spherical closed curves0
Dense representative tooth landmark/axis detection network on 3D model0
Pythagorean-hodograph curves of Tschirnhaus type are sinusoidal spirals0
Log-aesthetic curves: Similarity geometry, integrable discretization and variational principles0
Editorial Board0
Approximation by polynomial splines on curved triangulations0
Symmetries of planar algebraic vector fields0
Generalized plane offsets and rational parameterizations0
On the uniqueness of the multirational blossom0
Special issue on the SIAM Conference on Computational Geometric Design (GD 19)0
Point-normal subdivision curves and surfaces0
Blending Bézier patch for multi-sided surface modeling0
Shape reconstruction of trapezoidal surfaces from unorganized point clouds0
Algebraic and geometric characterizations of a class of Algebraic-Hyperbolic Pythagorean-Hodograph curves0
Towards geodesic ridge curve for region-wise linear representation of geodesic distance field0
A dynamic sampling approach towards computing Voronoi diagram of a set of circles0
High-precision teeth reconstruction based on automatic multimodal fusion with CBCT and IOS0
Computing projective equivalences of planar curves birationally equivalent to elliptic and hyperelliptic curves0
Discrete exterior calculus for meshes with concyclic polygons0
Resultants of slice regular polynomials in two quaternionic variables0
Interactive reverse engineering of CAD models0
A new stable method to compute mean value coordinates0
A unified algebraic framework for fast and precise planar swept volumes and Minkowski sums0
Optimal one-sided approximants of circular arc0
Editorial Board0
D3AdvM: A direct 3D adversarial sample attack inside mesh data0
On the accuracy of de Casteljau-type algorithms and Bernstein representations0
Editorial Board0
An adaptive collocation method on implicit domains using weighted extended THB-splines0
Geometric interpolation of ER frames with G2 Pythagorean-hodograph curves of degree 70
An efficient analytical model for the swept volume generation of a flat-end mill in 5-axis CNC milling0
A tour d'horizon of de Casteljau's work0
Editorial Board0
Shape control tools for periodic Bézier curves0
D-Net: Learning for distinctive point clouds by self-attentive point searching and learnable feature fusion0
Editorial Board0
Euler Bézier spirals and Euler B-spline spirals0
Efficient object recognition under cluttered scenes via descriptor-based matching and single point voting0
A note on intrinsic supersmoothness of bivariate semialgebraic splines0
A Chebyshev metamodel based BnB approach to efficiently search global optimum for 3D ICP point set registration0
An annihilator-based strategy for the automatic detection of exponential polynomial spaces in subdivision0
27 variants of Tutte's theorem for plane near-triangulations and an application to periodic spline surface fitting0
Angle-bounded 2D mesh simplification0
Quadratic surface preserving parameterization of unorganized point data0
Kernel-based construction operators for Boolean sum and ruled geometry0
Approximate symmetries of perturbed planar discrete curves0
D3Former: Jointly learning repeatable dense detectors and feature-enhanced descriptors via saliency-guided transformer0
Paul de Casteljau: The story of my adventure0
Shape-preserving interpolation on surfaces via variable-degree splines0
Subdivision algorithms with modular arithmetic0
A novel heterogeneous deformable surface model based on elasticity0
Anisotropic triangular meshing using metric-adapted embeddings0
Efficient reparametrization into standard form and algorithmic characterization of rational ruled surfaces0
TPNet: A novel mesh analysis method via topology preservation and perception enhancement0
Shear-reduced seamless parametrization0
Computing the topology of the image of a parametric planar curve under a birational transformation0
Two novel iterative approaches for improved LSPIA convergence0
Note on planar Pythagorean hodograph curves of Tschirnhaus type0
Editorial Board0
Editorial Board0
Automatic pose and wrinkle transfer for aesthetic garment display0
3D auxetic linkage based on Kirigami0
Tubular parametric volume objects: Thickening a piecewise smooth 3D stick figure0
Quasi-interpolating bivariate dual 2-subdivision using0
Multi-sided B-spline surfaces over curved, multi-connected domains0
Investigations of a functional version of a blending surface scheme for regular data interpolation0
The architectural application of shells whose boundaries subtend a constant solid angle0
2D Bézier curves with monotone curvature based on Class A matrices0
Calibrating figures0
Build orientation optimization considering thermal distortion in additive manufacturing0
Real-time collision detection between general SDFs0
Hyperbolic barycentric coordinates and applications0
Extraction and application of super-smooth cubic B-splines over triangulations0
High-order shape interpolation0
Editorial Board0
On G2 approximation of planar algebraic curves under certified error control by quintic Pythagorean-hodograph splines0
A property of parametric polynomial approximants of half circles0
Editorial Board0
3D mesh cutting for high quality atlas packing0
A simple and complete discrete exterior calculus on general polygonal meshes0
Point normal orientation and surface reconstruction by incorporating isovalue constraints to Poisson equation0
The four-point interpolation subdivision curve is neither convex nor concave in all but one case0
Editorial Board0
Self-intersection computation for freeform surfaces based on a regional representation scheme for miter points0
Editorial Board0
Computing planar and volumetric B-spline parameterizations for IGA by robust mapping fitting0
PSPDNet: Part-aware shape and pose disentanglement neural network for 3D human animating meshes0
The uniqueness of the rational Bézier polygon is unique0
Computing the Riemannian center of mass on meshes0
Curvature continuous corner cutting0
Computing the intersection between a rational parametric curve and a rational parametric surface0
Editorial Board0
Editorial Board0
Alternating size field optimizing and parameterization domain CAD model remeshing0
Multi-derivative physical and geometric convolutional embedding networks for skeleton-based action recognition0
Local Delaunay-based high fidelity surface reconstruction from 3D point sets0
Rational framing motions and spatial rational Pythagorean hodograph curves0
Intrinsic mixed-integer polycubes for hexahedral meshing0
A task-driven network for mesh classification and semantic part segmentation0
Surfaces containing two isotropic circles through each point0
Reliability-based G1 continuous arc spline approximation0
An unrefinement algorithm for planar THB-spline parameterizations0
Editorial Board0
Physics-aware iterative learning and prediction of saliency map for bimanual grasp planning0
Skeleton based tetrahedralization of surface meshes0
Affine invariant triangulations0
Apollonian de Casteljau–type algorithms for complex rational Bézier curves0
Sasaki metric for spline models of manifold-valued trajectories0
Accelerating surface remeshing through GPU-based computation of the restricted tangent face0
Mean curvature flow for generating discrete surfaces with piecewise constant mean curvatures0
Editorial Board0
Editorial Board0
Planar class A Bézier curves: The case of real eigenvalues0
Conversion from NURBS to Bézier representation0
Fast evaluation of derivatives of Bézier curves0
Editorial Board0
Feature-preserving shrink wrapping with adaptive alpha0
M-NeuS: Volume rendering based surface reconstruction and material estimation0
Alzheimer's disease diagnosis by applying Shannon entropy to Ricci flow-based surface indexing and extreme gradient boosting0
SCN: Dilated silhouette convolutional network for video action recognition0
Evolutionary multi-objective high-order tetrahedral mesh optimization0
Contact detection between a small ellipsoid and another quadric0
Geometric approximation of the sphere by triangular polynomial spline patches0