Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal of Escien

(The TQCC of Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal of Escien is 17. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Slime mould algorithm: A new method for stochastic optimization1980
A survey on security and privacy of federated learning653
ABCDM: An Attention-based Bidirectional CNN-RNN Deep Model for sentiment analysis484
BlockIoTIntelligence: A Blockchain-enabled Intelligent IoT Architecture with Artificial Intelligence346
Recent advancements and challenges of Internet of Things in smart agriculture: A survey299
Multi-population differential evolution-assisted Harris hawks optimization: Framework and case studies270
Blockchain for the metaverse: A Review259
An ensemble machine learning approach through effective feature extraction to classify fake news255
A survey on blockchain for big data: Approaches, opportunities, and future directions243
An intelligent healthcare monitoring framework using wearable sensors and social networking data243
A survey of human-in-the-loop for machine learning236
Privacy-preserving blockchain-based federated learning for traffic flow prediction197
Big data analysis of the Internet of Things in the digital twins of smart city based on deep learning188
A drone-based networked system and methods for combating coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic186
OBPP: An ontology-based framework for privacy-preserving in IoT-based smart city172
Transformer based Deep Intelligent Contextual Embedding for Twitter sentiment analysis165
A framework for privacy-preservation of IoT healthcare data using Federated Learning and blockchain technology162
Multiple cloud storage mechanism based on blockchain in smart homes160
Scheduling Internet of Things requests to minimize latency in hybrid Fog–Cloud​ computing159
Human action recognition using attention based LSTM network with dilated CNN features148
Semantic segmentation for multiscale target based on object recognition using the improved Faster-RCNN model140
Iota Tangle: A cryptocurrency to communicate Internet-of-Things data139
Deep learning-based cardiovascular image diagnosis: A promising challenge133
The application research of neural network and BP algorithm in stock price pattern classification and prediction131
Towards sFlow and adaptive polling sampling for deep learning based DDoS detection in SDN130
A new network forensic framework based on deep learning for Internet of Things networks: A particle deep framework129
RETRACTED: Intelligent edge computing based on machine learning for smart city129
Detection and diagnosis of chronic kidney disease using deep learning-based heterogeneous modified artificial neural network128
DeepAMD: Detection and identification of Android malware using high-efficient Deep Artificial Neural Network124
A review of sentiment analysis research in Arabic language121
Multi-dimensional feature fusion and stacking ensemble mechanism for network intrusion detection120
Optimized container scheduling for data-intensive serverless edge computing116
A state-of-the-art survey on solving non-IID data in Federated Learning116
A bibliometric analysis and visualization of blockchain116
From big data to smart energy services: An application for intelligent energy management109
Emotion recognition by deeply learned multi-channel textual and EEG features105
DIDDOS: An approach for detection and identification of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) cyberattacks using Gated Recurrent Units (GRU)104
Imbalanced data classification: A KNN and generative adversarial networks-based hybrid approach for intrusion detection104
Advanced optimization technique for scheduling IoT tasks in cloud-fog computing environments103
Genetic convolutional neural network for intrusion detection systems101
An effective hybrid collaborative algorithm for energy-efficient distributed permutation flow-shop inverse scheduling98
Serverless execution of scientific workflows: Experiments with HyperFlow, AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions98
An adaptive federated learning scheme with differential privacy preserving96
Defending network intrusion detection systems against adversarial evasion attacks95
Heart disease identification from patients’ social posts, machine learning solution on Spark94
Intelligent Dynamic Malware Detection using Machine Learning in IP Reputation for Forensics Data Analytics91
Deep learning framework based on integration of S-Mask R-CNN and Inception-v3 for ultrasound image-aided diagnosis of prostate cancer91
MCFT-CNN: Malware classification with fine-tune convolution neural networks using traditional and transfer learning in Internet of Things90
Research on strong agile response task scheduling optimization enhancement with optimal resource usage in green cloud computing89
Design and application of fog computing and Internet of Things service platform for smart city89
Anomaly detection framework for Internet of things traffic using vector convolutional deep learning approach in fog environment88
Adversarial Deep Learning approach detection and defense against DDoS attacks in SDN environments87
Tracking and collision avoidance of virtual coupling train control system86
Artificial Intelligence of Things-assisted two-stream neural network for anomaly detection in surveillance Big Video Data85
Constructing a prior-dependent graph for data clustering and dimension reduction in the edge of AIoT85
Lightweight cryptography in IoT networks: A survey84
Artificial intelligence for securing industrial-based cyber–physical systems83
Aggression detection through deep neural model on Twitter83
A lightweight supervised intrusion detection mechanism for IoT networks83
Multiple improved residual networks for medical image super-resolution82
DoS and DDoS attacks in Software Defined Networks: A survey of existing solutions and research challenges82
GAN augmentation to deal with imbalance in imaging-based intrusion detection81
Saving time and cost on the scheduling of fog-based IoT applications using deep reinforcement learning approach79
Handwriting dynamics assessment using deep neural network for early identification of Parkinson’s disease79
Attention-based sentiment analysis using convolutional and recurrent neural network79
Handling missing data in near real-time environmental monitoring: A system and a review of selected methods78
BiLSTM deep neural network model for imbalanced medical data of IoT systems76
LEChain: A blockchain-based lawful evidence management scheme for digital forensics76
A framework for anomaly detection and classification in Multiple IoT scenarios76
Deep Graph neural network-based spammer detection under the perspective of heterogeneous cyberspace75
Towards secure and efficient energy trading in IIoT-enabled energy internet: A blockchain approach74
Prostate cancer classification from ultrasound and MRI images using deep learning based Explainable Artificial Intelligence74
Ransomware classification using patch-based CNN and self-attention network on embedded N-grams of opcodes74
Artificial intelligence-enabled Internet of Things-based system for COVID-19 screening using aerial thermal imaging73
XSRU-IoMT: Explainable simple recurrent units for threat detection in Internet of Medical Things networks72
A reputation score policy and Bayesian game theory based incentivized mechanism for DDoS attacks mitigation and cyber defense71
A blockchain-based eHealthcare system interoperating with WBANs71
BigTrustScheduling: Trust-aware big data task scheduling approach in cloud computing environments71
Secure healthcare monitoring framework integrating NDN-based IoT with edge cloud70
Blockchain-based trust mechanism for digital twin empowered Industrial Internet of Things67
A blockchain-based preserving and sharing system for medical data privacy67
A metaheuristic method for joint task scheduling and virtual machine placement in cloud data centers66
Robust detection of atrial fibrillation from short-term electrocardiogram using convolutional neural networks66
The explainability paradox: Challenges for xAI in digital pathology66
Dredas: Decentralized, reliable and efficient remote outsourced data auditing scheme with blockchain smart contract for industrial IoT66
Enhancing cyber–physical systems with hybrid smart city cyber security architecture for secure public data-smart network66
Blockchain-based data privacy management with Nudge theory in open banking65
Superposition Graph Neural Network for offshore wind power prediction65
Communication-efficient hierarchical federated learning for IoT heterogeneous systems with imbalanced data65
Augmented whale feature selection for IoT attacks: Structure, analysis and applications64
An efficient and outsourcing-supported attribute-based access control scheme for edge-enabled smart healthcare63
Slow-movement particle swarm optimization algorithms for scheduling security-critical tasks in resource-limited mobile edge computing63
Fingerprint classification and identification algorithms for criminal investigation: A survey63
HealthXAI: Collaborative and explainable AI for supporting early diagnosis of cognitive decline63
A new data clustering strategy for enhancing mutual privacy in healthcare IoT systems63
Human–computer interaction-based Decision Support System with Applications in Data Mining61
Privacy-preserving quality prediction for edge-based IoT services61
AoI-aware energy control and computation offloading for industrial IoT61
Scalable blockchains — A systematic review61
File- and API-based interoperability of digital twins by model transformation: An IIoT case study using asset administration shell60
A discrete PSO-based static load balancing algorithm for distributed simulations in a cloud environment60
Blockchain-enabled fraud discovery through abnormal smart contract detection on Ethereum59
ETERS: A comprehensive energy aware trust-based efficient routing scheme for adversarial WSNs58
Internet-of-Forensic (IoF): A blockchain based digital forensics framework for IoT applications58
Autonomous mitigation of cyber risks in the Cyber–Physical Systems56
Detecting fake images by identifying potential texture difference56
Scalable multi-channel dilated CNN–BiLSTM model with attention mechanism for Chinese textual sentiment analysis56
Integration of blockchain and edge computing in internet of things: A survey56
Dynamic fog-to-fog offloading in SDN-based fog computing systems55
Building the Internet of Things platform for smart maternal healthcare services with wearable devices and cloud computing55
PROUD: Verifiable Privacy-preserving Outsourced Attribute Based SignCryption supporting access policy Update for cloud assisted IoT applications55
An emotion and cognitive based analysis of mental health disorders from social media data55
Blockchain-based decentralized reputation system in E-commerce environment54
FLAGS: A methodology for adaptive anomaly detection and root cause analysis on sensor data streams by fusing expert knowledge with machine learning54
Chaotic improved PICEA-g-based multi-objective optimization for workflow scheduling in cloud environment54
FedProc: Prototypical contrastive federated learning on non-IID data54
GRU-based deep learning approach for network intrusion alert prediction53
Fetal cardiac cycle detection in multi-resource echocardiograms using hybrid classification framework53
A double-blockchain solution for agricultural sampled data security in Internet of Things network52
Internet of things forensic data analysis using machine learning to identify roots of data scavenging52
Visualization and deep-learning-based malware variant detection using OpCode-level features52
Generating knowledge graphs by employing Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning techniques within the scholarly domain52
Blockchain voting: Publicly verifiable online voting protocol without trusted tallying authorities52
Alzheimer’s disease progression detection model based on an early fusion of cost-effective multimodal data52
Serverless computing for Internet of Things: A systematic literature review52
SEENS: Nuclei segmentation in Pap smear images with selective edge enhancement51
Tikiri—Towards a lightweight blockchain for IoT51
Improved Long Short-Term Memory based anomaly detection with concept drift adaptive method for supporting IoT services51
Novel binary logistic regression model based on feature transformation of XGBoost for type 2 Diabetes Mellitus prediction in healthcare systems51
A fast and accurate circle detection algorithm based on random sampling51
ICN with edge for 5G: Exploiting in-network caching in ICN-based edge computing for 5G networks50
QoS-aware placement of microservices-based IoT applications in Fog computing environments50
Identifying performance anomalies in fluctuating cloud environments: A robust correlative-GNN-based explainable approach49
A smart energy and reliability aware scheduling algorithm for workflow execution in DVFS-enabled cloud environment49
A privacy-protected intelligent crowdsourcing application of IoT based on the reinforcement learning48
PUC: Packet Update Caching for energy efficient IoT-based Information-Centric Networking47
Ontology-driven aspect-based sentiment analysis classification: An infodemiological case study regarding infectious diseases in Latin America47
SDN-based cyber defense: A survey47
Real-time epileptic seizure recognition using Bayesian genetic whale optimizer and adaptive machine learning47
Workload forecasting and energy state estimation in cloud data centres: ML-centric approach47
REHAB-C: Recommendations for Energy HABits Change47
Offloading dependent tasks in multi-access edge computing: A multi-objective reinforcement learning approach46
STGNN-TTE: Travel time estimation via spatial–temporal graph neural network46
Real time performance analysis of secure IoT protocols for microgrid communication46
Delegated content erasure in IPFS46
On the ICN-IoT with federated learning integration of communication: Concepts, security-privacy issues, applications, and future perspectives45
Automatic feature extraction in X-ray image based on deep learning approach for determination of bone age45
IoT embedded cloud-based intelligent power quality monitoring system for industrial drive application45
Fuzzy-Taylor-elephant herd optimization inspired Deep Belief Network for DDoS attack detection and comparison with state-of-the-arts algorithms45
Research on unsupervised feature learning for Android malware detection based on Restricted Boltzmann Machines44
Graph convolutional networks for graphs containing missing features44
A binary moth search algorithm based on self-learning for multidimensional knapsack problems43
Design and control of soft rehabilitation robots actuated by pneumatic muscles: State of the art43
Towards Smart Farming: Fog-enabled intelligent irrigation system using deep neural networks43
Multi-robot path planning in wireless sensor networks based on jump mechanism PSO and safety gap obstacle avoidance43
A Q-Learning-based distributed routing protocol for frequency-switchable magnetic induction-based wireless underground sensor networks43
Early detection of cyberbullying on social media networks43
An online auction mechanism for time-varying multidimensional resource allocation in clouds42
Secure medical data transmission using a fusion of bit mask oriented genetic algorithm, encryption and steganography42
Hybrid graph convolution neural network and branch-and-bound optimization for traffic flow forecasting42
A systematic literature review of IoT time series anomaly detection solutions42
An evolutionary fuzzy scheduler for multi-objective resource allocation in fog computing42
Collaborative APIs recommendation for Artificial Intelligence of Things with information fusion42
Research on structure optimization and motion characteristics of wearable medical robotics based on Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm41
Ensembles of Convolutional Neural Network models for pediatric pneumonia diagnosis41
Detecting misogyny in Spanish tweets. An approach based on linguistics features and word embeddings41
Partitioned integration and coordination via the self-organising coordination regions pattern41
Energy-aware workflow scheduling and optimization in clouds using bat algorithm41
Optimal data placement strategy considering capacity limitation and load balancing in geographically distributed cloud41
Host-based IDS: A review and open issues of an anomaly detection system in IoT40
FedSA: A staleness-aware asynchronous Federated Learning algorithm with non-IID data40
Flux: Overcoming scheduling challenges for exascale workflows40
A blockchain based certificate revocation scheme for vehicular communication systems40
Task offloading in vehicular fog computing: State-of-the-art and open issues39
Multi-modal aggression identification using Convolutional Neural Network and Binary Particle Swarm Optimization39
Robot path planning by leveraging the graph-encoded Floyd algorithm39
Explainable framework for Glaucoma diagnosis by image processing and convolutional neural network synergy: Analysis with doctor evaluation38
Review on security of federated learning and its application in healthcare38
Secure crowd-sensing protocol for fog-based vehicular cloud38
Learning behaviours data in programming education: Community analysis and outcome prediction with cleaned data38
LSMD: A fast and robust local community detection starting from low degree nodes in social networks38
A low-cost physical location discovery scheme for large-scale Internet of Things in smart city through joint use of vehicles and UAVs37
Achieving cybersecurity in blockchain-based systems: A survey37
Android malware obfuscation variants detection method based on multi-granularity opcode features37
Deep reinforcement learning for energy and time optimized scheduling of precedence-constrained tasks in edge–cloud computing environments37
A high precision intrusion detection system for network security communication based on multi-scale convolutional neural network37
BSMD:A blockchain-based secure storage mechanism for big spatio-temporal data37
Developing accurate and scalable simulators of production workflow management systems with WRENCH37
Deadline-constrained energy-aware workflow scheduling in geographically distributed cloud data centers37
Energy-aware scheduling in edge computing with a clustering method37
Big data driven Internet of Things for credit evaluation and early warning in finance36
Redundancy Coefficient Gradual Up-weighting-based Mutual Information Feature Selection technique for Crypto-ransomware early detection36
Deep Reinforcement Learning for energy-aware task offloading in join SDN-Blockchain 5G massive IoT edge network36
Automated evolutionary approach for the design of composite machine learning pipelines36
DecChain: A decentralized security approach in Edge Computing based on Blockchain36
An AI-enabled lightweight data fusion and load optimization approach for Internet of Things36
Event prediction based on evolutionary event ontology knowledge36
PACO-VMP: Parallel Ant Colony Optimization for Virtual Machine Placement36
Model aggregation techniques in federated learning: A comprehensive survey36
A multi-stage denoising framework for ambulatory ECG signal based on domain knowledge and motion artifact detection35
A hybrid personalized scholarly venue recommender system integrating social network analysis and contextual similarity35
Identifying fraud in medical insurance based on blockchain and deep learning35
Ontology based recommender system using social network data35
Human activity recognition using marine predators algorithm with deep learning35
Explicit aspects extraction in sentiment analysis using optimal rules combination35
Multi-view face recognition using deep neural networks35
Opportunistic capacity based resource allocation for 6G wireless systems with network slicing35
SecFedNIDS: Robust defense for poisoning attack against federated learning-based network intrusion detection system35
Complex event detection for commodity distribution Internet of Things model incorporating radio frequency identification and Wireless Sensor Network34
Software-defined DDoS detection with information entropy analysis and optimized deep learning34
QoE-aware user allocation in edge computing systems with dynamic QoS34
Improved emotion recognition in Spanish social media through incorporation of lexical knowledge34
AFCL: An Abstract Function Choreography Language for serverless workflow specification34
High-quality face image generation using particle swarm optimization-based generative adversarial networks34
BA-RMKABSE: Blockchain-aided Ranked Multi-keyword Attribute-based Searchable Encryption with Hiding Policy for Smart Health System34
Vision-based personalized Wireless Capsule Endoscopy for smart healthcare: Taxonomy, literature review, opportunities and challenges34
Energy-efficient VM scheduling based on deep reinforcement learning33
A self structuring artificial intelligence framework for deep emotions modeling and analysis on the social web33
PSO and K-means-based semantic segmentation toward agricultural products33
A secure localization scheme based on trust assessment for WSNs using blockchain technology33
A Fog caching scheme enabled by ICN for IoT environments33
Similarity hash based scoring of portable executable files for efficient malware detection in IoT32
An optimal support vector machine based classification model for sentimental analysis of online product reviews32
Kafka-ML: Connecting the data stream with ML/AI frameworks32
Virtualizing mixed-criticality systems: A survey on industrial trends and issues32
Energy-efficient and secure mobile fog-based cloud for the Internet of Things32
A blockchain-based trust system for decentralised applications: When trustless needs trust32
Self-improving system integration: Mastering continuous change32
A novel offloading approach of IoT user perception task based on quantum behavior particle swarm optimization32
Federated intelligence of anomaly detection agent in IoTMD-enabled Diabetes Management Control System32
Performance optimization of serverless edge computing function offloading based on deep reinforcement learning32
An ultrasound standard plane detection model of fetal head based on multi-task learning and hybrid knowledge graph32
Multimodal semantic communication accelerated bidirectional caching for 6G MEC31
Enhanced Lightning Network (off-chain)-based micropayment in IoT ecosystems31
On IoT intrusion detection based on data augmentation for enhancing learning on unbalanced samples31
Neural machine translating from natural language to SPARQL31
A novel method for identifying the damage assessment tweets during disaster31
Detecting anomalies in microservices with execution trace comparison31
DAD: A Distributed Anomaly Detection system using ensemble one-class statistical learning in edge networks31
Pedestrian safety using the Internet of Things and sensors: Issues, challenges, and open problems31
MAGNETO: Covert channel between air-gapped systems and nearby smartphones via CPU-generated magnetic fields31
Privacy-preserving malware detection in Android-based IoT devices through federated Markov chains31
Lightweight self-organising distributed monitoring of Fog infrastructures31
BCFL logging: An approach to acquire and preserve admissible digital forensics evidence in cloud ecosystem31
CLOSURE: A cloud scientific workflow scheduling algorithm based on attack–defense game model31
Anonymous decentralized attribute-based access control for cloud-assisted IoT30
Multi-domain sentiment analysis with mimicked and polarized word embeddings for human–robot interaction30
A logistic mapping-based encryption scheme for Wireless Body Area Networks30
Experimenting with smart contracts for access control and delegation in IoT30
One scan based high average-utility pattern mining in static and dynamic databases30